majitzu · 4 months
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would not be shocked
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majitzu · 5 months
since i'm missing Kamisama no Ekohiiki a lot right now for some reason, i thought i would make this post about some of the small things that made me love the show even more (things that i've never seen anyone talk about):
Yashiro not making a big deal out of being in a cis woman's body, because usually guys are like "omg boobs!!!" so it was refreshing that he didn't act like that (he did struggle with make-up though lol)
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it was mentioned that Kenta is a survivor of csa, when he was 13. even if it was only mentioned once, it's not often that this is talked about or portrayed on tv.
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the way sex is talked about in the show, like it's not a taboo subject. here we have Rin asking Yashiro why he didn't have sex with Kenta (her ex-boyfriend). i thought it was cool.
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unless i misunderstood something, Yashiro tells Rin and Kenta that he's trans (or maybe they just assume it) and that's why he messes up sometimes (like goes to the men's bathroom), and both Rin and Kenta take it really well, they don't treat him any differently. when Rin finds out Yashiro swapped bodies with Kagura, she even asks if it's because he's trans.
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majitzu · 5 months
Kamisama no Ekohiiki - review
aka "Bless You" or "Favoritism of God"
This is the first jdrama that I've watched and I'm so glad that I watched it. Trust me when I say that it is so much more than just "body swap" or "bl/gl drama". It really goes in deep about certain concepts like love for others and the value of our life, it's really nice to watch the characters grow and learn these themselves as time went on. I didn't expect this drama to make me tear up every once in a while. The BGM adds so much more depth and feel to the scenes, its quite nice
I feel a lot of people can learn something from this drama like I did as well. This was truly a gem and I wish a lot more people knew of this drama since this is not at all that popular. Either way, I really appreciate the writers and whoever put effort into this work make this come true, and I really hope to see more dramas like these in the future. All in all, this is so worth watching and I want people to at least give it a try!!
Enjoyment: 10/10
Plot: 9.5/10
Characters: 10/10
Acting: 9/10
Music: 10/10
Overall: 9.8/10
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majitzu · 1 year
Seriously so good, this wasn't written by an amateur. Everything was incredible. I'm saving this fic and recommending it to everybody
OK. I don't normally share people's fanfics just because the AO3 search system exists for a reason! But "Factory Settings" by Anonymous is incredible. INCREDIBLE. If I didn't know better (and I do), I would have guessed Neil wrote it himself. I'm so serious. It's an actual masterpiece.
I will say it's ever-so-slightly slow-going at the start. I almost put it down (I stumbled upon it myself; no one recc'd it to me). But I'm so glad I kept with it. It's. Yeah, it's incredible. Do yourself a favor and read it. But only when you have, like, a full 24 hours free to yourself, because once you get going, you won't be able to tear yourself away.
(also, as an aside, there was a fic called "Our Side" by Anonymous, who I believe is the same Anonymous as the "Factory Settings" author, but the link to the fic no longer works. If anyone has a copy, or the correct link, I'd love to get my hands on it!)
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majitzu · 1 year
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u got it
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majitzu · 1 year
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Stuffed Bear snatched up by Edgeworth.
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majitzu · 2 years
So if the twitter apocalypse happens i will be here until we find a better app for the fandom
Ugh i need to start following new accounts, the old ones are all inactive
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majitzu · 2 years
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this man is famous for how good he is at arguing
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majitzu · 2 years
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220523 J-Hope & Jin’s Comments on Jin’s Instagram Post
JH: So sweet 🙌👏
J: 너가 더 달콤해
J: You’re sweeter
Trans cr; Faith @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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majitzu · 3 years
I watched My Beautiful Man (Utsukishii Kare) the other day I gave this initial take on Twitter already but as always I like to add it to tumblr (this version is just a little more fleshed out).
Understand that this take is solely about the series itself & no other previous version or media (novel / audio).
Before watching the series I heard many people describe it as a love story between a popular & unpopular boy, I get where they’re coming from but I think that description over simplifies and misses the great complexity of this piece.
Was Kiyoi popular? Yes, but Hira didn’t fall for him because he was popular, that had no precedent on his emotionalism. Even when others dropped Kiyoi & viewed him as ‘normal’ or as one of them & not special - Hira still held him as King.
My Beautiful Man is better described as a story about idolization in love. The piece is told in first person and those who noted this off the bat are able to see that during the first half we are seeing & being told things through Hira’s perspective - this includes Kiyoi.
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Hira is the introverted type who also has a stutter that constantly gets him picked on. Hira sees Hiyoi as his savior because during their first day of class Hiyoi came late and unintentionally distracted everyone from picking on Hira. Upon this first meet Hira starts to uphold Hiyoi as The King and as the story unfolds you realize that Hira sees Hiyoi as a fan would see an idol, as a religious person would see their deity. He resides on a of pedestal of perfection. Hira is so consumed with this intensity that he not only serves Hiyoi but he imagines himself willing to sacrifice, fight, and even kill for him. The story presents this fact to us both in dialogue and in the use of cinematography (Note: cinematography is basically telling story through motion picture. This is done through angles of shots, the speed of frames, the lighting, etc].
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When the we’re introduced to Hiyoi he’s walking down the hallway and comes to open the door which interrupts Hira introducing himself to the class. You’ll notice in the first half of the story there’s a lot of moments that present as signifiers that let us know we’re in a moment of meaning with Hira & Hiyoi. In this particular scene is the slowmo shot of Hiyoi walking to the desk. The first part of the shot is done over Hira’s shoulder which lets the audience know we’re seeing Hiyoi from his perspective. The camera shifts to cut Hira completely out of the shot and we literally get what would be the view through Hira’s eyes. The second half of the shift is the camera shift to present us with Hira so that we not only see his reaction but understand how truly affected & captivated he is in this moment. Throughout the first half we also see a number of shots that are overly sunlit to the point that it almost gives that dream-like effect. This is often in moments where we see Hira appreciating Hioyi’s beauty. The sunshine affect is one of the common ways to create a visual mood of joy as it easily acts as a warm tone.
Hira totally idolizes Hiyoi and this is the problem. Because he sees Hiyoi as a God & himself as a server of that God he of course draws a line between them. Humans revere God not the other way around. One doesn’t date a God, one doesn’t pursue a God, they adore them, pray to them, but are never one with them. He & King Hiyoi are on vastly different levels and this mindset has caused him to miss so many Clues and discard so many outright confessions and presentation of love & interest from Hiyoi.
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Often we’d get these internal monologues from Hira in his moments with Hiyoi where it was clear he thinks there’s no way Hiyoi would be interested in him or even consider him important. Even after Hiyoi follows him on the trip to the store and they ride the bicycle together, Hira is thinking about how annoyed Hiyoi probably is but as the camera pans to Hiyoi he’s actually smiling. Even in moments that others would see as a romantic exchange, Hira doesn’t see it that way he doesn’t see that Hiyoi views it as such because he just feels like it’s a moment of reverence from him to his King. The hand kiss is a great example of this. Not only because a hand is one of the ways to show devotion from giver to receiver, but because he’s so zoned into this moment, in even being allowed to that he totally misses Hiyoi’s reaction and how affected he is. Even there first kiss, there’s a slight change at the end that lets you know they precieved the exchange totally differently and it’s solely cause Hira’s mindset of looking at Hiyoi as some sort of higher being and he his devoted follower has him keeping this line between them wherein he’s unable to even understand a world where Hiyoi would be in love with him because he’s so far out of his league.
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In the second half the story shifts and we get to see Hiyoi’s perspective on the events. We learn that Hiyoi is no ‘arrogant King’, he’s really just a a boy with a dream and a desire to be loved. He knows that his friends are only close to him because they feel they benefit but the more Hira stares at them with those eyes filled passion and doing things for him that have no selfish regard he finds himself entrapped in this strange kind of friendship with Hira often frustrated with the confusion that Hira seems to love him but never pursues him or see his love. Mind you I think it’s important to note that Hiyoi does know on some level that Hira is devoted to him. It was that devoted, that will to sacrifice fit him, that blunt honesty in his desire for Hiyoi that makes Hiyoi fall for him in the first place. He grew up watching a certain type of love so when Hira gave him that he couldn’t understand why no matter how he showed interest Hira wasn’t following through appropriately. Like he said - because of Hira’s devotion he always felt like the moment he said they could be together they would.
Hiyoi was competing against a fantasy of himself. A version he couldn’t even become because to be such a being would still mean not being with Hira. He didn’t want Hira to treat him as some sort of Deity.
I think the best line from a BL this year is “I’m not a king at all. I’m just a ordinary man. I want to be with the person I like too. And I want to touch each other just like other men….I’m not a god okay?”
Not only because it sums up Hiyoi’s feelings but also because it sums up the series itself.
Like I said, My Beautiful Man is about the concept of idolization and how we think we want to be idolized but the reality is that idolization is different from love, it can be very isolating actually. Hiyoi thought that idolization was the same as love he built his dream around this concept but when he was really confronted with its reality with someone he loved - he really came to understand that’s not what he wanted. He didn’t want to be on some pedestal and adored or fantasized about. He wanted to be loved & for the one he loved to be able to receive his love. Idolization comes with distance and a barrier - because one is held as above by the one looking from below there’s always a line, there’s no such thing as equal footing in such a relationship. Hira was so submerged into this thinking that even when Hiyoi basically implies that he likes him, his mind just short circuits because he really thinks it’s impossible. It isn’t until Hiyoi really breaks it down for him, and outright tells him what he want that Hira can adapt to what Hiyoi needs.
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I love stories from Japan because they really understand the concept of art being about exploration, as well as showing the most human aspects in the most interesting ways. My Beautiful Man was a surprising piece and it was really good. The aspect of using first person & shifting perspectives is rarely done for BLs so this was really exciting to see. There was so many shots and moments that really led up to the final episode. The cinematography for was beautifully done, the lighting/brightness help give that youthful hopeful aspect of love. The actors did a wonderful job at both portraying the concept of utter devotion as well as the vulnerability of wanting something so badly. There were some other aspects I didn’t get to touch on here that I want to talk about. If it’s not something that’s already been discussed in the tags then I’ll post about them later. I really enjoyed this piece and I hope everyone else takes time out to view it as well.
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majitzu · 3 years
Imagine Apollo asking Athena about some German words that Klavier always tell him. "What 'Schatzi' means Athena? Prosecutor Gavin always call me that when we're alone. It's a insult?" and Athena just is just (should i tell him that it means "sweetheart') and can't stop laughing. XD
counterpoint: klavier has no shame, there's nothing stopping him from doing it in front of other people
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majitzu · 4 years
Jin Guangyao, to his hostages: Okay, listen up, assholes.
Jin Guangyao, to Xichen: Not you, Er-Ge, you’re an angel and I’m thrilled to have you here.
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majitzu · 4 years
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majitzu · 4 years
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The reason Phoenix survives all of his “incidents” is because Mia yeets his soul back to earth every time he dies. 
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majitzu · 5 years
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Yeah–I’m all for gay lawyers now! ^^
Credits go to @istadris for the dialogue back in the narumitsu discord! 
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majitzu · 5 years
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This is probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever drawn but I love it so much
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majitzu · 5 years
it’s past fucking midnight and my grandmother got up and keeps loudly tearing paper right next to my room
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