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m-aicu · 4 years ago
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Achilles & Patroclus
“And this, and this, and this.”
“It will be this, always, for as long as he will let me.”
1. I Will Follow You Into The Dark - Death Cab for Cutie
“No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white, just our hands clasped so tight, waiting for the hint of a spark.”
2. Oblivion - Bastille
“When you fall asleep, with your head upon my shoulder; When you're in my arms, but you've gone somewhere deeper.”
3. YOUTH - Troye Sivan
“‘Cause we've no time for getting old; Mortal body, timeless souls.”
4. The End of All Things - Panic! at The Disco
“Whether near or far, I am always yours- Any change in time; We are young again.”
5. Always - Panic! at The Disco
“When the world gets too heavy put it on my back, I'll be your levy. You are taking me apart like bad glue on a get well card.”
6. Futile Devices - Sufjan Stevens
“It's been a long, long time since I've memorized your face, It's been four hours now since I've wandered through your place.”
7. Cleopatra - The Lumineers
“I was Cleopatra, I was taller than the rafters, but that's all in the past now, gone with the wind.”
8. I’m With You - Vance Joy
“I saw you standing there: sandy blonde hair, the way it came tumbling down, just like a waterfall. And if you need a light, I'll be the match to your candle; My darling, I'm ready, to burst into flames for you.”
9. Halo - Ane Brun
“You're everything I need and more, it’s written all over your face,”
10. Gale Song - The Lumineers
“And he fell apart with his broken heart; and this blood, this blood, this blood... Oh, it drains from my skin, it does.”
11. Yellow Light - Of Monsters and Men
“Just follow my yellow light- and ignore all those big warning signs.”
12. Rose Gold - Pentatonix
“If it's true that legends never die, me and you could stand the test of time”
13. C’est la Mort - The Civil Wars
“C'est la vie, c'est la mort (Such is life, such is death). You and me, forevermore.”
14. Like Real People Do - Hozier
“Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips, we should just kiss like real people do.”
15. Run - Hozier
“Rare is this love, keep it covered; I need you to run to me, run to me, lover. Run until you feel your lungs bleeding.”
16. Nobody - Hozier
“We could have less to worry about, but honey I won't lie to you, and everything I do I've had no love like your love.”
17. Saturn - Sleeping at Last
“I'd give anything to hear you say it one more time that the universe was made, just to be seen by my eyes
18. Guillotine - Jon Bellion
“The secrets you tell me I'll take to my grave; There's bones in my closet, but you hang stuff anyway,”
19. Sun - Sleeping at Last
“With golden string, our universe was brought to life that we may fall in love every time we open up our eyes.”
20. Somebody to Die For - Hurts
“Because no matter where they take me, in death I will survive, and I will never be forgotten with you by my side.”
21. Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths
“The self is not so weightless, nor whole and unbroken: Remember the pact of our youth.”
22. Cosmic Love - Florence + the Machine
“Then I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too, so I stayed in the darkness with you.”
23. Til’ Kingdom Come - Coldplay
“For you, I’d wait til’ kingdom come.”
24. Eyelids - PVRIS
“I wake up and I can feel you by my side, but I can't find you in the dark when you're so far.”
26. You Said You’d Grow Old With Me - Michael Schulte
“Thought we had the time, had our lives. Now you'll never get older, older.”
27. Song for the Birds - Eisley
“Oh the sky has never looked so blue before. Oh and I reach out to you, I reach out to you.”
28. Never Let Me Go - Florence + the Machine
“And the arms of the ocean are carrying me, and all this devotion was rushing over me.”
29. Firelight - Young the Giant
“And the rains begin to shower, cover me in blue.”
30. When You Go - Jonathan Coulton
“Fold my heart up small, or break it into pieces, find somewhere and keep it there, take it when you go.”
31. Yellow Love - Citizen
“All I see is yellow in the spring air; How beautifully the color worked itself in.”
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m-aicu · 5 years ago
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CHRISTOPHER ROBIN — 2018, dir. Marc Forster
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m-aicu · 5 years ago
“Chiudersi in se stessi può essere una cosa terribile quando ci tiene svegli di notte, e vedere che gli altri ci dimenticano prima di quanto vorremmo non è tanto meglio. Rinunciamo a tanto di noi per guarire più in fretta del dovuto, che finiamo in bancarotta a trent’anni, e ogni volta che ricominciamo con una persona nuova abbiamo meno da offrire. Ma non provare niente per non rischiare di provare qualcosa...che spreco! (...) Ricordati, cuore e corpo ci vengono dati una volta sola. La maggior parte di noi non riesce a fare a meno di vivere come se avesse a disposizione due vite, la versione temporanea e quella definitiva, più tutte quelle che stanno in mezzo. Invece di vita ce n’è una sola, e prima che tu te ne accorga ti ritrovi col cuore esausto e arriva un momenti in cui nessuno lo guarda più, il tuo corpo, e tanti meno vuole avvicinarglisi. Adesso soffri. Non invidio il dolore in sé. Ma te lo invidio, questo dolore.”
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m-aicu · 5 years ago
Il mondo non mi par fatto per me.
Giacomo Leopardi, Lettere da Roma
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m-aicu · 6 years ago
Forse la morte è meno dolorosa della vita
Once Upon a Time
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m-aicu · 6 years ago
E mentre precipitavo vedevo solo la tua faccia
Hai scelto la tua magia, il tuo potere anziché me
Mi hai lasciato andare
Ora è il mio turno
Ora io ti lascio andare
Non ti darò il perdono che cerchi
Tempo scaduto
Neal, Once Upon a Time
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m-aicu · 6 years ago
Pensava di punirci cancellando la nostra memoria, ma credo non sapesse quante cose volevamo dimenticare
Ruby, Once Upon a Time
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m-aicu · 6 years ago
Ovunque vada un umano la morte ne segue la scia. L'unico modo per fermarli è ucciderli prima.
Once Upon a Time
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m-aicu · 6 years ago
L'amore è solamente una debolezza adesso sembra tutto vero, all'inizio è così, ma non è che un'illusione. E sarebbe svanita...saresti rimasta con niente...
Cora, Once Upon a Time
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m-aicu · 6 years ago
È già difficile vivere in un luogo a cui non appartieni, ma averne coscienza...
Jefferson, Once Upon a Time
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m-aicu · 6 years ago
La consapevolezza è una gabbia
Jefferson, Once Upon a Time
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m-aicu · 6 years ago
Sei arrogante a credere che il tuo mondo sia l'unico e il solo
Jefferson, Once Upon a Time
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m-aicu · 6 years ago
Volevo solo avere un po' di felicità, un'istante per credere ancora che ogni sogno può avverarsi
Leroy, once Upon a Time
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m-aicu · 6 years ago
Cerca le tue speranze, cerca i tuoi sogni più grandi
Belle, Once Upon a Time
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m-aicu · 6 years ago
Io credo che lei voglia abbandonare questa città perché sa che deve restare
Once Upon a Time
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m-aicu · 6 years ago
E se il dolore si potesse cancellare?
No! Io non potrei mai cancellarlo
Voglio portarlo dentro anche se fa male da morire
Mi rende la persona che sono
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m-aicu · 6 years ago
Le persone non cambiano, si illudono solo di poterlo fare
Regina Mills, Once Upon a Time
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