madump · 2 years
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Vintage Phantom of the Opera movie poster featuring the cutest version of the Phantom ever.
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madump · 2 years
𓂀 she only cares art and her closest friends 𓂀
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madump · 2 years
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be the best you boo
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madump · 2 years
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madump · 2 years
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dorothrry moodboard🍒🧺🌙
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madump · 2 years
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madump · 2 years
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— taylor swift moodboard!;🍓🍁🥨🪴
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madump · 3 years
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Hyun Joo Um on ig
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madump · 3 years
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Studio ghibli, pastel highlighters and much much love
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madump · 3 years
there’s a whole train of unrelated thoughts leading up to the creation of these two ocs, but it can best be summed up with ‘a very specific kind of fake 80s inspired aesthetics’ with ‘karaoke hang outs after unconventional work hours and horror’
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madump · 3 years
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hello wind girlies Amie & Hannah
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madump · 3 years
oh u read the book i recommended u
come kiss me now
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madump · 3 years
i don’t have a cock, but if i did, it would be so much bigger than yours.
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madump · 3 years
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ꃋᴖꃋ HaN SuPERSTar 🍵 ... とても才能がある 🛹
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madump · 3 years
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emo goose
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madump · 3 years
a dark academia gf with an emo rocker bf.... shut up i am manifesting
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madump · 3 years
Dark Academia things in my life:
- Watching video essays
My favorites are from tiffany ferg and shanspeare
-Reading books 
I love reading its an escape from the real world into an amazing royal fantasy and sometimes into exciting dystopian societies. I just read “we are the ants” by Shaun David Hutchinson and it was so good. 
-Writing research papers 
I write research papers on whatever interests me. I’ve written research papers on classical composers and on different wars. I’ve written research papers about fashion and also about books, you can write about whatever the possibilities are endless. 
-Writing stories and poems
ever since i was a kid writing was an escape to me. I think the first “story” i wrote was when i was 5 about “my little pony” (it was terrible). I think writing and reading come hand in hand, because i was such a big reader i got introduced into the writing world. I started writing poems when i was in 6th grade, at first i didn’t like writing poems but then i got introduced to “ a dream within a dream” by edgar allan poe and i thought it was so great. I was obsessed with playing with rhymes and trying to sound like him. 
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