hello this is 만날 나 (every day me) :) i write to keep track of my feelings. how about yours?
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Just realized the date's pretty... 121221!!!! Anyways hello!!!!!!! I woke up pretty late today but i'm happi i get my sweep🥺🥺🥺 umm i feel kinda ?@?@*#((# qctually because i overheard my parents ridiculed my cousin for going to therapy and said that they didn't think my cousin was mentally abused when the therapist said so x___x it was veri traumatic to hear so i just close myear and focus on something else and buried my will to ask them to pay for my theraphy i'll deffo just pay on my own!!!! And i will prolly ask my cousin untuk contacts for the therapist !! (I feel anxious just thinking of asking this to her) terus td that cousin of mine kerumah juga sm pacarnya (nama pacarnya Kak Iqbal) idk why kak iqbal doyan bgt kerumah jir bisa seminggu sekali????? Ngapain dh -_- tp dia bawakan cake so i guess fine??? And and what else, i took a nice nice nap because i cried beforehand so it was a nice sleep (sleeping after crying feels nice) and i make crab rangoon !!!! So proud of miiii good job miii i hav grew up well (patpat miiicelf🧏♂️)
Thank you for talking to me the whole day💘💘💘i find u comforting and i hope you do as well with me :(( i will make myself worthy for you!!!
Nyo mo sakit peyut jenjen!!!
💘💘💘 i miccuuuu (still)
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Sawwy i wrote this one late!!! T____T umm yesterday.. i already forgot lots about yesterday um i went to my gamma's house yesterday right??? Okie okie and there were a looot of people there (i barely recognize) but gamma was happiii with the sandals we got for her katanya empuk ;ooo tp sepupu2 ku itu sudah pada punya anak.... banyak sekali anak2 i feel x___X bleh, and mbah2 nya jg banyak and they were surprised to see me katanya "eh ini anaknya aa?!?!?!" (Papah dipanggil aa) beda pisan cenah mah, ya kumaha atuh da capek 😭😭😭 kitu we lah pokoknya pulangggggg trus panash lo bekasi wae sho panas ;_____; and and pulang ke market righttt and habis tu beli ayammmm nah!!! Sore ke malem tu aku bantu tyo ketrin lagi untuk paparan giru deh pokoknya penentuan dr panelis apakah berhasil naik jd kadep wakadep ndak etc etc begitu pkoknyaaa dan itu lamaaaaa kan dr jam 7 sampai jam 10 tuh kemarin :OoOo panjang dan kureng berbobot krn aku sibuk ketawa sm gaby (nih introduce nama baru) gatau knp aku sm gebi liat2an di kamera trs ngakak trus terusan sj aneh !! Pakai filter masker. Yasudah begiru deh!!@ something triggered me earlier on yesterday morning but i think i handled it fine!! ^___^
I'm so grateful i talked to you lots ♡♡♡♡♡ i hav lotsa goood good feelings for you jen
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Hi it's Friday!!!! #TGIFTGIF!!!! I woke up today ummm jam 8 because kelas kapita selekta with pak Okin 😎😎 lalu aku pagi mamammm nuggies (yg karaage) with sosis kanzler blackpepper uwa uwiiiiii lalu aku nugas lanjut basis data (aku hampir menyerah hiks karena ndak mengerti, bapaknya kasih tutorial lewat teks) :(( lalu aku chat semua teman2 sekelasku di basis data dan aku mendapat operan dari revi #thanksrevi #dapatdiandalkan lalu akhirnya aku dapat mengerjakan dan mengumpulkan tepat waktu ole!!!! Masih banyak tugas yg harus kulakukan :o namun aku akan mengerjakannya aku pasti bisa!! Karena sebentar lagi uas tjieh uwa uwiiiii kalo mau lihat update tugasku aku suka post di priv!!! Lalu hari ini aku kesyal karena membuat tahu bulat keasinan sampai pahit ~___~ but i think yang membuat pahit itu baking sodanya -.- masih terlalu gerinjil maybe!!! Issokie i can always try again am good am good!!! Lalu mam malam tadi aku buatkan adikku topokki karena si mbul ingin topokki jadi aku buatkan dehhh yang mamasuka, pakai sosis kicil kicil hohoho :o Sudah deh!! Sekarang i'm all tucked in and we'll be sleeping together 💤😴🛌
I like today jen
I hope everyday's like today
And i still miss you!! Itu mutlak!!!!!!!
(Nyo) good night (yet)!!!
Tomorrow I go celebrate mbah's borfday:o
How are you feeling jeddungaaa? 🐶🐇
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Hi!! It's Thursday!!! Suddenly tomorrow it's Friday... it flew by very very fast but I'm grateful that it means it'll be weekend soon. But aku belum kerjakan basis data!! Aku lupa sekali.. I will do tomorrow! I can't stack anymore works.. aku rapat lumayan banyak hari ini so I couldn't take naps uaaaa but issokie. Tadi agak maleman jam setengah 8 aku ada meeting sama wakadepku si Dino (nama baru? Kamu sudah kenal kan?? But not our dinos) dan kita ngajak diskusi 2 orang yg berbeda dari anak magang untuk kita consider jadi wakadep 2.. dan kita sudah dapat! (Yahoooo) sekaligus aku juga izin sama Dino selama liburan ke tahun baru aku bakal AFK dan matikan semua sosmed, dan fokus healing and getting better! Umm.. today's foods.. aku lunch makan ayam panggang! Or ayam bakar.. i think ayam bakar, and malamnya aku makan yang aci itu, plus aku juga mam es podeng yang masiiih banyaaak sekalii 🍧 now i'm a liiiitle sleepy but I'm content. I feel so much better, I hope this'll stay forever.
I miss you a lot as well but I'm super super super super happy I get to talk to you more today... I forever miss you Jen 🥖🌮🍖🌮🧀🌯🌭🥓🧀🫓🧀
How are you feeling? 🥦🥦
(No pics for today!! Oh, prolly a vid, i took this when in rapat! Diskusi soal struktur organisasi...)
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HIII it's Wednesday x____x as usual i go to work dududududuu but thankfully super thankfully today went really really well.. I spent the entire work with my friends, kita berempat di satu kerjaan aja so we just kinda hang around and talk about and chat about everything and we laughed our asses off 😂😂 Papa tbtb send me gopay and he told me to treat my friends lunch too :o so we did, aku beli um Ayam Geprek Koplo masih satu group sama si Hangry ituu (pic attached!) Aku kurang suka bumbu sambalnya malah cenderung manis gitu... aku juga beli pakai kremesnya yg menurutku kurang asin :[[[ miminya aku beli orange tea :oo di lapak dekat puskesmas! Laluuu i discovered more things about the puskesmas, like the random fishbowl with two happy fishies and the tinieee room (tulisannya Ruang Psikologis and I thought, well, that's my cue) with AC which fits 4 people enuff... but we had fun there!! And thenn aku pulang naik gojek lagi nguuuuuuuuuuung and my friend ajarin aku soal kode kupon untuk redeem diskon! Soo I saved like 20k for my trip back home.. sangat lumayaann.. during my way back home I saw somanyyy ibuibu bawa anak kecil digendong tp ibu2nya dressed as badut :(( yang didalam kostum.... aku naik motor jadi cepat bgt jalannya I couldn't ask to stop by and give money hwaa T___T i'll make sure to put it on proker sosmas to help those people T___T Then i arrived, i text you i arrived, and i took my bath and watch HAWKEYE! (suppa amazing ep btw D: shocking) Terus aku rapihkan tugasku dikit... lalu tbtb ada yg datang!!! Antarkan ES PODENG! But NOT just ANY es podeng, but MANYMANYMANYYYY es podeng jen... like there are >20-30 es podeng di satu kayak kotak besar pakai es2 batu untuk keep it cold...... ;___; so am happi and dibagi2iin ke tetangga!
I'm really happy I get to talk to you today Jen.. I really do miss you. I hope you enjoy today's party with Aga and your new friends jen
What are you feeling today? 🍵 I miss you Jen, tucked in tight tonight might be cold ❄
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Wellooo! Today i woke up kinda late tapi gapapa karena ternyata kelas paginya di cancel.. bapaknya sakit kepala :[[[ terus hujan! I loveee the rain lotsa thesedays so many rain.. tp semoga besok pagi tidak rain hwaa, lalu aku tadi pagi mamam telor 🥚🍳 Laluuuu aku menjalankan hari seperti biasa dan banyak linglungnya .. (?) for some reason.... but I passed it! I passed today! I even talked to some people today (fyuh) another milestone!! Lalu tadi menjelang sore.. aku bikin aci yang um apasih aci kemplang.. yang dulu pernah viral itu.... just for funsies karena aku bosan dan bingung mam apa... rasanya yah, kayak isian cibay aja.. >:oo terus adikku pulang kasih aku roti ular (berbentuk ular bukan isi ular ue) 🐛🐍 rasa susu dan papah juga pulang belikan aku ice cream (tebak..... drum rollllsss...) yak magnum! Aku mam deh, jadi kenyanggg sekali olee 🙆🏻♂️ I'm pretty content with today, I feel a little more comfortable and hopefully will be more n more! And i feel super super super suuuupperrr happy too because i got to talk to you a little more today 🥟 I've missed you and I hope you're doing well each and every day Jeno, i really miss you
Oh and here's the linen pic 🌾🌾 smell shooo good jeno i use it all over my bed! i'll use them tomorrow when i go to work too ☺
How are you doing? I'd like to know 💭
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Ola it's 6/12! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.. 🎶☃️ and it's raining a lot today. Aku takut rabu hujan juga.. semoga enggak ya!! Aku malas pulang naik mobil T__T anyway! Today i woke up and sarapan pakai nuggeto + karage, lalu aku istirahat dengan nyelesaiin Ender's Game. Aku lihat sudah jam 1... T__T aku harus kelas, so regrettably i opened my wa untuk join class nya dan immediately wa ku di bombard people... i feel so unsafe T^T but I replied to one of them!! (They were scolding me for sending a late reply but issokie ; u ; they didn't know..) so I took it as an accomplishment for myself! Terus aku mam siangnya agak telat.. jam setengah 4 karena aku tadi kelas kan lama, makan ikan ayam-ayam (iya, ini nama ikannya...) tapi kurang berasa menurutku >:(( aku lalu mandi dan mau bobo tp udah kesorean.. jadi aku bobo2an aja dikamar adek sambil main game dan nonton raditya dika lagi. Terus malamnya aku menemukan resep perfectttoo untuk mie lebarku, aku pakai minyak wijen+kecap asin+kecap manis+lada+totole+bon cabe and it was gewwwd!! Aku sekarang kalo mam mie lebar itu hanya separoh dari satu bundel, itu porsi yang cukup sekali 👌🏼👌🏼 oh iya tadi pas kelas juga aku nyambi bikin deco QR baru, aku attach fotonya ya! Biar lucu kalo nanti aku nge ba lagi (aku lagi vakum semuamuanya). My head is hurting a little now karena gak tidur kayaknya tadi, so i'm sleeping early. Matkul yg hari ini udah pertemuan terakhir dan mingdep itu uas buat matkul itu, so one down! More after 🤗🤗🤗 semangat!!! Rest soon!
How about youuu? 🍵 I miss you lots, I hope you're doing okay!
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He did a very good job today 👍🏻👍🏻 he made hainan chicken rice.. looks very good 🍗🍚🥣 well done chef 🧑🍳
Hellooooo it's 5/12 (today)! I turned off the notifications to all of my socmed app because i have been feeling super super anxious since yesterday :( i need to see a professional soon for this T__T wish me luck to sell my usernames! Oo i woke up super late too, jam 10.. aku merasa sangat drained so i spent my morning bermain game Pair Up (my fav) sambil nonton paranormal experience nya raditya dika di split screen. Lalu siang aku makan ayam kremes, terus aku benar2 istirahat aaaalll afternoon, aku nontonin Ender's Game (still unfinished! :c) and sepupuku datang ke rumah, karena pacarnya mau ke diving range sama papah. Terus pas aku bangun, adikku masak kuki red velvet tapi kurang manis:((( tapi aku tetap makan sih hehe. Terus akubaru tau Extreme Job yang film korea itu masuk netflix, jadi aku suru adikku tonton itu sm sepupuku sm ibuku pada ketawa ketawa hohoho. Lalu aku goreng pempek karena adikku yg kecil mau pempek! Terus papa pulang bawa kayak tahu telor gitu dan enak sekali.... aku mau searching nanti caranya buat itu bagaimana, enak bangettt :(( terus sekarang aku sudah sikat gigi dan sudah di dalam selimut mau tidur 🤟🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻 Turning off all of my socmed notifs is the best decision that I have ever made so far and it makes me feel so serene and peaceful, I barely hold my phone the whole day :o i will do so for the rest of my holiday!! 😄😄😄
How about your day?
I hope you're feeling sunny and you had the best foods jen 🌞🌤
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Hellooooo it's 5/12 (today)! I turned off the notifications to all of my socmed app because i have been feeling super super anxious since yesterday :( i need to see a professional soon for this T__T wish me luck to sell my usernames! Oo i woke up super late too, jam 10.. aku merasa sangat drained so i spent my morning bermain game Pair Up (my fav) sambil nonton paranormal experience nya raditya dika di split screen. Lalu siang aku makan ayam kremes, terus aku benar2 istirahat aaaalll afternoon, aku nontonin Ender's Game (still unfinished! :c) and sepupuku datang ke rumah, karena pacarnya mau ke diving range sama papah. Terus pas aku bangun, adikku masak kuki red velvet tapi kurang manis:((( tapi aku tetap makan sih hehe. Terus akubaru tau Extreme Job yang film korea itu masuk netflix, jadi aku suru adikku tonton itu sm sepupuku sm ibuku pada ketawa ketawa hohoho. Lalu aku goreng pempek karena adikku yg kecil mau pempek! Terus papa pulang bawa kayak tahu telor gitu dan enak sekali.... aku mau searching nanti caranya buat itu bagaimana, enak bangettt :(( terus sekarang aku sudah sikat gigi dan sudah di dalam selimut mau tidur 🤟🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻 Turning off all of my socmed notifs is the best decision that I have ever made so far and it makes me feel so serene and peaceful, I barely hold my phone the whole day :o i will do so for the rest of my holiday!! 😄😄😄
How about your day?
I hope you're feeling sunny and you had the best foods jen 🌞🌤
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Hello!! I am writing 4/12 today because i didn't get to write it yesterday. I woke up with my eyes swollen so they kinda hurt when I watch the movie ㅠ__ㅠ but I enjoyed the film! I ate popcorns, the salty buttery one and caramel one. Aku nonton di CGV! Because di aeon jgc adanya cgv, and i saw the new ikea too. Lalu aku beli sepatu baru yang office proper (karena kemarin pas pkl aku pakai yang kets... tidak proper..) dan aku beli celana baru. Aku makan di ramen Seirockya (aku attach ya fotonya), aku lupa menunya yg mana tapi aku pakai add on telur dan aku minta chili oil! Porsinya gede banget.. habis mam aku tertatih tatih jalannya.. 😿 trus pas pulang aku beli ice cream cold stone dan adikku beli yoghurt!
How about you? ☺
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