maeday-ch · 5 years
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Home In You
When you leave home, you pack things you need, don’t you? When you leave your comfort zone, take with you some courage and patience and the knowledge that a while spent being super uncomfortable and in the overwhelming grey of the unknown will forever expand your comfort zone by a bit. And bit by bit your tiny home garden like comfort zone will grow into a field of sunflowers or daisies or whatever it is that you find rewarding. So just endure it now. It might be hard but this one of those few things that’s really worth it.
Meeting fresh new faces of frame and meeting the genuineness of familiar faces brings this message at most. Our stories brought each other closer. We seek, we conquered, and this brought us all together.
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maeday-ch · 6 years
1. one obtaining sexual gratification from observing unsuspecting individuals who are partly undressed, naked, or engaged in sexual acts.
2. a prying observer who is usually seeking the sordid or the scandalous.
“She has never been in voyeur presence, before, of two people who are in love with each other. She feels like a stray child, ragged and cold, with her nose pressed to a lighted window. A toy-store window, a bakery window, with fancy cakes and decorated cookies. Poverty prevents her entrance. These things are for other people; nothing for her.”
- Margaret Atwood, The Robber Bride
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maeday-ch · 6 years
1. (in France) a castle or fortress.
2. a stately residence imitating a distinctively French castle.
3. a country estate, especially a fine one, in France or elsewhere on the Continent.
4. (often initial capital letter) a winegrower’s estate, especially in Bordeaux region of France: often used as part of the name of a wine.
“Dantes had entered the Chateau d’If with the round, open, smiling face of a young and happy man, with whom the early paths of life have been smooth, and who anticipates a future corresponding with his past. This was now all changed.”
- Alexandre Dumas, The Count Of Monte Cristo
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maeday-ch · 6 years
1. a love letter.
“An exquisite invention this, Worthy of Love’s most honeyed kiss,— This art of writing billet-doux— In buds, and odors, and bright hues!”
- Leigh Hunt
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maeday-ch · 6 years
1. a gratuity; tip.
2. a conciliatory gift or bribe.
3. Archaic. sweetness or agreeableness.
“He seemed surprised and pleased at the receipt of a douceur, and danced.”
- William De Morgan, A Likely Story
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maeday-ch · 6 years
[yaw-too n-heym]
1. Scandinavian Mythology. the outer world, or realm of giants; Utgard.
“Jotunheim itself lay there up north, breathing an icy-blue cold out over the world.”
- Johan Bojer, The Great Hunger
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