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Yoga Teacher Training in Goa, India - Yoga Worshops | Mahamukti Yoga
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mahamuktiyoga-blog · 7 years ago
Yoga and its benefits
Yoga is a set of exercises which had been formulated since ancient times of thousands of years in India by experts of that time. It is an exercise program which is in high demand nowadays because it is treats both mind and body and completely heals it for those who follow the regime dedicatedly.
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One of the main reasons of yoga’s popularity is that it can be practised by all age groups starting from children, teenagers, middle aged moms and dads, fitness freaks and even elders.
How Yoga affects our body? It is said yoga is better that most form of exercise because it not only burns a high amount of calories but also tones our body. The whole package of yoga asanas include stretching, muscle strengthening, calorie burning, breathing exercises, stress reliever and meditations. It increases the energy level of the body and brings about a calm affect in our mind. It affects the overall well being of a person. It helps is getting better postures, better balance, it tones down the body, helps in achieving better sleep. It improves the brain functioning, get stronger bones, it lowers the blood sugar levels in Diabetics, helps is maintaining healthy weight, lowers blood pressure, it improves lung capacity, Yoga basically strengthens the core muscles of our body and increases the flexibility. It also helps in regulating the breathing and calming down and hence stress gets eliminated in the process.
So how do we start with it? If you wish to learn yoga, then you need to search for a properly trained Yoga guru or teacher. Yoga asanas or exercises cannot be learnt in a jiffy or forcibly. They need time, dedication and proper guidance. The core muscles take time to get stronger and once the muscles gain strength and flexibility the problem with pains associated with different parts of our body like back, neck and shoulder is eliminated.
For physical healing and flexibility there are physical exercise as well as for mental healing there are several ways of meditations and breathing exercises.
To become a yoga teacher in Goa Goa is the most mesmerising place which is apt for Yoga practitioners. Goan scenic beauty is one which attracts people from all over the world and is one of the biggest tourist attractions. Hence for yoga lovers all over the world this is the best place to practice yoga as well as get trained to be a yoga teacher. There are several courses which are offered by various yoga centres which train you in various aspects of yoga which ranges from various Asanas to Kriyas which in turn helps you to become an independent yoga teacher.
So to become a yoga guru you need to connect with yoga teacher training goa india who would have several courses on this type of training. Also you need to be aware if they are providing certifications on completion with association of reputed yoga societies recognised both nationally and internationally.
There is no prior qualification or experience required for one to become a trained yoga teacher however, it is recommended to have a regular yoga practice before joining the course. Yoga teacher training goa india helps you get trained and to successfully complete the course. These courses train individuals to deepen their yoga practices and at the same time become certified yoga trainers.
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mahamuktiyoga-blog · 7 years ago
Yoga and its benefits
There are many people in society that have embraced the concept of yoga.
It is on everything from billboards to T.V. commercials.  The yoga clothing has almost become as popular as the exercise itself. The folks that participate in this activity will often say that once they are in a quiet place or in a yoga class it helps them to ground, calm and ultimately make a connection with their body and their mind.
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Others say that yoga helps them to stay structured throughout the course of their day and that the many diverse positions that they practice helps to open them up into more ways of seeing the world.
So many students have a strong connection to their mat.  They will express the fact that the mat gives them the permission to move their bodies any way they wish.  Which in turn will give them more than one feeling to celebrate the multifaceted experience of practice in their daily routine.
Many yoga students go on to become teachers and go through an extensive yoga teacher training program in order to become certified to teach yoga classes.
There are teachers who will teach the concept of Sun Salutation which is a warm-up in the asana yoga practice.  This is where your form (body) has to be standing correctly to prevent injury and get the most out of your practice.
Once the class has started you can move into a mode that is known as mindfulness.  You are taught to remember that you have a body and that you are breathing and are alive.  This is because instructors teach that most of the time people are in a state of sleepwalking and just going through the motions of living without being aware of self-existence.  These teachers inform their students that there are 4 stages of mindfulness.
Teachers will also teach that you can live mindfully even though the world itself is in a mess.  Students are taught to practice this concept by way of mindful eating, walking meditation, and seated meditation.
The yoga teacher training empowers the teacher to pass along different practices and methodologies that are told will enhance the life of the participants and that the different positions of their body will help them feel more balanced both physically and mentally.
One of the biggest trends in yoga is called forest bathing and it is a practice of connecting with nature and surrounding yourself with the energy of the natural world that is around you.  When you connect with the natural world you are to then be able to gain energy from the earth.  To put it simply, you are bathing in the energy of the trees, leaves, sky and the earth.
This type of activity is said to allow you to cleanse and renew yourself with the natural life force of energy in the forest.
The participants are also told that this type of activity will help them to develop focus and become more aware of the present moments that are surrounding them. They are to also find this activity to be a stress reducer and have a positive impact on their blood pressure.
The other benefits of forest bathing are that it is said to reduce anger, anxiety, and depression.
Therefore if you feel that you will benefit from the practice of yoga and would like to be able to present the art of movement and balance in the classroom.  There are ways that you can receive training and become a certified yoga teacher.
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mahamuktiyoga-blog · 7 years ago
Yoga for your mind, body and soul!
The holy book of Bhagvad Gita describes yoga as the journey of the self, through the self, to the self while a few other experts define yoga as a science of well-being, youthfulness, integrating body, mind and soul. Yoga is something that cannot be congested in words, it is something that has to be experienced and something that has to be taught.
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That’s correct! Yoga might be one of the oldest and the most beneficial practices from centuries but if done incorrectly it is known to create adverse effects in the body. If you are novice to the concepts of yoga, it is highly advised that you adopt a ‘guru’ or a teacher in order to learn rather than mimicking videos from the internet as even the slightest change in the various ‘asanas’ can cancel out the effect of the pose. While if the ‘yogasanas’ are done correctly, it could work wonders for you!
Speaking of yoga teachers, it is also very important that the guru or teacher that you choose to learn from is well-versed with the science of yoga and has some amount of considerable experience. In today’s day and age, most Yoga instructors are certified by some or the other recognized authorities and so it makes sense that you learn from them. Whether you want to become a teacher yourself or just learn for your own health, experienced yoga teachers are a must! Yoga ttc Goa is one of the coveted certified courses if you aspire to become a yoga instructor. India being the land of Yoga and yogis, you can only expect the best.
Yoga is much more than just exercise, it aims at aligning your mind, body and soul. You can imagine how much expertise and theoretical as well as practical knowledge is required to achieve the ultimate level. It is for this purpose that teacher training is required in this case too if you aspire to be a yoga teacher like any other teacher training in the mainstream schooling scene. Yoga might not look so complicated from far but it requires a great amount of balance and semblance. You could say it is a kind of a mind game. Good teacher training courses not only give you the practical insights but also educate you about the philosophy behind each yogic pose which will help you understand the science of Yoga better.
The subject of Yoga is so vast that it is not possible to cover in any one particular course which is why truly commendable Yoga institutes have separate detailed courses on various topics that fall under the umbrella of Yoga. In any case you have to start with the basic and then either move on to the advanced courses or specialize in any one particular branch of Yoga. You could also dig deeper into various forms of Yoga such as Ashtanga Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Tibetian Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga and so on. All these forms of Yoga have different styles although they aim towards the same goal. Look for institutes that offer all these forms of training so that you can get to learn everything under one roof.
It is no doubt that Yoga has gained such immense popularity in the West since it is a divine science that completely changes you as a person. It is even more so required in the hectic lives that we live. Yoga being in such popular demand, it is only fair that more and more individuals aspire to teach this wonderful science. If you are one of them then book your Yoga ttc Goa now!
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