mailneverfails-blog · 7 years
I suppose you're right. I assume it's the cute kind of calendar. With animals and the like. If it ends up being the more lewd variant, I will not be participating. Figure I should establish that now. To cheer you up, here are some adorable felines.
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You realize you don't actually have to follow through if you don't want to, right? I can send Enchilada and Vic to 'kidnap' you if you'd like an escape.
I…well I do appreciate the offer but no. I feel it’s somewhat my fault for dragging you into this to begin with now. And I did put down the caveat…so it would be unfair of me to go back on my word.At least? Its charity??  Maybe it will all get dropped in the planning stages, that kind of thing happens.
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mailneverfails-blog · 7 years
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH thank you thank you a hundred times. Oh! I got so much work, so many phone calls to do... The charity, the photographer... Would you mind to talk to PI? He said he was onboard if someone else on the department agreed too... Oh, thank you again :D
I suppose I can talk with him.Though if this becomes some form of sick joke, I will certainly be cross with all of you.
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mailneverfails-blog · 7 years
Would you like to pose for one of these cop themed wall calendars? All profit goes to charity! :D
I suppose so. There’d be no harm in supporting charity.
I’m bringing Blanche too though. He loves getting pictures taken. Quite the photo hog.
Or photo dog in this case.
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mailneverfails-blog · 7 years
So many different dances. I think I'm just going to avoid it until this is over. That's the best course of action.
And who knows, it may be far better than whatever magic I might possess. I have literally no idea how to cast any after all. So for now, I am lacking in the magic department as well.
And a mixed fruit platter sounds wonderful. The urge has been low, and I've been keeping it as such by occasionally moving objects around on other's desks. Not severely, but enough that I feel satisfied.
Ah...your stapler in a desk drawer by the way. Sorry.
I can move it back if you'd like.
You should check on PM before you go. After all, they may be having a hard time with their changes and would appreciate some food too.
…I know what you are up to you little schemer.  However! You do make a point despite that.  So you win this round.-@mailneverfails , just wanted to see how you are faring in all of this. I was making plans to get a few things at the end of my shift. Is there anything you’d like? Food-wise or just anything-wise?  How are you holding up? No new changes since the initial?
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mailneverfails-blog · 7 years
No new changes, though I have been doing some research on Leprechauns.
I have discovered that their romance is FAR more confusing than troll romance...and it involves dancing?
Also I might have magic.
How are you handling the change to troll?
As for anything to eat, something small would be great. I'm not picky.
You should check on PM before you go. After all, they may be having a hard time with their changes and would appreciate some food too.
…I know what you are up to you little schemer.  However! You do make a point despite that.  So you win this round.-@mailneverfails , just wanted to see how you are faring in all of this. I was making plans to get a few things at the end of my shift. Is there anything you’d like? Food-wise or just anything-wise?  How are you holding up? No new changes since the initial?
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mailneverfails-blog · 7 years
Can you do timey wimey magic?
May...be? How would I even use time magic?I'm not exactly adept at using powers, I just changed a while ago.
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mailneverfails-blog · 7 years
you should put something on! You might have a better sense of it as a leprechaun or you might not but why not play around with stuff while youre like this
I...suppose?Why do I feel like I'm being tricked.Hm...before I do anything you all say, I'm going to do some research.I'd rather not do anything potentially drastic.
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mailneverfails-blog · 7 years
I quite enjoy it. It's nice and fun when at the proper times. That being said, I'm not very good at dancing. At all.
I swear it is the one time when I lose all coordination in my feet.
mailneverfails replied to your post: You should offer pm a dance. Get your minds off…
I am curious, do you dislike dancing?
>!!! Ah..well.  No? I have no particular dislike for the sequence of motions called dancing.  What about you? What are your general thoughts in regards to dancing?  Like? Hate? Moderately tolerate only on holidays?
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mailneverfails-blog · 7 years
do you like music?
I'm quite fond of music, yes.Ah...I can't name a genre though. Really does depend on the song itself.
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mailneverfails-blog · 7 years
I suppose I look...similar? Like...cross a carapace with one of them and that seems to be where I am. It's not much fuzz, just a minor fluff. Soft though.
Well, I have a question. Do you feel any more violent or angry after the change? Or is it more of a soft buzz?
I feel like pulling a prank, or messing with something I shouldn't. But I won't act on it. It's a minor urge at worst.
Honestly, I was actually hoping for something interesting. I don’t do all that well with long periods of nothing. And..well, this is certainly interesting.
I guess the major downside is everything I look at has a green tint. Like looking through a stained glass window with only one color.
On the up side, I’m a bit fluffy now.
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mailneverfails-blog · 7 years
Do you feel diferent now that you are a greenie?
Ah….other than the change itself, not really.
I still feel like I did before, just with a different body on top of it.
The green is disorienting I suppose.
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mailneverfails-blog · 7 years
I can be a terrible pun goblin too.
Fear me and my power of humor.
mailneverfails replied to your post: I guess with all this madness going about, it’s…
Apologies in advance, but I laughed at that pun.
Oh nooo don’t laugh! That only encourages them!!
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mailneverfails-blog · 7 years
Apparently I'm a leprechaun now. The build is rather similar to my carapace self luckily, so not much change there.
But I'm...fairly certain that I'm, ah, male now. In addition to the green fuzz and eyes.
So there's that.
Honestly, I was actually hoping for something interesting. I don’t do all that well with long periods of nothing. And..well, this is certainly interesting.
I guess the major downside is everything I look at has a green tint. Like looking through a stained glass window with only one color.
On the up side, I’m a bit fluffy now.
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mailneverfails-blog · 7 years
@dilldaydreamer Honestly, I was actually hoping for something interesting. I don't do all that well with long periods of nothing. And..well, this is certainly interesting. I guess the major downside is everything I look at has a green tint. Like looking through a stained glass window with only one color. On the up side, I'm a bit fluffy now.
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mailneverfails-blog · 7 years
I'm not even mad, amused honestly. I challenged the powers of grey magic, and they retaliated. It could be worse.
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mailneverfails-blog · 7 years
Knock knock, delivery for the Mistress! One M!A spell to spend some time as a lovely young leprechaun-- yes, the fuzzy, froggy canon-verse sort. Four days or however long mun prefers!
>This was...jarring to say the least. Namely due to being mostly unfamiliar with the species.>PM simply sighs, sits back, and accepts this was her life for the next few days.>The fuzzy feeling was rather nice however, comforting and soft.
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mailneverfails-blog · 7 years
A troll? Really? I have to ask, has your diet changed? I wouldn't mind trying to make you something to help.
Perhaps it's good I've gotten the next days off, mail wise. I imagine things would become quite hectic.
I'll certainly do my best to stay safe. No promises, who knows what fate would bring. But I promise to try.
Grey magic huh? I presume you’ve been hit as well?
Funny enough, I am fine should they turn their trickery on me.
I’ve finished all my work of the next few days. No shifts at the postal office either.
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