mainoodles-blog1 · 6 years
me: here’s a list of fictional characters i want to bone
my gf: this in no way diminishes my attraction to you. here’s my own list
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mainoodles-blog1 · 6 years
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mainoodles-blog1 · 6 years
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there’s a million things i haven’t done, but just you wait.
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mainoodles-blog1 · 6 years
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Amalgamates are cute, also:
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I got carried away…..
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mainoodles-blog1 · 6 years
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Someone give him a hug
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mainoodles-blog1 · 6 years
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In which “Take your kids to work day” is a disaster
I know it’s late, but Dadster for all your fathers day needs
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mainoodles-blog1 · 6 years
I normally don’t ship this stuff bUT OMG I COULD NOT HELP MYSELF
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This was supposed to be for 5000 followers, but I got excited so now you guys get it early. I havent had time to make another animatic so I hope this will do. (I heard this song and thought this is exactly how the Undertale folks saw Sans and Red’s relationship when He first started bringing him around and I had to do this)
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mainoodles-blog1 · 6 years
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a little late to be out…
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mainoodles-blog1 · 6 years
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same tbh
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mainoodles-blog1 · 7 years
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A little sketch I made for xXKaxyXx!!! :)
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mainoodles-blog1 · 7 years
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mainoodles-blog1 · 7 years
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A template I made out of my other template have fun
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mainoodles-blog1 · 7 years
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mainoodles-blog1 · 7 years
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mainoodles-blog1 · 7 years
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mainoodles-blog1 · 7 years
Defending the Starco Kiss
Okay, so I know this kiss is going to set the fandom on fire, and there will be some people who will be ready to say things like “Marco forced himself onto Star”  or “The kiss came out of nowhere” which is why I am ready to defend this scene and explain how it was natural by dissecting each frame leading up to the kiss.
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So okay, after FINALLY talking about the events of Starcrushed and the two realizing that things aren’t the same between them due to Star confession to Marco, Marco is ready to be as honest in the pictures in order for him and Star to escape. So the two start off just smiling 
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Now Marco looks at Star because despite the fact that Star is with Tom, that haven’t made the feelings he has for her go away. He just can’t help but smile at not only his crush and best friend but for the wonderful girl who has changed his life for the better.
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Star looks back at Marco and can’t help and smile back at him. This simple earthling who have done so much for her and have risked his own life for her multiple times. A boy she has grown feelings for until it was too late and he was with his crush. Yet despite trying to move on from Marco by rushing into a relationship with her ex, and constantly trying to convince  herself that she doesn't have romantic feelings for him, all that disappears as she smiles at the person she has formed a strong bond with and the feelings she has been trying to repressed start to come through. 
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As Star and Marco seem to get lost in the other eyes and are being swept into the mood, Marco can’t help but place a comforting hand on Star as if they are the only two people in the world. Star makes no attempt to remove the arm nor does she show any negative reaction to Marco touching her and simply keep on smiling. 
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Finally the two kiss, and it’s definitely not one-sided. Just as Marco grasps both of Star arms, Star grasp onto Marco’s with it clearly being shown that the two are both kissing at the same time. 
So as you can clearly tell, the kiss was mutual, and it most certainly did not come out of nowhere.  
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mainoodles-blog1 · 7 years
The blood moon this saturday
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