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makeupbyirmita · 9 years ago
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Si a ti te gusta comprar por el internet por favor suscríbete a Ebates @ebatesshopping te dan un porcentaje del 1% hasta el 16% depende de la especial del día muchas tiendas como las que compramos a diario como Macy's , Norstrom's, children palace, take advantage of this awesome website, if you hate shopping during xmas they make sure you buy items online, ✔️ then this is the website for you, link on my bio
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makeupbyirmita · 9 years ago
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Chulas!! The detectable eyeshadow palette @lauragellerbeauty how cute are these palettes delicious shades of cool and nude, Baked pigments, longwear, doesn't crease, or smudge 🙀 we'll see about that!! -✔️The perfect stocking stuffers Thank @lauragellerbeauty for this cute package, can't wait to do a tutorial soon #beauty2share #stylehaulmundo #stylehaul #youtuber #latinayoutuber #latinablogger #beautytoshare #ilovemakeup #thathighlighttho #eyeshadows #xmas
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makeupbyirmita · 9 years ago
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Just because, happy thanksgiving guys, let's not take life for granted, life's too short and too beautiful for having hate in our hearts❤️
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makeupbyirmita · 9 years ago
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Hola mi gente! 🤗 On my lips I'm wearing @narsissist matte lip pencil #cruella with @maccosmetics lip pencil #vino Brows - @anastasiabeverlyhills #dipbrowpomade #medium Eyeliner @maybelline #lastingdrama waterproof gel pencil Mascara @maccosmetics #zoomwaterfast #lash @MakeupbyIRMITA #MakeupbyIRMITA #vegas_nay #sfmakeupartist #bayareamakeup #makeupartist #macgirls #maccosmetics #nars #dressyourface #dyf #makeup #desi #chrisspy #mannymua733 #ilovemakeup
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makeupbyirmita · 9 years ago
Double lashes! #doublestacklashes #fallmakeup #MakeupbyIRMITA #maccosmetics #macgirls #lashes #darklips #snapchat #vegas_nay #makeupartist #sanfranciscomakeupartist #bayareamakeup #sfmakeupartist
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makeupbyirmita · 9 years ago
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Eyes- lashes @houseoflashes top with @toofaced better than sex mascara @lorealparisusa L'Oreal Paris #silkissimeeyeliner @thebalm_cosmetics schwing Black liquid eyeliner @anastasiabeverlyhills brows foundation @maccosmetics nc40 Studio fix -lips combination of Mac lip pencil #MAHOGANY & #CORK on all over lip #pleaseme I overdrew my lips to appear larger & plump drawing a line shaping a V in the inner portion of my lips, -to contour my face I use TOOFCED -Chocolate Soleil & to bronze my face I use #GiveMeSun from @maccosmetics #makeupbyme #MakeupbyIRMITA #ilovemyjob #fotd #maccosmetics #youtuber #latinablogger #stylehaulmundo #beccaxjaclynhill #vegas_nay #longboard #latinasbelike #sanfranciscomakeupartist #bayareamakeupartist #makeupartist #lovemakeup #makeupgreek #thebalmcosmetics #lorealparis #lipstick #eyeshadow #lips #dressyourface #chrisspy #desi #prettylilmzgrace #deysidanger
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makeupbyirmita · 9 years ago
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Makeup by me, just a quick note her allergies were on point #MakeupbyIRMITA Eyes- #makeupgeek foiled eyeshadows Foundation- #makeupforever #maccosmetics - mascara, blush, #chanpagnepop. Lipstick @gerardcosmetics #mercuryrising. highligter. #bayareamakeupartist #sanfranciscomakeupartist #makeupbyme #makeupartist #makeupgreek #maccosmetics #gerardcosmetics #makeupforeverofficial #MakeupbyIRMITA @makeupbyirmita @makeupforeverofficial @gerardcosmetics @makeupgeektv @beccacosmetics
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makeupbyirmita · 9 years ago
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Quinceañera, tuve el honor de maquilla a estar linda niña, que por primera vez fue maquillaje. Que Dios la siga bendiciendo en sus caminos, Como le dije ese día mija el maquillaje es hermoso pero el maquillaje se quita al fin del día, tú sigues siendo linda Y sencilla por dentro que eso nunca se te quita. Makeup use -make up forever foundation - makeupgeek eyeshadows - becca Champagne pop - Mac cosmetics blush, mascara, lash - #makeupartist #quinceañera #happycustomer #bayareamakeupartist #sanfranciscomakeupartist #makeupgreek #maccosmetics #makeupbyirmita #softmakeup #styleblogger #youtuber #guru #ilovemyjob #makeupbyme #chanpagnepop #beccacosmetics #beccaxjaclynhill
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makeupbyirmita · 9 years ago
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Dios mío hay que ponernos en oración para que cuiden y protegen a nuestros paisanos, sabemos que están en un gran peligro y la oración mueve montañas sé que esta página es de maquillaje pero necesito y pido que se unan conmigo en oración por todas las personas que están en peligro en este huracán monstruoso, soy Mexicana Americana con padres Mexicanos mis padres son de Jalisco #huracanpatricia
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makeupbyirmita · 9 years ago
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First of all I want to say thank you so much @lauragellerbeauty for this amazing gift. The colors that I received from left to right. Primero quiero agradecer @lauragellerbeauty por este lindo detalle, Los labiales que recibí son de izquierda a derecha Los nombres son. 💋Broadway Plum 💋5th Ave. Ruby 💋 Tribeca Tan 💋 Bleecker St Peach 💋 MullBerry St 💋 Madison Ave Pink They have more lipstick colors in the Collection 💄Greenwich St., Barry 💄East Side Rouge 💄 Soho Nude 💄 Central Park Spice 💄 Lexington Avenue Coral 💄Big Apple Red - Vibrant colors - All day wear - Conditions as it coats
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makeupbyirmita · 10 years ago
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On my lips @maccosmetics lip liner #Brick all over my lips, on my eyes @maccosmetics liquidlast liner @marcjacobs gel liner, Mac lashes layer with @milanicosmetics total lash cover love this mascara, foundation nc42 pro long wear, brows Mac brow pencil that's all folks 💄💋 miss you guys #macgirls #machaul #macmakeup #vegas_nay #vanity #beautyblogger #bayareamakeupartist #BayAreaFreelanceMakeupArtist #styleHaul #SFMakeupArtist #SanFranciscoMakeupArtist #maccosmetics #maclipsticks #LatinaUnidas #Latinablogger #latinaYouTuber #youtubeblogger #styleHaul #sephora #teamGracey #beatface #fotd #iloveMakeup #snapchat #DYFLBeautyBox #familyfirst #fleek #guru #highlightonfleek #Jen_ny69 #keniabydramaqueen #CountYourBlessings #v#makeupartist #MakeupbyIRMITA
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makeupbyirmita · 10 years ago
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Estoy en mencionada en anunciar mi primer colaboración con la talentosa y sexy @gliter702 Por favor denos ideas de quienes les costaría ver en este vídeo. I am so excited to announce my first collaborate with the beautiful sexy @gliter702 please give us ideas of what you would love to see #youtubeblogger #iloveMakeup #iloveher #Latinablogger #LatinaUnidas #latinaYouTuber #macgirls
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makeupbyirmita · 10 years ago
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@makeupforeverofficial #makeupforever #bemakeupforever #bemakeupforeverchallenge @myraalejandra23 @gliter702 @lolarelacon
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makeupbyirmita · 10 years ago
Gracias por este lindo detalle @YvesSaintLaurent #YSL Thank you @influenster for my gift, I will be putting this to the test, @YSLbeautyprGirl #YSLToucheEclat 💋 The first radiance boosting primer. ✔️Formulated with four nutritious oils, ✔️The skin is left incredibly soft without greasy residue. ✔️immediately pores look diminished, ✔️skin feels smoother and skin tone is more even and luminous. #youtubeblogger #latinaYouTuber #Latinablogger #vegas_nay #beautyblogger #styleHaul @stylehaul @stylehaulmundo @makeupbyirmita #beatface #fleek #highlightonfleek #YSLvoxBox #sephora #review
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makeupbyirmita · 10 years ago
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makeupbyirmita · 10 years ago
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Estaba tan emocionada de recibir mi paquete de @sephora @jaclynhill Y después mi corazón se quebró en mil pedazos como mi highlighter I was super excited to receive my package I was waiting for two days straight when I received it, I was so happy, I was like yes!! and then I opened my baby to find it was destroyed why why 😢😥 @jaclynhill @sephora #highlightonfleek #champagnepop #makeupjunkie #youtubeblogger #latinayoutuber #latinablogger #MakeupbyIRMITA #sephora (at San Francisco, California)
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makeupbyirmita · 10 years ago
Estaba tan emocionada de recibir mi paquete de @sephora @jaclynhill Y después mi corazón se quebró en mil pedazos como mi highlighter I was super excited to receive my package I was waiting for two days straight when I received it, I was so happy, I was like yes!! and then I opened my baby to find it was destroyed why why 😢😥 @jaclynhill @sephora
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