Reflection on Essay + Process
With having just sent my fourth attempt and deciding to make it my last because it was a late submission owing to technological issues and my reference was incorrect, I can confidently depart and state that this GRAD505 Design Research paper has taken me on an emotional rollercoaster. Starting with a topic that I wasn't sure where it would lead me, I explored potential avenues before being confronted with the decision of which road to choose, particularly in relation to Visual Communications. Sticking with the issue of Tonga in the 1940s-1950s and looking at how present Polynesian patterns have been influenced by Tonga Tapa (ngatu), it really compelled me to study further, bother grandparents, and learn. Coming into this with little understanding and now teaching my parents about the history and working with my Nana while she's customising her own tapas, etc.
I really loved learning, especially via something that I can connect to and discuss with individuals who know more than I do. Conversations with my grandparents were difficult owing to the language barrier since they frequently forgot that I couldn't comprehend portions of the Tongan language, but with patience, we got there. I enjoyed hearing their stories and experiences back then, and I will always remember my grandmother saying how unhappy she was that the tractional was hardly around.
Looking back, 12 weeks seems like a long time, but if you're sincerely invested in what you're doing, like I was, it passes by quickly. Despite some challenges along the process, such as poor time management and a lack of understanding of reference, I was able to get the essay that was submitted. With submitting, I'm really glad that I had my say on something that's also not often discussed, especially with so little resources available and such a broad topic. I loved how I got the opportunity to explore my own as well as exhibit my understanding of this for others to maybe discuss in the future.
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Week 12: Bibliograpgy
Burley, V.D (2020). The Lapita origins of Tongan ngatu and design. Matangi Tonga Online
Tapa of the Pacific. Auckland War Memorial Museum - https://www.aucklandmuseum.com/discover/collections/topics/tapa-of-the-pacific
Jackson-Becerra. J (2019) Tales of Taonga – Tapa of the Pacific. The Coconet.tv https://www.thecoconet.tv/know-your-roots/im:13217/tales-of-taonga-tapa-of-the-pacific/
Heemsoth. A (2013) Ancient Art of Tonga
Herle, A. (2002) Pacific Art: Persistene, Change and Meaning
Kaeppler, A.L. (2002) Tapa in Tonga: Wendy Arbeit https://librarysearch.aut.ac.nz/vufind/Record/1141400
RNZ (2007) Archaeologists in Tonga say Lapita find may identify first village settled
Gilles, T.E (2021) The Tongan Kupesi - TEDXNukualofa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da17bmmK71E
Lennard. F., Mills. A (2020) Material Approaches to Polynesian Barkcloth – Cloth, Collections, Communities
http://www.ancientgrains.org/9789088909719_Material%20Approaches%20to%20Polynesian%20Ba rkcloth_ebook.pdf
Amoamokofe - The act of rubbing with a bamboo stick. This design was developed by V ava'u.
Three Dots – Fo'i Hea
Kupesi - The ngatu's printed and drawn design.
Manulua pattern - consists of two birds or two pairs of bird wings.
Ngatu - is a traditional cloth made from the bark of mulberry trees.
Nukuleka - is a small fishing village on Tongatapu's north-east coast in the Kingdom of Tonga.
Pendergrast, M., Neich, R. (18, August 15).
Tāmaki Paenga Hira
Potamanuka - Integerated Lines Tapa - The unprinted boundaries of the Ngatu
Tokelau Feletoa pattern - Fata 'o Tu'i Tonga refers to the centre beam of the king's home in Tokelau (north).
Ve'etuli - Herring bone ribs
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Research - Primary
Tapa Cloths (ngatu) discovered by my Tongan grandmother are shown below. Tapa crafted by her mother and sister that has been passed down to either keep or modify before gifting.

1973 Tapa made by Great Grandmother Mail Vehikite (Past Tapa)

1995 Tapa made by Great Aunt Losa Finau - (Presnt Tapa)

Feta’aki Cloth – Cultural Wealth of Tonga and used as a sign of respect in gift-giving. Used for Ngatu for the top and the bottom used as a lining.
Tongan Activities Book:
My Tongan grandmother discovered this Tongan Activities book at her home, which has a wealth of knowledge about Tonga, such as the many meanings of the patterns/symbols, the traditional tapa manufacturing method, and many other activities in Tonga. This really aided in gaining a better knowledge of the semantics of both English and Tongan, which I found a barrier to comprehending the language and procedure when taking notes and writing about it in my essay.
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Week 11: Lecture Series
Lecture Notes:
Intro to the process of uploading to Turnitin. Why plagiarism?
Submission criteria - summative hand-in.
I've had trouble with referencing. I'd be typing with my notes at my side when I'd forget to include a reference from my notes, forcing me to go back and read, retype, and repeat the process. The referencing was simple, but I was making it more difficult for myself by not having self-resources to refer to, or in other words, websites that are not up to quality with the simple answer I am looking for. With so much main material and additional research from further investigation, I'm at a loss about where to begin and how to break it down.
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Images for Essay
This report seeks to trace the historical development and contemporary reinterpretations of Pacific backcloth traditions. The diverse material and traditional qualities have provided a wide range of debate for modern art historians and Pacific peoples. This will be demonstrated through historical points, how modern Polynesian patterns have been influenced from the past to the present, and authentic art displayed today across contemporary art and graphic design. (Last part of Essay Introduction)
I discovered images that will work nicely using my three main ideas. Looking back on my formative, I showcased old and new tapa (ngatu) that discussed the differences and similarities between the two - moving forwards, I didn't want to show the same thing, though I have, but it has been done in a different way. For my essay, I will highlight traditional ancient materials used in Tonga and what Tapa look like today through other uses such as contemporary art/graphic design.
Image 1:
I was considering including this into my opening paragraph about Tapa's history.

Description: Photograph - Shane Egan, The Tokelau Feletoa design pattern was impressed on a Lapita pottery sherd with dentate stamp tools discovered in Nukuleka, Tongatapu. Unlike traditional Tongan ngatu motifs.
Reference: https://matangitonga.to/2020/03/19/lapita-origins-tongan-ngatu-and-design
Image 2:
This image will be used in the third paragraph of Tongan tapa paintings that merge traditional patterns with contemporary topics.

Description: The Masked Woman by Tui Emma Gillies and her mother Sulieti Firme’a Burrows.
Reference: https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/homed/nz-house-garden/300375230/meet-the-maker-tui-emma-gillies-and-sulieti-fiemea-burrows
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Course Resources + Reference Guide
For APA 7 referencing information: https://aut.ac.nz.libguides.com/APA7th (Links to an external site.)
APA 7 brief guide handout: APA referencing brief guide.pdf Download APA referencing brief guide.pdf
APA 7 extensive guide presentation: APA 7 referencing.pdf Download APA 7 referencing.pdf
APA 7 Referencing guide: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL018X5Hlr4RnsZeH-XaQ4cFR4jLsyv_6F (Links to an external site.)
Interactive Massey APA 7 platform: https://owll.massey.ac.nz/referencing/apa-interactive.php
Grammarly https://www.grammarly.com (Links to an external site.)
Studiosity (please sign with your AUT account — also accessible on the left hand-side bar in this Canvas shell) https://studiosity.com/connect/users/sign_in
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The Lapita origins of Tongan Ngatu and Design
Based on research variations in ngatu motifs and their organisation were engraved on the surfaces of Lapita pottery in Tonga over 3,000 years ago. The ordered and constrained symmetry of Lapita design can still be observed on the ngatu. This was very interesting to find out that through artistic traditions there is more than the design structure that connects ngatu and Lapita adornment to a shared aesthetic past. The rim of a Lapita pot from the Tongatapu lagoon archaeological site of Nukuleka best exemplifies this relationship.

Reconstruction of Nukuleka Lapita pots, demonstrating the layered structure of Lapita design and the reduced nature of subsequent design components. These pots were made around 800 BC. David Burley took the photograph.

The Tokelau Feletoa design pattern was stamped on a Lapita ceramic sherd with dentate stamp tools discovered in Nukuleka, Tongatapu. Shane Egan took the photograph. Unlike typical Tongan ngatu motifs.
Reference Website: https://matangitonga.to/2020/03/19/lapita-origins-tongan-ngatu-and-design
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I have found this 2002 Documentar on The Art of Tapa showcasing Tapa, also known as siapo, hiapo, ngatu, and other names, is a significant part of Pacific and Oceania traditions. This documentary goes into some of the methods and ways tapa is made and used across our moana's varied cultures.
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Week 10: Lecture Series
Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the Week 10 Lecture Series. Despite the lack of follow-up presentations or recordings, I was able to catch up by creating dialogues with my classmates. Becky, my cohort instructor, organised a lecture series. She discussed Bauhaus school and emphasised proper reference.
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Essay Drafts
Tasks 1: Prepare and/or expand on a draft of the essay
Prepare a draft of submission (expanding on formative) with main points and ideas focusing on the draft. introduction and the first essay topic.
Continue research and writing towards the summative submission.
Update blog.
The sounds of Tonga abound in the villages and at the evening entertainment, but it's not all drumming. The pounding is not from the drums, but from the efforts of numerous Tongan women who practice this traditional art form of harvesting the inner bark of paper mulberry trees. Every significant event in the Kingdom of Tonga's life is commemorated with ngatu, also known as Tapa or bark cloth in English. Bark cloth was made by people across the world, but the South Pacific islands are regarded to have produced the best quality and variety. Even the name "tapa," which is now commonly used, originated in Polynesia during the early days of European contact. Pendergrast, M., Neich, R. (2015) stated that in places where tapa craft flourished, it became a significant tool for women's creative expression. Men manufactured tapa for ritual goods such as masks, figures, and loincloths in various locations of New Guinea, the Marquesas Islands, and Easter Island. This cloth has accompanied us across the Pacific, but how has it held up over time, and what is its current meaning and value to the various islands? Jackson-Becerra, J. (2019). This report seeks to trace the historical development and contemporary reinterpretations of Pacific backcloth traditions. The diverse material and traditional qualities have provided a wide range of debate for modern art historians and Pacific peoples. This will be demonstrated through historical points, how modern Polynesian patterns have been influenced from the past to the present, and authentic art displayed today across contemporary art and graphic design.
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Week 9: SDL
Visit the AUT Library
Bring two physical books (from AUT Library) and two extra articles (searched on AUT databases) related to your research.
Highlight and/or copy and paste some reference quotes to your word document and/or reference images that you may include in your essay.
I was able to check out various physical books from the AUT Library throughout the week. With my discoveries, I was able to gain a better grasp of the past, such as the westernisation and trade that resulted in legislation outlawing the creation of tapa after a century of James Cook's visit, the procedure, the print/paint, and the future of tapa in Tonga.
Tapa in Tonga - Wendy Arbeit
Argument Comment:
“Throughout most of the Polynesia the tapa glowingly described by the first European explores has almost disappeared. Except in Tonga.” (Chapter: The Future - Page 17)
“Every Island group along the migration path developed its own decorative patterns, manufacturing and decorative processes, and the usage methods.” (Chapter: Introduction - Page 1)
Journey to the present - Makahoko mei Lotokafa / Karen Stevenson.
Argument Comment: Adrienne Kaeppler commented in association with bark cloth yet her words certainly apply to these monuments:
“They objectify and celebrate monarchy, chiefly rank, and prestige. Designs are about Tonga's national identity as an independent monarchy, about genealogical associations with one's village and chief and about the social construction of self withing the Tongan hierarchy, and where one fits as part of all these identities.” – (Page 39 of Filipe Tohi – Journey to the Present by Karen Stevenson, Stone: Recovering the Past)
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Week 9: Essay Construction + Peer Review
Throughout this lesson, we had the opportunity to collaborate with our classmates by sharing our work and assisting one another in determining where we should proceed with our Summative Assignment. I had a great time listening to the diverse places and their methods to visual communication as working on our essays, which was extremely beneficial to me because we are all in the same boat with moving forward.
Keywords used to find Partner:
Pacific Art
Through indigenous ties to visual communication, I was fortunate enough to locate some of my peers who shared some of my ideas. We all had a difficult time connecting it to design at first, but we eventually found something to write about in our essays. Moving forwards, we realised that we needed to expand on and build on our core points.
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Week 9: Lecture Series
This week's lecture focused on art movements and events in Russia from the 1910s to the 1930s.
Russian Art Movements 1910-1930
The Ballet Russes
Revolution 1917
Russian Avantgarde - Futurism
Russian Suprematism and Constructivism
Even though this lecture didn't really fit the area I was writing and researching about it was cool to learn about something new that was off my topic and about someone else topic they may be investigating and the history.
I learnt that Constructivism, also known as Russian Konstruktivizm, is a Russian artistic and architectural movement that was influenced by Cubism and Futurism and is thought to have begun in 1913 with Vladimir Tatlin's "painting reliefs," or abstract geometric constructions.
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Further Research for Essay
Following up on my research, I discovered some Ted Talks on the internet that make perfect sense within the context of the topic and sector I'm working in.
The first one is: Tattoo and Tapa: Reclaiming Pacific Symbols | Frances C. Koya Vaka'uta | TEDxSuva
After watching this powerful and informative presentation I took away that listening to your elders wisdom is taught and hand down through generations.
Frances is a poet and artist who is concerned about the situation of Pacific education and development. Her doctoral research looked at tapa and tattooing as spaces of knowing, learning, being, and being in Samoa and Tonga. Frances' presentation inspires us to think about the history and layers of significance in the cultural patterns and symbols that surround us in the Pacific.
The other ted talk I found is: The Tongan Kupesi | Tui Emma Gillies | TEDxNukualofa

Tui speaks about the Tongan Kupesi and show how she respectfully mixes traditional practises from the past with current events or challenges. Tapa cloth is Tui Emma Gillies' speciality. Her work combines contemporary and traditional elements and may be found in important museum and gallery collections around the world, including Germany, Melbourne, the United States, and Auckland, as well as several private collections. What is Authentic? When our work is informed by our ancestors' labour, I wonder if the regard and respect with which we approach the task is more essential than how we create.
After watching these two beautiful and very informative videos it's the knowledge of the elders - it doesn't matter if you encounter it when you're young or when you're on your deathbed the important thing is to begin listening what have you got to lose?
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Week 8: Essay Brainstorm
It helped me establish the scene for the path I'm going to go when writing my essay for this Essay Brainstorm. Along the way, I discovered extra facts that would help elevate this essay I'm working on using the present materials I have. My essay question and topic are unique, thus I am not only writing about it but also learning.
Implementing changes based on formative.
Expanding on research and breaking it down the main ideas for essay writing.
Expand on resources (text and imagery) for each topics discussed.
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Week 8: Lecture Series
Mautaranga Mauri and Design
Mātauranga Māori
(noun) Maori knowledge - the body of knowledge originating from Maori ancestors, including the Maori world view and perspectives, Maori creativity and cultural practices.
Oceanian Design: Oceanian Art
Oceanic art, also known as Oceanian art, refers to the artistic creations of the indigenous peoples of the Pacific Islands and Australia, which includes places as far apart as Hawaii and Easter Island. It consists of the works of two groups of individuals who settled the area at various times.
Scanned Image of Lecture Notes
I really appreciated Toiroa Williams' lecture because I felt like I connected with it in terms of linking it to my own study and what further I can do as I continue on this road of discovery for my essay.
Extra Resources from this Lecture Presentation:
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