Fortunately, Muslims and Christians don't allow abortion, and neither do most Asian countries unless there is a health concern.
I'll stick with them and be unpredictable when given the option. Thanks, 9/11, although I am sad about the innocent. But how is America innocent when so many other countries are in poverty? The Bible says to do charity, and America is under God. I suppose they never specified
The rest is unnecessary. We shouldn't have to tell you to care about people.
UNICEF is a charity you can donate to regularly that helps globally. Less than the price of an American snack or drink can provide an entire meal for someone in poverty.
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You have rights to your bodies, but you don't think children should have rights to theirs. People also don't all not allowed to make speech bc abortion reigns
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But until then, I hope you do something other than harass homeless people and take advantage of whoever is EZ but u won't bc ure Americans
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Don't worry. They'll delete this blog too like they did those.
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Yes, is was sweet, but now I'm possessed by them, IT from A Wrinkle in Time.
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Isn't it sweet when doctors say it's impossible to hack the internet? Morons, what is internet security for
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Not that u knew me back then but it did all fall apart in the end u can quote that urself bc it isn't a dir3ct quote and ure losers like I said fortunately I had a baby before lesbians remove my uterus for not voting for their right to abortion
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Sometimes five minutes pass, yet it has been hours.
Sometimes it has been hours, but only two minutes pass.
Pew pew pew I love u beautiful angel in youniform of us :) you're so cute
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Sorry for saying bad stuff aloud but I'm forced like I said and we chimps to them the higher powers and sentara played a movie saying they'll kill a whole race of people they think are chimpanzees but that was in 2017 and at least they killed my mind or helped
I hope he got my messages bc he's a beautiful angel. I'm too manipulated to be saved remember
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We learned in kindergarten not to be mean, yet adults in America still are incapable.
I'm not allow3d to say the rest because I'm not and Nhat. I'm not allow3d to be vegan Buddhist etc bc evil reigns sorry to inform sorry im dorry from finding Nemo but the forced psych medication is OP at deleting my memory they do it intentionally and fuck you idiot African American men who said they'd take my mom to the ghetto if I don't stop being a peace activist but why would u care when u probably didn't read to here no one ever reads and everyone play on phone and no one met before covid so don't tell me that u all are glued to social media and u were years ago but bye not allowed
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Ne way I won't shut up bc we needed new ways too when people use Waze or Ways app or whatever to avoid the police but like I said whatever amerifa f bc u can't even get a c at good heart
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I hope all the children don't stop talking because the old ladies cannot abuse all of them.
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I couldn't go with that man because I wouldn't be able to do anything for them other than help with cleaning which they didn't need because there were a lot of them and I didn't want to be a freeloader but yeah there is sin tax
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One morning I woke up hating all music, and I love music. It's a sad cruel world, but the old ladies, and I mean eld3rly women, want it to be.
Envy wrath greed
That's their sins.
Mine are wrath and sloth (laziness) from time to time because I have extreme pain and broken bones. I know I can't prove it. But I'm writing right now so that's not lazy it's work for whoever cares to take it like I said go make it and stuff bc u kno what I said I told them I said that I told them u make cents and I make sense but spelling matters and so do human lives please protect your people or see all people as your people because ppl are sick when they are ...
Still an invalid brick because of a Russian, but I was told that would happen.
I'm happy the people sent their message to me in a Pink Floyd song once because that was sweet. I'll never forget you intentionally. You'll always be my beautiful kind people, and I'll always be a chimpanzee throwing a wrench in evil people's plans. Just break it but the Bible says not to destroy things so destroy the evilists' plans pl3ase if you can
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It's a long journey, but maybe I'll make it somewhere where no one will see me other than my family because that would be sweet. I'm so tired. Ain't easy bein me under the looking glass bc they love Aryans the best which have blonde hair and blue eyes but ain't easy having to be Alice because they don't want Alice in Wond3rland humans to die bc they're the most beautiful to the evilists in charge
I hate humans.
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My boyfriend does not like to talk very much, but I'm happy he sent me a photo of him smiling. We haven't met yet, but I hope we have a successful relationship. He is already so kind. Sadly, I cannot focus most of the time and am forced to ramble about American drama for rich people's and my enemies' entertainment.
No, they'll always trample on my mind. I'll never be liberated. Happy to find out what it's like to be a human experiment because I love the Jewish race and hate the evil idiots who stone women for sexual immorality.
I miss you so much, Hannah. Her prayer says I'll have seven children which I hope comes true, but the Bible says, "Ask and ye shall receive," but that isn't true.
You better do it. Just do it. And I mean everything so evil who already reigns can find you and the few good people can be sad to lose another one to whatever
But like I said, Mister, like I said, Sir, I will always be waiting for you. Perhaps in death we can be together. But I made you up so that doesn't matter and God is a cruel punisher when he disciplines me but at least I found a dominant because that's what I wanted but it's a year of miracles and some are painful while beautiful at the same time but u don't need to find that out when you're sweet and perfect but few are
... this is what I'm allowed to do to higher powers of miracles, both extremely painful and sweet
... I'm happy I see you both write from time to time.
... Merry Christmas from Samta Clause. If you don't have Christmas cheer all year, people will cry because Christmas is about the gift that keeps on giving and I try but here's some words that won't go to waste hope u git my msgs geniuses and friends bc I forgot I owe u some cents and sense and sins and syns which are synonyms
I repent for being sexually immoral by looking at GIFs and reading erotica from time to time. I haven't dated in years, but now I have a boyfriend. I don't intend to marry due to what they say is my mental health, so those things comfort me(GIFs and erotica). They remind me of a husband I will probably never have, at least not happily and at least not me because others share my body psychologically. Also, I stole some things from a rich store to give to a poor store, but it didn't work out. She is a Christian, and I was being a Christian. Apparently, here are my sins. Sometimes I'm forced to lie, but I don't lie. Don't steal from people; steal from the rich because Robin Hood is a good movie. Don't listen to me because theft is a sin. Don't listen to them because why is it right for rich ppl to be rich when they inherited it and didn't work for it but some did
America is somehow the world's superpower while being under a God that allows a lot of violence and sexual immorality. Of course I'm confused, and it's impossible not to want. You can be forced to not want which is good.
Don't lie.
Don't steal.
Don't murder.
Don't have sex with other people when you're married.
Don't want.
Don't have any other god other than God.
Don't make idols, and don't worship them.
I'm never allowed to remember the rest bc I'm not allowed to get 100% anymore because evil reigns
Toodles I don't care enough to tell you the rest of the 10 commandments when not wanting is impossible and also the seven deadly sins when they say sixth commandment Satan propaganda again but whatever man I told you I don't have free will and whatever Man and Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish bc wtf kind of world is this wtf kind of simulation is this matrix idk u ask James Alberts bc he said it's a matrix and at least to ppl u pretend schizophrenia to by gaslighting them etc but whatever
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You Only get isolated for being good. They must be the best, so fail as publicly as possible and I mean succeed in secret please for the sake of your beautiful minds
Before they get deleted like mine
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