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MAGGIE BROWN twenty two • earth fairy..................................................... third year student at alfea university ❝ S U N F L O W E R my eyes want you more than a MELODY. ❞
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
maggiebrcwn · 4 years ago
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maggiebrcwn · 4 years ago
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“Oh that?” Marcus gestured upwards to where dripping water was coming from the ceiling. “They told me they were going to get that leak fixed sometime this week. Still waiting,” he added. “Like I get it, it takes time– but I almost had a student slip in class on the water the other day. Do you think I should just take training outside? Especially with the weather improving lately.”
“The maintenance staff here really are not the best,” Maggie nodded. “Our window has been broken since November and it’s still not been fixed. Granted it was my fault, but they don’t know that.” A mishap with a game of fetch with Cat had caused the ball shaped hole in the glass. “Oh, absolutely! Training should always be outside in my opinion. Sun on your face, breathing in the fresh air, no gym mats that smell like teenage boys– way better.”
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maggiebrcwn · 4 years ago
“Do you really think so?” Winnie’s eyes seemed to glisten at Maggie’s compliments. She didn’t quite know how good her art was, but she knew it made her happy. Hearing a friend say something positive about it gave her the hope that perhaps it was something she could pursue. “At all?” she gasped playfully. “Oh Mags, how scandalous,” the blonde added with a giggle. “That does sound like a ton of fun! Yeah, let’s do that instead. It’s a nice day, so it’ll be a good excuse to get outside as well.”
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“I really think so. Like, these are art gallery good if you sized them up a little bit,” Mags said. Complimenting others came so easy to her, and especially if she was complimenting something that was genuinely good, which in this case it was. “What can I say? I’m a girl full of scandalous ideas,” Maggie teased. She had a lot of trouble trying to focus on her work and would honestly do anything to get out of sitting in a silent room looking at books. “Definitely,” she agreed. “We can take our books outside if you really want to continue this boring stuff, but I have a feeling that you won’t.”
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maggiebrcwn · 4 years ago
“That’s way too sweet of you. You don’t have to do something like that just for me,” Audrey insisted, touched by Maggie wanting to go through all that effort just for her favorite flowers. “I mean I’d argue my realm is a little more Maggie-friendly than Niveus. You can still come across some snowy forests in Dyamond you know,” she assured her with a soft laugh. “Ah well, I think there’s something special about all the seasons. And the fact that they change every few months or so gives us something to look forward to. Do you? I would’ve thought you’d hated autumn as well.”
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“It’s no problem, Auds. Honestly,” Maggie insisted. “I’m practicing my powers and making a friend happy at the same time. Sounds like the perfect thing to do.” It wasn’t Maggie’s powers that needed practicing, she’d gotten those completely under control with years of  practice. It was all of the other classes she was ignoring that the girl probably should tend to.“Wait– they have snowy forests?” Maggie exclaimed. “Okay yes that’s not the barren land I have in my mind. I really should come and visit so I’m not judging a book by its cover.” Mags shrugged, “Well it’s not my favourite season. I hate seeing plants dying, but the colours of the leaves on the trees and being able to jump into piles of them makes it a little easier.” 
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maggiebrcwn · 4 years ago
Noah had been pretty emotional that day. He had spent most of the time painting and avoiding most people. He wasn’t expecting anyone— let alone Maggie— find him. He didn’t mind the other, but he didn’t think she be around this part of campus. “Oh, what? Yeah,” Noah lied, though it was obvious that it was the opposite. “Didn’t think I’d see you here.”
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Mags shook her head, “Come on, it’s me. I know you’re hiding something,” she said, concern lacing her voice. “I don’t usually come around this part of campus. I was looking for you, seeing as I haven’t seen you in days. I was worried.”
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maggiebrcwn · 4 years ago
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Charlotte gave a small shrug before her reply, “It’s what I’m good at. Don’t fix what’s not broken, you know?” Charlotte spoke, pretending to act like it wasn’t something of a big deal. “That sounds like so much fun, sneak me out next time, would you?” Charlotte used to do a lot more of the things that Maggie was mentioning, but within the past year and a bit since her brother’s passing and being thrusted into the responsibility that she never would of expected needing to do it became less and less common for her. “I try,” She laughed, “How good is it?” 
“You are very good at it. I could never do what you do,” Maggie said. She was often in awe of her royal friends of how they managed to cope with everything that was put on their plate. “Oh, absolutely! As long as you can promise I won’t get in trouble for kidnapping a princess,” she teased. As soon as the spoon hit her tongue, Maggie’s eyes bulged and she ate the ice cream very quickly. “Oh my God. This is incredible! Where did you get it? I need this in my life.”
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maggiebrcwn · 4 years ago
“From what I know about you, that sounds on brand,” Marisol mustered another soft laugh. “Sunflowers are easily one of the prettiest sunflowers, so I won’t protest to seeing that on our wall,” she added. It didn’t hurt to project a little positivity, especially when her dorm mate wasn’t half bad. “A lot of ocean waves. Maybe some seashells. I’d love to add some greenery too, like large palm leaves or something,” Mari replied after considering the other’s question for a moment and imagining what she would paint on her part of the mural. “Yeah… I’m pretty sure splashing in the mud bathes is frowned upon everywhere except on a farm,” she agreed with a little nod of her head, stifling back the beginnings of a snort. “A little spa day for yourself sounds like a good idea.”
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“It is very on brand, so you must know enough about me just from living in the same space for a few years. What you see is what you get with me,” she said with a gentle shrug. “Oh, that sounds like it would look so good! It also sounds very on brand for you too, Marisol,” Mags said with a grin. “I’ll have to order some more blue paints in for the ocean, but I think I’ve got enough of the other colours to get us started off.” Mags only used the brightest of colours in her paintings, but was definitely not opposed to trying some different shades. “A spa day for us sounds like a good idea. I can definitely get Darcy in on the idea.” 
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maggiebrcwn · 4 years ago
“Okay, don’t tell them that. Now they’re going to think they can do whatever the hell they want and I’ll look a blind eye. There are some things I’m not cool about, like-… trying to burn down the building or I don’t know… something else as equally as bad.” He told the other, coming up at a loss of other things that could be considered bad and worthy of punishment. “Something about being a specialist instructor, makes them believe I’m all bite and bark. That and they know I’ve fought in battles and been in front of enemy lines, which just makes me sound badass if I’m being honest with you.” He smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. “Shit, all of them? Really? Can it not just be like two? I’m pretty sure I’ve racked up quite a few points and two shouldn’t hurt my cred too much.” Julian waved his hand at the other, “Caught them smoking, I mean pretty sure they’re old enough to do so not sure why they thought I was going to bust their ass.”
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“Yeah but they should know that, right? Like you don’t need to explicitly tell someone that you’re not cool with them burning down a building for them to know that you’re not cool with it. If they assume otherwise, they’d be quite silly,” Mags replied, though the amount of bushes she’d seen on fire in her time on campus did make her think twice. “It makes you sound like a badass, sure. But I know the truth, that you’re a big ol’ softie,” the girl teased, slightly raising her voice so the student down the corridor could hear her. “Absolutely all of them. You were only on seven though, so it’s not even knocked you down that much,” Maggie told the other with a grin. “Probably because you look scary in that leather jacket and teach people how to punch for a living. That might do it.”
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maggiebrcwn · 4 years ago
“Well we can have another look while we go around the grounds,” he suggested, hoping to ease her mind. If they were already checking everywhere else, it wouldn’t take too much to add those to their list. “Harry is just fine,” he added with a chuckle. “A portrait? Don’t those take hours to do or something? They always make me think of kings or something,” Harry admitted with a chuckle. “That’s perfect. By the way, what should I call you?” 
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“We can, you’re right,” Mags said with a sigh. After all this time, she really didn’t want to lose the necklace for real. “Harry,” she nodded. “Well it’s nice to meet you Harry, a very kind stranger.” Most people would just shrug it off, but his insistence to look for it definitely didn’t go unnoticed. “They do, but it’s something I love to do. It’s no effort or struggle,” she shrugged, for it really wasn’t and she wanted to make sure he knew that. “You can call me Mags, Maggie or Margaret– maybe not the last one as only my dad calls me that.” 
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maggiebrcwn · 4 years ago
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“If we’re mind fairies… I guess that means we’re in the wrong class and we don’t need to finish this assignment. I was really enjoying it too!” Jasmine played along before laughing again; she was glad to have someone like Maggie studying with her. Being able to laugh in such an important time made it seem much less stressful. “That sounds like a plan to me,” Jasmine agreed as she moved to close some of her workbooks spread out across the table. “How big of a pot do we need?” 
“Maybe we should just pretend we are for the day so we don’t have to do this assignment,” Maggie offered. “Such a shame though as I was enjoying it too,” she shook her head with a grin. It was lovely to have someone to joke around with like normal while most other people were stressed. Times like these really didn’t bother Mags. “The biggest one you can find. When I’m bored I drink tea... and I’m really bored.”
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maggiebrcwn · 4 years ago
“Okay, I’m here,” Logan said when she got to the destination the other had given. “Now what was so important that I had to stay up till midnight for? You’re cutting into my precious sleep hours.”
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“Shhhhh,” Maggie said to the other in a whisper, moving a finger to her lips. “We’re on a rescue mission. You see that cat in there?” She said, pointing to the multicoloured feline on the edge of the bed in one of the boys dorms, “Well that cat belongs in my dorm and I need to take it without anyone waking up or knowing I was in the dorm. You can be my look out.”
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maggiebrcwn · 4 years ago
“Are you really telling me that you don’t think plants could have magical properties, I mean you’re an earth fairy, you should believe that this is a totally plausible thing.” After all they lived in realms where magic was at it’s very core, it wouldn’t be the most peculiar thing to ever happen. “I have seen these videos on my phone where people put splodges of paint on a canvas, then in a plastic bag and then they put food on it and the kittens just-” She made a motion of paws and tiny licks to the other, “All over and it’s like they’re painting.” Darcy grinned at the other and bounced over to hug her, being mindful of the animal in question, “We can totally play it off as a campus cat, but once they see them they won’t be able to say no. They’re too cute.”
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“Of course I know plants have magical properties, Darce. I’m just saying that those ones in particular definitely don’t,” she huffed, shaking her head. “Oh. My. God,” Maggie said, punctuating every word and pulling a pleading face. “You have absolutely got to show me these videos because now I feel like I won’t have lived without seeing them.” Maggie grinned as Darcy came to hug her, awkwardly trying wrap her arms around the bag by Darcy’s side to not disturb the kitten. “That’s a solid plan. Can we name it?”
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maggiebrcwn · 4 years ago
“I think it’s more the watching where I’m going than seeing where I’m going,” Zac replied. “I’m trying to work on that.”
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“You should definitely be working on that because I don’t want you bumping into someone who will get mad at you. What sort of a protective older sister would I be if I let that happen to you?”
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maggiebrcwn · 4 years ago
“You’re absolutely right, you can’t get daffodils during the winter,” she nodded, knowing that trying to win Maggie over on winter was a losing battle. “I think peonies might be my favorite flowers. Or bluebells. It’s hard to choose, but I completely get the appeal of spring,” Audrey told the other with a smile. “I guess I’m just very used to winter all year ‘round,” she added with a little shrug. “But hey the beauty of seasonal realms like Magix means we get to experience all the seasons. It keeps things fresh.”
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“I am absolutely right,” Maggie giggled as she nodded. “Those are both such beautiful flowers, and now that I know that I am totally going to work out how to grow some underneath your windowsill.” It would be good practice of her powers and it would mean that her friend could see some beautiful things when she opened her curtains in the morning – a win win. “That is honestly so sad. I don’t think I could ever visit your realm as there’s like no flora anywhere. I do like to experience autumn, but only for a short amount of time. If I could avoid winter for my whole life, I would.”
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maggiebrcwn · 4 years ago
“Of course you can see them, Mags,” she told the other as she slid over the book so her friend could see it better. “We really are,” Winnie agreed, laughing at the situation. “Guess that’s the official sign we should cut this session short and come back to it later.”
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“Okay, these are excellent, Win,” Maggie commented as she flicked through the drawings the other did instead of her project. “Or not come back to it at all,” Maggie offered, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. “I think we should go and practice our powers, right? A way better use of our time. And a lot more exciting too.”
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maggiebrcwn · 4 years ago
“Walk with me?” Zac asked, but it was more of a plead, not meaning to. “You can be my eyes,” he joked.
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“Of course,” Maggie said, linking her arm with her brother’s to walk down the hall. “I think we might need to get you some glasses, because I know this is not the first time you’ve crashed into me.”
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maggiebrcwn · 4 years ago
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“If it helps- it’s really good.” Charlotte teased as she placed the tub down on the table. “Mostly our school work but it’s a little bit of everything else too. It always feels like theres so much more work at the start of the year. Is it like this for you? I figure it’s nothing a bit of ice cream can fix, though.” She explained with a small sigh. “Grab a spoon, you can have as much as you’d like!” 
“Just make me more jealous why don’t you,” Mags said as she shook her head with a bright smile on her face. “Not really,” she replied, “I don’t have anywhere near as much on my plate as you do though. I don’t even really do a lot of my school work, I’m always off painting or climbing trees which feels like a way better use of my time.” Mags was very glad she didn’t have to do anything in the realms like Charlotte or the other royals did, it seemed stressful. “You are the literal best,” Maggie beamed, taking a spoon and grabbing a big mouthful. 
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