maknaetaem-blog · 11 years
pairing: key-centric 
rating: nc-17
word count: 1,101
summary: key makes love to himself using memories of the previous night with jonghyun. (oh, and jonghyun's a creator of robots and kibum's an assassin)
it was nearly noon when kibum finally rose from his sleep, not surprised in the least when he reached over to where jonghyun would normally be asleep and found that he wasn’t there. it didn’t matter, he would be home soon. kibum lazily shuffled over to his side, burying his face into one of his pillows, the scent of jonghyun and sex clinging to it. a blush rose to his cheeks as he thought of the previous night, with jonghyun between his legs thrusting roughly into him, feeling as each inch of his thick cock split him open, making his legs quake and his back arch off the sheets, trying to draw him deeper. he shifted onto his stomach, fully intending on sleeping the rest of the day away until his own half-hard length rubbed against the sheets in the confines of his (jonghyun’s) boxers. 
he let out a shuddered breath, eyes fluttering closed, fingers gripping the sheets tightly. he waited a few moments until the first wave of initial pleasure had subsided until he moved his hips again, a soft whimper rising in his throat as his length throbbed dully. what was he doing? ever since he met the creator, he hadn’t needed to jack off, simply because they could never keep their hands of each other. no matter what happened, what plans they made, they always seemed to end up on jonghyun’s bed or couch, getting each other off in the best way possible. but then again, jonghyun had been a little fuck this past week, only teasing kibum with what he couldn’t have, and kibum resented those words. “i’m still not fucking you.” to put it plainly, kibum had gone far too long without the creator’s cock in his ass, stretching him wide, filling him up to the brim. 
he turned over onto his back staring up at the white ceiling, then let out a soft breath and moved his gaze down, until it landed on the tent in the sheets, and with a low whine, kibum realized this wasn’t something he could just ignore. he wriggled out of his (jonghyun’s) shirt and tossed it over the side of the bed, dipping his hands beneath the sheets as he did the same with his (jonghyun’s) boxers. he bit his bottom lip as the sheets settled over his now bare cock, the cool air in the room grazing over his body, making him shudder, his nipples hardening. he pushed the sheets away with his feet, laying completely naked on the bed. a flush was on his cheeks as he dragged his hand down his body, grasping the base of his dick. with a pathetic, low whine, he dragged his hand up, feeling the veins on the underside and the sensitive head. 
he swiped his thumb over the slit, feeling some pre-cum already spilling from the head, spreading it around the head before using that as a make-shift lube, making it that much easier to jack himself off with. he tightened his grip a little, starting to get more into it. he felt hotter, small beads of sweat clinging to his forehead, chest rising and falling harshly with each breath he took. he spread his legs obscenely, back arching as he started fucking his fist in earnest, feeling all the pent up sexual want from jonghyun teasing him relentlessly. he brought three fingers to his mouth, sucking on them sloppily, running his tongue over the digits, coating them heavily in his own spit. 
once he was sure they were wet enough, he pulled them from his mouth, a thin trail of saliva connecting them to his glistening lips. it broke when he pulled them away further, trailing down his body. he swirled his fingers around his hole, and suddenly, he was so needy for jonghyun’s cock again. he was still somewhat loose from last night, allowing him to easily slip two fingers into himself, moaning softly before he bit his bottom lip. he didn’t even wait, just like jonghyun didn’t, starting to move his fingers in and out, pushing them deep inside himself. it wasn’t enough, it wasn’t his dick, but it was better than nothing and soon enough, he was pushing his third finger into himself, needing to feel stretched and filled. 
he rocked his hips down onto his fingers, crooking them slightly until he touched that spot inside himself that made him writhe, turning to muffle his loud cries into jonghyun’s pillow. he rocked back harder, more desperately, so close to the edge of release, the heat in his stomach coiling tight. with jonghyun’s pillow right under his nose, his scent was invading his senses, invading his mind. he could see it, see his perfectly sculpted body, could see the way his stomach muscles clenched as he pounded into kibum. he could hear his grunts and growls, could feel how his thrusts got more frantic the closer he was to release. all of this spurred kibum on, made him jerk harder and faster, loosing any sense of rhythm he had. 
with a few more thrusts, he came hard, thick waves of release coating his hand and lower stomach, jonghyun’s name a lewd moan on his lips. he slowly slipped his fingers out of him but continued to stroke his softening cock, riding at the waves of pleasure. he was panting harshly, sweat running down the side of his face, and he lazily wiped his fingers on the sheets — they needed to be cleaned anyway. he turned fully onto his stomach, burrowing himself back into the sheets and pillows despite how hot and sticky it was, drifting back off into sleep as he waited for his lover to return.
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