maksinushka · 10 hours
Luther says: "It's time for your testosterone shot"
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maksinushka · 20 hours
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maksinushka · 20 hours
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maksinushka · 21 hours
If you're lazy, you'll turn into a cow, my brother said.
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maksinushka · 21 hours
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exaggerated illustration😍
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maksinushka · 21 hours
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maksinushka · 21 hours
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maksinushka · 21 hours
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maksinushka · 1 day
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maksinushka · 3 days
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maksinushka · 3 days
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maksinushka · 3 days
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maksinushka · 6 days
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Hi everybody! I need your attention for a moment.
I have a very good friend whom i know now for two years, he’s a very caring, compassionate and gentle person and i care for him a lot.
He supported me when i needed the support and now i want to support him.
His name is Vadym, he’s from Ukraine, he has been suffering from serious health problems since 2019, but his condition has started to get worse sharply in recent months. It’s getting pretty bad and i am really scared for him.
He has a rare genetically determined disease - hyperlipoproteinaemia (severely elevated lipoprotein (a)). It affects blood vessels and organs dependent on them. As of today, the abdominal aorta, heart, kidneys, pancreas and the gastrointestinal tract in general are damaged.
He has completely lost his ability to work, he barely eats and requires a long-term treatment. In the coming weeks, a large set of instrumental and laboratory tests needs to be done, which my friend simply cannot pay for in his current condition. So I have to ask for your help. Now approx. $1,500 (60,000 hryvnias) should be raised. Any amount will be helpful, even a dollar.
He’s a really great person and i really hope i’ll be able to help him.
List of all the laboratory tests he needs: https://docs.google.com/file/d/15GFbZ149gcDOvLp2Os8hc7D3kXwVq904/edit?usp=docslist_api&filetype=msexcel
Prices for his laboratory tests:
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maksinushka · 8 days
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maksinushka · 9 days
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maksinushka · 13 days
thoughts about ranseb and rantoru
ranseb very funny for me. i don't like sebastian at all (i don't have something against him, he himself not interesting for me), but watching how sebastian switch from "i'm fucking afraid" to "you are psychos i hate you all" is very interesting little human grows his fangs i love everything in rantoru, i love how they interact, i love all this tension between satoru and randal and i see potential i see how satoru already have these fangs, and he uses it for protecting randal / for being along randal satoru very loyal, while ranseb is only about hate. sebastian in trap, he can't escape, he can't kill them, but.. In the same time they will never kill him. Randal wants to see his pet alive as long as possible, Luther will do anything for the happiness of his little brother, other pets don't understand him at all, 'cause they became part of the family by their will. Sebastian totally alone and all what he can do - give up .. But he have too much hate to this family to just give up. So he will never give up, even if this is the most logical decision. And I think Randal like it. It's funny for him. i think he not really understands how much sebastian hate him. he can even think "my pet thinking about me so much!! im so glad!", but he will never understand that sebastian hate him even more than his classmates
if luther just chose another human in adopt center that day, randal would be attached to other human. sebastian himself not really matter fot randal. randal glad to have sebastian 'cause he is unpredictable, not like his dolls. randal doesn't think of sebastian as a person. game. pet is something funny and cute, something you should take care, something you should fed and keep safe, something you should think about. and randal doing all this to sebastian. he is a very responsible boy! even if his pet continues to escape. it's just because he silly pet ^^ "sebastian not like all these humans! he is my good pet!" will say Randal, while Sebastian thinking about is it even possible to kill him and how. And not in some spicy passion way, in hateful way. He is not a silly pet, he is a human being with feelings.
and satoru looking with hate at sebastian. satoru would do anything for randal. satoru would make randal happy. if he just be in sebastian place. if satoru just replace him. desired so close and so easy to achieve, but.. but it's not very interesting for randal. and satoru know it. satoru know randal too well for not understanding why he like sebastian, his pet, so much. so he will never replace sebastian. for randal's happiness. funny situation (^^)
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maksinushka · 14 days
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