Shake It Out
121 posts
“The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts.”
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maksbqobsqmlshq · 6 years ago
Hvalezna sem
Ker smo koncale seminarsko
Ker sem se prijavila na izmenjavo
Ker sem napisala dobro motivacijsko pismo
Za sasota
Za blazko da ji lahko ventam
Da sem se danes naspala
Ker me je saso obiskal
Ker me je zan dodal v skupino za festivale
Ker imam jutri se cas za ucenje
Za tatjano ki si je vzela cas zame da mi pomaga
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maksbqobsqmlshq · 6 years ago
1. Za danajsni produktivni dan
2. Za salso
3. Ker je meli rodila zdravo puncko
4. Za nuk
5. Za bon za kavo
6. Za romeo date
7. Za textanje z domnom
8. Za termin pri gine
9. Za lauro ki me vozi okoli in mi placuje kavice
10. Za top sodelavke
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maksbqobsqmlshq · 6 years ago
Hvalezna sem:
- ker mi je Domen rekel da sem ena izmed njegovih najboljsih prijateljic, veliko mi pomeni
- ker bom imela cas za ucenje
- za kavo v Tozdu danes
- ker delam v nedeljo in ne v soboto
- ker sem zmagala tecaj salse
- za luther season 5
- za smesen video iz BG
- za svojo dolgo bundo
- za Nuso & Saro
- ker sem bila hitro na vrsti pri ginekologu
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maksbqobsqmlshq · 9 years ago
friday should’ve never happened or at least you shouldn’t have texted me. How did I fall into this cycle so quick
Of course I wish we could work out. But I’ve been down this road a few times too many. 
You don’t  have the right to simply slip back into my life after everything and make me lose my balance. 
Jenna and Matty’s conversation reminded me of us. Our timing was so wrong. You were too immature and I was to pure. If we met in college we would’ve been engaged by now. 
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maksbqobsqmlshq · 9 years ago
Ive become the same fucking psycho
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maksbqobsqmlshq · 9 years ago
I want you to fuck me so hard and pull my hair and choke me
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maksbqobsqmlshq · 9 years ago
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maksbqobsqmlshq · 9 years ago
I still think of you all these months later. And I try so hard not to, which probably has the opposite effect. I can't get rid of thinking about you. I think of us doing silly things in public and how you just holding me made me feel better even when the world was breaking down around us. I, too, think about the sex. Your naked body is imprinted in my mind like a sculpture. I rembember every single detail and it feels like every time I try to forget another beauty mark pops up. I remember how warm your body felt. How comfortable i was with you, like with no one else before. Everytime I think of your touch I feel that sensation over my body you gave me. I can't imagine having this connection with anyone else and it makes things harder. I want to go back. I don't want it to happen all over again, because with all the pleasure would come all the pain. I want the naive thoughts I had of us staying forever together before you told me you never loved me and you'd never be able to give me that commited love I need. My friends all said you lied and you did love me. I think you loved me too, you just weren't in love. The nostalgia is swallowing me. And I don't think we can do anything about it, because it will always end up like this. I think it's tragic, because i do think that we were made for each other. Mostly. The thing thats in our way is the incompatibility of our insecurities and complexes. Me being someone who wants unconditional love and you someone who never has enough of other choices. And even though I do sometimes wish you would show up somewhere and give me a movie-like speech about how you're sorry and want me back, I quickly bury that thought because you hurt me so much already, it would be considered an act of self hatred and disrespect to let you back in. I'm angry and sad and a whirlwind of emotions. I don't have regrets, but I wish I did, because having regrets at least gives you the chance of doing things differently the next time. I wish I could turn of my thoughts and never think of you again. Because thinking of you hurts.
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maksbqobsqmlshq · 9 years ago
Pro tip: do occasionally check on your ex because maybe he grew a mustache and life's great
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maksbqobsqmlshq · 9 years ago
I cry because you took the purity and ease of first love away from me. You never made it seem easy and childishly perfect. I'll never have the possibility of looking back at my first love and the stupid naiveness of it. My first love is marked with pain and sadness.
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maksbqobsqmlshq · 10 years ago
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maksbqobsqmlshq · 10 years ago
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NEW AMERICANA “Survival of the richest, the city’s ours until the fall.”
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maksbqobsqmlshq · 10 years ago
Sašo leži z glavo v mojem naročju in spi.
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maksbqobsqmlshq · 10 years ago
Last night when I held your pretty face in my hands it felt like you are all i ever wanted
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maksbqobsqmlshq · 10 years ago
Were probably gonna be broken up by then anyways. I really dont want to be the jealous strict girlfriend but i reaply dont feel good about this...
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maksbqobsqmlshq · 10 years ago
I would go???
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maksbqobsqmlshq · 10 years ago
Honestly i just want you to ask me even if i probably wouldnt go. I mean, if youre searching for people to go with, and she is going why couldnt I? Im your fucking girlfriend????
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