maheeckaa · 1 day
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maheeckaa · 2 days
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maheeckaa · 3 days
Quando você entender que ninguém é “SEU” e que é apenas a “SUA VEZ”, acredite, você nunca mais sofre por alguém.
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maheeckaa · 3 days
ياعرب الوقت تأخر صار وقت نختلي فيها مع رب العالمين بالصلاة والدعاء وقراءه القرآن والدعاء لأهلنا في غزة. بعيد عن كل الضحك والمواقف غزه محتاجة وقفه مننا ولو بأبسط شي. عن إذنكم. لاتنسوا اهلنا في غزة من الدعاء والصلاة وصيتي لكم ياإخوه 🤲🏻
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maheeckaa · 5 days
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maheeckaa · 6 days
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🌸🤍وأحْسَنُ مِنك لَم تَر قَطّ عَيني وَأَجْمَــلُ مِنْكَ لَـــمْ تَلِدِ النِّسَاءُ خُُلِقت مُبرءاً مـــن كُلِ عَيب ٍ كـــأنك قد خُلِقْتَ كَمـــا تَشاءُ🤍🌸
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المولد النبوي الشريف المُحبُّ يتَّبعُ حبيبَه ويُقلِّدُه في كلِّ شأنه: معتقداتِه، أقوالِه، أفعالِه، مظهره، مأكله، مشربه، ملبسه، وفي كلِّ أمرِه، ويحرصُ على المحافظة على حبه والابتعاد عن مخالفته وما قد يتسببُّ فيما لا يُرضيه. يتفقُ جميع المسلمين على حبهم لرسولنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، ويختلفون كيف يعبِّرون عن حبهم له، إحدى نقاط الاختلاف هي هل يحتفلون بذكرى مولده عليه الصلاة و السلام أم لا؟ يا سادتي يا محبي رسول الله أما علمتم أنَّ وحدتَنا هي أسمى مطالبه عليه الصلاة و السلام؟ أما علمتم أنَّ تفرُّقَنا وذهابَ ريحنا يؤلم حبيبنا؟ لقد أحبَّنا وأحبَّ لنا أن نحبَّه وعلَّمنا كيف نحبُّه وحذَّرنا مما يكره، وأشدُّ ما يكره سباب المسلم للمسلم وقتال المسلم المسلم، فقال:(سبابُ المسلم فسوق وقتالُه كفر). اللهم إنَّا نُشهدُك أنَّنا نحبُّكَ ونحبُّ نبيك محمداً وجميعَ رُسلك ولا نفرِّق بين أحدٍ منهم، ونحب المؤمنين جميعَهم فاجمعنا بهم مع الأنبياء والصديقين والشهداء... 🤍🌸
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maheeckaa · 8 days
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🤎 يكفينى حب قهوتي لي 🤎
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maheeckaa · 8 days
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Come... I will tell you a story.... It's the story of a young woman with a life at her back from which you could write a book... or make a movie....
One night she was feeling desperately lonely, depressed and in pain.... She went out in the street although it was raining heavily... but it was ok for her... she loved rain and she loved feeling it on her skin.... She set down in the middle of the wet road watching the cars passing by but not really seeing them... her look was lost and her mind was wandering in a black void.... She stood there for a while then she suddenly got up on her feet. Looked down the road and saw a car was getting closer and closer to her... First, she wanted to move aside but then she stoped. She changed her mind and remained there still hoping that the car would hit her.. She was tired of the life she had. She waited for the car to get even closer and when it would have been close enough she would have let herself fell in front of it.... And that's what she did..... but after a fewminutes she felt a hand grabbing her wist and the voice of a man saying something to her ear... It was a strong voice but there was a tender echo when the words were finishing out of his mouth.... She opened her eyes well and looked at him.... He had big beautiful brown eyes... but his eyes were so sad.... she remained like hited by a thunder when he pulled her close to his body and started caressing her forehead and wet hair..... He kept talking to her for a while but she couldn't hear what he was saying.. the only thing she could hear was the beating of her heart. Strong... loud and always faster.... She was gazing at him... lost in what that complete stranger was making her feel... She felt like a hand was strangling her and felt her chest winking over and over again..... She thanked him and invited him to her home.... He accepted.... She didn't knew that he would have become the love of her life... She invited him in the living room and he sat down on the couch.... He grabbed her hand and pull her down making her sit on his knees.... He looked at her with such a deep look.... then he started caressing her hair.. moving aside from her face the wet strands of hair.... then he came closer and with so much tenderness he kissed her forehead.... He said to her... "crazy! What did you wanted to do?? And that was the moment when he stopped being just a stranger. He became her father. Then she thought to offer him something to eat and drink and he gladly helped her preparing the food... They joked while doing it, teasing each other and laughing with all heart.... that was the moment when he was no longer a stranger. He was her father and... her best friend.They watched a movie and told each other their life stories.... they hugged each other and she felt safe and protected in his arms... this way he became like her brother... The day ended like it had never been... too quickly.... the night came again and the rain kept falling.... She told him.... Stay here for this night... It's cold outside and you must be tired... Tomorrow morning we will make coffee and then you can go if you want... He wasn't sure about what to do..... She knew that she was falling in love with him.... He didn't wanted to stay though... He got up and walked towards the door.... She felt like an invisible hand was Ripping her heart out to see him go so she ran to him and grabbed him in her arms with all her strenght.....
......." I love you... "she whispered almost without breath...." I don't want you to go", she shout loud and bursted in to tears...
..... He grabbed her tight... cleaned her face from the tears and kissed her hard on her forehead.....and then on her lips..... And so, he stopped being a stranger. He was now her father. Her best friend. Her brother and her lover.But after the night comes the day and after happiness comes sadness.... He left and so she lost not a man but 4 men. All at once. She has never been the same again since then and if she is still alive, she keeps grieving her pain and sadness out in the rain. 🖤🖤🖤
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maheeckaa · 11 days
الإعلام العبري: إصابة عدد من الجنود "الإسرائيليين" بعملية دهس قرب الحدود المصرية، وجارٍ التحقيق في التفاصيل.
مبدئيا العدو سيزعم ويدّعي احباط عملية تهريب مخدرات كما جرت العادة، للتغطية على حقيقة تصاعد مثل هذه العمليات البطولية.
بالمناسبة.. حتى لو كانوا تجار مخدرات "جدلا" وكما يزعم العدو؛ فهي عملية بطولية مباركة أيضاً.. ونشجع كل تجار المخدرات ليحذو حذو هؤلاء الأبطال 😊
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maheeckaa · 11 days
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maheeckaa · 12 days
"لماذا بقي صوتُكَ حاضراً الى هذا الحدْ؟
لماذا تصونْ الذاكره ما ينبغي عليها فقدهُ!! ♡
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maheeckaa · 19 days
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Cherry cheesecake (x)
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maheeckaa · 19 days
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" كن سيد مزاجك
‏لا تدع أحداً ينتزع منك شغفك لشيء
‏افعل ما تحب .. ورافق من تحب .. حتى لو كان كوب قهوة .. أو كتاباً .. أو لوحة
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maheeckaa · 19 days
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maheeckaa · 19 days
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maheeckaa · 19 days
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maheeckaa · 20 days
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