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Between Qrow and Summer during a mild argument and one runs out of stuff to say, which one of them tells the other “fight me”
lol mild argument~ and to answer your question, Summer. It is always Summer.
To be fair, Qrow and Summer NEVER argue like this. It has happened maybe three times in their entire friendship/romantic relationship/marriage. And it is always Summer doing the ass-kicking.
Qrow, in the beginning of being a part of team STRQ, was a lazy ass. He skipped classes and missed Summer’s scheduled practice sessions that she meticulously planned around everyone’s schedules. This is also around the time he starts Russian roulette dating, having one night stands and being a general play boy, too.
Summer, crushing hard on Qrow and wanting her team to be number one, does not take his behavior and sass well and promptly kicks his ass.
Try not to judge Qrow for his outbursts. Boy comes from a harsh life of killing and thieving. What is obviously true love and care seems like nagging and pestering to him…at first.
He comes around very quickly after this because Summer doesn’t just attack. She explains herself afterwards and talks out her feelings to him. This is where Qrow begins to fall for her: during their heart to heart.
But for now…damn Summer, nice headlock!
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Tw: blood/gore (human heart)

One of the worst things that could ever happen to Obito is making him choose between Rin and Kakashi and I will die on that hill.
He just loves them so much. Rin was his biggest supporter during his childhood, and he died for Kakashi, twice!
The two hearts at the end, one cut open and bleeding out and the other burnt and deformed, represent Obito's love for Rin and Kakashi. Which one is which is up to interpretation, either option is valid :)
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Heya bros, commissions out available for 4 slots as of now if ya want 🙏
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welp this ship has now taken over my soul please don’t look at me anymore I blame all of you. I wanted to recreate this scene but I got lazy with the amount of frames
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Comic about Lisa and Dustin growing up together
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What do you think of Lisa Armstrong as a character? Do you like the way she was written, or is there anything you would change or add?
GOOD QUESTION, ANON! I have a lot of thoughts on this. There’s so much to say about how the hallucinations of Lisa Armstrong are used as such an effective short-hand to communicate Brad’s trauma in Painful, or how she herself is a powerful symbol for the cycle of abuse and its victims.
But you’ve asked what I think of Lisa Armstrong as a character, so let’s examine that.
I genuinely don’t think I would want change much in the way she was written as a character. I appreciate how, in the little we do see of her, she was such an unapologetically devious and manipulative kid. I think it’s quite easy to depict martyred women at the hands of abuse as paragons of moral virtue--but it’s never as simple as that. The LISA games, to me, are all about subversion and irony (you play as a dad who the more he wants to help his daughter the less she wants to do with him, your childhood bully talks like a Shakespearean douchebag and rides on a deer named Spaghetti, and Lisa, the ultimate image of a damsel in distress, turns out to be a bit of a volatile kid) so I think Lisa's conceit as a character works well in that regard.
We only get one scene with her where we actually hear her speak, and that’s when she’s giving her final command to Buzzo. She deals in ultimatums (“Do you love me? Then do it… And I’ll love you back."), and is brutal (making Buzzo maim an animal). However, despite all this I can’t help but see her as overwhelmingly tragic.
It’s the fact that she’s violently ‘training’ her friend, her only friend, for one sole purpose. Not to hurt others, not to hurt himself, but so he can hurt her. And that’s just plain sad. It seems she’s had this plan for a while, and the implication that she needs someone else to do it, that she needs help, that she can’t do it herself is so… man.
I’ve seen so many takes on Lisa being this evil mastermind because of this act but like,, To me, this was a sign of how bad things had gotten for her. Lisa doesn’t ‘win’ here! Her ultimate plan isn’t to run away or to kill Marty. She’s in such a dire situation that she thinks the ONLY way she can get herself out of her situation is by asking her friend to mutilate her face with a buzz saw so that her father will find her too unattractive to sexually assault. And that sucks!! Sure Buzzo went through a boat load of psychological stuff by having to do that, and DL has implied on twitter that Lisa was manipulative in other ways (which, fine, he’s allowed to say that. But if it’s never actually depicted or referenced in the game in a tangible way it feels a bit like post-humous editorialising but, that’s a rant for another day) the fact that a fair bit of fandom overshadows Buzzo’s pain over Lisa’s was always a bit backwards to me. Not trying to play trauma olympics here but like, c’mon. If we can sympathise with Buzzo for his trauma, we can DEFINITELY sympathise with Lisa for hers.
But yeah, Lisa didn't deserve better because she had a kind-hearted demeanour or was morally pure, she deserved better because NO child deserves to go what she did, no matter what their disposition, because they are CHILDREN and haven’t had the time to properly develop into fully grown people yet. (I’m not even being metaphorical here! Your brain doesn’t fully develop until you’re 25! How wild is that!) Considering how Lisa was raised, her callousness to me is an indicator of the complete vacuum of love she was raised with her father. I highly doubt someone like Marty ever bothered to try teaching Lisa a moral compass. So can we blame someone, a child, for being cruel when they were never taught to be kind in the first place?
Which leads to my thoughts on what I would have liked to have been changed. It isn’t really her personality but more the way the narrative treats her.
So my friend was replaying Joyful recently and what we found so interesting is how the games goes SO out of it’s way to justify how Brad was a good person, how he tried SO HARD to be good. Joyful seems to have this covert mission to narratively absolve Brad of all of the mistakes by continually showing the player how well-intentioned he was. (Which to me kinda undermines the themes of Painful, but that’s ANOTHER rant for another day.)
But hell, what about Lisa? Sure, she’s the looming spectre that galvanises Brad to hide and isolate himself from the world out of self flagellating shame, and inspires Buzzo’s righteous attitude and unquenchable thirst for vengeance. But it’s not actually HER. It’s Brad and Buzzo’s recollection of her! Lisa Armsrtong is a dead little girl who never got the chance to grow, never got the chance to heal, never got the chance to change and turn into the woman she could have become.
And I think THAT is the real tragedy. Lisa was by no means a virtuous person, but that’s cause she never got the chance to be better! And the fact that the story makes her this spooky boogieman who is depicted in Painful and Joyful as such a BURDEN on Brad and Buzzo always felt off to me. Lisa isn’t to blame for Buzzo becoming a vengeful monster or for Brad becoming a violent recluse. And the fact that the game never goes out of the way to clarify that felt unsatisfying. Brad and Buzzo aren’t haunted by Lisa, they’re haunted by the ways that they failed to properly help her. Buzzo because he was a child, and Brad because (or at least, what I headcanon because) he was too scared to confront his father and remove his sister from her living situation. No single individual is to blame here (well, other than Marty, duh. Obviously.) but ALSO like, there so many problems sprouting from with the multiple systems of inequality that lead to Lisa’s living situation. The complex layers of financial inequality, alcohol addiction, inability to access therapy services, misogyny, paedophilia. It’s all a mess.
Also okay I said I wouldn’t talk about symbolism but one thing that gets my goat is the game’s missed potential in drawing clear parallels between Buddy and Lisa. And I’m not talking about Brad and Buzzo saddling Buddy with all of their projected trauma about Lisa, but just like, the similarities in Buddy and Lisa's lives. They both grew up in isolation, both had animosity for their respective father figures, both had their bodies used against them. It’s happening all over again! It’s the cycle of abuse! It’s generational trauma! No matter how hard Brad tries to make sure Buddy never goes through what Lisa did, the tragic irony is that he does the exact opposite! (And THESE ideas specifically are something I’m really looking forward to exploring further in my fic, A Story About Love.) I would have really enjoyed if Joyful made some larger strokes in showing that Buddy is unfortunately a spoke in the wheel of a larger cycle of bullshit, and showing her actually feeling a mote of kinship with what Lisa went through. But Buddy!!! Never!!! Gets to find out!!! Who Lisa even IS! It drives me up the wall!! So much squandered potential!! EUGH.
Anyway yeah I like Lisa Armstrong a lot and she did absolutely nothing wrong. (I am joking. Mostly.)
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suicide tw //
Was hesitant about uploading this one, but seeing how many people enjoyed the first faceless lisa comic did, I thought I’d clean this up a little and post it
Part one (?) here
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So been writing on the old au again (Lisa The Disdainful) and realized I never drew Buzzo or Lisa. Here's some poorly drawn sap. First one is her getting out of treatment and Bernard picking her up. Other one is years later as a more stable couple. Lisa has become a boob man and serves that Italian sass on the daily! Also, Buzzo gotta embrace that busted hairline more. lol enjoy!
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genderbend team minato au‼️❤️🔥
Mini yuri obkk comic❤️🔥‼️
They're brain rotting me rn bro
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Kushina sensei au, where she trains obito and Rin (tho mostly Obito at first, since she first encountered the lik guy @ the training grounds)
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Some rough sketches that I wanted to clean up but I don’t have the energy to do it
I imagine the Myers siblings like this sometimes and I make myself sad 😔
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