data studio collection
renmin’s most popular country: phillipines (over 1000 hits)
other notable countries for renmin: usa, brazil, netherlands
nohyuck’s most popular country: usa (over 500 hits)
other notable countries for nohyuck: norway, argentina, uk
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Renjun: Do I detect a hint of jealousy?
Jaemin: No, you detect a lot of jealousy.
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Haechan: welcome to the “fuck Renjun” support club, where we collectively say “fuck you” to that stupid bitch. before we begin, a few words from our newest member.
Jaemin, sweating: so i may have misunderstood the club’s name—
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Jaemin: *clinging to Renjun* That's how you have friends just hold them really tight and never let them go cause that's how have friends.
Renjun: I will stab you with a rusty nail covered in cat pee if you don't let me go.
Jaemin: *starts crying*
Renjun: No, no. Come on. Don't cry, I didn't mean it. Fine you can hold on to me for as long as you want.
*A week later*
Renjun: *in the shower* Jaemin, can you move to the other side I need to wash under my arm.
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Renjun, plucking petals off a flower: He loves me... He loves me not...
Renjun: He loves me... He loves me not...
Renjun: He loves me... *plucks last petal* he loves me not...
Jaemin, bursting in with an armful of various flowers and bouquets: That can’t be right, try again.
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Jaemin: *petting Renjun* You're so pretty, you're such a pretty boy. You're such a little angel *crying* I love you so much.
Renjun: You're suffocating me.
Jaemin: Do you want to live in my shirt *tries to shove Renjun into his shirt* You'll be safe little Renjunnie.
Renjun: *fighting for his life* who let him get into the alcohol? You know he doesn't drink responsibly.
Jaemin: *lays on Renjun's lap crying* I had a dream I married a llama and the llama cheated on me with an ostrich and kicked me out of the house. Why wasn't I good enough for the llama?
Renjun: I don't know what to say to that.
Jaemin: Can you hold me and feed me like baby from a bottle.
Renjun: What? No.
*ten minutes later*
Renjun: *holding Jaemin while giving him juice from a baby bottle* Every single night ends up like this.
Jaemin: Goo Goo.
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Bad Buddy Crack 22/?
pran, my beloved (part 2)
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Bad Buddy Crack 22/?
pran, my beloved (part 2)
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Bad Buddy Crack 23/?
pat, my beloved (part 2)
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The type of eye smiles and laughs that are for Pat only
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― Pablo Neruda
Ohm Pawat as PAT & Nanon Korapat as PRAN BAD BUDDY THE SERIES (2021) dir. Backaof Noppharnach Chaiwimol
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Sophia's Guide to Writing About Getting It On
Recently storyqdayx5d mentioned she had a difficult time putting fantasies into words. I had actually been thinking for a few months now that I wanted to do a sex-writing guide, less because I think I write such excellent porn but more because I’ve gotten more thoughtful about it this year, and I had some tips and insights that I thought other people might be interested in reading about. Not everyone will agree with my thoughts or preferences, I am sure, but I thought I could discuss my own writing process in a way that might be helpful for people who haven’t written many sex scenes before, or at least give some good fodder for discussion.
So! After several weeks of outlining and tinkering, Sophia’s Guide to Writing About Getting It On is below the jump.
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