madskilduff · 6 years
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madskilduff · 6 years
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JOHN KELLER HAS ADDED MADSEN ‘MADS’ KILDUFF AS A FRIEND! The TWENTY-SIX year old will be playing the role of the DR. JERK in his very own horror movie. Right now, HE is a THERAPIST at MORNING STAR PRIVATE COUNSELLING but HE might not be for much longer — you might see HIM on the town’s next tape. ( jannik schumann, he/him– played by nomi, twenty-two, she/her, est ) 
back at it again with my second character! This is Mads, your local asshole therapist, but that’s Dr. Kilduff to you. 
Madsen is Mimi’s twin brother so from birth up to the age of eight they share the same story, except Madsen was sent off to live with their mother instead of their father which he honestly regrets every day.
He was also kind of inspired by the netflix show Sex Education so if you get those vibes you’re right.
It’s not that Madsen’s mother was horrible, or neglectful in any way. Quite the opposite actually, Claudia Kilduff cared way too much. For most of Madsen’s young life he can remember his mother being loving in her own way but also invasive and overbearing. That coupled with the fact that his mother was also a sex therapist who wrote a best selling novel, meant that Madsen didn’t exactly have the worlds most normal childhood.
But he could label each part of the vagina by the age of ten though, and not many people can say that.
Through his childhood Madsen’s mother was always psychoanalyzing him. And although it was a frustrating invasion of privacy, Madsen did ultimately trust his mother and open up to her more than that average son would. Their relationship was a bit odd maybe but very, very open. They were very close pretty much all of Madsen’s young life, to the point where Madsen didn’t even second guess legally changing his surname to hers rather than a father he barely knew.
The all changed the day that Madsen’s mother wrote her second novel, a very thorough book about raising a sexually deviant teenage son which Madsen was the star of without Madsen’s knowledge or consent. Madsen found out about the book before it was published, and fought tooth and nail with his mother not to publish it but since so many publishers were already fighting to get it on the shelves and Madsen’s mother thought that this novel would be helpful to other mothers she published it anyways. Without Madsen’s consent.
That was a pivotal point in Madsen’s life where all his trust in the person he trusted most in the world was broken (very private things that he told his mother in confidence were in that book) and so Mads went from adoring his mother to despising her very quickly. However after Madsen tried displaying that hatred and acting out, he quickly realized he was achieving nothing, so he readjusted.
He used the fame that he gained from his mother’s novel to achieve his own success, even going as far as to go into business with his mother to do so. They became a famous mother son counselling duo, like they wrote a book together, they went on Ellen, it was wild. By the time that Madsen was in the middle of college he made a name from himself worldwide, at least among people who cared about this kind of thing.
But Madsen had also made a name for himself as ‘the guy who effed a peach because he read it in a book once’ and ‘the guy who couldn’t touch himself until he was seventeen’ so Madsen wasn’t exactly grateful to his mother yk.
Once Madsen had finally gotten his therapy certification officially and made a name for himself that he was satisfied with he decided that his time with his mother was over. Not only did he rather abruptly leave their business together to make one of his own (taking more than a few of their clients with him) he also sabotaged his mother in the process, revealing some choice information that threw her into a scandal as a parting gift.
But yeah that’s what Madsen has been doing the past couple years, working on private sessions with his clients and expanding his practice. He’s also been working on his first novel without his mother, and been traveling the world to do it, which is what leads him to Jericho. He just got here honestly, and what brought him here was the murder of Ariella. At the moment he is particularly interested in how the brutal murder of one of their own can affect the psyche of people within a small close knit community, especially when that murder has been witnessed by members of the community online? It’s GOLD. Madsen is having the time of his life. He’s counselling people for free and even paying some of them just so he can get some of his regular counselling done but more importantly so he can get info on Ariella.
personality wise Madsen is,,, a dick. But a dick in sheeps’ clothing. Madsen is absolutely kind of heartless, but I almost put faux affably evil for his trope because he does a very good job of hiding how rotten he is inside. He is the type to smile politely to your face even as he internally laments how much he hates your guts and that’s just how it is. He’s a fake ass bitch.
But he’s a fake ass bitch who is very good at his job despite being a jerk about it, hence the Dr. Jerk trope. He always leaves his clients better off than they were before they met him, even if he doesn’t really care about them at all.
Madsen is also a big control freak and neat freak honestly. His office is pristine, he never has a wrinkle in his clothes, he’s always on time. He’s not a very flexible person at all.
CLIFFNOTES ;  (aka what i’ve been sending around on discord)
mimi’s twin brother
basically kind of inspired by sex education like the show idk if you’ve watched it but it’s a wild time
his mother was a sex therapist who was really just too invasive and overbearing, and Madsen kind of grew up under a microscope
his mother literally wrote a best selling book on raising him and his sex habits like?? it’s basically about the sexual habits of teenage boys and how to confront that and it’s all about madsen and she published it without his consent
Madsen was of course pissed but there was really nothing he could do about the whole situation so he decided to take control of the situation and just kind of spin it to his advantage? Because of that he went into business with his mother for a while and they became like a therapy duo
they were in business together for a while and when Madsen got as much popularity as he could from the arrangement he left and went into business on his own
So that’s what he’s been doing for the past few years just going around the country riding the wave of his ‘fame’ (not really but you know) and visiting different towns to like counsel people and get some info for his book
personality wise he’s a bit of a dick? like he’s kind of heartless i almost put faux affably evil for his personality type like that’s the kind of guy he is aksbjssj BUT he’s also the type to be very good at his job but also a jerk about it, like his clients are always left better off than they were before they met him but he’s also like a bit of a dick behind his mask 
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madskilduff · 6 years
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madskilduff · 6 years
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madskilduff · 6 years
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