mads-maddie-madison · 5 years
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mads-maddie-madison · 6 years
Crying, again
I watched A Star is Born today and I just can’t get over it. Like my heart hurts, the music touches my soullll
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mads-maddie-madison · 6 years
Fuckkkk, imma jump on this tho
Ride: Michael because who tf wouldn’t? Imagine him thrusting up into you, hands gripping into your waist, still making you his bitch even from under you 🥴
Blow: Jim, that’s my baby and he deserves all the love and affection in the world, too fragile. I’d do anything for that boy
Peg: Duncan, y’all I’m all for making him my bitch with that cocky ass attitude. Could def handle it for sure, even though he’d deny it, we all know he’d secretly love to be defiled like that.
everyone who writes for Michael, Duncan, and Jim are horny thots and it really shows
Sorry we all have thottieitus 🤒 symptoms include riding Duncan’s dick, blowing Michael and pegging Jim 😥
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mads-maddie-madison · 6 years
I’m hoping this works, I currently don’t have much, but I’m working on more, trying to be hopeful lol.
Michael Langdon
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Antithetical: (1) (2) (3)
Summary: After Robichaux's supreme, Cordelia Foxx, allows Hawthorne's own Boy Wonder, Michael Langdon, to attempt the test of the Seven Wonders, y/n has a problem accepting that. She will stop at nothing to prove he is anything but the next supreme, even if that means attempting the test herself.
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mads-maddie-madison · 6 years
Cody’s really trynna mess with us with these characters. Michael AND Jim deserved better, I’m distraught
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mads-maddie-madison · 6 years
Jim Mason Deserved Better
I’m fucking crying, was not ready for that ending. I’m so upset
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mads-maddie-madison · 6 years
Help :) plz
I have no idea how to link previous parts of my story within my most recent. I also don’t know how to make a master list, is it possible to do from my phone? Everything I’ve looked up revolves around a computer, which I don’t own
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mads-maddie-madison · 6 years
Antithetical -part 2
//NOTE// I hope this part is more fulfilling than the last. It is slightly edited, but it was done in the middle of class so we’ll see how that goes, lol.
Summary: After Robichaux's supreme, Cordelia Foxx, allows Hawthorne's own Boy Wonder, Michael Langdon, to attempt the test of the Seven Wonders, y/n has a problem accepting that. She will stop at nothing to prove he is anything but the next supreme, even if that means attempting the test herself.
Warnings: Light Angst, sexual tension (?)
Word Count: 1.8k
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I groaned, slamming my laptop shut. My eyes were throbbing, dry. They felt like they were ashes left by the coals of a burning fire. I had been studying for three days now, no break in sight, at least not until after Sunday afternoon. I rubbed my eyes, looking at the time. Eleven-thirty-two, I had been at this for almost four hours. Shuffling out of my chair, I made my way towards the door. I at least needed something to eat before I spent the rest of my day head deep in grimoires.
"And where do you think you're going?" I internally groaned at the malicious voice, words dripping with arrogance. "And why do you care, Langdon?" I refused to stop, continuing my strides down the white hallway, trying to focus on the photos of past witches rather than Michael's presence behind me, following my every step. "Well Miss y/l/n, I'm only looking out for your well being, seeing as how you'll need every moment of studying you can get if you want to even have a chance against myself." Every moment I spoke to him, it felt like his ego inflated. I didn't believe I could feel so much resentment towards another human being, if that's even what you'd call him. "You're so confident that you'll succeed, what makes you think I won't?" I cascaded my way down the stairs focusing myself towards the kitchen, glancing back at him. His posture all the same as it was three days ago. Hands held behind his back, chest broadened to show dominance. His blonde hair swept to the sides, and the same black uniform that all the Hawthorne warlocks wore. I made a mental note to make sure I looked as prepared as he does on Sunday. "It's blatantly obvious y/n, I've seen your reports. You're mediocre in all your classes. Not to mention, you've shown no abilities that even begin to compare to mine." That damn smirk spread across his face again, oh how badly I wanted to smack it off. "Just like how it's blatantly obvious that you're a self-absorbed, conceded asshole?" He chuckled, knowing he was getting a rise out of me. I reached over the counter, grabbing a red apple from the bowl in the center. "I can assure you, Mr. Langdon, that you most definitely have competition this Sunday. I would jump off of that high horse of yours before you fall." Biting into the apple as I made direct eye contact with him, his ice blue eyes staring straight back at me. Had he not been such an arrogant, self-centered jackass, I may even think he was beautiful. He said nothing, just continued to look straight through me. As if he was reading everything about me by a simple look. "I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to discourage me, you want me to question myself and my own abilities. I can promise you it's not going to work." With that I walked out of the kitchen, the feeling of his eyes glaring into my back as I left the room.
I knew what he was trying to do, if he discouraged me it was likely that I'd do worse in the seven wonders. I sighed as I looked back towards my desk, the mountain of books and papers spread across the surface. I had already mastered telekinesis, having had been one of my original abilities when I first arrived at Robichaux. Concilium followed, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a challenge. I decided I needed help, so I texted Mallory asking for her to meet me in my room. "What did you need help with?" I looked up from my book as Mallory walked through my bedroom door. "Concilium, I need someone to practice on." She nodded in understanding, sitting across my bed. "Alright well before you do anything, just please, nothing embarrassing." I chuckled at her, "Agreed." I turned my chair, focusing on Mallory. I focused my thought on making her stand, grabbing the random shirt that was thrown onto the floor and imagining her folding it. I had stared at her for what felt like forever, nothing was happening. "This is ridiculous!" I sighed in frustration, "You're thinking too hard y/n. Don't stress it, let your mind flow freely." I let out a deep breath of air, I knew she was right. Maybe Michael had gotten to me earlier, this shouldn't be so difficult. I reverted my attention back to Mallory, "Alright, let's try this again." I freed my mind of any thought of Michael, of the test, any worry I had to think of. Slowly, I watched Mallory stand and walk towards the corner where my shirt resided. Picking it up, she walked towards the bed, folding it neatly and setting it down. "See y/n, you just have to be stress free."
Pyrokinesis was next, I grabbed the candle that sat on my nightstand. Running my hand over the wick, I watched the flame ignite. I smiled to myself, I had succeeded in three of the seven wonders, at least I was getting somewhere. "Alright Mallory, I need you to help me with divination." She agreed and walked out of the room, not returning for what felt like five minutes. "Okay, you need to find something that once belonged to Cordelia." I nodded, I closed my eyes, focusing on the energy that engulfed the rooms atmosphere, I allowed my thoughts to bring me towards the object of my desire. I stood up, walking out of my room and down the hall towards the end where a pot full of decorative wooden sticks rested. Reaching out I grabbed Cordelia's old support cane, from when she was attacked by her father-in-laws pets. "Is this it?" I questioned, facing Mallory, "yes."
Transmutation was anything but a challenge, so far I had this under my belt. The ball seemed to be in my court. Now I had to focus on Vitalum Vitalis, I grabbed the dead rose from my bed that I had gotten from the garden earlier. It just so happened to be one of the unfortunate few that didn't get enough sunlight. I bent over the rose, leaning my head down towards the red flower. I lightly blew onto it, attempting to transfer my own life force into the unlucky plant. I watched the petals slowly rejuvenate, lifting themselves up from a crippled, dried up mess to a soft, delicate rose once again. The shriveled up brown stem became a vibrant shade of green again, full of life. Now I could focus on the most challenging task; descensum.
This was the one I feared, the thing that would determine life or death. If I fail, my soul would be stuck in my own personal hell for eternity, whatever plan for a life ahead of me gone within the blink of an eye. I considered pushing it off for Sunday, if I were to die, then I could die attempting to save my coven. But if I attempted it now, and failed, I could die in the comfort of my own bed, quietly and peacefully. Mallory sat on my bed, silently watching me as I practiced. I glanced towards the clock for the second time today, four-fifty-seven. I inhaled a large sum of air, before slowly exhaling as I made my final decision. I would be no coward, I will practice descensum, but I won't attempt it until the day of the test. If I'm going to die, I'm going to go out proudly instead of hiding out behind the confinement of my own four walls.
It was nearly one-thirty in the morning now, time had gotten away from me. The only thing that mattered was my passing of the test. The test that was in two days, I should be resting, knowing every minute of sleep was a gift. Every moment of peace mattered, in two days my life will forever be changed. For the better or the worst, I don't know. I had been laying here, tossing and turning for the majority of the time I had been in bed. Thinking of the different possibilities as to how this could end. If I passed, Michael wouldn't, if Michael passed, then I wouldn't. Each thought raking my mind, one right after another. I turned, facing the window, staring at the front yard. The thought of how Zoe had failed transmutation, ending up laid out across the forks of the gate. Suddenly it occurred to me that I was not the only one risking my life to complete this task, Michael was too. While I had hoped that I passed, I became worried at the thought of him failing in the worst way possible, my heart dropped to my stomach. ' Why do you care about him y/n?' I thought to myself, 'You barely know him, he means nothing to you.' I still thought the worst, Michael may be arrogant, but I surely didn't want him to die. Did I?
'No of course not! You'd never wish death upon anyone.'
"Thinking of me?" My head snapped to the doorway I hadn't noticed was open. My eyes met the tall dark figure that was Michael Langdon. "What are you doing in my room?" I immediately sat up, suddenly feeling exposed due to my sense of vulnerability. "My dear y/n, your thoughts are consuming." He urged forward, coming closer to the end of my bed. "So you're clairvoyant as well? Good to know," I huffed, pulling my blanket up to cover my tank top adorned torso. "Well I tend to listen in when I'm the main topic. Worried for me are we?" Even though I couldn't exactly see it due to the darkness of the room, I could practically hear the signature smirk on his face. "Why would I worry for you?" I attempted to rebuttal, trying my best to hide my thoughts, not wanting him to learn anything further. This time he sat at the edge of my bed, slowly leaning over me. His face now lit by the light of the moon shining through my window. "Don't deny it Miss y/l/n," he slowly reached his right hand up to push a strand of hair behind my ear. "I think we both know I mean a little bit more to you than you'd care to admit." He was so close I could smell the mint on his breath. He leaned a little bit closer, mouth resting over the lobe of my ear. I could feel the heat of his breath as he spoke, "Good luck Sunday." Suddenly I was alone again, the ghost of his words haunting me to sleep. Did I care for him more than I'd care to admit?
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mads-maddie-madison · 6 years
Antithetical -part 1 (Hawthorne!Michael)
//NOTE// I haven’t written fanfiction since I was thirteen, so it’s been almost five years since I’ve published any of my work. I apologize for the poorly written first part, I’m getting back into the feel of writing. I assure you the next few parts will be much more fulfilling on your end :) The point of view also switches from first to third person slightly, I felt it flows just a tad bit better that way. Also* I currently do not own a computer, and it is hard to edit and write on my phone, but it’s all I have at the current moment, so I apologize for any mistakes.
Warning: Slight angst
Summary: After Robichaux’s supreme, Cordelia Foxx, allows Hawthorne’s own Boy Wonder, Michael Langdon, to attempt the test of the Seven Wonders, y/n has a problem accepting that. She will stop at nothing to prove he is anything but the next supreme, even if that means attempting the test herself.
Words: 1.3k
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There was no way in hell I was going to accept this. In what world did Cordelia believe that of all people, Michael Langdon was the next supreme? What led her to make that kind of monstrous decision? I had never in my time at Robichaux's believed that Cordelia could be so blind to Michael's true nature. I stormed into the kitchen, knowing that was where Cordelia resided at the current moment. "Please don't tell me you're this blinded Cordelia!" I exasperated, nearly out of breath due to the hike from my bedroom upstairs. I had hardly noticed the presence of the tall boy beside Cordelia before I heard the small chuckle. My eyes adverted from Cordelia to the no younger than twenty year-old boy. Looking him up and down I came to a conclusion, this must be him. "Do not start with me y/n, I know what's best for the future of this coven." Rebutted Cordelia, already fed up with the way the young witch was speaking to her. Had this coven lost all sense of respect recently?
"And what's best for this coven?" I replied, "him?" Pointing towards the shaggy-haired dirty blonde beside the supreme, noticing the slight smirk adorning his prominent features. "Because I can sure as hell promise you that he's not." Cordelia huffed, "You have no place in this decision y/n. Michael will take the test, and you will accept it."
"I refuse to believe you're this in the dark, you and I both know that no boy has the powers, the ability, to be supreme." I felt my face beginning to turn a light shade of pink, but before Cordelia could remark, Michael took a step forward, his long arms held behind his back. "Well you're quite right, Miss, y/n was it?" Taking another step further, I noticed his form. Prestigious. His long torso covered by a dark blazer, no wrinkle in sight. His pale neck decorated with a tightly ironed thin bow. Black slacks adorning his lengthy legs, and his shoes, not a scratch on the leather. If I had not been so fed up with the boy, I might even say he was attractive. "Oh I can assure you I'm not your supreme, I'm your Alpha." The smirk had made itself prominent this time, his ice blue eyes staring straight into mine.
I had nearly hissed at the thought, "You are not my Alpha, I can assure you of that." My words dripping with anger, who did he think he was speaking to me like that? I could practically feel his over inflated ego radiating off of him. Never in my life had I felt such an incessant urge to hit another person, but he brought this anger out of me that even I didn't know I had. "What do you suppose we do Miss y/l/n? Michael possesses all the abilities to take the test, no warlock has ever reached a level four." Cordelia interrupted before they could go any further, my mouth opened, only to close again. Raking my mind for any sort of idea, any way to stop this. That was all Cordelia needed to get back to her conversation prior to the young witch intruding in. There was no way I was going to allow Michael fucking Langdon become my next supreme. " Now as we were say-" I quickly cut my supreme off.
Ms. Foxx looked taken aback, "I'm sorry, what?" "Me." I was determined to prove Michael was not the future of this coven, even if it meant risking my own life. "What are you saying Miss y/l/n?" "I'm saying let me take the test too. I possess each ability Michael does, I've been studying for far longer, I'm more qualified." Michael laughed at this, earning a glare from myself. Looking back to Cordelia, I noticed the hesitant look coming from the older woman. "Please Cordelia, let me prove to you that I'm right, if anyone is the future of our coven it may as well be me."
"y/n you do realize only one of you will make it out of this? You do realize you are not only risking failing, but losing your life as well?" Even though Cordelia seemed frustrated with her student today, she most definitely did not want to watch her fail, especially if a possibility was death. "I know what I'm risking Cordelia, but this coven means to much to me not to try." The blonde woman took a moment, thinking over this new proposition. If y/n were able to complete the test then she had no worries, knowing fully well that the young witch could lead the future of her coven.
"Fine, you may take the test. Sunday at noon I expect each of you to be ready, the test will be taken at Hawthorne." With that Cordelia left the room to think further on the decision she made, was it the right one? "You won't beat me," y/n turned towards the voice, "And why do you say that?" My eyes meeting his blue ones for the second time today. "Call it the devils intuition," that damn smirk again, but I could sense a deeper meaning to his simple words. I would be lying if I said it didn't send a shiver down my spine. Trying to look unaffected by his words I uncrossed my arms from my chest, stepping forward. My chest nearly touching his broad one. Well looks like I'm just gonna have to study extra hard then." Of course Michael was unaffected by her words, "See you Sunday." He replied, an obvious sarcastic smile spread across his face as he walked away.
It was then that I realized what I had done, the reality of the situation had dawned upon me. "What am I doing?" I whispered to myself, bringing my hands going up to my hair, pulling in frustration. I wasn't ready for this, why did I let my pride get ahead of me? Didn't I realize that I was in over my head? Huffing, I stormed up to my room, determined to study as much as I possibly could before the test in five days. There was no way I was going to let Michael know of my doubts, I had to prove them wrong. I'd be damned if I failed my coven.
I had been studying for what felt like days, although had only been two hours before I was interrupted by Coco. "So you're really doing this?" I spun my chair around, meeting her gaze. Sighing, I replied, "Yeah, might as well try."
"You understand you could die, right?" I heard the concern in her voice as she drug herself over to my bed, sitting across the end of it. "I know, but I'd rather die knowing I tried before I let that, imbecile, become our next supreme. There's something off about him Coco, something just doesn't feel right." The blonde nodded back at her friend, understanding what she meant. "I know, I just hate to think of you possibly failing, it wouldn't be the same here without you." "I know, but I'm doing good. My powers are only growing stronger, I have no doubt it in my mind that I should be able to do this." I lied, I most definitely had doubts, but I couldn't let her know that. I couldn't let anyone know that. "Why do you have such a bad feeling about him?" Her words struck me, I looked around the room, thinking, why did I have such an uneasy feeling? Other than his cocky attitude he had done nothing to me personally. "I don't really know, I just get this gut feeling, something isn't right, and I intend to find out what it is."
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mads-maddie-madison · 6 years
Does anyone else ever have such a hard time coming up with titles for a story? Cause bitch I’m stuckkkk
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mads-maddie-madison · 6 years
The internet could change next week, and not in a good way
You may have heard about the efforts in Europe to reform copyright law. The debate has been ongoing in the European Parliament for months. If approved next week, these new regulations would require us to automatically filter and block content that you upload without meaningful consideration of your right to free expression. 
We respect the copyrights and trademarks of others, and we take all reports seriously to ensure that your creative expression is protected. We make this clear in our Community Guidelines. There’s already a legal framework that works and is fair: Today we take down posts and media that contain allegedly infringing content when we receive a valid DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) takedown request. We also provide clear-cut ways for people to fight back if they believe their removed content was not a true violation. These instances are monitored and reported and live in our biannual transparency report. 
The suggestion to use automated filters for issues of copyright is short-sighted at best and harmful at worst. Automated filters are unable to determine whether a use should be considered “fair use” under the law and are unable to determine whether a use is authorized by a license agreement. They are unable to distinguish legitimate parody, satire, or even your own personal pictures that could be matched with similar photographs that have been protected by someone else. We don’t believe that technology should replace human judgment. Tumblr is and always has been a place for creative expression, and these new regulations would only make it harder for you to express yourself with the freedom and clarity you do so now. 
If you access Tumblr from Europe and want to act, you can find more information on saveyourinternet.eu. 
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mads-maddie-madison · 6 years
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mads-maddie-madison · 6 years
Mobile Masterlist
Series: Company
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7  | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12
Series: Weakness
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Series: All I Had (Savitar! Barry)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
Be My Date
Behind The Mask
Dazed Love 
Five More Minutes
Hold Your Hand
Into You
It’s You
Keep You Safe
Love & War
Lunch Time
Not Jealous
Save You
Still The Same
The Other CSI
What To Expect
Holiday Special
Happy Again
It’s Cold Outside
New Traditions
The Best Gift
Under The Mistletoe
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mads-maddie-madison · 6 years
Barry Allen / The Flash
Fresh Start Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Part 13 / Part 14 / Part 15 / Part 16 / Part 17
“You never asked”
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mads-maddie-madison · 7 years
I’m at this view in life where I just want to disappear and have nobody know where I went. I just want to cut everyone off and live in seclusion
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mads-maddie-madison · 7 years
Privileged Series
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Here you will find all available parts of the Bellamy Blake x reader series ‘Privileged’ :)
Summary: *yn* Kane, Marcus Kane’s daughter, and the rest of the delinquents struggle to survive on the ground and in her eyes, Bellamy Blake certainly isn’t helping. Can they overcome their differences to help keep the rest of the 100 alive and will this bring them closer in ways they never expected?
Part 1
Part 2 
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Last updated: 30/11/17
Series Inspired Aesthetics
*yn* Kane Aesthetic
*yn* Kane Aesthetic (pt 2)
Bellamy x *yn* Kane Aesthetic
Bellamy x *yn* Kane Aesthetic (pt 2)
Clarke x *yn* Kane Aesthetic
Murphy x *yn* Kane Aesthetic
Octavia x *yn* Kane Aesthetic
Marcus x *yn* Kane Aesthetic
Raven x *yn* Kane Aesthetic 
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mads-maddie-madison · 7 years
(NSFW *)
• • Series • •
Make Love to a Killer: ‘Didn’t they tell you to never fuck a killer, princess?’
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 *
Part 5
Part 6 *
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12 *
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23 *
Part 24
Sex, Crack and Rehab [S.C.A.R.]: He’s addicted to it all. But maybe there’s a reason and maybe a certain someone could help him recover.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
LUKE HEMMINGS VERSION… Hostage: He took her. She had no choice. 
• • Imagine • •
Please Don’t Do This: You’re nervous to tell Luke that you’re pregnant and are worried of his reaction
High, Hammered and Horny * : With too much to drink and too much to smoke, things between you and Luke go a little further than a New Year’s kiss.
I can’t fucking get away from you * :  You and Luke get in a fight because he tried to make a move on you…again.
Harry Styles:
• • Series • •
 HARRY STYLES VERSION… Hostage: He took her. She had no choice.
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