mackenzieriddle-blog · 12 years
Aww...now I wished I kept Gabriel. :( I'll reaudition for him when this place gets revamped for Amy, cause they're just so cute. <3
Kendra has, but she left a note on the ooc blog. I'll screenshoot the message. For you. I only kept Mackenzie cause she's my first character in this roleplay and Angel, cause I wanted to have a challenge and play a character I"m not used too. A mean and cruel one, who's broken inside. 
LEXI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I remember you lol why wouldnt I :P awwwww the place ended up dying then I had computer trouble and want not joined another rp then came back and this place had just died :(
Has anyone tried to reopen this place? I’d be willing to reopen and readmin it if it would bring some of the people back or even new people. I really miss playing Amy so much she was my first rp character.
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mackenzieriddle-blog · 12 years
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mackenzieriddle-blog · 12 years
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mackenzieriddle-blog · 12 years
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mackenzieriddle-blog · 12 years
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mackenzieriddle-blog · 12 years
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”Why you always make me feel like i’m the one that’s crazy? You feel my heart racing, my, my heart racing…”
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mackenzieriddle-blog · 12 years
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mackenzieriddle-blog · 12 years
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you are the thunder; i am the lightning.
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mackenzieriddle-blog · 12 years
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mackenzieriddle-blog · 12 years
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mackenzieriddle-blog · 12 years
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It was evening time of day, the birds flew to the their nests in the trees above. As Mathius watch the sun, setting almost at the horizon. He waited outside, waiting for Rose. There was this one thing about her, yet he didn't know what. It was a good reason why he was here, though. Every time he spent with the girl, he treasured. She always managed to make him smile. As the memories lingered through his mind, his lips curved into a smile. 
Rose sat in front of the mirror in her. To her, it wasn't just another summer evening. It was special, well pretty much every moment with that certain boy, Mathius Finch, was special. She fell for him, and every time she was with him- she just couldn't explain that good feeling inside of her. 
She sat there, with her hairs all curled up, as she wore a beautiful yellow dress. Rose took a deep breath, and smiled. She stood up and looked out her window as she saw Mathius waiting for her. She rushed to the front door. 
There she stood in the middle of the doorway, a smile on her face.
Mathius heard footsteps from behind him, yet he wasn't sure who's footsteps they were. Ron's, going to give him a lecture about make his daughter feel special and all. Or Rose's, the girl who made his life complete. He turned around, as his lips curved into a smile. It was Rose. Mathius looked at her in awe, she was beautiful. But she was even more beautiful with that wonderful smile on her face. 
He stood up and walked over to her. Yet Rose, nor Mathius said anything. There lingered a silence between the two, yet it was a good kind of silence. He moved closer to her; his lips inches away from hers. Slowly he closed the gap between the two. The moment just felt right to kiss Rose. As the kiss lingered for a few moments, both smiled. 
Slowly pulling away from one another; they both gently grabbed each other hand. He looked at her and asked, "Where would you like to go?" Rose looked at the ground for a second or so, then back up at him, "Any where, as long as we're both having a great time." 
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mackenzieriddle-blog · 12 years
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mackenzieriddle replied to your post: Ok, which one of you are my beautiful anon on my graphics blog?
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mackenzieriddle-blog · 12 years
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Slytherin’s Day Off
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mackenzieriddle-blog · 12 years
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9/20 photos of selena gomez
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mackenzieriddle-blog · 12 years
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Mackenzie and Caleb
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mackenzieriddle-blog · 12 years
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mackenzieriddle-blog · 12 years
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