maiarourke · 4 years
CLOSED / @avhalliwell LOCATION: maia’s home in ventura DATE AND TIME: march 30th, evening
Running around her Ventura home, Maia practically turned her own kitchen into a war-zone after attempting to cook a dinner for Ava. After making plans to have a quiet night in with her best friend, Maia had been taking more time than what was required to make a simple Italian styled dinner for only two people. Evident, after she heard the front door opening and closing. Maia spent most of her days either taking care of her father or taking care of her sisters children, sometimes it was both at the same time. Truth be told, it was never a problem for Maia. Baring the weight of responsibilities in order to keep her family afloat during what seemed to be the last few months of her fathers life isn’t what troubled her. It was the presence of her mother, and her lack of remorse with how serious her husbands illness was getting. Still, she constantly gave her the benefit of the doubt. Making excuses for herself, telling herself that it was her mothers own way of dealing with the new reality. If it weren’t for that, Maia wasn’t too sure with how she’d deal with her mother but it didn’t matter if she had a lack of memory -- a woman scorned would always be one, and that came in the form of Josephine Rourke. Though being back on the Island wasn’t all too bad. Even with half of her memories swiped, being around friends like Ava made being back in Catalina comfortable. And even though she didn’t like to admit it, it felt like home and it didn’t take long for the two to continue where they had left off, as if nothing ever happened to Maia. She could spot a real friend from a mile away, and Ava was living proof of that and their unwavering friendship. Another reason why she badly needed a simple and quiet night in, even if it meant the sacrifice of Maia’s kitchen and entire home. “Good, you’re here!” she beamed, turning around to be greeted by the one person she’d expected to see today, and probably the only person that she wanted to see today. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever. Come, sit, have a drink and make yourself at home.” she added, already reaching into her cupboard and pulling out two wine glasses. “I’m cooking. Have 911 ready.”
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maiarourke · 4 years
His apartment has felt confining as of late, and there’s only so many Candy Crush levels he can complete before his energy level runs out and he’s forced to confront his apartment’s resounding silence. So, the family home. Rory loathes that it’s still the next best place to clear his head, even though it’s occupied by a bustling cast and crew half of the time -- but it’s still, by far, a healthier mechanism compared to just lying on the couch, glaring at the screen decorated with jellybeans and gumdrops, waiting for the energy bar to fill up. He doesn’t walk so much as stumble into the room, his phone dangling dangerously on his hand, the familiar hum of the app from his phone effectively making his presence known before he even opens his mouth -- and even then, what comes first is an indignant huff of breath. “You know the worst part about this game?” Rory says to anyone who’d cared to listen, “the waiting. And if I use my credit card to pay for unlimited energy, that’s it for me. I won’t be able to look back.”
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In an attempt to find her best friend, the Hirsch household apparently seemed like the best place to look first. Convenient, given how close Maia’s own abode was from their family home. Upon arrival, not only was she greeted by the vans parked at the front, but the sound of Rory and a familiar tone coming out of his phone that made her stop dead in her tracks -- the humoured snort permeating out of her nose making her own presence obvious just at the sound of it. “Okay boomer.” she started, almost cringing at herself for saying that phrase out loud. “Didn’t anybody teach you how to use the most common hack when playing this game? -- Here, let me show you.” Maia added, already clawing for the phone in his hands and navigating herself towards the settings menu to alter the time. All but confusing the device for his own gain, paintence and wallet. “Change your time by however long they ask you to wait. You won’t have to pay a single cent for unlimited energy ever again.” she said, handing him his phone back. “Have you seen Parker anywhere?”
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maiarourke · 5 years
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maiarourke · 5 years
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