magicrani · 1 month
Where Am I going to do my best.
The time has come to really think about what matters to me. I need a better auric field to keep you from penetrating my progress. The negative energy shifts my vibe. When I have a smile, you give me a frown. I have to make this work for me. I have to change my life. I have to pursue my dreams. You were once part of them. I tried to build you for them. I got nothing but pain and waste in return.…
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magicrani · 1 month
You Got This
Originally Published 04/25/2024 Hug yourself super tight Everything will be alright – Feel the warmth inside Love yourself with pride – It’s not so …You Got This
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magicrani · 2 months
the time has come...
If you could host a dinner and anyone you invite was sure to come, who would you invite? I would host a dinner for my crush. I am sure he is crushing on me too, but my crush nonetheless.  Just the thought of us spending an ample amount of time together makes my heart skip a beat.  I would make a steak and shrimp with a red clam sauce and linguine. Red sauce is my speciality. We would then…
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magicrani · 2 months
So Right
Every time I give you a break something else troubling comes to light. I try to blame myself, that maybe I am too hard on you. but something else happens and I realize I never speak up enough. I am concerned because I don’t think I understand what’s good or bad for me. How can I keep feeling in the same trap. learning to think about myself and my feelings has helped me a lot. feeling less…
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magicrani · 3 months
Make Your Own Choices in Light of Your Wisdom.
Have you all …………………. ever found yourself at a crossroads, unsure of which path to take? I think ,,,,,,, We’ve all been there. Life throws choices at…Make Your Own Choices in Light of Your Wisdom.
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magicrani · 3 months
I saved this as a draft and look back at the date of this draft I want to laugh. The title says it all. And Knowing where I was at the time compared to where I am at this moment, it paints a clear picture to me about where I was. This is exactly how blank my mind was. yet right now and recently I have been just expelling information and words and learning new skills with less fear. Soo looking…
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magicrani · 3 months
Always with Me…
Even when I’m alone, your love is with me. Your love isn’t mine to keep, but when I wasn’t aware I was in need, you shared. Without a word you knew. Without a cue, even behind my smile. I was numb from the hysteria and pain. Yet, you awoken my senses. A moment frozen in history. God witnessed and allowed our interaction, knowing how much it would end up meaning to me. I am happy he chose…
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magicrani · 3 months
Romance is delicate.
The thought behind the dates and the dinners are special. If you really think about the nervousness and bouncing emotions a person is experiencing is very intimate and raw. It takes a lot of courage and vulnerability. The moment your eyes meet and you feel a spark, This exchange of nerves are initiated. When things are really intense and natural the romance grows into something more. But in the…
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magicrani · 5 months
Am I going Crazy?
I have been doing a lot of research and watching many videos on stress and anxiety. I resonate with everything I have seen. All the things I feel just keep multiplying inside of me. I am in a relationship that has a lot of external influence. Financial issues don’t help much either. I have health issues that have changed my life forever. My Life will never be the same and the dream of having a…
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magicrani · 5 months
I absolutely love her! 💕
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Vyjayanthimala Amrapali
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magicrani · 7 months
I have all these nakshatras in my chart!
The Venus Nakshatras 🍓
Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashadha
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Hi all, I've been gone for sometime now but I thought I may as well post something from my drafts. Hope you all enjoy! 💕
Sukra (Venus) ♀
Sukra is the Hindu God who is known as planet Venus. He not only rules over the signs of Taurus and Libra, but also the nakshatras; Bharani, Purva Phalguni and Purva Ashadha. The word Sukra translates to 'bright' or 'clear', as Venus is literally the most visible planet during night fall, bright, glimmering and illuminated. For this reason planet Sukra indicates all that we desire in life; wealth, material pleasure, love, relationships, beauty and art. All that Venus represents is inherently feminine, beautiful and attractive to us.
Sukra's rulership over Taurus and Libra expresses his desirability in two very keystone ways. Taurus indicates materialism, wealth and sensuality. Whereas Libra indicates love, balance, relationships and beauty. On the other hand, the Venus ruled Nakshatras divide themselves into a more in-depth understanding of Venus.
Sukra was entwined within the two worlds of the Devas and Asuras (Gods and Demons). He was considered the Guru of the Asuras (Teacher of the Demons), yet held strong relations with the Devas, specifically Lord Shiva (The Destroyer).
As Venus represents all that we could desire in life, he therefore is who naturally inspires demonic energy. Although being considered a planet rich in positive and beneficial qualities himself, the negative side of Sukra relates to such sayings as; Desire is the root of suffering or Beauty is pain. Venus is inherently situated on this polarity. All the things that Sukra represents has potential to bring out the worst in an individual, it is important that we don't ignore this fact, rather than simply become mesmerised by his immense beauty and desirability.
One story told depicts Sukra residing within the stomach of Lord Shiva (The Destroyer), meditating for a thousand years. Sukra was later ejected out into the world by the force of Lord Shiva.
Unbeknownst to me as to how Sukra ended up in the pit of Shiva's stomach, I find this story deeply symbolic of Venus. Sukra did not experience this grant of emission into the world by any such Deva, it was Shiva, God of Destruction. This is why the Venus Nakshatras embody fierceness, rather than a quality rooted in tenderness or softness. Ejection is an act that is forceful in nature too, solidifying our understanding that Venus has some inherent magnetism and strength.
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Fire and Fierceness
All of the Venus Nakshatras are considered to possess a fierce quality. Fierceness carries with it themes of destruction, fire and confrontations. Fittingly, these nakshatras are all located within the heart of the fire signs, Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. Fire signs are of course the most passionate, intense and energetic celestial locations of the zodiac.
🍷 Bharani Nakshatra
Sign: Aries, Symbol: Vulva, Deity: Yama (God of death)
Bharani is the most intense of the Venus Nakshatras, unsurprisingly so, as Aries being ruled by Mars garners the most potent manifestation of the fire signs. The word Bharani translates to "bearing children", indicating that this nakshatra is that of heaviness, suffering, beauty, transformation and fertility. Understanding this, the symbol of a vulva representing Bharani is needless to say relating to very similar themes, yet additionally, apparent feminine sexual potency.
Yama (God of Death) ruling over this nakshatra deepens the relations Bharani holds with transformation and depth. This nakshatra is intense and fear inducing - beyond what can be comprehensively measured. Bharani resembles best the polarity of life and death, mortality is what essentially ignites our carnal motive to create life.
🍷 Purva Phalguni Nakshatra
Sign: Leo, Symbol: Bed, Deity: Bhaga (God of Love and Marriage)
The word Purva Phalguni translates to "the first reddish lady". The term reddish lady simply means a fertile woman. It is a given that Purva Phalguni nakshatra relates immensely to sexual and romantic pleasures. Considering this nakshatra is the first sequence of 'Phalguni', it carries with it an initiating tone - both inviting and alluring. As Purva Phalguni is symbolised by a bed, this nakshatra deepens it's roots within the realms of sexual pleasure and recreation. Beds are also associated with structure and stability, being which a small key when understanding the nature of Purva Phalguni.
Bhaga (God of Love and Marriage) ruling over this nakshatra deepens it's ties with not only the pleasure received by the outcome of love, but also commitment. All that love has to offer within committed relationships is inherently of the purpose to be stable and abundantly pleasurable.
🍷 Purva Ashadha Nakshatra
Sign: Sagittarius, Symbol: Elephant Tusk and Fan, Deity: Apas (Goddess of Water)
Purva Ashadha translates to the "the first invincible one". This nakshatra relates to a force of impenetrable strength, yet not in a masculine way, Purva Ashadha bridges the tie between strength is the kind that is effortless, fluid and feminine.
Although Purva Ashadha is strong, as signified by the elephant tusk, it is also symbolised by a fan. This is the last of the Venus Nakshatras, where the immense heat of Aries and Leo has metaphorically cooled from the heat bestowed from Mars and Sun. Jupiter is not as hot and harsh as these previous planets, so to say that Venus has cooled off and matured in a sense is understandable.
Apas (Goddess of Water) ruling over this nakshatra creates a dynamic nature of both force and fluidity. She is of course the most feminine of deities to rule over the Venus Nakshatras. Purva Ashadha does not only embody strength and stability, this nakshatra is attuned deeply with emotion, beauty, softness and moisture.
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magicrani · 8 months
How to show emotions
Part IV
How to show bitterness
tightness around their eyes
pinched mouth
sour expression on their face
crossed arms
snorting angrily
turning their eyes upward
shaking their head
How to show hysteria
fast breathing
chest heaving
trembling of their hands
weak knees, giving in
tears flowing down their face uncontrollably
laughing while crying
not being able to stand still
How to show awe
tension leaving their body
shoulders dropping
standing still
opening mouth
slack jaw
not being able to speak correctly
slowed down breathing
wide eyes open
softening their gaze
staring unabashingly
How to show shame
vacant stare
looking down
turning their head away
cannot look at another person
putting their head into their hands
shaking their head
How to show being flustered
looking down
nervous smile
sharp intake of breath
quickening of breath
blinking rapidly
breaking eye contact
trying to busy their hands
playing with their hair
fidgeting with their fingers
opening mouth without speaking
Part I + Part II + Part III
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magicrani · 8 months
“I hope that someday, somebody wants to hold you for twenty minutes straight, and that’s all they do. They don’t pull away. They don’t look at your face. They don’t try to kiss you. All they do is wrap you up in their arms, without an ounce of selfishness in it.”
— Unknown
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magicrani · 8 months
Wow these picture aren't just beautiful, but they also are very inspiring too.
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magicrani · 8 months
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magicrani · 8 months
He is too adorable!
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He is… concerned…
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magicrani · 10 months
“Growth is painful. Change is painful.But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.”
— Mandy Hale
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