Pantun mlm jumaat
. . Sedap-sedap sambal kerang, Sedap lagi sambal terong. Sedap-sedap celah kangkang, Sedap lagi celah punggong. . . Adik pandang-pandang, Abang panjang-panjang, Adik cepatlah telanjang, Kote Abang sudah tegang. . . Adik tongeng-tongeng, Abang jolok dalam, Adik jangan bimbang. Abang tak pancut dalam. . . Apek kirim salam , Nyonya atas tilam, Apek mintak apam, Nyonya kata malam, Nyonya kata sakittt, Apek kata diammm, Nyonya terus kepitttt, hai yaaaaa….Apek pancut lalammmm. . Buah dedap di atas sabut, Anak lintah di dalam kubang, Kalau sedap jangan dicabut, Biar muntah di dalam lubang. 😜 😜 😜 Malam ini malam jumaat… Ibu2 nak kena ingat.. Bapak2 siang dah penat Mlm jumaat bapak nk rehat.
Anak2 jgnlah bising… Bapak penat ..hati pun runsing… Siang hari dah mcm gasing… Darah naik ..kepala pun pening…
Ibu2 carikan ubat… Agar bapak segera d rawat.. sakit pinggang n sakit urat… Ambil segelas air.. Bismillah Slawat…
Ibu2 yg baik hati… Urutlah badan smpi ke kaki… Kalau mmg sayang kan laki… Jgn ngelak..alasan d cari.
Kena urut ..bapak pun segar.. Badan lesu..segar bugar. Mata pejam..pintu d langgar.. Pujuklh tido..d dlm gebar.
Pagi subuh bapak pun bangun… Bapak bangun tersenyum2… Wajib mandi jgn tayamum… Dirikn solat..isteri jd makmum.
Lepas solat bapak berdoa… Pnjgkn umor..nk tambah dua… Ibu pun amin..dia tk dengar… Tambah rezki..tmbh semua.
…pantun kasih..mlm jumaat.
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Penis health is an important part of your health — and it goes beyond your ability to get and keep an erection, ejaculate, and reproduce.
Penis problems can be a sign of an underlying health condition. Ongoing health issues affecting your penis also can impact other areas of your life, causing stress, relationship problems or poor self-confidence. Know the signs and symptoms of penis problems and what you can do to protect your penis health.
You need to have erections regularly to keep your penis in shape. "It has to be essentially exercised." To maintain a healthy tone, the smooth muscle of the penis must be periodically enriched with oxygen by the rush of blood that engorges the penis and makes it erect.
If men don't do anything to maintain normal erections, they will get shortening of the penis. Without regular erections, penile tissue can become less elastic and shrink, making the penis 1-2 centimeters shorter.
A device like a vacuum pump, which forces the penis to swell with blood, can help men with physical erection problems maintain a healthy penis.
The best way to boost penis health? Food.
We often eat with our hearts and stomachs in mind, but how often do we consider how foods affect extremely specific body parts?
Instead of eating as if your penis needs special attention, fill your day with foods that optimize your whole body, and in turn, help your blood bring the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals your penis needs to function. (Erectyle Dysfunction in younger men is rising and about 1 in 9 men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime.) The penis is dependent on testosterone to function properly, and anything that lowers the T can lower the D. The 13 foods and drink below are among the worst cockblockers.
A study found that two scoops of pure soy protein powder a day decreased men’s testosterone levels by 19 percent after four weeks.
2.White Bread and Processed Carbs
Eating too many simple carbs can lead to weight gain, and increased body flab has been shown to raise a man’s estrogen levels and lower
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