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As we are experiencing the Covid-19 pandemic, we are stock in our home as the lockdown continues to implement. Write what you feels through your creativity in writing, vent it out without uttering it. Letting out your thoughts by composing a poem, tell it by creating short stories, and widen your imagination by writing scripts for a one act play. Let out our frustrations into writing to make our lives be more entertaining.
A. Unexpected Twist of Fulfilled Reverie
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T-ime is gold is my motto
I-give importance for every one and two
M-anaging my time is the thing I always do
E-very second should matter to me and to you
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In this world that full of toxicity
The unending judgement to someone's disability
Place where people don't know the so called responsibility
That's how I describe the reality
Let me discuss the government of this country
It's their existence about money and absence during people's misery
The corruption of income resulting to high rate of poverty
People are suffering while officials sit there with complacency
Wondering where are the young ones that are hope of our country?
They are now doing immoral and unlawful activity
Teenage pregnancy also seems to be now a typicality
But I can't erase that teen suicide is also a problem in our society
Now, let us talk about your future popularity
Once you commit mistake unintentionally or intentionally
People will judge you occasionally
That's how to grow popularity and that's reality
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Chirping chirp of the birds
The rustling produce by leaves
The buzzing of bees
The cold breeze I feel
The pleasant smell of flowers
Trees that towers me
The clouds gives comfort
The air gives chills in my veins
It is relaxing
What a creation
Sounds that should not be ignored
Sight to behold
Love and care for it
Like those treasure that you own
Because it's God's gift
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The Unexpected Twist of Fulfilled Reverie
6 years had passed when I graduated College with Bachelors of Science in Nursing. The rejoice that my family felt with this milestone is so overwhelming, it is like an indescribable joy when you won a millions of millions of money on lottery. My face was full of tears and huge smile was placed on my mouth, it's ironic but it is indeed a great feeling and I loved it. Days after the graduation, I reviewed to pass the National Council Licensure Examination to be a licensed nurse. The outcome of the examination finally came. I was sweating constantly and my hands were
trembling while my siblings were checking the result of the examination. The quiet house
suddenly filled with loud screams - waking me up from my anxious state finally realizing that, I
made it, I finally made it. Congratulations were thrown, tight hugs were shared and grateful
remarks to God were muttered for giving us another blessings.
Hearing my alarm, I groggily wake up from my slumber. It is another day to prepare for work - a start again of being productive. I've been living my life away from my family for 5 years now. Months after the confirmation of myself being a licensed nurse, the determination I had to immediately enter the labor world was a strong force for me to follow my cousins in Norway. I
applied and was luckily got in. I only dreamed to give my family a comfortable life because I thought it is my only purpose in life.
"Hey, good morning. How's your sleep Ms. 29th of age yet still a single lady?" Cathy said with an annoying smile appeared on her face when I entered the kitchen.
"Excuse me, Miss. Selina? You, yourself are single too," I replied and we bought burst into laughter.
Cathy Selina is my co-worker and my companion here in my apartment. I got in here first and after 2 years, Cathy came. Cathy's first apartment was far from the hospital we are working and mine is just a minute walk, so, she suggested that maybe she can transfer in my apartment
so I can have someone to share with the expenses and all. She's also a Filipino and a close friend of her is my friend too, reasons why I granted her offer.
"Well, I'm only on my 26th and fresh from break up,"
Surely this girl never got serious with her past relationships. As I glanced at her, I can't stop to wonder, when this girl falls in love and settle with the right man, I will surely be glad because I've been with her for a long time already and she deserve to be happy, a genuine happiness.
"And, I already mentioned you last time my cousin right? Maybe you can try, dating him you know? Promise It will be worth it," she added trying to convince me.
"Oh my God, Cathy! Are you playing around again? Stop that because you are not young anymore. You should find a partner and about me dating your cousin, I think I made myself clear the last time I talked to you. And still, am not dating anyone, never," I retorted pointing her at my last sentence and she just laughed at me.
Here goes another episode of Cathy pushing her cousin to me. She always try to push his cousin to me every time we talk. She never showed me his picture telling me that it is much more thrilling if I don't know his face, I never searched for his name on any social media sites as I'm not interested. Cathy is a beautiful and very charismatic woman, so, doubt about his cousin's physical features doesn't cross my mind. I'm getting older but falling in love is the last thing I wanted to do in my life.
"Excuse me too, Ms. Oli? You, yourself also can't find one. Oh my God! Are you going to live your life alone? Dey is a nice guy, Tia," she responded while wiggling her eyebrows. Dey is the name of her cousin.
"Okay, let us prepare for work. No more chitchats because we'll going to be late," I rejoined, ending our conversation trying to dismiss the topic which earn again a laugh from Cathy.
Its been a 5 years of working and spoiling my family the things that they need. My dream house ever since I am still young is where my family is staying now, the car that I've been dreaming of was already parked at my house's garage, the clothes I couldn't buy and was yearning to have is already neatly placed on my closet, and I've been living the life I've been wanted to experience. It feels surreal but it is actually happening.
My mother just can't stop on bugging me about getting married which also gave an idea to Cathy to push her cousin to me. I actually don't have the slightest desire to get married and build a family, I may instead adopt a child than bearing one.
Week passed, Cathy seems to be serious about the guy she mentioned to me. Like a attractive girl like Cathy, with her simple yet endearing gestures, the guy asked for her number and this girl immediately gave it.
Its Saturday today and we just finished our duty and currently eating our dinner. It is both our day off tomorrow, so I decided to video call my family.
"Hello, tita!" my nephew immediately said when he saw me.
"Hello! How are you? Where's your mom, lola, and others ha?" I asked smiling at him while peeking at his back.
After he said that the others are out to run some errands, he politely leave the camera on to call his mother. Minute had passed when my sister finally showed up guiding my mother who is already struggling to walk.
My sister bombarded me with her usual question again about my health and work, I quickly answered all of it honestly.
I flashed a huge smile at my mother who is staring at me intently.
"Did you already meet my future in law, ha? I’m not getting younger, Tia. I want to see you getting married and having a child first before I pass away, and you know that I am just a few years away from it, don't you?" she stated dramatically and just when I am about to answer back, someone appeared on my back and replied.
"I have already mentioned my cousin for her to date, tita, and he will visit me here soon. Don't worry, my cousin and her will surely make it to the aisle and will give you dozens of grandchildren," Cathy excitedly said with a grin on her face.
"That is good to hear, Cathy. Take care of each other, ok?" my sister reminded us making us nod our head in unison.
After the unending discussion about me, we finally bid our good byes. I decided to take a bath and sleep after so I can fully rest. Before I enter my room, Cathy said to me that the boy she'd been talking about will come at our apartment tomorrow to officially court her. I genuinely expressed my enjoyment about it and gave her a tight hug. Her cousin might visit sooner too she added before saying her good night.
After I took a bath, the softness of the bed engulfs my body quickly bringing me to a slumber.
It is already morning when a soft knocks interrupted our conversation. Cathy is fast enough to open the door revealing a handsome and tall man placing his white teeth in our view. Suddenly, I became a camera wherein his face is the only thing that is clear while the surrounding became blurry to my eyes. I don't know but I felt a pinch on my heart the moment he pulled Cathy into a tight embrace, I shrugged it thinking that I am just not used to see other people inside our place. Before I turn my back to them, Cathy called my name to introduce the outsider.
"Tia! This is Kaister Lim, my suitor. Kaister, this is Ma. Khristia Angelica Oli, my best friend and my housemate," she said urging us to do a handshake which we obeyed.
Kaister frequently visits in our apartment. I already used to his presence, I don't know but, I am happy when he is with us especially when Cathy is not around. I decided not to talk to him and ignore his existence because I got scared that what I feel for him is the feeling I've already forget - the feeling of being in love.
I was 16 when my perception to the way of happiness changed. Loving someone brings people to a unexplainable euphoria, but for me, I only depended it to my family. They always comes first for everything I does. I already knew in myself that I don't need anyone in my life because I am already contented of having my family with me, but I guess I was wrong all along. Because of my growing feelings to Cathy's suitor, I realized that, yes, I need someone to be with for the rest of my life and someone who can give the genuine happiness I also deserve.
Ignoring Kaister only deepens the thing I've been feeling towards him. He is very attractive and patient guy. He waited for 2 months until Cathy finally made it official for them. I am very happy for my best friend but the pain inside me became more unbearable as I take a glimpse at them staring at each other lovingly while talking.
Kaister and I became more close when Cathy temporary leave to take care the huge problem at their house in the Philippines. Kaister is such a sweet and thoughtful guy and I can't help falling in love for him more. Sometimes, I caught him staring at me then divert it when I stare back at him. He became more sweet towards me and I just can't say no as I am very much sure that I love him already.
"Tia, I like you," he admitted when I arrived at my apartment.
"I like you too, Kaister but how about Cathy?"
"What's about me?" Cathy suddenly showed up again out of nowhere wearing her poker face.
"I've been receiving gossips about you two being too close to each other but I shrugged it off because I trust you both," she added with a tear escaped on her eyes.
Hurt was very evident in her eyes as tears continuously fall on her eyes and a bitter smile placed in her mouth. I know a messed up big time and it will surely ruin the friendship we built. I was about to respond but a soft tap on my cheeks followed by a hard smack on my head stopped me from uttering words to Cathy.
"My God, Ma. Khristia Angelica Oli, you finally wake up! You are dreaming!" Cathy exaggeratedly said rolling her eyes on me.
"Cathy, what happened?"
"You are dreaming and you didn't even budge when I furiously tap your cheeks,"
"By the way, it is Sunday today and my cousin informed me that he will be here in 20 minutes, so, come on get up and prepare yourself," she added
I'm still in daze and trying to absorb all the details I've gotten. So, it was all just a dream, I feel relieved and let out a deep sigh. I prepared myself for Dey's arrival, no, I'm not trying to impress him I just want to give him the assurance that Cathy has a decent housemate.
Minutes had passed when a soft knocks interrupted our conversation, I feel like I experience this one. As like what's on my dream, Cathy is fast enough to open the door revealing a handsome and tall man placing his white teeth in our view. My jaw dropped and I was statued at my place the moment I saw him, he is the Kaister/Cathy's boyfriend on my dream and now he is Cathy’s cousin, Dey. Can this day be more surprising?
"I'm Dey Selina, nice to meet you, Tia," he said offering a handshake.
I immediately grab his hand with a wide smile on my face. My mind already changed, I already want to get married real quick with the owner of the hand I'm holding.
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[Curtain opens. Play begins. The two main character (Mrs. Dela Cruz and her daugther Athena) prepares for their role as they practice the written script that is given to them. Setting is on their massive house. Backdrop: inside the perfectly architectured house]
[Athena came home 5 days ago at their massive house to celebrate her 26th birthday. Their relatives and
Athena’s friends from far places manage to attend the said occasion. The celebration that was organized
by her mother – Mrs. Dela Cruz became successful but as she glanced at her daughter who is currently
talking to one of her aunt she recognized something. Smile was placed on Athena's mouth but sadness filled her eyes. Mrs. dela Cruz immediately followed Athena when she left, bringing her to their house’s balcony]
[The characters entered. Play continuous. Backdrop change: Well-made balcony]
Mrs. dela Cruz: “Aren’t you supposedly happy as it is your special day? And aren’t you proud that your mom organized this successful birthday celebration for you?”
Athena: “Dad’s not here, so, why are you expecting me to be proud and cheerful when you didn’t even
invite my favorite person at the first place?”
Mrs. dela Cruz: “ I invited him, my dear. I even lowered my pride to personally invite him, but I guess your not important for him anymore. You need to accept that he’ll never go back here again.”
Athena faced her mother with tears flowing in her eyes.
Athena: “You are unbelievable! You are acting like this again! He is my father and he’ll always give
importance to me! Mom, I am 26 now, why are you still depriving me from seeing my dad?”
Mrs. dela Cruz: “Don’t you ever raise your voice, Athena! Don’t ever think that I am preventing you from seeing him because in reality – he is the one who always refused to see you. There are reasons that
shouldn’t said to you, not this time.”
Athena: “Reasons? I’m 18 when you told me again that there are reasons why Dad left. Mom, why don’t
you just admit that you really never loved him which pushed him to leave us back then?”
Mrs. dela Cruz: “ I can’t tell you this right now, have a good night.”
Mrs. dela Cruz is about to leave but Athena said something that made her stop from doing it.
Athena: “That, you always act like that whenever I bring this topic. Aren’t you tired, mom? Aren’t you
tired from hiding things that I also have the right to know? If you can’t give me those reasons now, then I
might as well leave this house early tomorrow and you can’t begged me to come home anymore.”
Mrs. dela Cruz: “We are happy, Athena, but one day he just fell out of love because he found someone
better than me, so from that day, I kept my distance from him. He acted like a lovely and sweet husband to show you that I am a bad mother and wife. See, what he made you think of me? I kept this because I don’t want to ruin your father’s image to you.”
Athena: “Mom, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
Mrs. dela Cruz: “It is because I kept it from you, darling. Let me tell you what I witnessed with I visit your great father.”
[New characters entered. Setting: a small house. Backdrop: Inside a house]
[Mrs. dela Cruz knocked 3 times to the door of the small house. A middle age man with a baby sleeping in his arms opened the door revealing his wife into his view]
Middle age man: “What are you doing here?”
Mrs. dela Cruz: “I’m here to invite you to YOUR daughter’s birthday celebration, be a good father like what you’ve showed to her when you are still with us.”
Middle age man: “I can’t go. I need to babysit my daughter. Tell her I’m busy.”
Mrs. dela Cruz: “You are very important to her to the point that she didn’t value me as her mother. You made her think that you are better parent than me, so why can’t you do that now?”
Middle age man: “Just leave because I don’t have enough time to entertain stranger.”
Mrs. dela Cruz: “Okay, but make sure you’ll take the responsibility for that little girl until the end. Please don’t make her experience what our DAUGTER felt when you chose to leave us.”
[Mrs. dela Cruz ends her story. Settings and backdrop at their house’s balcony came back again]
Athena: “I love you, mom. And I’m very sorry I never valued you the way I valued dad.”
Mrs. dela Cruz: “I love you, Athena, so even if it hurts me to visit your father to his new family I still did to make you happy on your special day. I didn’t tell you this because you might turn your back to your father and I don’t want that to happen. I know you still need the love of a father and I’m sorry if I failed to do that. If I didn’t distant myself when I knew that he is having an affair, maybe, just maybe he will fall in love to me again and never thought of leaving us. The pain I am still feeling since he left increased when I saw him with a little girl in his arms.
Athena: “I’m sorry I invalidate what you felt when dad left, mom. I’m sorry because I distance myself to
you when you need someone to lean on. You are such a strong woman and a good wife for thinking my
relationship to dad after this revelation. I’m sorry for judging you when I didn’t even heard your side. Dad made the worst decision when she found other girl, because there is no one better than you.”
Mrs. dela Cruz: “I’ve already forgive you, my daughter. Just don’t do the same mistake again. Every
people's actions has an untold reasons behind it, so judging them just because of how they act is wrong.”
[Mrs. dela Cruz and Athena both return inside the house to enjoy the celebration]
[Curtain close]
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