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Mia | she/her
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magicbeings · 5 hours ago
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magicbeings · 1 day ago
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last month I re-edited the fic, this month I redrew the cover - are you lonely just like me? (or, my wolfstar pretty woman au).
still not very good at art, but hey, I'm getting better and, most importantly, I am having fun!
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magicbeings · 1 day ago
pretty sure the people need to hear about "idea I'll probably never write" (WIP game!)
Hi! Thanks for the ask!
I can talk about it, but the possibility of me actually writing this is very low because it would be very long and I don't have the attention span necessary for this haha
Anyway, it'd be a magic AU in which, at around the 5th year, Sirius starts acting weird. He loses time, forgets things, has blanks, etc.
That happens while him and Remus are first getting together, figuring themselves out, and it is a problem for the relationship because sometimes he will turn into "someone else" and start treating Remus badly
Eventually Sirius gets called out home bc his parents got word that Regulus (who had been missing) is dead. It'd be an universe where Regulus is older than Sirius.
So eventually they put the facts together and find out that Sirius is being haunted/possessed by the spirit of Regulus, who has unfinished business he has to resolve in order to move on.
ANYWAY the unfinished business is the whole thing with the medallion - he died the same way he did in canon. So now the marauders need to find out where the medallion is to try and destroy it so Regulus' spirit can rest in peace - which obviously turns into a whole horcrux hunt later
And I think there probably would be a prophecy somewhere saying the four boys are the ones who have to defeat Voldemort... Basically a rewriting of the canon thing but with the Marauders and obv lots of Wolfstar and the angst that comes with the fact that your boyfriend is sharing a body with his evil brother who hates you hahahah
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magicbeings · 2 days ago
Para Luiz Arthur Nunes
A: Você é meu companheiro.
B: Hein?
A: Você é meu companheiro, eu disse.
B: O quê?
A: Eu disse que você é meu companheiro.
B: O que é que você quer dizer com isso?
A: Eu quero dizer que você é meu companheiro. Só isso.
B: Tem alguma coisa atrás, eu sinto.
A: Não. Não tem nada. Deixa de ser paranóico.
B: Não é disso que estou falando.
A: Você está falando do quê, então?
B: Eu estou falando disso que você falou agora.
A: Ah, sei. Que eu sou teu companheiro.
B: Não, não foi assim: que eu sou teu companheiro.
A: Você também sente?
B: O quê?
A: Que você é meu companheiro?
B: Não me confunda. Tem alguma coisa atrás, eu sei.
A: Atrás do companheiro?
B: É.
A: Não.
B: Você não sente?
A: Que você é meu companheiro? Sinto, sim. Claro que eu sinto. E você, não?
B: Não. Não é isso. Não é assim.
A: Você não quer que seja isso assim?
B: Não é que eu não queira: é que não é.
A: Não me confunda, por favor, não me confunda. No começo era claro.
B: Agora não?
A: Agora sim. Você quer?
B: O quê?
A: Ser meu companheiro.
B: Ser teu companheiro?
A: É.
B: Companheiro?
A: Sim.
B: Eu não sei. Por favor, não me confunda. No começo era claro. Tem alguma coisa atrás, você não vê?
A: Eu vejo. Eu quero.
B: O quê?
A: Que você seja meu companheiro.
B: Hein?
A: Eu quero que você seja meu companheiro, eu disse.
B: O quê?
A: Eu disse que eu quero que você seja meu companheiro.
B: Você disse?
A: Eu disse?
B: Não. Não foi assim: eu disse.
A: O quê?
B: Você é meu companheiro.
A: Hein?
(ad infinitum)
— Caio Fernando Abreu
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magicbeings · 2 days ago
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ залезь мне в сердце, а не в ширинку джинс ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 🤍
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
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magicbeings · 2 days ago
hi mia <3 coming from the wip game, pls tell us about geraniums!!!
oh god, that-
It'd be another age gap smutty story (what can I say, I have a problem).
it's set in the 90's or 2000's, I haven't decided yet, and it was inspired by a tv show from my home country that aired when I was a kid... and well, I've been trying to write about this in a concise way, but I apparently CAN'T so I'm just going to brain dump
but basically it’s supposed to be a completely obsessed with each other kinda toxic relationship age gap very smutty very kinky kinda angsty with Remus being very pathetic and discovering his sexuality for the first time at 40 something
and here's a read more for anyone who wants to read me yapping about this plot
so REMUS has no idea he is gay (hahahhaha). he's like 40 something, and he is married to Tonks, and he is PROFOUNDLY unhappy with everything in his life. man is having a full-on Midlife Crisis™ and then, Tonks asks for a divorce
he loves her, but he knows he can’t make her happy (bc he is gay and she is a lesbian but shhhh they have no idea yet, they’ll find out soon enough)
thing is, they have Teddy, and Teddy is a kid and they’ve already promised him they’d all spend the summer together at Godric’s Hollow, and they don’t want to traumatise Teddy by ruining his summer, so they decide they’ll keep being married until they get back home
Godric’s Hollow is where Tonks grew up, and it’s basically owned by the Blacks. they’re the most powerful family in the city and Tonks was raised by her grandparents bc Andromeda died or something. and the whole family hates Remus because they never supported Tonks’ decision to marry him because he’s poor and unsuccessful and doesn’t come from an old money family like the blacks
ANYWAY so Remus arrives in Godric’s Hollow and he’s already having a hard time overall, what with being very unsuccessful professionally and being so fucking unhappy and not knowing what’s wrong with him and also the fact that his wife wants to divorce him now
and then the Blacks are horrible to him and he ends up having a huge fight with them and barging out of the house. He’s walking around and he stops to buy cigarettes and then he sees that someone is moving into this  little charming house and then he sees who it is, on the balcony
It’s Sirius, obv, we all know Sirius is hot and he is also much younger than Remus. and Sirius is like placing his little plants on the balcony and as he looks down to Remus he gets distracted and drops one of the vases – it’s geraniums, that’s why the file is named geraniums hahaha
anyway, Remus picks up the vase and they start interacting because of it, Sirius asks him to come inside and help him transplant the flowers to another vase, etc,
and Sirius is basically a little shit, he is very much interested in seducing Remus (just for kicks) but Remus has this whole moral thing that holds him back,  because he is still technically married and also this is something he never explored and he is sexually confused
but anyway, Remus obviously can’t resist and they end up in this secret affair
and there’s a lot of push and pull. Sirius is basically messing with him at first, seeing how far he can make Remus go for him, and Remus can’t ever resist, he starts lying to his family MAN IS ADDICTED, but he has to deal with all his guilt and everything. they’re basically kind of toxic and obsessed with each other and end up hurting each other and other people because of it
eventually he also finds out Sirius is a Black, but a disowned one, and that also has consequences to the plot… idk I think I yapped to much already hahaha
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magicbeings · 2 days ago
hellooo for the WIP ask game - please can I ask about the dorlene tarot prequel?? I absolutely adored dorcas in instances of happenstance, would jump so fast to read this you have no idea <3
Oh, I love her so much, I wanted to explore her more and writing a prequel/spin off about how she and Marlene got together was in the plans since I was writing instance of happenstance. But I wanted it to be centered around tarot as well, and I was struggling to have ANOTHER idea for a tarot love story that was very much centered around the cards, but in a different way than instance of happenstance.
I had a breakthrough recently (or: hallucinated a scene while in the shower haha), and I started writing it. I have about 1K written, but I'm still struggling because writing girls is veryyy hard hahaha I've only written mlm fanfiction my whole life, so this is very out of my comfort zone (and very much why I think I should insist and push through it).
Anyway, basically the plot is that Marlene is a skeptic, she doesn't believe the cards. She gets dragged to do a reading by her friend, Mary, and she loses a bet over it and then she keeps coming back (telling herself it's because she wants to find out how Dorcas manages to be so accurate in the readings, but actually it's because she is very interested in Dorcas).
Then, eventually, the cards will show that someone is interested in her, but she doesn't realise it's Dorcas and... well, I don't wanna give too many spoilers hahah
It'll be a longish one shot, probably, and it's something I'm currently working on.
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magicbeings · 2 days ago
heyy :)
for the ask game - 17 & 26??
Hiii! Thanks <3
17. Any characters who you can’t stand to see in pain?
Well, I'm going to be honest here. I love to read the angstiest angst sometimes haha I have to be in the right mood, but that's likely why I love wolfstar so much to begin with, they're so tragic. So... I'd say none.
26. Any kinks that you don’t want to try in real life (but are still hot in a fanfic)?
Oh God, so many hahaha
I honestly, for real, think I'm just able to read/write the smut I do because English is kind of a made up language for me. Like, the words hold no real meaning, they exist only in the movies and in fanfiction.
In Portuguese, tho, I have my catholic guilt and it would prevent me from exploring so much I'm able to explore in fiction. (Maybe moving to an English speaking country would be a solution? hahahahha)
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magicbeings · 2 days ago
I saw this game going around and I've been meaning to join, so thanks @moonheavens for the tag!
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Tag as many people as you have wips. People send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
Here's all the names or the docs in my wips folder, most of which will never see the light of day, I fear:
time travel au
body swap au
dorlene tarot prequel
idea I'll probably never write
sick rewriting
christmas fic
jegulily idea
and now I have to tag 10 people, so here it is (no pressure): @marigold-hills @veganbutterchicken @goldenprophetwrites @quiethauntings @tealeavesandtrash @leavesthatarebrown @major-toast @thisfrailheart @ixekizumab @severedreamerfox
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magicbeings · 2 days ago
10 and 23 for the ask game, please!
Hiiii thanks for the ask!
10. Favorite trope/element/scenario in fic?
Well, since I already said age gap on the other answer haha I'll say it's exes to lovers, then. I love the second chance scenario.
23. Biggest turn-offs in fic?
Well, aside from the obvious (porly formatted, too many ortographic or grammatical mistakes, not very well written, etc), I'd say it's when the characterizations don't match the ones in my head to the point the characters start looking like just ocs instead of the characters I love. I'll DNF at this point.
ask game!
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magicbeings · 2 days ago
13 & 32 for the ask games <3
Hi Madds, thanks for the ask!
13. Has a fic ever made you cry?
Oh, so many times! I think, most recently I could say Remain in Light has made me bawl in several moments.
32. Favorite AU tropes?
Well, you know me. If I said anything other than age gap I'd be lying hahaha
ask game
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magicbeings · 3 days ago
just wanna have gross desperate sex with a nerd who wants to devour me 😔
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magicbeings · 3 days ago
11 and 21 for the ask game !
Hii! Thanks for the message
11. Least favorite trope/element/scenario?
Oh, it's love triangles, for sure! I don't fucking CARE about the third guy, if I chose to read a Wolfstar fic, I want to read about Wolfstar, not about either of them having confusing feelings for some other dude! It honestly just makes me hate the third guy's guts with a burning passion, just like I hated Jacob and Gale and every other YA novel second romantic interest when I was growing up hahah
(I hope this is not offensive. I know lots of people enjoy this trope and it's present in some wildly popular fics in this fandom, I'm just saying I don't like it, it's not for me.)
21. How and when did you get introduced to smut fic? Any horror stories?
Ah, that's a funny story.
So, I already knew what fanfic was. I think I started reading at about 12, but it was mostly pretty tame Harry Potter fic.
Then, at my first day in High School (the year was 2008), I met a girl. She was a big My Chemical Romance fan, and within the first week of us knowing each other, she sent me a link to read her My Chemical Romance fic that she was posting.
It was Frerard (Frank Iero/Gerard Way), and that was my first slash fic (if you're young, that's how we used to call gay fic back in the day) and also my first smutty story. But not only that, it was incredibly dark. It had SA, non-con, underage sex, murder, a serial killer... you know, a lot of things a 14 yo SHOULD NOT be reading, let alone writing about (my friend was also 14). But in truth, to this day I think it was an incredibly creative plot – that would for sure get her cancelled in a heartbeat in nowadays fandom haha
ask game
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magicbeings · 3 days ago
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— I feed my beast from time to time
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magicbeings · 3 days ago
Fanfic Asks!
1. Do you read fic? Do you write fic?
2. Favorite genre of fic?
3. Favorite fandom?
4. Favorite pairing?
5. Favorite fic author?
6. Favorite fic (or one of them)?
7. One-shots or longfic?
8. Do you read WIPs?
9. What is the longest fic you’ve read?
10. Favorite trope/element/scenario in fic?
11. Least favorite trope/element/scenario?
12. What turns you away the most from a fic?
13. Has a fic ever made you cry?
14. What tropes/elements/scenarios get you the worst?
15. Do you mind when characters cry?
16. How do you feel about character death in fic?
17. Any characters who you can’t stand to see in pain?
18. Favorite angst fic?
19. Do you read porn or does it make you uncomfortable?
20. Do you like PWPs?
21. How and when did you get introduced to smut fic? Any horror stories?
22. Biggest turn-ons in fic?
23. Biggest turn-offs in fic?
24. Do you have any dirty kinks that you’re ashamed of?
25. Any kinks that you’d love to try in real life?
26. Any kinks that you don’t want to try in real life (but are still hot in a fanfic)?
27. Rough sex or gentle sex?
28. How do you feel about masturbation in fic?
29. How do you feel about non-con and dub-con?
30. Favorite porn fic?
31. Do you read AUs?
32. Favorite AU tropes?
33. Least favorite AU tropes?
34. Do you like UAs (universe-alterations, when the main universe and characters are the same but one plot point/decision/outcome is altered)?
35. Do you like high school and college AUs?
36. Do you like crossovers? If so, favorite crossover?
37. How do you feel about parent!fics/lovechildren? How about mpreg?
38. How do you feel about genderbending? De-aging? Animalizing?
39. Favorite AU fic?
40. Do you like fluff?
41. Favorite fluffy tropes?
42. Least favorite fluffy tropes?
43. Do you like fluff on its own or in conjunction with other elements (angst, sex, etc.)
44. How fluffy is too fluffy?
45. Favorite fluff fic?
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magicbeings · 5 days ago
Two Truths and a Lie
Rules: make a poll where the options are two truths and one lie and have your followers guess the lie
Thanks for the tags @fictionalsimp09 and @leavesthatarebrown
I'm not sure I'm an interesting enough person to play this game, but here it is:
no pressure tags: @veganbutterchicken @tealeavesandtrash @sweetstarryskies @annaliza999 and anyone else who wants to join the game
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magicbeings · 5 days ago
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Came across this in a report at work
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