Maybe unpopular opinion, but,,,
Don’t come in to witchcraft with this idea that it’s all about peace and love all the time. In the beginning of my journey, I would often say things like, “Witches don’t worship the Devil, they just collect crystals and garden!” Or, “Witches don’t do animal sacrifices, that would be terrible!”
Your aestheticized idea of witchcraft is not reality for all witches. It’s wonderful if that is where you find your calling. However, not all witches are the same. Some witches curse, some do animal sacrifices, some worship the Devil (not always the Christian “Satan”). You do not have to do these things, but some witches do. Just because you don’t understand these things through your cultural worldview, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Especially in cultures with very old practices that have been continually erased by others.
Don’t develop any ideas about what witchcraft is allowed to be. It can be beautiful, and peaceful, and dark, and overwhelming, and anything in between.
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The Facebook outage summed up in a post:
Facebook had literally just been exposed for doing horrible things, like not kicking people off for hate speech, keeping Nazis on their platform despite being reported, and taking down their bare-minimum safeguards for the recent election.
They are also facing public backlash for their recent study revealing Instagram makes the mental health of young girls and women worse.
Their stock plummets.
Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and everything else owned by the company goes down.
People freak out.
Mark Zuckerberg has lost about seven billion of his net worth.
People freak out and scream the Internet is down while Tumble vibes.
Apparently right now (6:14 EST) Facebook and WhatsApp are back up, and Instagram is almost there
TL;DR: Facebook went down to due to people calling out their BS to save face, sending most of the Internet into chaos.
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Tumblr somehow surviving to see Facebook struggle is like what I imagine neighboring territories felt like when they saw the rise and fall of Rome
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Are you telling me that this hellsite is the only social network still working without problems??
What a time to be alive
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I’d love to see the global psychological impact if Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, etc. stayed down for a full week. I’m certain the good would outweigh the bad.
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Bioware: Guess what?? Netflix is producing a live action Dragon Age series!!!!
me, sobbing on my knees, arms outstretched to the heavens: Please.....I just......want.....DA4.........
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PSA - Will It Summon Demons?
Things That Are Not Likely To Summon Demons And Spirits Into Your Home:
Practicing a pagan religion
Practicing no religion
Skipping religious services
Disobeying your parents
Disobeying oppressive religious rules
Reading books about other religions
Reading books about witchcraft
Casting most types of spells, including hexes
Practicing divination
Reading tarot cards
Owning crystals
Having deity statues
Maintaining an altar
Adopting a black cat
Owning or wearing a pentacle or other pagan symbol
Playing with Ouija or other talking boards
Putting up fantasy or non-Christian artwork
Celebrating pagan holidays
Celebrating Halloween
Watching scary movies and TV shows
Reading horror novels
Playing tabletop RPGs
Playing LARP games
Playing video games
Reading fantasy books
Reading comics and graphic novels
Listening to heavy metal music
Dyeing your hair
Dressing however you please
Having tattoos and piercings
Engaging in premarital sex
Being queer
Being trans
Participating in activism for progressive social causes
Things That Might Summon Demons And Spirits Into Your Home:
Literally summoning demons and spirits into your home
This has been a Public Service Announcement.
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🌊 Water Magic 🌊
Water is a powerful tool in witchcraft. Whether you collect it from the weather, the ocean, a lake, or from your own sink or shower, it can be used in many spells and incantations and has strong magical properties…
Water Correspondences
🌊 Water: love, banishing, beauty, calm, change, compassion, creativity, emotions, femininity, fertility, flexibility, healing, intuition, meditation, psychic powers, purification, dreams, sensitivity, sadness, life
🌊 Ocean / sea water: vastness, fear, power, life, protection
🌊 Rain water: growth, power, regeneration, rebirth
🌊 Storm water: clarity, strength, purification, banishing
🌊 Lake water: abundance, unknown, wealth, spirituality
🌊 Swamp water: disease, invisibility, connection, links
🌊 River water: charging, energy, movement, power
🌊 Pond water: limitations, silence, conjuration, immobility
🌊 Melted ice: creativity, growth, harmony, motivation, purification
🌊 Melted hail: pain, curse, bad intentions, anger
🌊 Melted snow: change, balance, endings, healing, power, purity
🌊 Morning dew: love, charm, fertility, sensitivity
✨ Spells & Magic
- Practice daily energy cleansing under the shower. - If you have a bathtub, create bath spells to give you power. - Open windows when it rains. - Make sprays with specific herbs for your home or your bed. - Listen to waterfall / rain playlists. - Charge jars of water under the moonlight to collect moon water. - Dress with blue colors to use the power of water.
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Masculine & Feminine Energy

What you need to realise.....
Masculine and Feminine energies are not connected, tied, related, or even briefly acquainted to gender or biological structure. ‘Feminine’ and ‘masculine’ have been given a much different meaning in today’s society and so here’s what I want you to remember from now on;
Energy is genderless.
The terms ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ come from Old World lore and so your gender honestly doesn’t matter when it comes to cultivating the energy inside and around you.
So when we look at energies, there’s three main types that relate to specific areas of the body;
Feminine Energy - This is usually symbolised by the Moon and is the ‘left’ of the body
Masculine Energy - This is usually symbolised by the Sun and is the ‘right’ of the body
Chakra Energy - There’s no symbol for this, and is the ‘centre’ of the body
Also, nobody is purely masculine and nobody is purely feminine. You can’t have one without the other, but you definitely can have an innate ability to connect to one energy type more than the other.
Feminine Energy
Guided by the Moon and the ability to receive, Feminine Energy looks at absorbing intent, energy, and straight up vibes from the Universe/Fate. It’s about understanding and amplifying intuition as well as working to connect to your emotions healthily so that it benefits you.
Reception, transformation and being able to accept are key to this energy type!
Feminine Energy is about your emotional side, being kind to yourself, and accepting/going after your needs.
It’s gentle, calming, and soft.
Masculine Energy
Guided by the Sun and action, Masculine Energy looks at cultivating and utilising the energy that you get from the ‘left’ of your body. It’s about pouring that energy out into the universe to shape your reality.
Action and self-actualisation are key to this energy type!
Masculine Energy is about taking everything that fate has dealt you, everything that the Universe has shoved at you, and morphing it into something that benefits you.
It’s bright, energetic, and bold.
Of course, this isn’t all there is to know about Masculine and Feminine Energies, but it’s the basics!
Thanks for coming to my Witch Talk x
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I don’t know who needs to hear this but
Do NOT cast spells for positive effects that involve:
Burning a picture of yourself*
Burning a piece of paper that anywhere contains your name*
Burning a piece of hair or other taglock*
*Unless you really know what you’re doing
I don’t know how sigil culture got people to think that burning anything = sending it off for spirits, but NO. Across pretty much every magical practice, burning involving a person = destruction. Burning as a means of generically sending things off is mainly used for offerings.
On a similar vein, do not cast spells for positive effects that involve taking a human figure and ripping up, burning, submerging in soil or water, or doing anything else to that figure that would maim or kill a real human. (unless you really know what you’re doing)
Remember the Law of Similarity. Destruction of an image = destruction of the thing itself.
Edit: I’ve seen a lot of comments of “fire isn’t just destructive!” and “burning can have other effects!” and yes, I completely agree. Hell, I can hardly do magic without a lit candle in the room. I’m talking specifically about harming images or pieces of yourself/your clients who you want to produce positive effects for.
I also made the caveat that if you know what you’re doing then there isn’t an issue. imo, “real magic” is any magic that works. If you have a technique that works for you and doesn’t cause unwanted side effects, great! My intention behind this post was to speak to those who are trying spells from online, modern spellbooks, their friends, etc. My goal is to encourage a critical eye, especially when techniques that have historically been used one way are being applied in another very different one.
Regardless, I’m glad this post is generating a lot of good conversation.
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The Days of the Week

The power behind a spell and ritual can be magnified and finessed by performing them on a day that corresponds with their intent. However, it isn’t necessary to wait until a Sunday for a health spell, but doing so will give bigger and better returns for you.
Note - I mention Masculine and Feminine Energy in this post! This does not relate to your gender! Masculinity and Femininity represent certain vibes, and I’ll explain more in-depth on another post!
Ruling Planet - Moon
Mondays are best for spells and rituals that centre around;
Astral Work
Spiritual Cleansing
Invoking Power
Creative ideas
Receiving divine messages from the Divine
Ruling Planet - Mars
Tuesdays are best for spells and rituals that centre around;
Building strength of the mind and body
Reversing hexes
Blocking psychic attacks
Masculine Energy
Ruling Planet - Mercury
Wednesdays are best for spells and rituals that centre around;
Careers and Jobs
Knowledge / Things you want to learn / Research
The Arts
Ruling Planet - Jupiter
Thursdays are best for spells and rituals that centre around;
Universal Powers
Justice and Authority
Health and Prosperity
Spiritual Development
Ruling Planet - Venus
Fridays are best for spells and rituals that centre around;
Romantic attraction
All relationships
Feminine Energy
Self-care / Self-love
Ruling Planet - Saturn
Saturdays are best for spells and rituals that centre around;
Binding and Banishing
Home-related issues
Weight Loss
Releasing bad habits
Endings (this can be ending relationships, personal conflicts.... basically if you want it gone, you can end your ties with it)
Ruling Planet - The Sun
Sundays are best for spells and rituals that centre around;
Healing of the body, mind and soul
Personal Empowerment
Decision Making
Insights to Problems
Material Wealth
Divine Interpretation/Intervention
Beginning Anew
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The Wheel of the Year

The Wheel of the Year is celebrated (usually) by Pagans and looks at the annual cycle of seasonal festivals. It includes the solstices and equinoxes, as well as the midpoints between them. As the festivals are based on British Paganism from the mid-20th century, there are Celtic Fire Festivals (or “Cross-Quarter Days”) which count for 4 of the festivals altogether - if you don’t want to celebrate these, then it’s perfectly alright not to. The Wheel of the Year is cyclical and so follows the idea of life, death and rebirth. Also, just because you practice witchcraft, doesn’t mean that you have to follow the Wheel of the Year - Witchcraft is not a religion, but a practice.
However, I follow the Wheel of the Year and so that’s why I’m putting this out there!
So to start, we’ve got our Solar Festivals;
Yule (Winter Solstice)
Ostara (Spring Equinox)
Litha (Summer Solstice)
Mabon (Autumnal Equinox)
The Solar Festivals celebrate the peak of each season and are decided by where the sun is in relation to the Earth.
And then there’s our Celtic Fire Festivals;
The Celtic Fire Festivals are the “entry” to the season and are seen to have tons of seasonal energy. This energy is usually released with a bonfire being lit. They’re like the midpoints between the Solstices and the Equinoxes, and can be called “Cross-Quarter Days”.
The Wheel of the Year isn’t the “End-All” or “Complete Collection” of festivals that you can celebrate, but it gives structure to the year and so most witches adapt to it. If there’s a holiday that you have and love, add it in and have some fun!
"The end and the beginning of the Celtic Year” - L. Lister
In the Northern Hemisphere, it’s celebrated from October 31st to November 1st
In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s celebrated from April 30th to May 1st
So, I pronounce this like “sow-en” but I am Irish so it’s that Gaeilge accent coming out of me. This is also known as “Halloween” to those that don’t follow the Wheel of the Year, or “All Hallow’s Eve”. When we look at the cyclical nature of the Wheel of the Year, it stands for that in between moment where we stare and anticipate death. During this festival, the veil between the Living and the Dead is thin, and so it’s about remembering those that have passed before us.
Typically, witches will work with the dead and try to communicate with spirits and wandering ghosts.
“Festival of rebirth, midwinter, the shortest day and longest night of the year” - L. Lister
In the Northern Hemisphere, it’s celebrated from December 20th to the 23rd
In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s celebrated from June 20th to 23rd
Pronounced exactly how it looks, Yule is also called “Midwinter��� commonly and “Alban Arthan” within modern Druid traditions. It’s the turning point of the year where we celebrate the fact that the sun is coming back and with it the life of the Earth. Basically we’re sick of winter and want summer back.
Typically, witches celebrate with warm drinks, Yule logs and evergreen trees decorated for the spirits of winter.
“The Earth’s awakening” - L. Lister
In the Northern Hemisphere, it’s celebrated from January 31st to February 2nd
In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s celebrated from July 31st to August 2nd
This festival has a lot of names, in case you couldn’t tell. Pick whichever you prefer and vibe with it - it honestly doesn’t really matter which you choose because they all mean the same festival in essence. So Bride isn’t pronounced how you think it is, it’s “bri-ja” like the word “bridge” but stretched out. It is not pronounced like a groom and bride!
Imbolg celebrates the return of spring, and is originally a festival that celebrated the goddess Brigid, later turned into Saint Brigid through Christianisation.
Typically, witches will light torches and celebrate using fire in every form, symbolising the light that is coming with Spring.
“The first day of Spring, day and night are equal” - L. Lister
In the Northern Hemisphere, it’s celebrated from March 21st to 22nd
In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s celebrated from September 21st to 22nd
This festival is attributed to Eostre (an Old English Goddess/ Anglo-Saxon Goddess). Basically, it’s about how excited everyone is now that spring is here. Ostara is now Easter - hares and eggs are the symbols of Eostre. The Equinox is all about fertility, new life and the idea of harmony and balance. Light and dark are equal, and the light is only growing stronger. Bluntly put, Ostara is the run-up for Beltaine (the prep work kinda?), since it’s all gaining the favour of a fertility goddess which is then put to the test at the next festival .
Typically, witches will paint eggs and basically dedicated the festival to celebrating fertility.
“ Heralding Summer, festival of fertility” - L. Lister
In the Northern Hemisphere, it’s celebrated on the 1st of May
In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s celebrated from October 31st to November 1st
So I’m cheating on this one..... Beltaine (”bell-ten-aah”) can be spelt Bealteinne, Bealtaine and Beltane, but I’m Irish so I use the Irish/Gaeilge spelling and pronunciation.
Beltaine is the first day of summer and was celebrated by people jumping over fires to ensure their fertility - it was symbolic and the idea that if you cleared the fire with no problems, then you’re definitely gonna be fertile and conceive super easily. The veil between the world is thin during this time, and so it’s perfect to communicate with spirits - human and not.
Typically, witches have a lot of sex and go for nature walks.
“Summer’s height, the longest day and the shortest night” - L. Lister
In the Northern Hemisphere, it’s celebrated from June 20th to the 23rd
In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s celebrated from December 20th to 23rd
At the Summer Solstice, the sun is high and bright in the sky and is at its peak for the year. It can be called “Midsummer” as well, as after it the dark starts to creep back into our days.
Here’s a fun fact, so June is blessed with the Mead Moon or Honey Moon, and as June was considered super lucky, couples would get married during it. Newlyweds would have to drink mead all day for a month after their wedding for tradition and so this period of time was known as their “honeymoon”, and is where we get the term from!
Typically, witches will eat fresh fruits and experience the power of the sun through meditating outdoors, going for a walk, and charging spells, crystals, and herbs. Divination is practised at night during this time!
“Festivals of gratitude and marriage” - L. Lister
In the Northern Hemisphere, it’s celebrated from July 31st to August 1st
In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s celebrated from February 1st to 2nd
So this is a bit different..... this festival has two names coming from two different origins and this can affect how you celebrate (you can also choose to just not care about that too, either-or really). Lughnasadh is an old way of spelling it, but the modern Irish way is spelt Lúnasa (”loo-na-sah”), if you prefer one way of spelling over the other then choose that one (they’re pronounced the same btw!). Lammas is the Anglo-Saxon version and translates to loaf mass, whereas Lughnasagh was dedicated to the Celtic god of fire, Lugh.
It’s the festival of the first harvest, so things like baking bread and eating fruits, handfasting and just having a great time on a hill or a mountain (this is something people did for Lugh but I’ll go over that another time).
Typically, witches will bake bread in the shape of a man and eat it, drinking wine (personally, I like rosé) and all around just doing things that relax you.
“Festival of harvest, when day and night are equal” - L. Lister
In the Northern Hemisphere, it’s celebrated from September 20th to 23rd
In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s celebrated from March 20th to 23rd
This.... This right here..... This is my favourite festival. It’s also known as Meán Fómhair (”man” - “foh-er”/”fore” - depends on dialect) in Irish/Gaeilge and is about sharing the last of the harvest amongst others. There’s a lot of bread baking for this holiday as well and I am absolutely enthralled about that. It’s got all the vibes of spiced apples, cinnamon sticks and pastry pies rolled up into one.
Typically, witches will bake apple pie and bread, do some autumn house cleaning, and decorate using acorns and corn.
And that’s the Wheel of the Year! I’ll have a more in depth post where I go over each festival to the point of tears, but for now this is the bare bones of it all!
Thanks for coming to my Witch Talk xx
#witch#witchcraft#wicca#paganlife#pagan#wiccapedia#witches#witchlife#witchyvibes#the wheel of the year#babywitch#baby witch#witchblr
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✨ signs of house fae ✨
okkkk this post is just for fun and for you babes are into the more mystical side of spirituality! signs there are faeries in your house :
you see lights dancing out the corner of your eye
your shoes seem to move - when I was little, I would always swear to my parents that my shoes would shift every time I woke up. the movements are usually so tiny that most people will dismiss it as their brains messing with them.
jewelry and shiny objects vanish a l l t h e f u c k i n g t i m e. I once left a dangly earring on my bathroom counter, turned around, and looked back to see it slipping into the sink. it was as if a magnet was pulling it in, craziest thing in the world !! (then proceeded to cry because I really wanted to wear that fucking earring bitch)
you walk into a room and immediately forget what you went in there to do/get - sometimes just a psychological thing but if it happens randomly + frequently, could be a sign!
plants grow effortlessly around your house - even if you live in an urban area or don’t actively garden, you’ll find that everything just grows quickly.
birds, bees, wasps, etc. build nests around your house - even though there are a thousand other natural places for them to live.
your pets get random bursts of energy/excitement despite any visible stimulation - in celtic folklore this is considered a sign that the fae are playing around with your pets!
you hear bells, tapping, or singing at night or early morning - will sound like it’s distant but close at the same time, as if drifting from another realm.
🌷 feel free to add onto this list with your own signs and experiences! 🌷
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Witchcraft is a Skill: Reminders
🔮That means it requires work and effort to get good at it.
🔮Just like you wouldn’t expect yourself to become a master violin player or a master chef in a short period of time, don’t expect to be immediately amazing at witchcraft.
🔮Some people have innate abilities that help them learn skills faster, but that doesn’t make them any better than someone who takes longer to learn. And even those with innate abilities have their weak spots and struggles.
🔮The more you practice and study, the better you will get at it. Just go at your own pace, be proud of your progress, and focus on improving your weak spots.
🔮Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t practice as frequently as you’d like. Do what you can and do your best.
🔮Sometimes witchcraft is difficult. That’s normal. Overcoming these challenges instead of quitting will improve your craft. Embrace challenges.
🔮If something in your craft isn’t working, try something new.
🔮There is always, always something new to learn. Never lose that initial spark or excitement that made you practice witchcraft in the first place. If you find yourself getting bored, try to specialize in a certain area. Research lore. Develop your own UPG.
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witchy reminder
just because a witch practices in a way you don’t favour or in a way that doesn’t work for you personally doesn’t mean their way of practice isn’t valid! please support your fellow witches on their journey of self discovery, let’s all educate each other and build each other up instead of judging or turning up our noses to witches of different belief systems!
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Incorporating witchcraft/witchy things into your everyday life
I always get asked tones of questions on how to incorporate witchcraft into your daily routine so here are some ways that you could possibly do so
The tips:
- when you wake up you could burn incense or sage around your house and yourself to cleanse everything for a brand new day
- when drinking drinks like tea or coffee you can use the spoon to mix in a clockwise direction to increase something or anti clockwise to decrease something
- you can also draw a sigil in the bottom of your cup with honey and then add you drink on top
- when baking things with crust you can carve sigils into it to make your food more magickal and be filled with your intent
- set up an altar for your ancestors and pray to it everyday when you wake up or before bed, you can also leave offerings on there
- carry crystals or amulets you have made in your pocket or around your neck for them to work their magick
- enchant things such as makeup brushes or jewellery
- pretty self explanatory but you can write in your book of shadows or grimoire everyday
- have a moon chart which shows the stages of the moon each month and mark when you would like to practise your spells based on what moon phase will be most beneficial
- grow a garden filled with lots of different plants and trees and bushes, everyday go out and spend time in it to clear your mind and become more in tune with your spirituality and intuition
I hope this helped some of you’s! Feel free to add more suggestions below, happy enchanting ✨
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