Just your friendly neighborhood magical girl! Icon made in Charat.
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Mt Shiveer for the land area: I love the tundra biome aesthetic, endlessly jumping on the icy lake but never falling through, sitting in the hot spring, making hot chocolate or steamed milk (steamed milk is the true drink of lesbians, no I will not take criticism) in the Cocoa Hut, and playing my new favorite minigame: Gem Breaker!
Kani Cove for the underwater area because it has a cool color scheme, but mostly because I like the BGM there lol
Hey Jammers! I'm conducting another survey about AJ Classic. Last time was about the Mt. Shiveer Beverage minigame, and this time is about the areas. Thanks for filling this out if you do!
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Little Announcement:
So, about the upcoming AJ videos: Lucky Clovers is done and recorded, and I'll have it fully edited and posted before long. I also plan on recording The Hive soon too. As for Spring Festival… Just tried recording it. Got 99 eggs and then lost my mind looking everywhere for the last one. Couldn't find it and eventually gave up. That doesn't make for a good video, so I'm not editing or uploading that recording. I think maybe I should stop doing the scavenger hunt adventure things; they always drive me nuts, and who wants to watch that? It always upsets me when I make a recording that I know I can't use, but at least I tried. I still have more recordings of Bind the Sky to edit, anyway. So, my updated plan for AJ videos is to definitely still do the rest of the normal adventures, but cut back on the seasonal ones. I at least plan on recording videos for Graham's Workshop, Battle for the Beacon, and Tiki Trouble. I don't know much about the last one, but I remember having a lot of fun with the first two!
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oh yeah definitely lol
I played plenty of those little kids' online games when I was younger, but of the four I played regularly, only one still exists today
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I actually still see a lot of people on Classic. See, what's happened is that the kids -- AJ's target demographic -- are on Play Wild (actually, I think it's just called Animal Jam now, but idk), so the people on Classic are nostalgic teens and adults who grew up playing it.
Which is actually pretty awesome, if you ask me. The original community has grown up and matured, and people talk about things like college and jobs and still get to be silly animal guys
Yesterday, I was at the juice bar place and I wanted to pretend that I was singing on the little stage, but I wasn't sure which song to do. Someone suggested Superbass by Nicki Minaj, and I was like, "As you wish," and started "singing" an extremely censored version XD
And people understood, you know? They knew what the actual lyrics were, and they lol'd at my awkward substitutions. That's the sort of thing that happens in a kids' game not actually populated by kids, and it's great. We're all just being goofy and silly animals together :)
I played plenty of those little kids' online games when I was younger, but of the four I played regularly, only one still exists today
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No one floors like Dusknoir
Shops at stores like Dusknoir
No one non-suspiciously explores like Dusknoir!
idk, I’m not good at rhymes but I love the memes
Pmd told through memes part 3 of ???
Igglybuff the Prodigy: Igglybuff burning the map from Armaldo's POV

Igglybuff's power during the episode

The ending of the episode

Wigglytuff's power currently

Uxie when, after a few days of saying the Guild had gained their trust, someone comes out of nowhere to steal the time gear

The guild and Teasure Town receiving a new visitor

Team Skull, again

Dusknoir when the Partner asks if the Hero's name is familiar to him

Hero and Partner about to do something incredibly risky because the Hero saw it working on the Dimensional Scream

Mesprit welcoming you to the Underground Lake

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I played plenty of those little kids' online games when I was younger, but of the four I played regularly, only one still exists today
#lpso#littlest pet shop online#lps#pixie hollow#disney fairies#bearville#build a bearville#build a bear#bab#animal jam#aj classic#kiddy mmo#nostalgia#meme#that regular show meme template with the graves#online games#childhood nostalgia#memory
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might as well share this wip that's been sitting around on my computer forever
it's two snippets of SnapCube's Shadow the Hedgehog fandub audio set to footage from Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories (and a bit of footage from KH1 as well). i was planning on making a longer video like this, but then i ran into some trouble editing the footage and went off and did something else. i still want to come back to this sometime and make it into a proper video, though
#snapcube fandub#kingdom hearts#chain of memories#kh com#funny#video#meme#riku#ansem seeker of darkness#ansem sod#riku replica#repliku#vexen#wip
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Yeah, that dog's face is a perfect summation of like every player going through that bit for the first time. And probably every other time too lol
chatot you moron
Pmd Explorers told through memes part 2 of ???
Bidoof's Wish: Bidoof struggling with seeing himself as the good-for-nothing rookie (relatable, buddy)

Bidoof innocently wishing for a new friend at the Guild

Back in the main story, the Hero looking at the on coming water from Waterfall Cave's trap instead of warning the Partner they should run

Torkoal and the pokemon at the Hot Spring wondering if you drowned

Zubat and Koffing at the Partner when meeting them at the Guild

The Perfect Apple Incident

Traveling to Fogbound Lake

The Hero at Foggy Forest

Your team made up of cute initials against the giant legendary that formed the planet's land

Uxie revealing you just fought an illusion

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These are amazing! The one with the partner is so accurate lol; like, dude, this is literally your first day, of course they're not gonna send you to the Temple of Doom or whatever right off the bat. And they're portrayed by that face Kirby makes in Super Star when he gets called a "jolly fellow", which fits perfectly imo because neither Kirby or the partner can be all that intimidating when they're so cute. No matter how powerful they can be, they're still smol
Looking forward to any more you make :D
Pmd Explorers told through poorly done memes part 1 of ???
The hero agonizing on the beach

The partner and hero's meet cute♥️

Koffing and Zubat's introduction

The hero agreeing to form an exploration team without memories or any knowledge of what an exploration team does

The guild's overcomplicated system to recognize visiting pokemon when having someone check who they are through the gate would be easier

The partner being upset their first mission isn't going to be an exploration of uncharted territoey in search of items of great historical and monetary value
Meeting Marrill and Azurill

The future making a phone call directly into the hero's mind

The protagonists and players to Drowzee

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omg love these lmao
I have a huge collection of these in my photo gallery for reasons unknown.

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oh my god, this happened to me too!
it was my original playthrough of Explorers (my first pmd game), and since I was a Cyndaquil, I thought it'd be interesting to steal Team Magma's name because, y'know, fire (young me wasn't all that good at names lol). i typed in "team magma" and so we were Exploration Team Team Magma for the rest of the game.
fun times lol
based on true events
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my brain: create thing
me: okay, sure, but what thing should i create?
brain: create
me: create what?
brain: CREATE
me: i can't do that if you don't tell me what it is you want me to create
brain: C R E A T E
me: hmm, do you mean you want me to keep working on one of my stories?
brain: no, not that
me: okay, that narrows it down a little. how about editing a recording?
brain: no!!
me: then how about making a new recording? i have a few LPs going, i could start up the game right now and --
brain: NO.
me: well, how about we just take a little break? give it some time, then think about what we should do?
not even ten minutes later...
brain: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#conversations with my brain#it's like i'm talking to a toddler#text post#funny#relatable#i hope#thoughts#internal monologue#or well dialogue i guess
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it's communism time
Today in Animal Jam Classic...
It has become clear to me now that the only real solution to Jamaa's problems is a violent revolution with the aim of overthrowing the Alphas and installing the communist party (which I just made) in their place!
In this video, I take you on a tour of the party headquarters, recruit a new comrade: Redbanner the hamster, and then go off to continue lending my strength to the war effort. Yes, the Alphas suck, but overthrowing them will have to wait until we stop the Phantom invasion, which is clearly the greater threat.
In the meantime, I plan on gathering information about the Alphas' potential weaknesses while pretending to be just another loyal schmuck. A look at Cosmo's home and farmlands would be a good start...
#youtube#gaming#funny#animal jam classic#aj#cosmo the koala#adventure#phantoms#meet cosmo adventure#video#communist party of jamaa
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New AJ video! This one covers The Phantom Portal, the second adventure
After reading the news and showing off my awesome Shell Game skills, I returned to the base camp to lend my strength to the war effort. This time, I helped Liza rescue some monkey explorers and then thwarted an attempt from the Phantom King to cross over into Jamaa.
I hope the monkeys aren't too mad at me for just sitting around outside their cages, key in hand (paw?), while I rambled... Eh, I did save them in the end, so they can't really be mad, can they?
I hope you enjoy my little nostalgia trip. Just so you know, the next AJ videos mark a shift in tone for this series. The revolution is coming...
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Troy, my adorable little budgie buddy, loves broccoli!

Look at him go!
I love this little birb
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Check it out!
At long last, I've finished it...
I kept putting off finishing this video, so for months it was just sitting around on my laptop, and during that time, I, uh, acquired all thirty-five episodes of NARSOS, so now I can make more interesting videos that actually use the footage. I'm thinking of making a crack compilation next.
Still, before I started making that, my brain was like, "No, you have to finish the vine comp," and today I was a little frustrated at my lack of productiveness and said to myself internally, "Illune, you are going to finish that vine comp today and NOTHING WILL STOP YOU!" and so I did!
This was fun to make when I wasn't putting it off for no real reason lol
If you have any suggestions for further NARSOS meme video stuff, tell meeeee
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Today in Animal Jam Classic...
bots everywhere
maybe I'll just stay home today...
For the record, bots don't go in shops, so you'll be safe there. And these are all tigers, which can't swim, so the underwater areas are clear. I didn't see any in Kimbara, Shiveer, or Balloosh last time I checked, but that probably depends...
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