Story Time
I was six the first time I went to disney world. It was also the first time I met my step family in florida. See, my grandfather had three wives in his lifetime, and the third wife was the only one I ever met. She had five kids when they married, and moved to Hawaii from the Phillipines. Now jump forward, my dad’s step siblings have families of their own, including my uncle Jett, who married a native hawaiian woman, and had two beautiful daughters.
Back to that first trip to disney. I was six, my sister was ten, and our smack in the middle of that age difference was my cousin Malia at age eight. She, and her younger sister Bella, both took hula classes, because their mother wanted them to stay close to their roots, despite the distance of having moved to florida. We were all pretty young, but we knew enough that the princesses at disney world were actresses in costume.
“How cool would it be to play a princess at one of these parks?” I had said after a long day in the magic kingdom. “I wanna do that one day.”
“Who would you play?” Bella had asked. 
“I don’t know. Belle maybe. She’s the only one with brown hair other than snow white, and mulan, and I could never play either of them.”
“Yeah, but you don’t really look like Belle either. Your noses are to different.” Malia had cut in, and I shrugged it off, knowing It’d never happen anyway.
“What about you guys? Who would you play?” I asked them, unaware that there was no answer to that.
“We don’t look like any of them either. There are no princesses from where we’re from.” So we all settled on the sad belief that none of us would ever get to be disney princesses.
Years pass, and I decide that one day I would help write a movie for a princess from either the phillipines, or the polynesian islands, so my cousins could become princesses. Because they held on to that dream. It might have been harder for them to let go of it, because they lived so close to disney.
Now it’s 2014, and Malia has just been hired as a dancer, at the polynesian resort at disney. She started as a swing, and in two years worked her way up to a featured dancer. It helped that she was of polynesian decent. 
About a year ago it was announced that disney would be releasing a movie featuring their first polynesian princess, and my cousins & I were all excited, but none of us had high hopes. We all figured they’d make her look more like Rapunzel, the way Anna and Elsa had. 
Fast forward a few months. They have just released the first look at moana.
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I text my cousin as soon as I see it.
“Did you see Moana?”
“No, why?” I send her the picture above, and a minute later I get a call. “SHE LOOKS LIKE ME! I LOOK LIKE HER!” Malia is screaming into the phone with unabashed enthusiasm. She couldn’t believe that a disney princess bore such a resemblance to her.
Yesterday, 11/16/16, my cousin began her new job at disney world, and I couldn’t be happier that her dream of ten years had been realized.
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This is why representation matters. This is one of many reasons why Moana is so important. 
Congratulations Malia. I can’t wait to come down and say Mahalo
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Do Not Take A Picture of Your Ballot
It is illegal. Your vote will be thrown out and not counted.
DO NOT post it on Facebook, or Twitter, or Snapchat or Instagram or Tumblr or ANYTHING. Don’t share it with your friends. The likes and notes are not worth it. Just keep your phones in your damn pockets the entire time you’re voting.Take a cute selfie with the “I Voted” sticker afterwards instead.
Please don’t let me read headlines going something like “Millennials fucked up the election by posting pictures of their ballots” because it will be fucking insufferable. And also Trump will probably win and we’ll all be fucked.
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interesting stuff.  
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since we still don’t actually know if we’re getting a second season or not, I’ve been thinking of good ways to reach out to CBS to say “yo, we really freaking want a second season!” 
I was searching around on their website and I found this super easy link! 
you just scroll down, select Supergirl, write your name and your message. done. easy!
I wrote them a whole essay about why this show is important and why I really want a second season. I also said I’ve bought the show on iTunes and that I can’t wait to buy the DVD as well, because y’know, networks love their money. 
I’m going to bookmark the page and write them reasons every day, maybe a few times a day even, literally just flood them with reasons why they should renew it and this is where we all need to come together and love and support this show until we know for sure one way or the other!
if you are not yet a fan of this fantastic, wonderful show but wouldn’t mind sending a quick message to say that lady heroes and strong ladies are super important - we would be so very appreciative! (ps, you should totally check this show out, the heart of the show is pure and wonderful and so inspiring)
if anyone knows of other good ways to reach CBS and spread the love, reblog and add to this post! 
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A photo of Cinderella's castle 11.30.2015. From my parents anniversary trip
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At some point, someone drew that
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How we beat the heat in Australia. Ice cold can on a warm belly.
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Living With Meerkats - a documentary
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Just so you know...
Hey guys,
I’m writing to you with an update I wish I wasn’t giving you, but it’s important and I’m used to sharing important events in my life with you. Usually when things happen to me, I process them and then write music about how I feel, and you hear it much later. This is something my family and I thought you should know about now.
For Christmas this year, I asked my mom that one of her gifts to me be her going to the doctor to get screened for any health issues, just to ease some worries of mine. She agreed, and went in to get checked. There were no red flags and she felt perfectly fine, but she did it just to get me and my brother off her case about it.
The results came in, and I’m saddened to tell you that my mom has been diagnosed with cancer. I’d like to keep the details of her condition and treatment plans private, but she wanted you to know.
She wanted you to know because your parents may be too busy juggling everything they’ve got going on to go to the doctor, and maybe you reminding them to go get checked for cancer could possibly lead to an early diagnosis and an easier battle… Or peace of mind in knowing that they’re healthy and there’s nothing to worry about. She wanted you to know why she may not be at as many shows this tour. She’s got an important battle to fight.
Thank you for caring about my family so much that she would want me to share this information with you. I hope and pray that you never get news like this.
Love you. Taylor
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“It’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive, it’s aliveeeee”
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April Fool’s rules.
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