machida131 · 9 years
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machida131 · 9 years
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RWBY Volume Three
Ruby Rose
Weiss Schnee
Blake Belladonna
Yang Xiao Long
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machida131 · 9 years
Narrating People’s Lives: In the Forest! by Thomas Sanders
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machida131 · 9 years
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There’s probably more but these are the ones I can think of at the moment! Please be considerate and don’t play pranks at other people’s expenses!
Have fun everyone!
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machida131 · 9 years
the smallest trumpet noise
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machida131 · 9 years
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machida131 · 9 years
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I can’t think of dialogue atm but basically Bonnie’s talkin science and Marceline has other things on her mind
if someone could write an exchange that’d be great
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machida131 · 9 years
“I thought my phone was ringing”
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machida131 · 9 years
july 3rd on tumblr: happy peaceful blogging
july 4th on tumblr: 
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machida131 · 9 years
RWBY theory: Yang is the Sun and Ruby is the Moon
If we’re continuing this trend with sun/moon analogies in canon and fandoms (Tokyo Ghoul, MLP:FiM, One Punch Man…Pokemon), I might as well point out how it applies to RWBY
Name literally means “little sun dragon”
Gets a lot of analogies to the sun in both her image songs (”I Burn” and “Gold”)
Associated with fire and the color yellow
Weapon is Ember Celica (ember=fire, coelica=heavenly, so it refers to the sun)
Is shown at night when we first see her; her signature shot in the Red trailer is against the moon
Associated with wolves (because of the Red Riding Hood thing)
~Special Silver Eyes~
Weapon is Crescent Rose (do I have to explain this one?)
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Conclusion: Yang is the Sun to Ruby’s Moon (and vice versa)
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machida131 · 9 years
So Ive seen a lot of people piece together the Ruby is like Dorothy to go along with the Ozpin and Glynda being the Wizard of Oz and the Good Witch. And, i may be very late to the party here, but i always thought Qrow was the scarecrow because of his name i guess. But wanna know what just hit me? Penny was Ruby’s scarecrow. Im just realizing this. She wasnt a real person, didnt have a real heart, but wanted to be. I knew she was based off of Pinocchio but, like the scarecrow, Penny was torn apart.
I know this isnt exactly news but just wow, the CRWBY is so detailed in everything i love it and i wanted to share
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machida131 · 9 years
Team FNKI height discovery!
So this post started out as me just trying to figure out Flynt and Neon’s heights and I ended up making a fantastic discovery. Trying to make this as accurate as possible. Going off this screenshot, where it seems Flynt and Neon are standing opposite Yang and Weiss
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Of course we know Weiss stands at 5′3′’ (With heels) and Yang stands at 5′8′’. Now, I realise Neon and Yang aren’t standing directly opposite one another, but Weiss and Flynt are. So, overlaying a height chart:
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Flynt is actually only about 5′8′’ himself.
Now Neon is a bit more difficult. Because like I said, she’s not standing directly opposite to Yang, so the opposite isn’t quite right. But according to that…
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She is 5′1′’. Smoll!
But like I said, it’s not entirely accurate because they aren’t stood directly opposite one another.
However in THIS screenshot…
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We can assume she’s right next to Flynt and compare the two.
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Using that for reference we can still estimate that Neon is about 5'2’’ if you include the pigtails, and 5'1’’ if her hair is down. So the same height as we predicted first.
TL;DR version:
Flynt is around 5′8′’
Neon is 5′2′’ with the pigtails and rollerblades
So Neon stands the same height…
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as this cinammon roll.
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machida131 · 9 years
RWBY Theory
Am I the only one who thinks Cinder and the dragon aren’t actually frozen? They’re just… Suspended in time? Like time has literally been stopped at the top of the tower? Ruby’s semblance is speed, so what if another aspect of it involved time and the manipulation of it in extreme, emotional circumstances?
Just a thought.
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machida131 · 9 years
Just another RWBY theory (Ozpin & Salem)
Okay so I’m working on my rewatch of RWBY and I’ve noticed some things I haven’t really seen anyone talk about.  I’ve seen many theories that this could help support but well…let me begin…..
Our Journey starts with Chapter 3 of Volume 3.  Caught this little tidbit from Qrow
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Now this was a few minutes after talking about the infiltrator in Vale (Cinder) and in response to Ironwood naively saying that having his army there would make people feel safe.  I can’t help but think the “she” that Qrow is referring to is none other then Salem herself. It would fit in with some of the other Salem theories floating around (something in the vein of “Mother of all Grimm” or things like that. Especially considering it seemed like Cinder knew about the Dragon Grimm that shows up later. HOW WOULD SHE KNOW?! WORK FOR MOM OF COURSE)
Another interesting thing that adds to the “Salem is a corrupted winter maiden” is this: 
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I’m sorry.  The winter maiden’s silhouette is almost EXACTLY like Salem’s.  Also I want to point out that the Wizard…is OLIVE green…like Ozpin’s color. (Why would you make him green when you have the Spring maiden? HUH?!) 
Also Ozpin said something interesting when telling  Pyrrha about the 4 maidens story
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Pyrrha replies: You’re not that old, professor. 
to which HE replies: Well, would you believe me if I told you it was true? 
WAY TO DODGE THAT ANSWER.  So if Salem has lived as long as we think she has…and if Ozpin is who we think he is..it’s not unlikely that he’s really old too. I just…I’m on to you Professor. 
So just some connections I’ve made so far. I still have 6 chapters to rewatch so we’ll see if I can add to this.  But I noticed these things and I can’t help but feel they make an compelling argument….
but that’s just a theory….a RWBY theory. 
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machida131 · 9 years
So, I finally figured out the other day how Yang’s character arc relates to Goldilocks, and it is very likely somebody else has already thought of this, but I want to talk about it anyway.
Yang’s thing has always been that she burns hot, literally and figuratively. She has a short temper and her semblance encourages reckless behavior. All the bad things that happened to her in volume three were the direct result of that hotheadedness. She went offensive rather than defensive when she thought Mercury was attacking her, she saw Blake in trouble and charged full force at Adam putting herself in a completely vulnerable position to get her arm cut off. She’s too hot.
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Now as of the season finale, she is feeling the weight of those mistakes and it has hit her hard. Everyone and everything she cares about is gone in one capacity or another. Ruby tries to tell her there has to be a reason Blake left and she says no, “sometimes bad things just happen.” Ruby asks her what they should do and she says she’s just gonna lay there. Her baby sister tells her I love you as she leaves the room and she says nothing. She is broken and depressed. She’s too cold.
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So, next volume, I’m guessing  we’re gonna get a decently long arc of too cold Yang. She’ll be depressed for a while, distant and quiet. Even when she starts fighting again, I’m sure there will be some hesitance there, you don’t take these kinds of losses and not question yourself. But she will learn. She’s got to go through some character growth to get to a point where she can use her semblance efficiently while still thinking through her actions. Not too hot, not too cold. She has to strike that perfect balance to get her fighting style just right.
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machida131 · 9 years
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Red eyes + Blue eyes = Purple eyes.
My mom figured this out btw.
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machida131 · 9 years
My RWBY Concerns
I am extremely concerned about the moon in RWBY. If you re-watch the Red Trailer, the moon is still whole. Now watch the rest of the trailers chronologically. Notice how the moon is breaking as if it’s slowly disintegrating? It continues to happen too from Vol. 1 to Vol. 3.
No, why am I so concerned about this? Well, check the lyrics of “I May Fall”
When we lose our faith
And forsake our friends
*When the moon is gone*
And we reached our end
I think the worst has yet to come in RWBY. Things are bound to get even worse first before getting better.
Then there’s the issue of blood censorship. Red rose petals had always been a symbol/representation of blood in RWBY (Red Trailer & Players & Pieces). To me, it shows how innocent Ruby, her friends, and the audience are. We are being given a pretty censorship. Oh no there’s violence and blood! Here, just see pretty roses instead.
Then, we saw Penny die. The moment she was ripped apart our innocence was lost. Ruby’s rose tinted view of her world was shattered as she sees her friends remains. After that harrowing scene, notice how the following events that involved blood no longer show rose petals? We’re given blood - splotch of red blood. I mean just look at Yang! Guess, bye bye censorship. Hello, splashing blood bath. The only time we’ll see the rose petals from now on is when Ruby uses her semblance then?
Speaking of semblance…
My last concern is Salem’s speech in the end.
“… But divide them, place doubt in their minds, and any SEMBLANCE of power they once had will wash away.”
OK, does this mean that semblance are kind powered by belief? That once the belief crumbles, semblances would disappear or become weak? It makes some sense considering Glinda not able to fix things in the montage during the end of Vol. 3 and the importance of the Vytal Tournament. It would also be a nice balance with the “Grimms are attracted by negative emotions” in Remnant. (I’ll post a theory about Semblance & Ozpin later to further explore this idea).
Anyway, so does this mean semblances would eventually be gone? The lyrics of “This Will Be the Day” isn’t helping.
“This will be the day we’ve waited for
This will be the day we open up the door
I don’t wanna hear your absolution
Hope you’re ready for a *revolution
Welcome to a world of *new solutions
Welcome to a world of bloody *evolution”
Maybe I’m just reading too much into the but I am very concerend
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