Magic and Love
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magicandlove-blog1 · 7 years ago
Media Library
 I have not watched all of the videos listed below. If there are any videos that are problematic for any reason (offensive, false information) please let me know. I will note whether the resource is a channel, video or playlist. 
Witchcraft & Wicca 
Witch & Wiccan Run Channels (All Channels) Molly Roberts Samantha Valens Akasha Wolf *  Kelden Crimson Fyre Dragonfeather369 * Owlvine Green * Earthly Alchemy Noah Tempestarii Lunar Wisdom Kelly-Ann Maddox * House of Conjure  Random Witch Raven Flower Lady Gravedancer Sunshine MorningRae Universal Pagan Temple TipToe Chick Joey Morris Ashera Star Goddess * Madame Pamita Green Eyed Witch Harmony Nice Lady Phoenix *favorites of mine
The Wheel of the Year
Wheel of the Year Wheel of the Year: Wiccan & Pagan - Sabbats Explained (Videos) Introduction: What is the Wheel of the Year? (Video)
Samhain Samhain: A History (Video) The Magick of Samhain & Halloween (Video) Witchcraft Diaries: Samhain (Video)
Yule Yule Magick & Winter Solstice Celebrations (Video) Lunar Wisdom: Yule/Winter Solstice (Video) Yule: Wicca for Beginners (Video) Witchcraft Diaries: Yule (Video)
Imbolc Lunar Wisdom: Imbolc (Video) Witchcraft Diaries: Imbolc (Video)
Ostara Lunar Wisdom: Ostara (Video) Witchcraft Diaries: Ostara (Video)
Beltane Lunar Wisdom: Beltane/May Day (Video) Witchcraft Diaries: Beltane (Video)
Litha Litha: Wicca for Beginners (Video) Lunar Wisdom: Litha (Video) Witchcraft Diaries: Litha (Video)
Lammas/Lughnasadh Lunar Wisdom: Lammas (Video) Witchcraft Diaries: Lughnasadh (Video) 
Mabon Mabon Magick & The Autumn Equinox (Video) Witchcraft Diaries: Mabon (Video)
Magickal Skills/Objects
Astrology Learn Astrology (Playlist) Astrology Series (Playlist) Astrology 101 (Video) Introduction to Astrology (Video) Introduction to Astrological Interpretation (Video) How to Read Your Birth Chart (Video) Houses in Astrology (Video) Mastering the Basic Language of Astrology (Video)
Crystals Benefits of Crystal Magick: For Beginners (Video) Crystals & Stones Part 2: Magickal Properties (Video) How to Cleanse, Charge & Consecrate Your Crystals (Video)
Gardening Gardening Basics (Playlist) Witchy Gardening (Playlist) Garden Planning for Beginners (Video) 5 Golden Rules of Garden Planning (Video) Planning a Cottage Garden (Video) Understanding Soil Types & Texture (Video) Improving Soil Types with Amendments (Video) Basic Gardening Tips: Common Mistakes When Gardening (Video) Weeding, Deadheading & Staking (Video)
Herbalism Herbalism (Playlist) Witchy Herbs (Playlist) Introduction to Herbalism: The Foundation of Understanding Plants (Video) How to Become an Herbalist (Video) Herbalism 101: Why You Should Use Herbs Daily (Video) The Power of Herbs (Video) Understanding Herbal Formulas (Video) Basic Herbal Energetics: 12 Categories of Herbs (Video) History of Herbs (Video) Planting an Herb Garden for Beginners (Video) Herb Harvesting Basics (Video) How to Dry Herbs: Harvesting, Drying & Storing Herbs (Video)
Scrying Intro to Scrying: What is Scrying? (Video) A Short Course in Scrying (Video) Magickal Techniques: The Art of Scrying (Video) How to Scry (Video)
Tarot Tarot 101: Understanding the Major Arcana (Video) How to Read Tarot Cards: Connecting with the Cards (Video) Tarot Cards: How to Read Tarot Cards (Video) Tarot Cards: Understanding Reversals (Video)
Other Schools of Thought
Hermeticism The Fundamentals of Ancient Alchemy & Hermeticism (Video)
Astrotheology Astrotheology & The Origins of Symbolism (Video) What is Astrotheology? (Video)
Sacred Geometry  The Sacred Geometry Behind It All (Video) Ancient Knowledge Pt. 1: Consciousness, Sacred Geometry, Cymatics, & Illusion of Reality (Video) Ancient Knowledge Pt. 2: Fibonacci Sequence, Golden Ratio, Phi in Nature, DNA, & Fingerprint of God (Video) Sacred Geometry Explained (Video) The Sacred Geometry Movie (Video) Sacred Geometry: The Language of the Universe (Video)
Vibrational Frequency The Secrets of Frequency & Vibration (Video) The Secrets of Vibration: Hidden Truths of Sound (Video) How to Raise Your Frequency & Increase Your Vibration (Video) Low Vibration Energy vs. High Vibration Energy (Video) Raising Your Energy Technique (Video) 10 Signs of a Vibrational Shift (Video)
Mythology & Lore
General Mythology Mythology (Channel) History Channel: Clash of the Gods (Playlist)
Norse Mythology Norse Mythology (Playlist) Tales from Norse Legends (Video) Children of Odin (Video) BBC’s The Viking Sagas (Video)
Celtic/Scottish Mythology Celts, Celtic Mythology, and Druids (Playlist) The Celts: In the Beginning (Video) Scottish Myth & Legends (Video) Celtic Mythology (Playlist) (This seems to include Scottish mythology as well and does not differentiate)
Greek/Roman Mythology Greek Gods, Goddesses & Creatures (Video) Quest for the Gods (Video)
Egyptian Mythology The Religion of Ancient Egypt (Video) Egyptian Tales from the Papyri (Video) Mystery Teachings of Ancient Egypt Parts One & Two (Series)
Witchy Music Ultimate Witch Songs (Playlist)
Pagan Music Yule (Pagan) Songs (Playlist)
Healing Frequencies (I chose one playlist that holds multiple videos with multiple frequencies to choose from) All Sofeggio Healing Frequency Compositions (Playlist)
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magicandlove-blog1 · 7 years ago
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magicandlove-blog1 · 7 years ago
Look What You Made Me Do Pop Culture Hex
->A Hex to make someone feel regret for hurting you<-
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-Red Marker
-Black Marker
-Googly Eyes (or a drawing of eyes)
-Black Water (or storm water)
-Black Candle
-Slip of Paper
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1.Get a container and fill it 1/3 the way with the water. 
2.Place the googly eyes into the container while saying (or thinking) “The world moves on another day, another drama. But not for me, all I think about is karma”.
3.Write the targets name down on the paper in black. Then write what they did to you in red over it, and underline it.
4.Carefully light the slip on fire with the black candle while singing or chanting, “Look what you made me do. I put a hex on you. You won’t feel better till you do right by me”. Drop the paper into the water, and watch it be adsorbed.
5.Seal with black wax while saying, “Look what you made me do,” One last time.
6. Store in dark place.
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Original hex by seashells-and-bats. Please don’t remove credit!
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magicandlove-blog1 · 7 years ago
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magicandlove-blog1 · 7 years ago
Emoji spell for a productive day
★likes charge/reblogs cast★
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magicandlove-blog1 · 7 years ago
Emoji Spell for Motivation
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magicandlove-blog1 · 7 years ago
Emoji spell to break any curse anyone has laid upon you, or to block other’s negative thoughts or intentions
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magicandlove-blog1 · 7 years ago
🔮🍀 🐞 🍀🤞 🍀 🐞 🍀🔮
Emoji Spell for Good Luck
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magicandlove-blog1 · 7 years ago
Emoji spell for getting a little more pocket cash
💸💳⬆🔜🔝💸💳⬆🔜🔝 Likes to charge,reblogs cast.
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magicandlove-blog1 · 7 years ago
Emoji spell for extreme good luck for the next two months
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magicandlove-blog1 · 7 years ago
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Witchy ☄
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magicandlove-blog1 · 7 years ago
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*if you know credit source please message me so I can add it here!*
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magicandlove-blog1 · 7 years ago
Media Library
 I have not watched all of the videos listed below. If there are any videos that are problematic for any reason (offensive, false information) please let me know. I will note whether the resource is a channel, video or playlist. 
Witchcraft & Wicca 
Witch & Wiccan Run Channels (All Channels) Molly Roberts Samantha Valens Akasha Wolf *  Kelden Crimson Fyre Dragonfeather369 * Owlvine Green * Earthly Alchemy Noah Tempestarii Lunar Wisdom Kelly-Ann Maddox * House of Conjure  Random Witch Raven Flower Lady Gravedancer Sunshine MorningRae Universal Pagan Temple TipToe Chick Joey Morris Ashera Star Goddess * Madame Pamita Green Eyed Witch Harmony Nice Lady Phoenix *favorites of mine
The Wheel of the Year
Wheel of the Year Wheel of the Year: Wiccan & Pagan - Sabbats Explained (Videos) Introduction: What is the Wheel of the Year? (Video)
Samhain Samhain: A History (Video) The Magick of Samhain & Halloween (Video) Witchcraft Diaries: Samhain (Video)
Yule Yule Magick & Winter Solstice Celebrations (Video) Lunar Wisdom: Yule/Winter Solstice (Video) Yule: Wicca for Beginners (Video) Witchcraft Diaries: Yule (Video)
Imbolc Lunar Wisdom: Imbolc (Video) Witchcraft Diaries: Imbolc (Video)
Ostara Lunar Wisdom: Ostara (Video) Witchcraft Diaries: Ostara (Video)
Beltane Lunar Wisdom: Beltane/May Day (Video) Witchcraft Diaries: Beltane (Video)
Litha Litha: Wicca for Beginners (Video) Lunar Wisdom: Litha (Video) Witchcraft Diaries: Litha (Video)
Lammas/Lughnasadh Lunar Wisdom: Lammas (Video) Witchcraft Diaries: Lughnasadh (Video) 
Mabon Mabon Magick & The Autumn Equinox (Video) Witchcraft Diaries: Mabon (Video)
Magickal Skills/Objects
Astrology Learn Astrology (Playlist) Astrology Series (Playlist) Astrology 101 (Video) Introduction to Astrology (Video) Introduction to Astrological Interpretation (Video) How to Read Your Birth Chart (Video) Houses in Astrology (Video) Mastering the Basic Language of Astrology (Video)
Crystals Benefits of Crystal Magick: For Beginners (Video) Crystals & Stones Part 2: Magickal Properties (Video) How to Cleanse, Charge & Consecrate Your Crystals (Video)
Gardening Gardening Basics (Playlist) Witchy Gardening (Playlist) Garden Planning for Beginners (Video) 5 Golden Rules of Garden Planning (Video) Planning a Cottage Garden (Video) Understanding Soil Types & Texture (Video) Improving Soil Types with Amendments (Video) Basic Gardening Tips: Common Mistakes When Gardening (Video) Weeding, Deadheading & Staking (Video)
Herbalism Herbalism (Playlist) Witchy Herbs (Playlist) Introduction to Herbalism: The Foundation of Understanding Plants (Video) How to Become an Herbalist (Video) Herbalism 101: Why You Should Use Herbs Daily (Video) The Power of Herbs (Video) Understanding Herbal Formulas (Video) Basic Herbal Energetics: 12 Categories of Herbs (Video) History of Herbs (Video) Planting an Herb Garden for Beginners (Video) Herb Harvesting Basics (Video) How to Dry Herbs: Harvesting, Drying & Storing Herbs (Video)
Scrying Intro to Scrying: What is Scrying? (Video) A Short Course in Scrying (Video) Magickal Techniques: The Art of Scrying (Video) How to Scry (Video)
Tarot Tarot 101: Understanding the Major Arcana (Video) How to Read Tarot Cards: Connecting with the Cards (Video) Tarot Cards: How to Read Tarot Cards (Video) Tarot Cards: Understanding Reversals (Video)
Other Schools of Thought
Hermeticism The Fundamentals of Ancient Alchemy & Hermeticism (Video)
Astrotheology Astrotheology & The Origins of Symbolism (Video) What is Astrotheology? (Video)
Sacred Geometry  The Sacred Geometry Behind It All (Video) Ancient Knowledge Pt. 1: Consciousness, Sacred Geometry, Cymatics, & Illusion of Reality (Video) Ancient Knowledge Pt. 2: Fibonacci Sequence, Golden Ratio, Phi in Nature, DNA, & Fingerprint of God (Video) Sacred Geometry Explained (Video) The Sacred Geometry Movie (Video) Sacred Geometry: The Language of the Universe (Video)
Vibrational Frequency The Secrets of Frequency & Vibration (Video) The Secrets of Vibration: Hidden Truths of Sound (Video) How to Raise Your Frequency & Increase Your Vibration (Video) Low Vibration Energy vs. High Vibration Energy (Video) Raising Your Energy Technique (Video) 10 Signs of a Vibrational Shift (Video)
Mythology & Lore
General Mythology Mythology (Channel) History Channel: Clash of the Gods (Playlist)
Norse Mythology Norse Mythology (Playlist) Tales from Norse Legends (Video) Children of Odin (Video) BBC’s The Viking Sagas (Video)
Celtic/Scottish Mythology Celts, Celtic Mythology, and Druids (Playlist) The Celts: In the Beginning (Video) Scottish Myth & Legends (Video) Celtic Mythology (Playlist) (This seems to include Scottish mythology as well and does not differentiate)
Greek/Roman Mythology Greek Gods, Goddesses & Creatures (Video) Quest for the Gods (Video)
Egyptian Mythology The Religion of Ancient Egypt (Video) Egyptian Tales from the Papyri (Video) Mystery Teachings of Ancient Egypt Parts One & Two (Series)
Witchy Music Ultimate Witch Songs (Playlist)
Pagan Music Yule (Pagan) Songs (Playlist)
Healing Frequencies (I chose one playlist that holds multiple videos with multiple frequencies to choose from) All Sofeggio Healing Frequency Compositions (Playlist)
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magicandlove-blog1 · 7 years ago
Master Post for Beginner Witches
Remember that you don’t have to do anything you aren’t comfortable with, and this list isn’t a requirement for witchcraft, just suggestions. Don’t let ANYONE invalidate you as a witch. Whether you have been doing this for 5 mins or 50 years, you are still a witch. Special love, energy, and snaps sent to all the people responsible for these amazing posts: ♥
Basic Information/Anthology etc.
• Good things to research when you don’t know where to research (START HERE)
• Types of Witches & Witchcraft
• The Boring but IMPORTANT Basics of Witchcraft
• Beginner Witchcraft
• Crystals to Have on Your Altar (Altars aren’t required but if you do use one, this may be helpful)
• Familiars (The Who What Hows)
• The Goddess and the God (If following a Wicca Path, and just remember you need to find the path just for you. No one else can tell you how/who to worship)
Spell/Ritual Work
• Ways to Cleanse
• Magick of the Moon Phases (Familiarize yourself with this, many witches use the phases of the moon for spells, rituals, etc)
• Spirit Work for beginners 
• Crystal Cleansing (Important if you are going to work with crystals)
• Salt & Witchcraft (You know witches love their salt)
• Spell Writing Tips for Beginners
• Divination Tips for Beginners
• Spell Loopholes (A Must Read)
• Reading a Candle
• Color Magick (Lots of great ideas on how to include color witchcraft in your daily routine)
• Simple beginner Spells 
• 50 simple Charms
Stock Up & Set Up! (Materials, meanings, etc.)
• Basic Herbs List
• Magical Correspondence and foods
• Cleansing and Charging Items
• Some Crystals for Beginners
• Crystals/Stones Grouped by Use
• Witchcraft Basics plants
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magicandlove-blog1 · 7 years ago
You will find lots of articles on tumblr for newbie witches but I realized when I started practicing that a lot of things were missing and I was kind of ashamed to ask because I felt stupid.
This post is for people who have just started practicing or are planning to. If you have already been into witchcraft for years this could be a little reminder for you.
You don’t need to be wiccan. You don’t need deities in your craft. When I started I was a little puzzled: everyone was talking about prayers, faith and other religious things essential in the craft. It seemed everyone was wiccan! Or Pagan. But they were talking about things I didn’t believe in. They were questioning my religious beliefs and my will to practice witchcraft. Then I found out about the existence of secular witches i.e. witches who do not include religion in their craft. Religion is not essential in witchcraft. You can use your own power, you can ask mother earth to land you some. It’s perfectly fine.
Get info BEFORE you seriously practice. This is a point lots of people skip and underrate. When I discovered magic was real I was enthusiastic. I wanted to start as soon as possible and I was upset my exams didn’t allow me to. Now I’m glad I waited. While I was studying for my exams I read various articles, I followed witchy blogs on tumblr (windvexer and witchtips are great blogs for beginners. Look for their masterposts!) and I collected enough info to start practicing one month later but understanding what I was doing. I’m not saying you should wait months to start but just be sure to be aware of the basis and the possible dangers.
Trust your guts! There are witches who will tell you super rare and expensive items are required in your craft. They will often tell you to use things you can’t have. I’m not saying they’re wrong, they are probably suggesting what it’s right in their practice. But they are sometimes not newbiesfriendly blogs. My suggestions is: do what it feels right for you. (But if you want to use herbs and eat them do some serious research first!!!) For example, if someone tells you you should use rose quartz for tranquillity but you don’t have it/don’t want to use crystals in your craft/you don’t associate tranquility with quartz, etc. don’t do it. Use a substitute! Plus, don’t underestimate the power of visualization. It takes practice, I know, but if you can’t have an item, just imagine you have it! And remember: magic doesn’t come from candles, crystals or whatever. It is within you. They just enhance it but they’re not essential.
Magic is real but do not confuse it with real life. Before you get pissed and think what I said it’s crap let me explain it. Magic is part of your life and your life is real, duh, but do not get overwhelmed by magic. In few words: don’t forget living. Don’t think every single thing that happens in your life is magical! If you see a bunny in a pet shop it probably isn’t a sign meant to you. It’s just a bunny. There are indeed signs hidden in your normal life but don’t think that everything is. 
Magic just gives a little push. You can’t perform magic with a purpose and without acting in the real world in order to make it happen. You can’t create a sigil to have new friends if you have 0 social interactions. Don’t ask for the impossible: a spell won’t allow you to meet Obama, I’m sorry, unless you live in the White House.
Don’t be afraid to live magic and muggle lives at the same time. I swear the first time I performed magic and I created a shield I felt bad going to the bathroom. It seems dumb, I know, but beginning the practice can be scary the first time. Don’t be ashamed of what’s natural and don’t be scared to use subtle magic when in company. Magic is part of you!
You don’t need labels. I repeat: YOU DON’T NEED LABELS! When I started practicing I felt the need to say out loud what my interests were. The truth? I couldn’t say it yet. Everything fascinated me so I just told people I was eclectic. But I actually am not. Don’t feel in a rush when you get into the magical realm. Just do what you like and you will later understand what you prefer.
It is okay if you’re not into everything magical! You will see lots of witches who use herbs in their practice. Others use crystals. And every spell you find online requires either herbs or crystals. You will spontaneously think they are essential for every witch but they are actually not. Don’t feel ashamed. Say it out loud: “I don’t like herbs!/I don’t like crystals!/I don’t like sigils!”. You can only love tarots and you can still be a witch. You can dislike jars and you will still be a witch.
It is okay if you don’t want to be called “witch”. I understand that this word is often used to describe someone nasty, ugly or unpleasant. Or you could just simply not like the word for your own personal reasons. You can use other terms, more specific about your craft: diviner, spirit worker, fortune teller, etc. Or if you just want a synonym of the word witch: magic practitioner, sorcerer, wizard. There are many others. Find the word you feel comfortable with.
Males can be witches as well. Witch is not just a word for women. If you’re male and you want to practice magic and be called a witch, go for it!
You don’t need to be in a coven. If you don’t want to be part of a group you can learn on your own. And that’s fine.
Be careful of the words you use. You’re new in the craft and you start using words like gipsy, spirit guides, strega, etc. Be very mindful of the words you choose! They can be disrespectful, cultural appropriation or misuse of terms about a closed practice. Do your own research and remember to be always respectful. If you misuse a word and people let you know it’s wrong apologize, be polite and change your attitude. It’s easy. For more info I’d suggest to look here [cultural appropriation 1 2; gipsy as a slur word; witch culture; stregheria 1 2 3; - I will add more links in the future about this topic]
Don’t let others define what’s right and what’s wrong. Some people say cursing is bad, blood magic is for evil witches, satanism is bad, etc. There is no “white magic” or “black magic”. Magic is neutral and it depends on you. You can curse and be the nicest person in the world. If you’re afraid of the three fold law I’d suggest to read this post and don’t let others influence you. It’s your choice. Not theirs.
Everyone can be a witch. When you discover magic is real and it’s not just in books you ask yourself “Can I be a witch?”. You may think you need someone in your family to “pass you the magical genes” or something like that. But what most of witches believe is that magic lies within each one of us. You can be more naturally talented but if you are not don’t be afraid. Speaking of books, remember that Hermione was born in a muggle family yet she was the greatest! If you don’t have natural talents you can still be a witch. Work hard and you will see great results!
Gender, sexual orientation, age, race, culture do not prevent you from being a witch. You can be transgender, asexual, African American, Chinese or whatever. You can still be a witch.
Did I forget something? Let me know in comments or reblogs and I will add it in the list!
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magicandlove-blog1 · 7 years ago
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magicandlove-blog1 · 7 years ago
“I just bought salt, where is it all going??”
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