Magnificent Century History
61 posts
A blog dedicated to history behind the Maginicent Century and Kösem tv-shows
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magnitoria · 9 months ago
if this blog is not dead yet i would like to reminisce lol.
some time-period of the sow that was left out of the series that should've been part of it and how would've you liked it to be adapted? (i.e, selim ii to ahmed i, kösem's first regency, empire post kösem's death, etc).
superb timing since my main got suspended out of NOWHERE and unsuspended this very second. NOT DEAD YET!
this blog i chose to kinda keep on the back burner bc i do get very cool questions that honestly require PhD level of research and as of Now? not really invested in diving. but damn if it isn't gon happen someday
my main desire for this show was honestly the overall medieval mindset. there is no way they weren't wired different both back in the day and considering their situation. if they'd somehow capture that atmosphere, i think even what the vile scraps we did get in the show would've been much more interesting. especially if it occasionally covered trauma that they don't know is even a thing and have no idea about processing. every their action and life milestone contained trauma to some extent, there are so many ways to show it like utterly broken family relations they don't realise aren't normal, weird responses to certain triggers (war, own heritage, children, too many to list, and by responses it's ranging from movie-like ptsd to just being "weird" ye know). buuut obviously that's a very new angle and in 2011, who even thought or cared about it, never mind the research it would have required. if this was present, any moment would have been interesting, everything that you have listed especially. i just wanted some casual history man. that's how real history is made.
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magnitoria · 1 year ago
Saying goodnight when you're online is so funny because every time you'll be posting 15 minutes later like "I'm not an expert on the ottoman empire but"
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magnitoria · 3 years ago
favorite Sultan in the series? uwu
what series owo i dont know her xoxo
my fave must be Mahmud II solely, and i mean solely, because he was the one who eradicated the janissaries, and if you know anything about me on this blog is that i cant even describe the extent to which i H A T E them without resorting to swearing, the only good post on this blog i've ever done was on them and years later my stance is the same every word forbidden on t*ktok is what i want to do to them still and mahmud is simply the sexiest man unalive because he did it for me.
ah sure and the series how multi-faceted :/ im going to be controversial even to myself maybe by picking murad, since i literally havent watched anything involving him lmaooo and thats why we stay on good terms. you go bestie!!! idk what ur doing but i support!!! from what i've gathered anyway it really looked like he was made to be the victim in it all (??!/?/??!/1 lmao???!1//?) which is an Inchersting Choice but also means less headache-inducing moments watching him on screen so fine by me. our marriage is strong because we never see each other.
it's just suleyman is such a boring choice since he's been there foreverrr and his initial character idea got drowned in soap opera genre meets turkish production schedule so where's the drip, ahmed was kinda There, mustafa i mean come on and rip ibrahim also. they kinda all suck in their ways which is true to life i suppose
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magnitoria · 3 years ago
Opinion on Mahidevran and Mustafa in the show?
man in retrospect i think they were both done pretty dirty by the show, mahidevran was made, imo, too unlikable and mustafa too, desperately, likable
i kind of will never understand why the screenwriters threw that final blow at her after mustafa's execution, when HURREM of all people sat there bawling over the guy she schemed to kill while mahidevran did the same will a big ol smile on her face and was wishing more death upon hurrem's children till the very last second. i kinda dont think that this is a woman who'd receive financial support from selim when he ascended the throne, unless the show was trying to tell us something with this behaviour just why double down on the trash. back in the day there'd be heated debates, the usual hurrem v mahidevran pvp, but nowadays im only shaking my head at the production team, mahidevran being spiteful 24/7 rests entirely on your conscience mates, it's over a decade since the show came out and i just want justice for this woman. too tiring really, watching her go like that without a break, even hurrem got hers frequently tf
mustafa my god. unarguably the biggest victim of the writing. at some point the showrunners realised they're mustafa kinnies and the rest is a massacre, how do you figuratively project a halo on a character like that is beyond me. once again im way past the point of discussing this as a some sort of character analysis, mustafa was gradually becoming extremely annoying to me and that's entirely the script's fault. never met a daddy's favorite that was THAT obviously loved to the point that he'd get angel wings attached to him, and i think what was the main annoying point of that wasn't because a character is not allowed to be good, but because it was just so predictable. by s4 you could read where each plotline went 3 episodes ahead of its conclusion, and while you could also guess how each character would emerge from it, there was still little intrigue to it. maybe they'd do something controversial and that would be discussed at the latest 500 comment long scandal, maybe they'd so something surprisingly good. but how mustafa would crawl out of a plotline was always, always known, and it really annoyed me because the diversity was none and he was destined to glow white anytime while every other character was made to stain themselves as his plot armor protectors. i couldnt wait for him to die, big happy moment for me, and even that was a drag for like 5 episodes. the show then had how many episodes left after that? ten? bruh? literally deflated the entire narrative that still had a whole decade to go and 100 characters to focus on because mustafa kicked the bucket. the second the show decided it's "the magnificent mustafa" it never recovered and pulled everything down with it, so to me his character really IS the single biggest tragedy of the entire series. also the moment they looked at how his facial hair peaked around idk like 10? ish episodes into his adult self and then forced it to grow further for that goat style look :/ make my man look good at least if you want me to swallow your bs damn
so tldr both annoyed me but nowadays i only target my blame towards the production team while shielding the actual characters with my sexy body
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magnitoria · 3 years ago
Fave songs in the Soundtrack? 👌
you g-guys know the separate soundtrack songs?... like t-things besides the m-main theme?....
i sure like the main theme but its mck version....for some reason the little additions hit me so well it was the only tune i listened to casually once..... im sorry im typing like an old man im still shocked at how knowledgeable people are... actually being aware of the soundtrack and not being like me for a full decade not even humoring the mere thought that it exists.....damn........
also do forgive my ignorance i've only ever seen 1,5 turkish shows but dont they tend to have a common musical theme in their soundtracks, like im not saying it all sounds the same but there's a preference for certain instruments and chords that make it sound Definitely Turkish kinda? regardless of the time period of the show? like i'd enjoy a MC tune but then watch another show and like huh their tune sounds similar so what am i enjoying really? a mid?
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magnitoria · 3 years ago
A character in MC you'll make some changes to (be in writting or even casting :p)
oh man, definitely won't recast anyone and for rewrites, EVERYONE has to be otherwise nothing's going to work like whats the use in fleshing out one character if they drown in the sea of Whatever All That Was. i am also thinking about who'd need a rewrite for real and im grumpily coming to a conclusion that with what we know about the setting all characters make sense actually :// well how did it all end up like this if they did huh :// "i'd do it better" apparently i wouldnt anons continue coming for my throat without even meaning to
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magnitoria · 3 years ago
mc/mc: k ships? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)💅
weird how i realise only now that the main hurrem/suleyman never managed to hit me, they had like some spicy 2,5 moments but overall just eh the plot kept ruining it
i was teAM RUSTEM/MIHRIMAH LMAO and im maybe 90% convinced i wouldnt have been in this situation if the show wasnt blue-balling us with this ship. if they were decent to each other and had a nice marriage then maybe there wouldn't have been any thrill, but i had my rat fantasies to project on rustem and so we kept waiting patiently for, as it turned out, the actress to get a divorce irl?????? to finally have a kiss scene????????? sublime cinema that gets funnier every year
i also just now unearthed my other lowkey reason for rat projecting on rustem that was a lot of rumors about ozan and meryem being Cordial and just read some articles on how they did actually date/just had feelings for each other and girlies im just winning today three posts in a row really what a day!!!!!!!!!!!! i think my sublimal ship was hurrem/rustem all along lmaooo
OH and also sah/mercan. like the hints were kinda weird as they came but that final scene of them together man.....i just sat there and couldnt believe that it's working on me, and if you were there during the apocalyptic fallout that was that last episode of s3 it was surely a whole mix of Emotions, and to have a sudden awakening about a leaving character and an eunuch amidst the explosion was an experience.
pretty sure i couldnt care less about anyone in mck because its main selling point for me definitely wasnt the relationships. maybe i wanted ibrahim and that fun plump concubine to be the goals lol, maybe there could have been peace on planet earth
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magnitoria · 3 years ago
irrelevant to writting, history, depth, etc, but i want to ask anyway: hottest actors & actresses 🧚‍♀️.
NOW we're talking nobody here dares to lie that yall didnt come to this show for something besides the hot cast and costumes girlies we are SIMPING
the dude i stanned back in the day was gurbey ileri aka sehzade mehmet, which feels somewhat embarrassing to confess now because that's just so basic, it's just a model guy damn where's the exotics... sure pretty much every single guy in both shows was the hot stuff but nobody managed to hit it the same way since for some reason. years later i caught some other turkish drama on the telly and had a fleeting blorbo fling with, let me copypaste, İbrahim Çelikkol, who kinda shares some features with ileri so all we're discovering here is me having a basic model type and not making me look cool
as for the ladies, hurrem in s3 forever in my heart truly, even though in retrospect i still feel guilty for liking what was straight up meryem on the verge of ending it all at the time. but man it was a look......and i cant even discuss it because the irl situation around it....i at least still of an opinion that w*stern cinema would become much better if it finally employed her
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magnitoria · 3 years ago
copying a previous anon (shout-out to them): had mc not followed real life history, which character would've ascended to the throne in your opinion? 🤸‍♂️
shout out to the previous anon too lol we love yall here
i mean tbh life is so unpredictable and what happens in the show doesnt make any sense so i simply dont see anything resembling a clear winner. suleyman's good ending is mehmet, ibrahim's good ending is ibrahim, whomst knows, but i like the rule of drama so i'd stick to some mildly disappointing version which like a circle of hell leads us back to selim. maybe for me the cool secret ending would've been cihangir but with the stats that we had man it's starting from the bottom and ending at the bottom it's selim. nobody's particular favorite, no particular highs or lows during his rule, a true neutral that is natural to follow after a big rig like suleyman because girlies cant be winning all the time
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magnitoria · 3 years ago
hey, queen 🗿💖. From MC and MC: K, which were your favorite princesses/born sultanas?
hey anon 🗿💖 cant say that i truly liked anyone on either show lol but with MC, i guess i was somewhat interested to follow sah, sure her motivations were no different from her other army of deployable sisters, but idk she was just more interesting than any of them. the final sister i forget her name was fun because divorce simply makes you a better person, sah had a lot of interesting things going on including the ship tease with mercan so she wins by the sheer variety.
with MCK that i didnt watch well uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh ahmed's sister who married a pasa but instead of the usual moping around she was actually happy with her choice and they formed a couple of scheming besties and like me and who tbh.
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magnitoria · 3 years ago
Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks
A bit of fun and untrue history this time, in that the painting of the event exists but definitely not what it was depicting.
So we have Ilya Repin and his Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks
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[nice full on wikipedia]
Apparently, the Cossacks have received a not so nice threatening letter from the Ottoman Sultan in 1676, and decided to conjure up their own reply, a little nice letter reading like this:
Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan!
O sultan, Turkish devil and damned devil's kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of knight are thou, that canst not slay a hedgehog with your naked arse? The devil shits, and your army eats. Thou shalt not, thou son of a whore, make subjects of Christian sons. We have no fear of your army; by land and by sea we will battle with thee. Fuck thy mother.
Thou Babylonian scullion, Macedonian wheelwright, brewer of Jerusalem, goat-fucker of Alexandria, swineherd of Greater and Lesser Egypt, pig of Armenia, Podolian thief, catamite of Tartary, hangman of Kamyanets, and fool of all the world and underworld, an idiot before God, grandson of the Serpent, and the crick in our dick. Pig's snout, mare's arse, slaughterhouse cur, unchristened brow. Screw thine own mother!
So the Zaporozhians declare, you lowlife. You won't even be herding pigs for the Christians. Now we'll conclude, for we don't know the date and don't own a calendar; the moon's in the sky, the year with the Lord. The day's the same over here as it is over there; for this kiss our arse!
Tragically for history, this letter and the whole event are at best disputed to have ever taken place, but as you can see , it is nonetheless appreciated and even has fanart in the form of this painting.
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magnitoria · 3 years ago
what do you think was an *actually* interesting rivalry in mc and/or mc: k? 😃 also what do you think was the dullest, most annoying rivalry in the series? (i could name 70% of them lolololol)
ayo the dullest rivalries are all rivalries what do i care about the rich on rich violence ye know seize the means of seduction or how it went 😔✊
aktually the big and probably only reason why i got so interested in the show's setup and by extension in the history it's based on is between the potential heirs. the rich on rich violence was always the same across all royalty houses, sure ya your brother is a king and you want power too bestie aren't you rich enough already for the love of god explain to me how the benefits of treason dying outweigh the difficult task of sitting still, literally N O T H I N G is threatening you besides your small peepee insecurities if a billionaire leech no.2 wants to become a billionaire leech no.1 you don't get a fan in me. but the spin on the same rivalry in the ottoman times is VERY exciting, you are straight up born dead by default and there's nothing you can do about it unless you fight, that's the only extreme situation where your life IS at stake by design and your death is GUARANTEED unless you rebel. how do you stay brothers in this situation? how do you talk, how do you even live with this knowledge constantly weighing down on you? every second of your existence is like having a bucket of ice water being thrown in your face, the rivalry is justified beyond all reasons.
and as it always goes with both shows, of course it's not explored. we got a hopeful glimpse between mustafa and mehmet but there wasn't much to talk about, and then everything else was kinda....not done right. bayezid's aaaaaah daddy doesnt love meee, whatever the hell they did with murad vs kasim like h u h now you're framing it as kasim deserving it??? osman vs mehmet was somewhat confusing at best now that i think about it, the leap from BEST BROS FOREVER LICHERALLY SURVIVED DEATH TOGETHER to die yeet is kinda ye know....not natural. i did write a post on the possible reasons of mehmet's execution and if im still half correct, he got the noose solely as a precaution during osman's work trip?? some people turn off electricity before going on holiday and some kill their brothers to mitigate a chance of revolt ye know. don't go here tryna sell me some brotherly love narrative to frame it.
so yea my biggest interest was in exploring just how the hell do you live in those conditions, that's a rivalry with tons of layers, but alas :)
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magnitoria · 3 years ago
i gotta say, speaking solely abt beren saat's kösem (bc anastasia is 👍 and i ignored s2): in mc: k the protagonist got so tiring with the unending, eternal, non-stopping praise and wins for her. like- aaa, i get it, she's supposed to be our queen, our angel, our sultana, etc, etc, etc, but she was so obviously favoured by the writters that at some points it repelled me 🚬🗿. i still liked her, she had some traits that were pretty unique and actually interesting, but she was low-key mary-suistic, specially in comparison with Hürrem, who was screwed over by the writters many times and imo it even looked like they didn't liked her one bit lololololn't. but what do you think about this? or do you think that kösem's character was actually well-balanced? 🤷‍♀️ thank you!
feeling oh so validated by the fact that you didnt bother with s2, coming from someone who watched basically like 2 hours of the entire show. my true opinion with that baggage would be like Oh great character! :) I think! :) lmao
tbh even in terms of history she IS a mary sue not even ebony dark'ness dementia raven way experienced as much action as kosem in her lifetime, gotta admire her perseverance at least. plus maybe realistically it was soooo horrific but retrospectively her life is also hilarious like can you not be in the middle of a dynasty-ending crisis for fIVE MINUTES, you go girl our queen our angel etc etc
tbh the time period that beren's kosem witnessed was just asking to pity her, her entire villain arc established right there lmao we can spare her some pats on the back before she yeets into the abyss, but in comparison with hurrem i think the main issue was the sheer amount of confirmed historical horrors that kosem managed to live through. imagine trying to film 300 hours worth of content about hurrem, a woman whose life milestones are listed sometimes decades apart, what are they to film in-between? so off we go with bullying hurrem, glorifying hurrem, flush/repeat whatever the show is in the mood for. with kosem the events are almost airtight how close they are together sometimes, and yea when you become a widow-get locked away-watch two kids getting murdered-survive three overthrowings within like 4 years, i mean can have that pat on the back....for now...i think s2 kosem is more interesting but that's because i wasn't actually there to see how it got butchered <3 how she tried to cry over ibrahim but couldn't and just skedaddled away on her business was a memorable scene, for me maybe even far more memorable than anything she did in s1.
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magnitoria · 3 years ago
what is your opinion on Ayşe Hafsa/Valide? not only on how historically accurate her character is (we know it is not 🗿), but how interesting her cat-fights are, her schemes, her dynamic with Hürrem, Mahidevran, other characters, etc, etc. also, do you think it would have been better if the writters made her nicer to Hürrem? kinda closer to how it was in real history. :P ty, ty
please first validate my experience in how it took me literal years to find out that her name was not, in fact, valide. straight up walked into the "shocked that mom's name isn't mom" situation woe is me :/
second yeaaaa the constant flip-flopping of her preferences wasn't exciting to follow, but man the Craving, as you've mentioned, to see her actually be supportive of gals without the usual serpent-like motivation behind it was always something i yearned for. wooo the show decided to give her 3 seconds of that!!!! best day!!!!!! now back to crap.
she was at least SLIGHTLY different from everyone else because of her status, an ageing mother with her own love story finished decades ago and who kinda ultimately had only one priority in mind and that was her son. rarely did we get to see that explored, while the rest was the usual catfights that i didn't appreciate, plus the fact that there were already like 10 different women anyway got me thinking that oftentimes valide was in the shot as a token Live Slug Reaction. like she'd be summoned only to react to a new catfight drama while sitting on her sofa (it's always sitting on that godamdneg sofa!!!!) and then everybody crawls to her to youtube react together and that's how the episode reaches its 2 hour mark. not exciting.
basically her dying was only a relief to my viewing experience, it all got old and i just wanted a new dynamic, which sucks if we're talking about her as a character.
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magnitoria · 3 years ago
time period of the Sultanate of Women that didn't got a show but you wish it did? :D personally, i would have liked a Nurbanu & Safiye show! i know it would have had the same bitchy Valide vs sly Haseki/Favorite formula we see on and on and on and on and- in the franchise, but it would have been interesting nonetheless, lol. thank you.
yeaaa my fear right there is that no matter what period to choose it'd be adapted the same way, why are we here, so to speak, just to suffer indeed. weirdly enough both shows managed to cram all the notable gals in, either in full or in parts, so i think i personally just dont want to see anymore of them lmao, give me something that would force the showrunners to change the formula. how about that napoleon's cousin or whoever she was that was gifted to a sultan and became a valide, now thats a fresh shift! too bad that would involve showing actual history and thats not what the scriptwriters can pull off huh.
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magnitoria · 3 years ago
not really related to history but anyways i'll ask: which character got the best costumes? :D
won't be original yet again it's hurrem all the way, i think i did already mention it's because, in my opinion at least, her ginger hair ended up being compatible with a lot of colors. bright dresses, dull dresses, hair covers, crowns, i think she rocked the biggest amount of diverse clothing both in fashion and color so that's why she stands out the most. i think after meryem left vahide kinda inherited the perks, obviously due to factors her wardrobe wasnt going Off as much so to speak but it was still pretty brave at times, so the only lesson im getting from all this is that ginger hair supremacy
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magnitoria · 3 years ago
worst casted character? that doesn't gives the vibes they were going for, ain't looking nothing like their historical version (we know mc doesn't rlly care but still-), doesn't make sense with some plots or things the other characters or the show says about them (like Ahmed supposedly just getting circumcised the day of his enthronement bc he hadn't been yet, while Ekin Koç looked 20+ whaaat), etc. on the other hand: is there a character you think was well casted to play the historical character they were supposed to be playing? TY! O3O
tbh i have very little Critique(tm) over any main or even supporting cast, what usually bothered me were these short-lived guest roles ie that Tatiana gift concubine, because they were given to models and to put it bluntly acting was not their strongest skill. So they're just standing there looking pretty, acting like scraping nails on a blackboard next to the actual actors, and their role completely meaningless because it just serves the guest cameo instead of the show. Especially uncalled for in an alleged historical costume drama.
And I think everybody else was cast very nicely, obviously there is nothing to say about them being history-compliant because nothing is, but they were given a job and they did it well.
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