makokeru · 4 days
AU where Danny has spent a very long time in the Infinite Realms for one reason or another (time travel work for Clockwork, Ghost King business, fled Earth for some reason, decided he didn't jive with living under capitalism, realized he wasn't aging, whatever).
On his first trip out to the living world where he actually interacts with living people, he drops into a reality where the Justice League exists and gets curious about the Watchtower. It's definitely Earth technology, but it's way different than anything he's seen them build before. How cool! He has to check it out.
He gets intercepted. Danny's first introduction to the Justice League is Green Lantern, Superman, and Martian Manhunter. They're friendly enough when they realize he's just curious.
In the course of talking, his abilities come up. Danny talks about his ice and the time powers Clockwork started teaching him after AGIT.
Then one of them says something along the lines of "and you can fly."
Danny gives them a weird look.
"...and I can walk?"
Which is about the moment that they realize that, not only has Danny assumed that flight is normal for them (since all of the people he's met since showing up are capable of it), but he could have any number of abilities that he considers not worth mentioning.
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makokeru · 4 days
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life imitates art
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makokeru · 4 days
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makokeru · 4 days
thinking about that kakapo egg that got crushed but the conservation team patched it up and it survived
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makokeru · 4 days
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makokeru · 4 days
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makokeru · 4 days
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See also, "We're in a drought; conserve water!" Meanwhile, bottled water companies and golf courses for rich folk empty the aquifers.
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makokeru · 4 days
why did my neighbors name their wifi network this
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makokeru · 6 days
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makokeru · 6 days
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makokeru · 6 days
The discussion around Ariel TheLittleMermaid baffles me bc if my dad literally destroyed a bunch of stuff I collected in front of me in a terrifyingly violent display of anger and I had a witch offer me an out if I could score the boy I thought was hot, my name would be on that dotted line before you can say "poor unfortunate soul". What do you mean she's stupid, her dad ravaged her Special Interest Cave like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum, I would also run the fuck away
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makokeru · 6 days
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makokeru · 6 days
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makokeru · 6 days
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makokeru · 6 days
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makokeru · 6 days
a favorite memory:
when i was in fifth grade, we read a book in school where a young girl in prehistory finds a dolphin skeleton. and i was so taken in by the description of the bones, how there were fingers in the fins, that i came home to my dad and told him "i think that when humans came out of the oceans, dolphins did, too, but they went back in."
my dad went upstairs and came back with an issue of analog magazine, the sci-fi digest he read religiously, and handed it to me.
"here," he said. "you're ready for this."
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makokeru · 6 days
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celestial 🌙🌟
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