lynsylabrador · 4 years
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In life we have different struggles, different stories, different strengths as well as weaknessess, different perspective and also the difference on how we perceive the reality. Sometimes we feel so high—very overwhelmed on things we’re doing but sometimes we feel as low as the sands on the buttom of the sea, as if we’re just being with the waves whenever it goes. Triangles for me is like 9 & 6, we interpret it depends on what pole we are standing. Other people don’t see the things that we are seeing on the place we are standing, they comprehend  and tend to believe on what just they took a glimpse not even doing a double check or a fair judgement do to a criticism. As what you see in the illustration the triangles are vibrant, mixed in different colors. Perhaps it implies happiness but how about the chain on it blended with darker color, does it means something? yes, the chain is like a cage, we are stopped on what we want to do, we are controlled, for us not to be judge by the eyes of public, by the standard of our community. We can’t fully shine, people dont see how we glow, only ourself knows. Despite of the factors that made us sad, we continue to form glitters to ourself, for ourself. Because no one can appreciate your worth more than yourself. Other people is not on your shoe. They can’t feel how much you suffer and wounded by the knives of their words spitting from their tongues. Finally, appreciate and love yourself even with the chains you are chained, continue to shine and spread the glitters to glimmer your way, let us not be affected on other peoples unhelpful opinion that affects our mental health, because they didn’t know and feel how much we are feeling inside, they are standing on the other side of the triangle not on its vertex. We fought hard without their knowledge. Ourselve’s mental health matters.
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lynsylabrador · 4 years
“New Media is Greater Than Print and Broadcast Media”
           Social media and other online news sources, also known as the “new media” have become an integral part of modern society. “The presence of such new media, social media in particular, has threatened the existence of printed newspaper. The effect of this threat is felt on the circulation of print newspapers, especially in the USA. It also quantifies the social changes triggered by the advent of new media and user-generated content.” As have said in this statement that the new media cannot be replaced by print and broadcast media because of its use in the Modern world. Let’s pretend that the new media has been replace by print and broadcast media, it will affect a huge difference in this modernized era because we will lack the capability to inform the people around the world.
             Print media and Broadcast media can supply a vast amount of paper works and information and can inform the people in this significant area but the new media can inform all throughout the world and that is a huge difference. If the new media get replaced by an old fashioned media such as print and broadcast the information that we are getting is limited because for example a newspaper can only provide a countable information as max as 10 head information’s in a newspaper per day, while in the new media the information that we are able to get is limitless because the information that is being put here are being updated from time to time. In my opinion Print and Broadcast media will slowly vanish because of the presence of technology who supports the new media such as smart watch, who can provide information without getting any newspapers or watching the news from television, it is so clear that as the time goes by the technology will supply the people’s needs and the people will adapt to the technology.
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lynsylabrador · 4 years
“Understanding the Relevance of Information Literacy in the Midst of Social Era”
           We are currently living in Social Era or the Age of Media. We spend more time with our gadgets than having chitchats with people we interact. According to Statistica, The average of US citizen spends 721 minutes per day with media. We’re living on consumer driven world, where we do more partake than take part of activities and discover new things. We buy the trends, go with the ocean of people rather than following ourselves principle and what’s really acceptable in the society’s standard. Why we go with other peoples’ not proven right flow? Because we didn’t want to be left behind. Even it’s the best choice, we neglect it because there are only few who do it, we usually go with beans, plenty beans. And there we go with this quote ‘the more the merrier’ in a rightful way and manner, isn’t it? And basically the answers’ is no. We all know it but we usually trust other peoples’ choice than ours. Why is this so? Do we really understand the relevance of literacy because we do understand it? Or we just believe that we understand it by how we view other peoples’ activity—tend to believe and does the same because many does it?
           As the main goal of this is to understand its relevance, we should take a gist of picture on its importance. Being literate makes us saturated especially when we go out to our shells and learn to ask questions. We are all familiar with it during class discussions, primarily. The teacher ask if there’s a question to clarify what students’ don’t understand and so fix the bug. What’s the connection? When we clarify things it more sinks in—without doubts. Do it sinks now? Involvement and coming out creates clear connection. Second, what’s the benefits of being information literate nowadays? Critical thinking, don’t you remember it? As you understand you think critically and later on become wise on making judgments. As we become wise we are being good consumers of information as well as great producers of our own. It’s not always the knowledge, skills takes part too. Being able to understand the relevance of Information literacy in this critical times encourages good connection to fellow citizens—able to discourse respect. Respect builds community & good connection. In the midst of Social Era we should know to judge properly and not to possess impulsiveness. We should be critical thinkers to be able to recognize and evaluate on what’s really accurate and real. First step, don’t be fooled. Second, don’t just go with trends without checking it out. And lastly, use your mind well. Be well. Do well.
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lynsylabrador · 4 years
“Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship”
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           Media and Government are inseparable, they’re like under a chain reaction—they are connected with each other. So, would an opposite poles have a possibility to attract? Would Government will be intertwined with media without throwing hates with each other’s parties? Is it possible that love will reign above all hates—above all fabricated words and unraveled truths?
           Let’s unfold the side of Government. Government create rules and control its flow. Government takes the action to stabilize economy and primarily they are shouldered with a huge load of taking care of its citizens with various perspectives. Nowadays we often heard on news, read articles on printed medium and had scrolled many post and opinions about how they view the Governments’ steps—in general, it’s about how they criticize the Governments’ ‘turtle-like’ fight against the pandemic we are facing. We are living in different perspectives. For instance, we are seeing 6 but in others point of view it’s 9. We are free on expressing our opinions but with the unseen responsibility of having a clear judgement and critical thinking product. Don’t you think we are becoming a stone in a green field? Do hurtful judgement helps? Practically, no. None of our biased thoughts helps our economy. What I’m pointing out is, let’s mind each other’s business with having care with each other but without trespassing the borderline we painted. Let’s trust the process and don’t simply believe on what’s ‘in’ or on trend. In conclusion, we should not be biased on thinking that Government or Media is on the wrong side. Let’s focus on how they handle the mistake and turn it on the right way. Let’s not drag each other’s party on different names issue and assumptions. Let’s continue to ship the ship that already sink. Spread love not hate. Let’s go to the idea why they’re not that close enough to not be separated. Media spills the tea of Governments’ hidden truths. If your friend spills your secret to others, would you love that? I guess, it’s a no.
           Traditional media allows businesses to target a broad target audience through billboards, print advertising, television commercials, and more. In comparison, new media allows companies to target a narrow target audience through social media, paid online ads, and search results. Price-wise, traditional media tends to cost more than new media due to its broad targeting and advertising channels. Traditional media includes mostly non-digital advertising and marketing methods.
Traditional media is:
           Television advertisements, Radio advertising, print advertising, Direct mail advertisements, Billboards and off-site signs, Cold calling, Door-to-door sales, Banner ads. Companies have used these methods for many years to reach consumers and motivate them to make purchases. Up until very recently, these marketing and advertising styles were very effective, and helped businesses just like yours make a profit. New media, also called digital media, consists of methods that are mostly online or involve the Internet in some sense.
These methods includes:
           Search engine optimization, Pay-per-click advertising, content marketing, Social media, Email marketing. Many of these methods have been around for several years, but have only gained prominence recently. So when the topic of traditional media vs. emerging media is discussed, it’s somewhat misleading to call these methods “emerging” as very few of them are new.
           Therefore, Government hates Media because they’re either seeking for deep truths and secrets or they’re spoon filled with other Government allies to make assumptions in public about something that doesn’t exist for the sake of personal agenda. It’s not on the Government and Media hates can’t be that good for each other, also the people under that parties contributes to the hate, just because of the power that’s shines so bright and so pleasing on the eyes, even if it destroys their own. Power is the one that makes the different poles to attract or to rappel even more. To sum it up, it’s for us to judge or believe on the things that is cooked for us.
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lynsylabrador · 4 years
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Contrasts ɞ
Punta Rosales, Isla Navarino, Magallanes, Chile.
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lynsylabrador · 4 years
“The Value of Being a Media and Information Literate Individual”
           According to Alvin Toffler, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Today, we are living in a modern world with the modern technology and modernized people. Nonetheless, is being a media and information literate make any difference? Does being literate possess great value nowadays? “Learn, unlearn, and relearn” a simple illustration that possibly signifies this line would be, a teacher share different lesson in her class after the other one is done so in order to learn to next lesson we should set aside the first one and keep in mind the latest after that combine the first and the latest, learning and being literate is a continuous cycle, like the earth that revolves on its axis. As a Media & Information Literate individual, a person have an ability to perform worthwhile judgments and constructive criticisms derived from knowledge, experience and possess the ability interpret and evaluate the concept concisely. In addition, a literate human also accepts judgments and improve it later on. We are living on the 21st century where technology consistently growing and changing. On the other hand, the advantage that gives value of being literate is the individual obtains the knowledge to identify the fallacies from the accurate ones on gathering information.
       Being literate is not about memorizing facts rather than learning it. It’s not about reading and watching educational videos multiple times, it’s about practicing it more often. Being updated to news and in other fields make us ‘in’. Being literate makes a difference to the modern world. Being able to cope up with change makes us literate. Being a person with the ability to recognize the media as a mirror of one’s self, how you think that it’s not about the post but it’s how you use the medium. In conclusion, how you see the big picture and use the information effectively is possessing the ability of a literate individual. We are talking about the value of being a media and information literate, means the importance of being a media and information literate person, first of all what is literate? it is a type of skill consist of what an individual is capable to do. So, if an individual is literate to media then he/she has the ability to read, analyze, evaluate and produce communication in a variety of media forms, and as for being literate in information an individual has the ability to recognize when the information is needed and to locate, evaluate, effectively use and communicate information in its various ways.
           A media and information literate individuals enables us people to interpret and make judgmental as users if information and media. As well as for us to become more skillful creators and produces of information a literate person today means more than being able to read and write. Media and other information and communication processes. They are one way of communication information, it gives people knowledge on how to deal with different things in life nowadays, since our world is evolving people learned on how to use media to spread different kind of information with the help of media we can spread and communicate easily the information to people. But because of social media, our power and responsibility becomes greater because we have a larger scope and that is the public audience. for us to be able a media and information literate we should we should pick only the right and valued information for a better understanding of events, circumstances, people and everything to avoid misunderstanding and to promote better communication.
         Media and information literate is a social skills in the pursuit knowledge. Being a literate individual of Media and information is it involves recognizing when information is needed and being able to efficiently locate, evaluate, effectively used and clearly communicate information. A literate individual must have the ability to navigate and rapidly growing information environment .Since we are in modern days where advance technology is already part of our lives, it is really important for a person to become a Literate individual because it is more than being able to write and to read. Everybody can be a literate individual as long as you have the ability to identify the information need, easily locate and retrieve appropriate sources. It helps us to improve our Thinking skills and critical thinking.
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lynsylabrador · 4 years
“The Value of Being a Media and Information Literate Individual”
           According to Alvin Toffler, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Today, we are living in a modern world with the modern technology and modernized people. Nonetheless, is being a media and information literate make any difference? Does being literate possess great value nowadays? “Learn, unlearn, and relearn” a simple illustration that possibly signifies this line would be, a teacher share different lesson in her class after the other one is done so in order to learn to next lesson we should set aside the first one and keep in mind the latest after that combine the first and the latest, learning and being literate is a continuous cycle, like the earth that revolves on its axis. As a Media & Information Literate individual, a person have an ability to perform worthwhile judgments and constructive criticisms derived from knowledge, experience and possess the ability interpret and evaluate the concept concisely. In addition, a literate human also accepts judgments and improve it later on. We are living on the 21st century where technology consistently growing and changing. On the other hand, the advantage that gives value of being literate is the individual obtains the knowledge to identify the fallacies from the accurate ones on gathering information.
       Being literate is not about memorizing facts rather than learning it. It’s not about reading and watching educational videos multiple times, it’s about practicing it more often. Being updated to news and in other fields make us ‘in’. Being literate makes a difference to the modern world. Being able to cope up with change makes us literate. Being a person with the ability to recognize the media as a mirror of one’s self, how you think that it’s not about the post but it’s how you use the medium. In conclusion, how you see the big picture and use the information effectively is possessing the ability of a literate individual. We are talking about the value of being a media and information literate, means the importance of being a media and information literate person, first of all what is literate? it is a type of skill consist of what an individual is capable to do. So, if an individual is literate to media then he/she has the ability to read, analyze, evaluate and produce communication in a variety of media forms, and as for being literate in information an individual has the ability to recognize when the information is needed and to locate, evaluate, effectively use and communicate information in its various ways.
           A media and information literate individuals enables us people to interpret and make judgmental as users if information and media. As well as for us to become more skillful creators and produces of information a literate person today means more than being able to read and write. Media and other information and communication processes. They are one way of communication information, it gives people knowledge on how to deal with different things in life nowadays, since our world is evolving people learned on how to use media to spread different kind of information with the help of media we can spread and communicate easily the information to people. But because of social media, our power and responsibility becomes greater because we have a larger scope and that is the public audience. for us to be able a media and information literate we should we should pick only the right and valued information for a better understanding of events, circumstances, people and everything to avoid misunderstanding and to promote better communication.
         Media and information literate is a social skills in the pursuit knowledge. Being a literate individual of Media and information is it involves recognizing when information is needed and being able to efficiently locate, evaluate, effectively used and clearly communicate information. A literate individual must have the ability to navigate and rapidly growing information environment .Since we are in modern days where advance technology is already part of our lives, it is really important for a person to become a Literate individual because it is more than being able to write and to read. Everybody can be a literate individual as long as you have the ability to identify the information need, easily locate and retrieve appropriate sources. It helps us to improve our Thinking skills and critical thinking.
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