Rachel. 21. Bipolar. Follower of Hekate and trying spells along the way. This is a side blog; my main: gameofrachel
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me, swirling my middle finger over the pills in my hand: By the power vested in me as the fucking witch in this household, I enchant these pills to fuck off anxiety and depression especially well tonight, so that I’m a functional human being tomorrow. So mote that shit or whatever.
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He is Leng Jun and his paintings are considered the most realistic ones in the world. See why:

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Reblog if you’re part of the LGBTQ+ witch squad
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All those types of witch (sea, celestial, garden, etc.) but I have rarely seen aesthetic posts that acknowledge Regular Witch Aesthetic.
You have ten half-burned votives. You don’t need more. Why are you buying more. Stop it.
Crystals? Points? Clusters? What the fuck are those? You just found a really cool rock on the ground and took it home.
You don’t have a garden. Everything is bought in the “spices” section of the grocery store. Maybe you once had a cactus that didn’t die for a month. Maybe.
You have written about fifty spells in your grimoire. You have done three of them.
You have never owned a cauldron. You do, however, have a small ceramic bowl you made in art class in like fifth grade. It’s shitty. You love it.
So much incense.
Sigils are fun to design until they’re not.
You have a patron deity. You pray to them when you remember that you should.
You’ve saved about ten different recipes for offering stones. You’ve never done any of them.
Sometimes other witches talk about wands and chalices and athames. You have a plastic cup and a pair of scissors. Wands are unnecessary.
Do you drink tea? No, but you have seventeen tea-spells in your grimoire. Why the fuck do you have them.
Can’t smoke-cleanse. Terrified of fire alarm.
You went walking barefoot in the woods exactly once. A bug bit you between your toes. You don’t walk barefoot anymore.
Lakes and rivers and oceans are unsanitary. Pools are clean and have noodles. The choice is clear.
What stage is the moon in?????
Tarot are a mystery that you will never solve.
You enjoy doing magic anyway, because magic is more than being a certain type.
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🌹please do not edit or post elsewhere🌹
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🕯️ Reading Candles for Yes-or-No Questions 🕯️
🔥 High, steady flame - Yes.
🔥 Low, steady flame - No.
🔥 Short, weak flame - No.
🔥 Dancing flame - Needs more focus. Re-ground, concentrate, and ask again.
🔥 Violently flickering flame - Strong no. Take this as a warning (if you are positive the flickering is not caused by any outside force).
🔥 Sputtering and crackling flame - There is more to your answer than a simple yes or no.
🔥 Dual-Flame - Thinking, wait for your answer.
🔥 Flame leaning to the left - Yes.
🔥 Flame leaning to the right - No.
🔥 Candle will not light - Now is not the right time to ask.
🔥 Candle will not go out - You are not done yet. There is more to your answer that you need to hear.
🔥 Candle goes out on its own before giving an answer - Now is not the right time to ask.
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Is the shop still in financial trouble ??
Things got a lot better after that post but are quickly going down again. It’s very strange. Like half the time people see our posts and sales are normal, and the other half of the time, it’s like we’re hidden.For example, usually everyone’s super excited for mineral lots and all the lots sell out, but so far during tonight’s sale not even half the lots are sold, despite us having a lower price range for them than usual. (And they are all at a bigger discount than usual) So I’m really not sure at this point. There are just very big ups and downs. It goes from normal to horrible weekend to weekend.
As always, we really appreciate everyone’s support. Please don’t forget to turn off the “best stuff first” feature so that posts on your dashboard show up in chronological order.
We love you guys! 💜💜💜💜
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This is the tarot deck I have and I love it!

Just a few of my favourite cards from the Wild Unknown deck (purely aesthetic, not any meaning!)
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You are a valid witch
Regardless of your path
Or your gender
Or your religious beliefs
Or what you practice
Or how often you practice.
It doesn’t matter what tools you have
Or what books you’ve read
Or if/how you have your grimoire
Or if you have an illness, mental or psychical
Or if you have to be a secret witch
You are valid
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Hekate my Protector
Hekate is not just a goddess of magick
She is a minister of the underworld, a necromancer, a protector, she leads the lost in their darkest hours, just as she led Demeter
She is with me when I protest, she holds my hand when I am angry, she gives the the courage to stand up for myself
I once had a dream that she led me through a rioting crowd, a Molotov cocktail in each hand instead of her torches. She roared in anger at the disgusting humans who tear gassed innocents and protected the minorities
Hekate is more then what many pagans and witches have reduced her to be. She is my goddess, my strength when I have none, she taught me to never fear the spirits that wander my home, and how to face the ghosts of my past. I have never once regretted dedicating myself to her.
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witch tip
paperclips make excellent tools for carving words and symbols into candles
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witch tip
if you really love singing and happen to do it a lot, use your voice to charge your crystals/tarot deck/spell/etc. It takes energy to sing, let the energy from your voice charge what you need
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Cauldron Bath Bombs by Kaeli Creel on Etsy
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Tea Spell
Hello friends. Sorry I've been away for so long but I've been rather busy. So to get me back in the swing of longer rituals, I decided to do a quick little tea spell.
My goal for this spell is financial stability. Since I tend to go with my gut in my magic, this one was rather simple.
First I started warming some water for the tea. (If you want to do this even quicker you can put it straight in the microwave to heat it.)
While the water heated, I set out four tea lights and a pile of money in the center. I then got my water and put it in my mug when it was heated and grabbed a pack of peppermint tea.
I lighted my candles and asked each direction to aid me and then I started steeping my tea and chanted my goal for the spell: I am financially stable. When it was done steeping (about 3-5 minutes) I thanked each direction and blew the candles out and then I drunk the tea.
To cleanse my space I burned some incense.
And now my spell is complete.
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A Detailed List of Candles
I thought I would type up an extremely detailed list of candles today.
Of course you have you basic chime candles, but there is so much more! Here I’ll begin with the basic candle colors then go down through the list.
White: Protection, purification, peace, truth, binding, sincerity, chastity, happiness, exorcism, spirituality, tranquillity, can be used in any ritual, new begins, banishing, uncrossing, road opening. planetary magick, working with spiritual guides/assistants/friends.
Red: Protection, strength, health, energy, sexual attraction,vigor, lust, sex, passion, courage, exorcism, love, power, woman mysteries, mother goddess, Fire and working with its spirits, destruction, and masculinity.
Black: Absorbing and destroying negativity, creating negativity, jinxes, tricks, curses, protection, healing, banishing, attracting money, work with psychopomps, Crone, breaking addiction, astral travel, and spells to work with the spirits of the night.
Blue: Understanding tranquillity, great for healing, meditation, patience, happiness, overcoming depression, work with spirits of the air, sky deities, rain spells, change, flexibility, subconscious mind, psychic powers, healing, water, ocean spells, and working with the Crone
Green: Earth, plants, healing, grounding, working with the Mother, working with the Hunter, money, finance, fertility, prosperity, growth, good luck, employment, beauty, youth, success in gardening, and gambling.
Gray: Neutrality, cancellation, stalemate, working with ghost, opening the veil, finding hidden things, psychic powers, and waxing & waning moon magick
Yellow: Color of air, charm, attraction, study, persuasion, confidence, divination, good fortune, psychic powers, wisdom, vision, sleep, health, metabolism, raising vibrations, and the mind.
Brown: Working with animals, healing animals, home, the hearth, and justice and legal work.
Pink: Love, honor, fidelity, morality, friendship, attraction, emotional healing, glamour, and self love.
Orange: Adaptability, stimulation, attraction, encouragement, legal matters, Solar magick, creativity, and spirituality.
Purple: Power, healing severe disease, spirituality, medication, exorcism, ambition, business progress, tension relief, command, compel, and control spells, and domination.
Most of these things have come from Kitchen Witchery by Marilyn F. Daniel, but then I have continued to add on as I’ve continued my path. I highly recommend the book if you are pagan or Wiccan.
I am going to leave out colors like gold, silver, and copper. I feel like those are very self explanatory. If they’re not reblog and I’ll type up another detailed list.
Now on to candle shape
Multiple day candles
Seven day candles! These candles are often called vigil or prayer candles. You can go to your local Botanica and buy some or you can order them.
Traditional these candles are prayed over and burned sequentially through out seven days. They are typically one shade, so use the list above to determine what you need it for. These candles are often dressed (anointed), by being removed from the glass and being carved, being drilled into, through the wax, and being stuffed full of herbs. They also sell different sizes of these candles, like an 128 hour candle. If you have a working deity like for example Hecate, you can then buy one of these monstrous candles and dedicate it to her, and save yourself some money. Don’t worry she’ll approve of the usage, but you can also find these candles with the name of the Orisha or a specific condition you wish to bring about. These candles also come as dressed or undress spell candles. You can by a vigil candle call Follow me boy/girl! or Lucky 7/ 7/11 candles, and etc. There are so many out and to truly write about each one deserves a separate post.
Then there is the famous seven or nine knobbed candle. These candles are often dressed and then prayed over for the amount of knobs there are. (If there is nine knobs then you burn a knob a day).
Figurine Candles
Adam and Eve/Lady and Gentleman candles
These candles are simple suppose to be representative of a person. If you typically make wax poppets, I highly recommend being a lady and gentleman candle or the Adam and Eve candles. The only difference is one group is naked and the other is fully clothed. These are candles used when the spell is suppose to target a person or yourself. Carve your name/persons name on the bottom, and dress the candles. These candles come in a variety of shades, so again use the list above when selecting a candle. Two of these candles (same gender or opposite gender) can be tied together and burned to make two parties fall in love with each other. You can also burn each candle bit by bit to bring two people together, as you move the candles together in a line towards each other.
Bride and Groom candles
These candles are designed to be used in relationship work. Blue can be used to smooth out any relationships, black for cursing and serration work, red for passion and love, pink for fidelity and love, white for marriage, spirituality, and new beginnings for a couple. I do not know when they began to sell these candles, but there are also Bride and Bride candles, and Groom and Groom candles! If you can not find one of these candles either use an Adam/Gentleman with an Eve/Lady, Eve/Lady with an Eve/Lady, or an Adam/Gentleman with an Adam/Gentleman candle for the relationship work. Just burn them side by side. I recommend using the Lady and Gentlemen candles for this purpose.
Lover Candle and Heart Candle
These candles are mainly used in love magick. Lover candles are often used to instill passion, and Heart candles can be used in all forms of magickal love working!
Divorce Figurine Candle
Pretty self explanatory. Used to end a relationship between two parties, but also can be used to end a relationship that you are end. If one party is unwilling to move you can burn a divorce figurine (to remove them physically) and preform a cord cutting (getting rid of their emotional and spiritual connection to you) to get them out of your life. I would like to note, that if you are reading this and are in abusive relationship and think about preforming one of these spell, please reach out to those around you and call the police, and head to your friends house or local woman’s shelter. They have resources to help you deal with the abuse. Magick can help us in so many ways, but we must be the active parties to help ourselves.
Gargoyle Candle
Used for protection and I often use this candle to work with my protective spirit friends. I often have a giggle when I order this candle. I order this candle from Lucky Mojo and they have it labeled with “Gothic Cuteness”. I love that company!
Two tone candles
These candles often have two types of wax, and typically deal with removal of a curse. You will see these sold as double action or reversal. You have red and black (reversal or send back to sender), green and black (removal of a money jinx), and red and black (removal of love jinx).
Master Candle or Master Hand Candle
These are extremely powerful candles. These bring about conditions, and are unforgiving. Make sure to be careful for what you use them for. They come in many different shades, so refer to the list of colors above when choosing one.
I don’t necessarily uses all of these candles, but as the saying in my group goes. Knowledge is a witch’s truest power, because if we understand we can move and bend what stand in our way.
I don’t remember where most of this information as comes from since it is coming out of my spell book. A lot of this information as been passed from mouth to mouth and passed on to me. I hope this helps everyone move forward in their craft or at least I hope it provides a good read!
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10 Crystals For Empaths
Crystals have been used for thousands of years to protect and enhance personal energy. They have the ability to focus energy and generate minute electrical currents that interact with the currents in the human body and environment. Crystals are an amazing way to cleanse, amplify, and protect one’s energy.
As a highly sensitive empath, I absorb energy from everything. Not only am I affected by the emotions and attitudes of other people, but I’m extremely sensitive to things like geopathic stress and electromagnetic stress. This often leads to exhaustion, irritability, and overwhelm.
Geopathic stress: Stress created by electromagnetic radiation, ley lines, and underground water. It’s also present in “sick building syndrome”. Injurious to health, it can affect the immune system as well as the body’s innate psychic protection and may attract ghosts or hold impressions of previous events.
Electromagnetic stress: Disharmony caused by the subtle emanations of electrical, microwave, computer, phone and radio frequencies, as well as power lines.
The following list features 10 of my favorite crystals that have been the most beneficial in managing sensitivities and raising my vibration:
Known as one of the most protective stones, labradorite creates an interface around the aura that filters out energies that are not beneficial and enhances spiritual connection. It allows one to be aware of other’s feelings and emotions without being overwhelmed by them. Labradorite enhances physic abilities, aligns physical and subtle bodies, and strengthens the aura.
Tip: If you’re prone to nightmares and restless sleep, try holding a labradorite palm stone at bedtime. I sleep with one every night and it has helped me immensely. Just remember to cleanse it in-between uses!
Stones with similar vibrational qualities: rainbow moonstone, black moonstone, spectrolite
Also known as celestite, this high vibrational stone links one to higher realms and stimulates spiritual insights. It facilitates inner peace, helps to disperse anxieties and calm the emotions while promoting clarity of mind. This beautiful crystal heals the aura, assists in conflict resolution, and helps maintain a harmonious atmosphere in times of stress.
Tip: Try meditating with one of these stones and record any insights you might have in a journal afterwards. I’ve been amazed at some of the profound breakthroughs I’ve had while spending time with this amazing crystal.
Stones with similar vibrational qualities: blue lace agate, angelite, phantom quartz, apophyllite
Lithium Quartz
This variety of quartz is a natural antidepressant. Its powerful healing energies gently lift the conditions underlying the depression to the surface, neutralizing ancient anger and grief. It can reach back into past lives to dissolve the roots of emotional dis-ease that is pervading the present life. Lithium quartz is an excellent cleanser for the body’s energy centers and is extremely useful as a healer for plants and animals.
Tip: If feeling lethargic or low on energy, carry a small lithium quartz point with you in your pocket. Lithium quartz can function like an emotional battery for those that are sensitive to the vibration of this stone.
Stones with similar vibrational qualities: quartz with hematite, elestial quartz, vanadinite, zeolite
Black Tourmaline
Black tourmaline, also known as schorl; protects agains cell phones, electromagnetic smog, radiation, ill wishing, and negative energies of all kinds. Black tourmaline is the most effective block to psychic attack and is extremely efficient at absorbing negative energy. It helps one adopt a positive attitude regardless of the circumstances.
Tip: Black tourmaline is super effective as a gem elixir that can be added to cleansing sprays and used to purify the aura.
Stones with similar vibrational qualities: shungite, black kyanite, jet, tourmalinated quartz
Rose Quartz
Known as the stone of unconditional love and forgiveness, gentle rose quartz opens the heart and transforms negative emotions into positive ones. It’s an excellent stone to use during crisis or trauma, as it quickly brings peace. It transmutes negative emotional conditioning and supports positive affirmations. It purifies and opens the heart at all levels and brings deep inner healing and self-love.
Tip: Wear a rose quartz pendant over your heart to promote self-love, tranquility, and emotional healing.
Sones with similar vibrational qualities: rhodochrosite, pink danburite, rhodonite, pink petalite, pink kunzite
A strongly protective stone, especially against electromagnetic and geopathic pollution, as well as psychic attack. Fluorite stabilizes energy and shuts off mental manipulation. This stone cleanses and stabilizes the aura. Fluorite grounds and integrates spiritual energies and assists in dissolving illusions and negative mental patterning. Emotionally, fluorite has a grounding effect.
Tip: Place a piece of fluorite on a computer or between yourself and the source of electromagnetic fog.
Stones with similar vibrational qualities: amazonite, green aventurine, bloodstone
Smoky Quartz
Smoky quartz is one of the most efficient grounding and anchoring stones. It helps alleviate fears, soothes an active mind, and promotes emotional calmness. This protective stone gently neutralizes negative vibrations, absorbs electromagnetic smog, and blocks geopathic stress. Smoky quartz is a powerful antidote to stress and assists in tolerating difficult times while bringing in positive energy.
Tip: To dispel stress, place a stone in each hand and sit quietly for a few moments. Cleanse the stones thoroughly between uses.
Stones with similar vibrational qualities: hematite, smoky elestial quartz, apache tear obsidian
Amethyst is an extremely powerful and protective stone with a high vibration. It guards against psychic attack, transmuting energy into love. A natural tranquilizer, amethyst blocks against geopathic stress and negative environmental energies. Its serenity enhances higher states of consciousness. Amethyst has strong healing and cleansing powers, and enhances spiritual awareness.
Tip: Place a cleansed amethyst point towards you to draw in positive energy, and point one away from you to dispel negative energy.
Stones with similar vibrational qualities: ametrine, lepidolite, rutilated quartz, lilac kunzite, purple fluorite
Selenite is a high vibrational stone that is said to occupy the space between light and matter. It’s an excellent crystal for repairing and re-energizing the aura. Selenite is a calming stone that instils deep peace and is excellent for spiritual work and meditation. Selenite does not allow outside influences to penetrate. A large piece within the house promotes a peaceful atmosphere.
Tip: Place other crystals, talismans, and pendants on a piece of selenite overnight for cleansing.
Stones with similar vibrational qualities: dessert rose selenite, peach moonstone, himalayan rock salt
An excellent stone for grounding one in present reality, carnelian is one of the oldest known healing stones. It energizes and restores vitality to the immune system. Carnelian promotes positive life choices and immense motivation, and assists one in trusting perceptions. This is a useful stone for overcoming negative emotional or mental conditioning. It calms anger and assists in banishing emotional negativity, while sharpening concentration. Mentally, carnelian improves analytic abilities and clarifies perception.
Tip: Carnelian placed near the front door of a home invokes protection and invites abundance.
Stones with similar vibrational qualities: citrine, tigers eye, golden calcite, orang-brown selenite, amber
I hope you find these crystals as beneficial as I do. Enjoy!
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Whites trynna practice hoodoo is so…? Why are you praying to the deceased ancestors of African American people who died under white supremacy, which you benefit from? You really feel entitled to the service of black folks, even in death?
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