magicwoman213 · 8 days
So long story short I was REALLY, REALLY behind in Hollyoaks like in April of this year, I was in September of 2021.
And I definitely wanted to watch the episodes in order since I’ve been seriously watching the show since like September of 2015… so anyways, I’m now finally in February of 2024 (yes I watch shows fast and I stay up way too late most nights).
But the purpose of this post is that I’m on the episode where Dillon and Freya sleep together for the first time, and I’m having a hard time watching it just because things would have turned out so differently if Lucas would have just freaking texted Dillon he was gonna be late. Instead he just shows up late, and then of course has to see Dillon with Freya 😔.
I genuinely thought the hardest scene to actually watch in order would be the first conversion therapy scene/self-harm scene later in the month, but this scene is a close second. I know I have to get through these to get to happier HayRay moments but I hate seeing Lucas so miserable.
Anyways, that’s the end of my little rant 😂
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magicwoman213 · 16 days
I was freaking hoping someone would make parallels of this!!!!
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magicwoman213 · 16 days
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Anyone else realize the orange jacket worn in today’s first look is the same one he wore back in his first conversion therapy session with Declan???
I absolutely love how he’s finally being able to do all of the things with Dillon that he talked about with Declan and Carter.
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magicwoman213 · 2 months
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You're not ready.
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magicwoman213 · 2 months
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This scene is going to wreck me 😭
Edit 4/30/2024: IT FREAKING DID 😢 😔
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magicwoman213 · 10 months
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Okay… I may be a bit of a sleuth lol… it’s what happens when I’m OBSESSED with a show.
So I remember seeing on MyDramaList that the first three pictures are from Episode 8 because the “action” thing they use for starting a scene said 8… but that may be wrong.
Regardless, I have definite confidence that all of these scenes happen in the same episode… since the hotel room is the same and so are the clothes. So whichever episode this is, we’re definitely getting them being official and probably the “love scene” of the series… since Perth is well, shirtless 😂. I just know this episode is going to KILL me regardless of which one it is.
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magicwoman213 · 11 months
I 100% agree with everything this account said… I found it so strange that like there was no kisses AT ALL after the reunion or when Ellen won the presidency… like it was just kind of weird to me.
I get that they are in love at that point but the passion shouldn’t have completely disappeared at that point… I mean I still loved the movie, but that was my one big critique… that and Miguel’s character… 😑
discussion question for any other fans after viewing the RWRB movie:
i liked the movie overall, but why was there basically no big kisses or romantic/passionate moments in the second half of the movie? after they go to austin, they basically just sit/stand next to each other and peck now and then, even tho there’s all these HUGE dramatic moments where, in my mind, there would be a big kiss or some closeness at minimum. it just seems that the passion gets put aside when they struggle the most, even though i’d think that’s when they would feel the most passion and heightened emotions. it gets weirdly pragmatic and tones down passion to almost nothing.
times i thought they would have moments but didn’t: when he arrives in the rain in london after the austin trip? in the museum? in the hallway before claremont wins (he says “i’m so glad you’re here” and they just hug, which would be fine if they had kissed at all in the last 45-60 minutes)? when they announce claremont wins? and when we got none of those, i was expecting at least one to close out the movie outside the house in austin?
but the movie becomes kind of…prude? after the end of the second act….
the only reason i can think of as to WHY they did this is that the rating system in the US is really homophobic, and so they shot more kisses but they had to be cut so that the movie didn’t get an X rating (which is not unprecedented; they threatened to do it to Rocketman even tho it was like the tamest gay sex scene ever, especially when compared to much raunchier straight sex scenes in PG13 movies). and the earlier intimate scenes are arguably more important to the plot than the later ones, i guess. plus it’s on a streaming service, don’t they have the same rules as premium tv like HBO? so why would it matter? is it the difference between film and tv rating systems? i just found it odd both story-wise and tonally.
overall i still liked the movie, how it was shot and blocked like a stage play, the great acting performances, the casting, etc. — but the lack of any real romantic scenes in the second half kinda rubbed me the wrong way, especially when they weren’t afraid to go all out in the first half. the lack of intimacy in the second half felt less like a deliberate choice and more like something was missing that was intended to be there, but was cut.
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magicwoman213 · 11 months
The calm before the storm that is tomorrow evening… I’m so f**King excited for this movie… 😆
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magicwoman213 · 2 years
I honestly was thinking about it last night and the scene where he’s tying “black” to the bed, after the night in blacks room, I think Sean thinks black is a spy for tawi. I don’t know if that tied to the bed scene will be included from the OST video, but if it is, I think white will somehow talk his way out of it or something.
But I think that would explain why Sean is like you’re good at spying and they’re not because if he knew he was white and not black I don’t get how the spying comment would work. It would also explain why Sean looks so devastated in the one preview after looking at the papers, because it could be information about all of them and that would only be something a spy might do. And we know he despises tawi, and so if something happened with “black” before all this, and if he thinks black is with tawi, he’d be very upset.
I don’t know, I could be wrong 😂
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magicwoman213 · 2 years
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GUYSSSS, if they don’t move this scene from the trailer like the did last episode, BLACKKK is awake, at least based on the outfits... omggggg!!!!! Sunday can’t come fast enough, and now I’m 100% caught up!!!!!
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magicwoman213 · 3 years
I mean I knew the episode was S rated but holy cow…
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magicwoman213 · 3 years
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I’m actually kind of proud of this.... It took me a while to focus on the shapes and lines, but it turned out pretty good!
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magicwoman213 · 3 years
So just finished Love Victor Season 2, and man was I surprised at how much I liked it.
I heard some horrible spoilers about how rushed Victor and Rahim were, but especially in episode 9, you could see that both of them had feelings for each other. It wasn’t like Victor was cheating either, since Benji and him were on a break. I just really like Rahims character. I feel like he gets Victor and his family situation way better than Benji ever will, since he’s of color too.
If him and Benji do get back together in season 3, then they need to work through their problems, because nothing really was solved during their break, in my opinion.
On another note, I love Pilar and Felix, and I’m kind of low key rooting for Lucy and Lake to get together. It’s totally unexpected but like they seem to click as well.
That’s the end of my rant, but like I need SEASON 3!!!!!
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magicwoman213 · 3 years
I kind of watched ahead and let’s just say beginning of episode 8 is intense... you’ve been warned
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magicwoman213 · 3 years
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So... we haven’t gotten this scene yet, and so hopefully it’s on Wednesday. And maybe it means their story ends happily. 🤞🏻
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magicwoman213 · 4 years
And an ad for Love Victor just aired during it. Wow... it’s like they know my favorite movie/show.
I think it’s a sign... Love Simon is airing on FX right now.
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magicwoman213 · 4 years
I think it’s a sign... Love Simon is airing on FX right now.
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