Slice of Heaven or Hell?
136 posts
We're a small team that likes to make otome games and we're currently working on a DRRR!! dating sim. Help support us on Ko-fi!:
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madhousefruitcake · 4 months ago
Completed routes list for practicality purposes for people who can use
Common Route [Play first to gain access to part one of each route]:
Pass: MHFC
Izaya Route:
Pass: Baccano
Shizuo Route:
Pass: Pudding
Masaomi Route: COMING SOON (Summer 2025)
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madhousefruitcake · 5 months ago
The Final CG for Masaomi's Route is Finished
It seems my estimate of the fangame being finished in 2025 was correct. Coding for Masaomi's route will start in December and I'm hoping his first part will be released in January. As for part 2 and part 3, we'll aim to release them in the summer of 2025.
Fi did a phenomenal job on the art and character designs. It's a bittersweet parting, but we wish her the best. Ms and I want to develop our own art style for our future original games, but for IR, we wanted to have an art style that would respect DRRR!!. Thanks to Fi, that dream was able to become a reality. She was wonderful to work with and always brought smiles to our faces.
Truth be told, I was worried that the game would take longer and things would get in the way, but thankfully it will be finished. Thank you for supporting us on this journey. We also hope that you all will enjoy our future games, along with the stories we yearn for you all to be a part of.
The plot and title for our first original game is already planned. Script writing will begin after we finish Masaomi's route in 2025. It's too early to give an estimation of when the game will be released, but we'll be moving on to Ren'py. We'll keep you posted about updates, per usual.
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madhousefruitcake · 9 months ago
Update + Plan For 2025
We are working on the art for Masaomi's route! Since it's the last route, we plan to have all the art completed before moving on to implementing them in the three parts. As such, Ikebukuro Records will be finished in 2025. We will begin work on our first original game in the same year.
While yanderes will still be present in our games, if the yandere has a route, we will refer to it as a "horror" route to show this isn't a normal route and the behavior of the bachelor isn't healthy. As much as we enjoy creating these characters and thinking of what made them this way (as we have already made a few for our future games), we don't want to simply be known as "people who make yandere games". We want to do a lot more with our games by exploring different themes. Ultimately, we want to make games that are realistic, but also have a message of hope entwined in them. There's plenty of cynical media out there and we think it shows enough.
We also realized that we want to keep in mind how our games influence our players. The last thing we want is to romanticize toxic behavior. However, we want to treat the bachelors as individuals - some people choose to change, some people refuse to change. So while some bachelors may not change at all, some bachelors will strive to change because they respect the MC as a person, rather than being driven by passion or an idealized version of her.
As for our next game, well...we won't make the mistake we did last time! The demo won't be released until the game is almost finished (perhaps 74%?). That will give us enough time to make any changes while also not making you guys wait for ages. Additionally, we'll be moving to a different engine so that the game will be available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. I apologize to the Mac users who were unable to play IR. I learned too late that TyranoBuilder has a 3rd party exporter.
Our next game also won't be as long as IR (probably none of our vn games tbh lol), so I believe that if we gather all the resources we need and get used to the new engine quickly, we'll be able to release it by 2027 at the max. Although personally, I hope we are able to release it by 2026 and move on to one of our bigger games.
We hope you enjoy Masaomi's route once it comes out and our future original games!
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madhousefruitcake · 1 year ago
What's the guide for part three? It isn't on the download page and I can't advance because I keep getting bad end two no matter what i do
I'll post it here. I apologize for the trouble!
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madhousefruitcake · 1 year ago
Shizuo's Part 3 Download
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Shizuo part 3 is finally here!
Per usual, the password is "Pudding". The guide for his part 3 is also in the description of the download page on
We hope you enjoy Shizuo's part 3!
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madhousefruitcake · 1 year ago
Shizuo's part 3 is finished!
All we need to do now is test it tomorrow! If all goes well, it will be uploaded.
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madhousefruitcake · 1 year ago
Shizuo's Part 3 will be done soon :^)
So funny story. I started the new file for Shizuo's replacement route a while ago, but his old route suddenly started working. So basically, by next week at max his route will be released. Working on day 73 now and will start on credits once I finish it.
Nonetheless, the whole event left me quite confused.
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madhousefruitcake · 1 year ago
So winter break has finally arrived. As such, I will be updating the walkthroughs to include bad endings for those curious and yandere lovers when I can, but it will definitely be done. I have a relative's wedding coming up, so I'm preparing for that.
But now for some bad news. There's going to be a delay in Shizuo's part 3, as we've encountered a bug that can't be fixed, unlike in the past. The sound effects and music aren't working, and you can't have a dating sim without either of those unless you're doing a game jam. It seems as though I'll have to restart the project file for part 3, as transferring the files to another project file didn't work. The good news is that all the assets are finished, so it shouldn't take as long.
Regardless of the issues we encounter, I certainly plan on finishing IR before 2025. We haven't given up on the project, we've just got life going on. Thank you for your patience and support!
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madhousefruitcake · 1 year ago
have you thought about making a walkthrough that includes bad endings?
Not really, but I should be able to do so during winter break. I'll update the walkthrough document during that time and make a post when they're updated👍🏻
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madhousefruitcake · 2 years ago
For the anon previously
I realized I forgot to add the walkthroughs! Here they are:
Normal route:
Izaya's part one:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Shizuo's part 1:
Part 2:
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madhousefruitcake · 2 years ago
Hello! I can't open the links you shared either on normal browsers or on different VPNs. :( I think it could be because of my country. Is there any way you can upload it to either Mediafire or Mega? They both also offer password protection. Sorry for the trouble.
No need to apologize! I've got ya covered! Just be aware that as of now, IR is only available for windows. I'll be posting the links for anyone else who can't access as well, please DM me if you run into any issues.
Normal Route (Play first to access other routes):
Izaya's Route (Completed):
Shizuo's Route (WIP, will be updated once the third part is released):
I'll make an updated post alongside each upload so you and others won't be left behind. However, if you are from Asia, please be mindful that the creators are from the West (surprise surprise), so although we tried our best with accuracy in regards to Japanese culture, it may not be 100% accurate. Even so, we do plan to release a discord server in the future so people can correct any inaccuracies before games taking place in countries we've never been in are released. :)
We hope you enjoy Ikebukuro Records!
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madhousefruitcake · 2 years ago
Shizuo’s part 2 has been released!
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The team had a lot of fun planning this announcement artwork, as we couldn’t resist throwing in this meme.
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If Shizuo didn’t do what he did during a certain scene, you all might have had to take the dominant approach, dear players!
Per usual, the password is “Pudding”. You can download part 2 here!
We hope you enjoy part 2 of Shizuo’s route! Depending on how things go, Shizuo’s part 3 might come out around his birthday as well!
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madhousefruitcake · 2 years ago
Hey, I’m looking forward to playing your game but I can’t seem to access the link. Like whenever I put in the password, it says invalid password. What should I do about this
That's odd. I would copy and paste the password. If it's for the normal route, it's MHFC. For Izaya's, the password is Baccano. For Shizuo's part one, the password is Pudding. It's probably case sensitive.
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madhousefruitcake · 2 years ago
hi! super excited to check out the game but i can't seem to get past the first text entry. i type in a name and i can't proceed despite pressing enter so i'm wondering if im doing this wrong or if its a problem other people have run into. thank you!!
That's strange. Please DM me which route you're playing. If it's the normal route, the internet could be at fault.
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madhousefruitcake · 2 years ago
I love Shizuo's part one so much! I played through it once already and didn't hit a bad ending (phew), and the cute moments with him and his smile omg 🥰 And the way it ended, I can't wait to see what happens in the next part!
Now I'm going through again and purposely picking the bad options, which hurts more than when I did the same for Izaya's route. Like, I was able to go through and pick the bad options without feeling too awful, but I feel like a jerk doing this to Shizuo! 😭
And I really like Izaya actually and still felt a bit guilty purposely going for bad endings, but it didn't feel nearly as bad when it was him somehow. 😅
We're glad you're enjoying Shizuo's route so far! And yes, it hurt making Shizuo's bad ends but not so much with Izaya. I wonder why...because he's a jerk lol
We're actually starting to work on part two, so I'm hoping we can release it this summer or early in the fall. :)
Thank you for playing!
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madhousefruitcake · 2 years ago
Hello! I finally just got around to playing the finalized normal route and all of Izaya's route, and I just wanted to take a moment to really convey my gratitude. Ever since I stumbled upon this blog, I've been hooked on this game and its progress, and I was absolutely blown away by how it turned out. It's obvious just how much effort went into it, and I think it's crazy that it doesn't receive more attention and is entirely free to play. It was such a fun experience, even if it was difficult dodging the bad endings, but that just added to it and made it all the more entertaining. I feel so lucky to have found out about this fangame and want you and everyone who helped make it to know that you've made/are making something amazing. Thank you so much, as both a Durarara!! fan and an Izaya-enjoyer, for your contributions to the fandom and your efforts! I can't wait to see how the rest of the game turns out, and I'll absolutely stick around for future projects! <3
Not going to lie, this really touched our hearts. The fact that you took the time to write all this out is a gift in itself, but since we consider IR kind of an important debut project for us, we're overjoyed that you'll join us on this journey, however long it may be. We are extremely fortunate to have players like yourself, and you guys always make the nights of frustration worth it.
When we can't get decide on the appearance of a CG (although Fi always manages to work her magic), when Ms and I get writer's block, when the game engine is driving me mad, stuff like this makes it all worth it.
We have plenty of projects lined up, so we hope you enjoy them in the future as well!
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madhousefruitcake · 2 years ago
Shizuo’s Part One is finished!
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Thank you for your patience! Please remember to play the normal route first (the link is available on every route page along with the password). I can’t tell you how excited we were to start Shizuo’s route. It made us even happier how he had minimal problems during testing~
Download Shizuo’s part one here! The password is: Pudding
Per usual, a walkthrough will be available on the page. 
We hope you enjoy Shizuo’s part one!
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