madeinhistory-moved · 3 years
What if i came back and pretended like nothing happened haha wouldn't that be funny
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madeinhistory-moved · 4 years
If we don’t already have a thread, and we’re mutuals, like this for a starter! Please specify what muse you want, and if you’re also a multi, who you want it for
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madeinhistory-moved · 4 years
I FULLY believe that Pierre was in love with Andrei. Like, Andrei was Pierre’s friend REGARDLESS of his illegitimate status and his friendship didn’t change when Pierre became Count Bezhukov.
But tbh, even before that I think Pierre was just..... in love.
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madeinhistory-moved · 4 years
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madeinhistory-moved · 4 years
Today was really REALLY eventful, in a good way. Ish. Sorta, depends on how you look at it I guess? If you followed my old blog, you might’ve known that I’ve been suffering from an autoimmune problem for the past...?? year or so? Maybe two? And we had no real idea what it was but today I received a diagnosis of Ankylosing Spondylitis, which im ngl i thought i had from the beginning. It’s not....a GREAT diagnosis? It’s chronic and has some pretty nasty symptoms but I’ve been in such a horrible pit that this is the best thing that’s happened to me in awhile lmao. 
So I’ll be on to write more, now that I’m not sitting in a box of painfully inflamed joints
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madeinhistory-moved · 4 years
The one thing Elizabeth abhorred above all else was embroidery. She didn’t really have the patience for it and would much rather be outside or at least reading a book or even working on a translation. But, Anne had asked if they could sit and embroider and Elizabeth enjoyed her company enough that she would grin and bear the task with her. 
Glancing down at what she was working on, the younger girl chuckled a little bit. “I suppose so, I fear I’ll never be very good at this though.”
    Anne could tell that embroidery was driving Elizabeth mad. She was a spirited girl, one who enjoyed living life to the fullest. Had the day been nicer, she would have invited her out to a ride, but the clouds had rolled in before she even got the chance.
    Setting her hoop in her lap, she offered a small smile. “You know, you remind me very much of my younger sister, Amalia.”
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madeinhistory-moved · 4 years
She had been drifting in and out of sleep, lulled by the soft breezes drifting in through the window. At the sound of Murasaki’s voice she rolled onto her stomach, stretching languidly before propping her face on her hands. Dark eyes peered at her lover.
“I do. All of the time. I often dream of going back, one day…” Yet with everything that had happened it wasn’t possible. Not when she had been marked as a heretic by the Abbey. “Are you homesick, my love?”
   “Yes and no, “ Murasaki mused, turning in her chair to glance at her lover on the bed. Perhaps if she had paid better attention to her art lessons, she would be able to draw the scene in front of her. It certainly deserved to be remembered.
    “I miss what I remember of home. But I have been in Dunwall for so long, perhaps the home I remember is long gone.”
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madeinhistory-moved · 4 years
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                                                           historic multimuse                                         contains muses from history and literature                                                                written by ellie.                                                            mun and muses 21+                                                             remade june 2020
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madeinhistory-moved · 4 years
“Come on, mate. You’ve got to have more hobbies then being a vampire and reading.” Ezekiel insists, rolling his eyes. He finally tuns away proper from what he’s doing to look at the other. “Not eve like … stamp collecting?”
    “There’s nothing wrong with reading. But fine, since you insist, “ Dracula paused to think for a moment. Honestly, it had been awhile since he thought of what he actually liked to do. He knew there was more, but he had forgotten. Or well... almost forgotten. “I did used to be fond of dancing.”
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madeinhistory-moved · 4 years
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    “It’s gonna take awhile for you to realize what you did was a good thing. Maybe a month, maybe a year. But it’s gonna happen, whether you want it to or not.”
      Demeter kept her voice quiet, kept her tone gentle.
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Kharon keeps his gaze low, his fingers rubbing and pressing over his other hand slowly. His features are pulled together in thought, considering his words before finally speaking,
                          “Then… why do I not feel good about it?” 
@madeinhistory​ // closed.
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madeinhistory-moved · 4 years
   Even eighteen hour shifts serving none other than King George V would not stop him from returning home to see his beloved. Mind, it had taken a great deal of work on his part— from making arrangements with Mr Miller to refusing time off whilst traveling with the Royal retinue in order to save up a few days that rendered a visit possible. But Richard had managed it, much like he managed to pull off Sir Harry Barnston’s voice without a hitch for the Downton staff’s scheme.  
  He remembered Daisy, though Thomas did have to remind him of her name. Daisy’s our assistant cook, he had told him. After a moment’s thought with brows knitted in concentration, Richard had recalled that her comments on all the fuss given to the King and Queen had pulled the corners of his mouth upward into a faint smile. It was difficult, sometimes, to serve His Majesty— know him far more intimately than others— and have to hear the way others idolised him as if he had no faults. Hearing something other than complete adoration for the King during Royal tours had been a bit of a surprise to him. But then again, there seemed to be quite a few people at Downton who surprised Richard in delightful ways.
  “I’m right well glad t’be invited,” he answered, pulling a fond gaze away from Thomas, who had wandered off in search of elderberries. “After the Royal household swept the lot of you before it, I daren’t hope that Downton’s doors would open t’me again.”  Features far brighter than the resigned looks of the other Royal servants now fell upon Daisy. “Have things gone back t'normal for you since we left?” 
     Daisy fiddled with the edge of her apron, her eyes following Richard’s gaze. It felt odd, to be so open about these things. Of course she knew this wasn’t the standard, that it was because it was only the three of them that any affections might be expressed. Nevertheless, she was happy about it. Or rather, she was happy to see Thomas happy.
     She pulled herself from her thoughts to look back at Richard, giving a small smile. “Oh, aye. Though poor Mr. Moseley was embarrassed for days. I thought he was goin’ to wilt.” It didn’t help that the other footman teased the poor man relentlessly for his outburst in front of the Royal Family, though Daisy herself had never understood what the fuss was about. As far as she was concerned, they were simply people who thought too highly of themselves. Voicing those opinions always came with a scolding from Mrs. Patmore, but it was worth it.
     “I don’t suppose things go back to normal for you though, do they? It must be strange. They seem so.... cold?” She tried to choose her words carefully, not wanting to offend Richard but not wanting to ignore her beliefs either. Even if she wasn’t fond, she was curious.
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madeinhistory-moved · 4 years
    Adelaise was never one to respect boundaries and she showed as much when she wrapped her arms around Ezekiel’s neck, resting her chin on the top of the thief’s head. She wasn’t interested in the treasures the Library held, rather it’s occupants. After bothering Cassandra for what seemed like hours, she finally set her sights on one of the others.
  “Oh, please! Just tell me one more story of your adventures. I never get to hear anything exciting.”
@zkljns​ && sc // accepting
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madeinhistory-moved · 4 years
working on replies, gonna put them all in the queue and mayb... maybe reblog a meme or two
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madeinhistory-moved · 4 years
Like this post for a starter with any of the following: Pierre, Qianlong, Adelaise, or Jonathan. Please specify
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madeinhistory-moved · 4 years
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                          “Fool that I am," said he,"that I did not tear out my heart the day                                                         resolved to revenge myself".” 
Muse aesthetics pt 1, Edmond Dantes, the Count of Monte Cristo.
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madeinhistory-moved · 4 years
Hades and Persephone: arguing Demeter: Can I get a waffle? Can I PLEASE get a waffle?
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madeinhistory-moved · 4 years
Alright, now that this blog is set up, please like or reblog this if you are interested in interacting with a NOVEL BASED Clarice Starling from Thomas Harris’s The Silence of the Lambs.
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