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Free readings: OPEN! 💖🌸💫TarotOracleShufflemancy
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madisons-not-a-name · 1 year ago
Hi everybody!
Unfortunately I was laid off from my job recently, and so I wanted to see if anyone would like a paid reading. My messages are always open! $5 for a three card detailed reading, and $1 for each additional card you’d like! Sending everyone love! 💖💖💖
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madisons-not-a-name · 2 years ago
I’m back at it! If anyone wants to do a reading exchange messages are open. Sending out loveeee! 👼🫶✨
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madisons-not-a-name · 3 years ago
Hey ya’ll! If anyone would like a short reading, feel free to send one in! 🥰
Thank you so much for sending in! I will be closing readings for a bit while I finish up what was sent in. 💖
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madisons-not-a-name · 3 years ago
Hi madison!
How are you?
May I have a reading if your readings are still open?
I want to ask who has a crush on me if there is anyone at all hehe
Thank you💕 Z♒
Hey Z!
You have been incredibly patient, and I am so very thankful for that. I have a really cool reading here for you. So right off the bat, the Tower card came out for you. With that I’m sensing that there has been some turbulent relationships in your past, or perhaps someone you are hoping for a relationship with unfortunately may not work out. The hurt this causes us gives us strength and is important for our journey. Work now on becoming your happiest and best self because I really feel as though a person who will love you for exactly who you are is right around the corner. They recognize you as a strong independent person and want to stand by your side as an equal. You may have already met them, and if that is the case they may be holding back on acting in order to allow you to flourish. This will be wonderful for both your inner self and future relationship. This person will make you laugh and laugh, and may have a connection to animals or the sea. Will really help you feel free from past pain and hurts, but wants you to know that you have the strength and wisdom within yourself to overcome them. The letter E and U, and numbers 4 and 5 came out of those resonate in any way. Thank you Z, sending love and luck!! 🌟💝
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madisons-not-a-name · 3 years ago
Hi honey i am backkk, sadly i can send u a private mex..i just wanted to ask u if you’re doing well, if you’re safe and and your family too is safe from this disaster.. i wanted to text u also for saying that i will go to Korea next year..i am so so grateful and happy about this new experience that my soul and my heart will do…i am sending u all my love and my gratitude…i hope that someday i will be able to help u just like your sweet words have done for me…
Hi!! I am so happy to hear from you, your words are so warm and kind. Thank you for the loving thoughts, both myself and my family are safe and doing well. I am sending all of the healing wishes to those that have been affected by this disaster, and I hope you and your loved ones are safe as well. Korea will be an amazing adventure for you!! I am so proud of you for taking the leap, it takes bravery and I know that the payoff will be so rewarding. Thank you again for reaching out, and please always feel free too. It’s always such a joy chatting with you 🌟💘❄️
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madisons-not-a-name · 4 years ago
Hello! I'm just dropping by to send you love! I hope you're doing well and stay safe out there. 💖
Aww thank you so much! I am safe and happy, and I hope you are too. Sending love!! 💖💐
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madisons-not-a-name · 4 years ago
hi angel, how are you doing? I hope you’re doing well.🌸 may I have a reading regarding how my program will go? Will I enjoy it? Will I end up feeling fulfilling in it? Thanks so much��💗 -e, pisces
Hi e, thank you for being patient with me! 💐
I get the sense that yes, your program will go good and yes, you will feel fulfilled by it! With that being said, I think that it will be pretty hard work and take a lot of focus and dedication. I can feel some sort of overwhelmed energy that could surface here, but just remind yourself why you are there and what you are working for. I really think that this is the right path for you! In the end of your reading there was the Two of Cups, so I think that this program will really suit you, and be beneficial going forward. I can see a new and very confident energy coming from you, and I think that this will bring you a lot of joy. Remember that an uphill battle can be the sweetest victory, and sometimes hard work pays handsomely. Hope this helps! 💖💘💖
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madisons-not-a-name · 4 years ago
thank you for the reading!!!! it was so beautiful??? ????!!!!! <3!!!
Oh my goodness, thank you so much!! You’re so sweet, and I’m always around if you need. Sending love! 💖💕💖
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madisons-not-a-name · 4 years ago
Hello there!! If your tarot readings are still open, may I ask a question, please? I would like to know "how can I find my spiritual purpose in this lifetime?" My name is Giovana and I'm a libra sun. Thank you so much for your time and energy! 💓💫
Hi doll! How are you doing? 💫
Ooh this was such a sweet reading! Such strong energy of stepping into your divine feminine here. Lady Boss vibes!! The universe is urging you to not be afraid to put yourself first once in a while, and (even though this sounds a bit dicey, I don’t know how else to phrase it lol) don’t be afraid to hurt feelings or step on toes. Take your time here, and allow yourself to blossom. Balance here will be beneficial and taking each opportunity/situation one by one will really help from becoming overwhelming, and will be beneficial in the long run. I feel like a new phase is coming in hot for you, in which I think you’ll really connect with your intuitive side and this life journey will become crystal clear. Hopefully this will resonate with you, and I wish love and light on this exciting journey. Such a bright future ahead! 💐🌙💖
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madisons-not-a-name · 4 years ago
Hi dear 🤍🤍 could you give me clarity about my connection with f ,and what will develop into ? Kinda need guidance about us Thank you for your time and energy, warm hugs 🦋🌷✨ CG sag
Hi CG! I hope that you’re well 🥰
It seems to me that f is most likely at a bit of a crossroads with themselves right now. I don’t doubt for a moment that they have feelings for you, and I think that they view you as a very strong and powerful feminine figure in their life, and really think that you are such a beauty and radiate kindness. However, it feels like their life seems a bit out of balance right now, and that is throwing them into a bit of a tailspin. I want to say that F really does want to come forward and extend a love offer your way, but currently they are trying to figure out how to make all aspects of their life (career, hobbies, love, friends and family, etc.) work in tandem with each other. If it seems like they are distancing themselves, this could be why. I really hope that this is helpful for you, and I wish you and F the world. 💘🌸🌟
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madisons-not-a-name · 4 years ago
hi hello!!! could i have a reading about my future soulmate? what’s his personality like? when will i meet him? how will i meet him? thank you so much!!!! do take your time and i hope you have a good day :) - sn
Hi there darling, thank you so much for reaching out! I hope that all is well in your world. 🧿🤍
Alright, so right away I feel as though it may still be a bit of time before you two will come into union. I suppose it could be otherwise, but it really seems to me like the two of you will meet sort of when you’ve both mastered all other aspects of life. I think you’ll be at a point where you have a very stable and happy career, lots of self love present, healthy and bountiful familial and friend relationships, and so they will come in at a time when they are just about the only thing missing. I want to say that there is a possibility to meet at some sort of party or an event. Maybe even like a wedding or something like that? They feel as though they will be right around the same age as you, perhaps even a bit younger. However, I don’t pick up on any large age gaps so I feel as though you two will be close in age. This person seems to be a bit of introvert, but I think that being with you will really help them to open up. I wonder if they could be fairly spiritual or somehow in tune with the universe themselves. This may be something that you two connect on? Very very very balanced and fair person here. I can see them thinking and thinking about every possible scenario or outcome of a situation which you may find to be both a blessing and a curse haha. Don’t let them get into their own heads too much. But all in all, I think this is such a warm and loving connection! Truly, this person will feel like home, and they feel the same about you. I really do think that this is a soulmate connection, and the two of you will find the tools to create a really beautiful future together. 💓🌸💓
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madisons-not-a-name · 4 years ago
hi angel, is it okay if I ask for another small reading? the first one was so accurate!💗 (thank you!) I was wondering how MO feels about me now that we’re over? was he really into me or just saying that? thank you so much, have a great day/night.🎀💕 -e, pisces
Hi again! I’m so happy to hear the first reading was accurate to your situation, and I thank you very much for coming back. 💘
So to me it seems like MO holds a very high regard for you even if he doesn’t show it. He views you as someone who is a very strong and unshakable person, very intuitive and in tune with both yourself and your divine feminine. I don’t doubt for a moment that he did have feeling for you when you two were together, I think it just became clear to him over time that you both weren’t what each other needed, if that makes sense. I feel like MO has some insecurities about not feeling worthy or put together enough right now for a proper connection, and wants to get himself in line, and become the best person he can be before committing himself 100% to another person. Air energy present here as well. Hoping that this will resonate and bring clarity 🌸💕🌟
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madisons-not-a-name · 4 years ago
hi love💗 may I have a reading? will I be wealthy in the future? will I end up opening up a couple businesses and will they be successful? thank you for your time and energy.🌸 -e, pisces sun
Hello e! I hope that you’re happy and healthy 💐
I think that opening a business would be such a lovely endeavor for you! Your energy on the matter seems a bit scattered currently, so if you are deciding between a few different career paths, or possible future business ventures take your time. Think carefully and calmly, and allow your heart and intuition to guide you on this matter. However, once you have made you decision, stick with it and give it your all. Creating a successful business can be fun and rewards, but you must put in the hard work too. Your future prospects are bright and many, so allow yourself to enjoy this journey. Sending love and prosperity! 🥰❤️
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madisons-not-a-name · 4 years ago
oooooooh my gosh.. that reading is freakishly accurate. we met not too long ago and we bonded a lot over just having really good conversations. and hes a cap with an aquarius moon so this also feels very fitting 😳😳😳
Yes! I’m so glad it’s accurate for the situation between you two! And coming from a fellow cap, definitely give him time to settle into this connection. He may be putting up some defense mechanisms, so keep up with the pace you guys have set and don’t give up hope for this connection too quickly. Slow burner here, but sometimes those are the most rewarding in the end ❤️
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madisons-not-a-name · 4 years ago
helloo! i would loove a shufflemancy on the possible future connection with MG! idk if im just imagining it or not lol. im PL and my nr is a 3 <3
Hi there PL, thank you for reaching out to me! 💘💫
So after 3 shuffles, the song that came up for the connection between you two was “Right Place” by the band White Lies. I think that this is a pretty nice and solid answer to the question you’re asking here! Timing, timing, timing will be beyond key in this connection. It does seem like MG also feels this spark with you, but right now may not be the best time to pursue it. I think that they may be trying to get their ducks in order, and get themselves sorted before they will be able to give their all into a relationship. Take this one slow, and don’t pressure it to be anything. Really take time to get to know one another, and go on dates or spend some quality time with each other. I think the mindset of doing what is best for you and letting this relationship go at it’s own pace will really help set it up for a bright future. All the best! 🥰
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madisons-not-a-name · 4 years ago
Thanks so much for taking your time for doing the reading! Wow ok this person sounds almost too good 😂 I’ve always felt that I’ll know when I know - will definitely update you if anything happens! Thanks again Madison 💕 - KPL
Of course!! So glad you’ll update, I can’t wait to hear! I really think this person will sweep you off of your feet. Sending love! 🌷💖
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madisons-not-a-name · 4 years ago
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Costume appreciation series: Sleepy Hollow (1999) dir Tim Burton
Costume Design by Colleen Atwood
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