captions and shizz also lyn-zs my wifes
56 posts
i love lyn-z my wife
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lynz-my-wife-romance · 12 years ago
so guys this blog is basically over so yea sorry
both us admins dont even talk anymore and i dont feel like running this on my own so sorry.
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lynz-my-wife-romance · 12 years ago
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sure why the fuck not merry xmas y'all
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lynz-my-wife-romance · 12 years ago
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merry xmas bitches
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lynz-my-wife-romance · 12 years ago
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imma be undah da mizzletoh
shorty wit u
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lynz-my-wife-romance · 12 years ago
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wow gerard nice bag u have there
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lynz-my-wife-romance · 12 years ago
As we fade in the dark, just remember you will always burn as Bright
So basically they were like, if we fade in the emo our bright hair colours will burn as bright ;)
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lynz-my-wife-romance · 12 years ago
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lynz-my-wife-romance · 12 years ago
wow so many new followers thank u people
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lynz-my-wife-romance · 12 years ago
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When the lights go out
Will you take me with you?
And carry all this broken bone
Through six years down in crowded rooms
(broken bones being gerds broken penis)
And highways I call home
(highway is franks butt canal idk the name his anus tube or sum shit no pun intended)
Is something I can't know till now
Till you picked me off the ground
With brick in hand, your lip gloss smile
Your scraped up knees and
(frank picked gerd off the ground cuz he cant stand being a bottom,
they into s&m hence the brick and da knees cuz FRANK IS A BOTTOM)
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If you stay
I would even wait all night
Or until my heart explodes
How long?
(by heart he means cum, he takes a long time to cum)
Until we find our way
In the dark and out of harm
You can run away with me
Anytime you want
(they try to find their way out of the cheap motel room without buttsex scars, and they can fuck anytime he wants)
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Terrified of what I'd be
As a kid from what I've seen
(he terrified from  young age of the others kids penis)
Every single day
When people try
And put the pieces back together
Just to smash them down
(everyone tries to heal gerds ass and penis but he ends up breakin it with sex)
Turn my headphones up real loud
I don't think I need them now
'Cause you stop the noise out
(yeah basically gerd jacks off to leathermouth but he dun need it when frank there in da flesh)
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Anytime you want
Anytime you want
Don't walk away
(wow frank i know i cant get it up gimme another chance)
'Cause if you stay
I would even wait all night
Or until my heart explodes
How long?
Until we find our way
In the dark and out of harm
You can run away with me
And you can write it on your arm
You can run away with me
Anytime you want
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lynz-my-wife-romance · 12 years ago
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- so badass
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lynz-my-wife-romance · 12 years ago
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lynz-my-wife-romance · 12 years ago
shsshshshsh its mcr just like it
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lynz-my-wife-romance · 12 years ago
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if u dun reblog dis u dun have a <3333 ~~~´~´
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lynz-my-wife-romance · 12 years ago
Lynz my wi-fi
dang she pretty fly for a wi-fi
-pu$$y destroya xoxo
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lynz-my-wife-romance · 12 years ago
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gerard loves lyn-z (his wife)
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lynz-my-wife-romance · 12 years ago
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There might be something outside your window
But you'll just
Never know
(by window he is refering to the man's ass, and how he might like gettin buttfucked but if he don't try he'll never know)
There could be something right past the turnpike gates
But you'll just
Never know
(he is now refering to himself, the turnpike gates being franks ass)
If my velocity starts to make you sweat
Then just don't let go
(pretty self explanatory)
And if their Heaven ain't got a vacancy
Then we, then we just, then we just, then we just get up and go
(if the gas station or pharmacy or whatever doesnt have lube they'll just do it who cares)
Ladies and gentleman, truth
Is now acceptable. Fame
Is now injectable. Process the progress
(i udnno how this relates so yeah im just gun rpetend dis dun exist or sumthin)
This core is critical. Faith
Is unavailable. Lives
Become incredible. Now
Please understand that
(buttsex made their lives existing/fullfilin again)
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I can't slow down
I won't be waiting for you
I can't stop now
Because I'm dancing
(if frank dun hurry up he dun jerk off)
This planet's ours to defend
Ain't got no time to pretend
Don't fuck around
This is our last chance
(they are tired of pretending they dun love each other this is their only chance)
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If my velocity starts to make you sweat
Then just don't let go
'Cause the emergency room got no vacancy
And we just, and we just, and we just, we just get up and go
(if franks butt bleeds or sumthin and the emergency room got no doctors and shit theyll just go)
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Who they want you to be
Who they wanted to see
Just leave the party with me
And never go home
(by home he means frank's heterosexuality)
Who they want you to be
Who they wanted to see
Just leave the party with me
And never go home
You're unbelievable, ah
So unbelievable, ah
You ruin everything, oh
You better go home
(when frank says he dun want)
I'm unbelievable, yeah
I'm undefeatable, yeah
Let's ruin everything
Blast it to the back row
(Everythin being franks insides, back row, yeah pretty self explainin)
They sell presentable young
And so ingestible, sterile
And collectible. Safe
And I can't stand it
(lube n condoms r too safe gerd likes it rough)
This is a letter, my word
Is the Beretta 
The sound of my vendetta
Against the ones who planned it
You keep eternity
Give us the radio
(radio must be a brand of condoms or sumthin)
Deploy the battery
We're taking back control
(yeah deploy da condom and dat shit)
Engage the energy
Light up the effigy
(by effigy he means dick)
No chance to take it slow
But now I'm sure you know, know, know, know, know
Get up and go
(yeah says it all)
Are we still having fun?
Are you holding the gun?
Take the money and run
We'll never go home
(gun = dick, money is franks clothees when lynz catches them<)
I got nothing to lose
You've got nothing to say
And we're leaving today
We'll never go home
(home to their heterosexuality)
Go home
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lynz-my-wife-romance · 12 years ago
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it will b their 5th album
gerard way will be singing the songs
ur welcome
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