lyngarrison · 5 years
Professional Practice
Personally, I learned how to have a deeper connection with my craft and how to focus on my own different characteristics that could help me improve any weaknesses. Professionally I learned how to focus on critical thinking and adapting a better way to do research while building my knowledge along the way. The techniques learned in this course were in-depth research and how to write at a graduate-level. Having this knowledge helped me write a well-defined thesis. My most outstanding personal triumph in this course was finding the time to sit and read, and actually absorb the information. 
Personally, I learned how to think outside of the box be more creative when sketching. Professionally I learned how to mind map and design logo concepts effectively. Through research, I was able to connect and synthesis information learned to create effectively through mind mapping, and sketching techniques would help me plan out my thesis project design. My most outstanding triumph in this course was the diversity that I was able to find when creating many concepts for 3 different locations.
Personally, I created a SWOT analysis that helped me see what my threats, weaknesses, strengths, and opportunities were. This would help me work on changing things that could improve my skills. Professionally, I focused on improving my skills in several Adobe Creative Suite programs. Skills in Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign were the key techniques used to produce the projects shown by images throughout my Thesis Presentation. Mastering the InDesign program was a personal triumph in this course. I was able to explain the program to peers in a way that they were successful when creating projects.
Personally, I have started writing a book. I feel like I have gained a great perspective on how to write it effectively. Professionally, I learned how to create well-written target audience profiles. I gained knowledge on how to create a well-written copy that I had used when writing my thesis. I used knowledge learned to write to establish a brand's voice. Additionally, getting to know your target audience is relevant to the success of a brand campaign. I was able to get to know a target audience that was relevant to the success of my brand campaign. 
Personally, it challenged me to think about design decisions deeper than I have before. Professionally I learned how to do research to write a voice and tone and then illustrate it through elements that would help a project speak for itself. Knowing how to tell a story through voice and tone would be the technique that would help guide me when writing my thesis so that it would explain things clearly. My personal triumph was finally being able to understand the four-degree learning outcomes.
Personally, I was able to meet with peers and collaborate on a project with them. Professionally, I learned how to incorporate audio and video to create a motion graphic for a brand. With the techniques that I learned in my class, I was able to add a Dynamic Vision Board to my Thesis Presentation in this course to help elevate my design. My personal triumph was actually being able to create a successful motion piece.
Personally, it was a challenging but fun course for me because I was able to be creative but I had to learn how to do it in a timely manner. Professionally the course gave me the opportunity to explore and research Place Branding. Overall throughout the process, I was able to work on honing my skills in research. I feel as if I am a step closer to becoming a master at gathering information needed for assignments than I had been before. I have also gained a better perspective on synthesizing information. My most outstanding personal triumph was being able to get out of my comfort zone to learn about New Bern. There is a vast amount of history that I never knew about the area that I live in.
Personally, I learned a better understanding of the area that I live in and now enjoy spending time going to the places that I had learned about. Professionally the course gave me the opportunity to create a Voice and Tone, Static Vision Board, and Dynamic Vision Board the area of our choice in the town that I live in. The techniques learned helped me create a Dynamic Vision Board. Elements that I created would be used to help tell the story. They were placed in the design and revealed in a unique way. The motion was used to display the voice and tone of the area. The sound was also included that best represented the video it was partnered with. My outstanding triumph in this course is that I feel as if I have become a master at organizing elements than I had been before. 
Personally, I learned how to focus on tasks better and was able to get them done quicker. Professionally, the course gave me the opportunity to learn logo concept development, media asset production & develop a brand guide for the area of our choice in the town that we live in. Techniques learned in this course helped me with problem-solving. I learned new skills in software programs that would help me think outside the box and I was able to create unique assets that could help get the area traffic. Overall throughout the process, I was able to work on honing my skills with different online portfolios. One program that I had never used is Issuu. It is a user-friendly platform that gives you the opportunity to share your work with others. 
Personally, I gained confidence as a designer in this course. Professionally, I learned how my designs were seen by others. The techniques learned in this course helped me to write a well-rounded survey that could get me results that I needed to make any changes to my designs. My most outstanding personal triumph was creating an infographic based on the design effectiveness survey results that I am proud of.
Personally, this course showed me the accomplishments that I had made over the past year. Professionally, this course helped me with problem-solving skills and organization. In this course, I mastered website design and writing skills. With these, I designed a website to show how I attained different Degree Learning Outcomes. My most outstanding personal triumph in this course was being able to confidently say that I understood the four DLO’s, which were Connecting, Synthesizing, Transforming; Solving Problems, Innovative Thinking, and Acquiring Competencies.
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lyngarrison · 5 years
Personal Experience Map
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This is a reflection of my experiences during the past 12 months in the Media Design Master of Fine Arts Degree Program at Full Sail University.
Link to view my animated Experience Map
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lyngarrison · 5 years
Reflection: Presentation of Design Solution
Effective Storytelling -
Throughout the program, it required word choices and language decisions to describe, persuade, and provide design stories to clients. By doing this, it accomplished effective storytelling. As a designer, effective storytelling is important to portray to clients the vision that is wished and will be accomplished. An effective story can be the difference between winning or losing a potential client as well. Being able to accomplish this throughout the mastery program has been very beneficial.
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The watercolor book that was created for the Berne DIstrict. 
Persuasive Presentation through Visual Design-
Utilizing visual design to portray media elements and explain design choices is another effective take away from the mastery program. By using cohesive design elements, a designer is able to tell a story, build a brand, and promote a persuasive presentation. Being able to present information in a persuasive manner correlates with effective storytelling. The two elements together will be beneficial throughout a designer’s entire career.
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Static Vision Board that was done for Riga.
Work Ethic -
The entire program has provided the opportunity to build and maintain a great work ethic. This was accomplished by maintaining deadlines, communicating with colleagues or instructors, and effectively demonstrating skills with clients. This will be helpful and effective for design purposes while maintaining client and work relationships. In order to have a successful career, a strong work ethic is key. Looking forward to using this enhanced skill in the future.
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Sketch concepts for the Berne District logo.
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lyngarrison · 5 years
Infographic on the Berne District Survey
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lyngarrison · 5 years
Berne District Survey
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Over the past few months, I have shared several stages of creating a brand identity, for an area that is under-appreciated within a city. The goal was to incorporate a unified design that would bring attention to the area. This survey is intended to get the viewer’s opinion of this new identity and will measure the effectiveness of the area’s branding. By completing this survey, you play a vital role in helping to mold the brand’s outcome. 
Please follow the link below to complete the survey:
Berne District Survey
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lyngarrison · 5 years
Reflection: Month 9, Multi Platform Delivery
This month at Full Sail University was my Multi-Platform Delivery course. The course gave me the opportunity to learn logo concept development, media asset production & develop a brand guide for the area of our choice in the town that we live in. My chosen area was the Berne District.
Each week would be another step towards creating a Brand Guide for a client. Throughout the weeks we engaged in video sessions where we would get feedback on our work.
To start off the month there was a need to produce logo concept sketches. After producing 15 different concepts we would then receive feedback. We were to choose 3 that we considered the best options. More feedback would be given that would lead us to our final decision for a logo concept. Then fine-tuning was done to the logos in order to get them ready for production. After this was completed we would design a Media Asset Production Plan. This would include different assets that we would create to help promote the area. These would need to include:
Signage (at major entrances to the chosen location).
Pole banner (often hung from street lamps).
Bumper sticker/magnet.
At least one additional media asset appropriate to the brand roll-out of our choice.
Throughout the month we would continue to update the Brand Guides that we had previously made in a prior month with any new designs or concepts. To close out the month a Brand Guide was created for the client that would include all of the elements that we had designed for the district.
The logo designed would tell the story for the brand in itself however it can't be the only thing to promote a brand. Several assets were created that would bear the brand logo and help spread brand awareness.  
Sidewalk easel signage was designed that will be placed at major entrances to the Berne District. The designs will show the different things available to people such as dining, performing arts and galleries. The sidewalk easel signs add character and style to the area while being practical. Keefer stated, “You only pay for the sign once, yet it continues to advertise for you each time you display it” (Keefer, 2019). Additionally, the images will give people passing by an idea of what they can expect in the location.
Pole banners will welcome visitors as well as guide them Pole Banners have been designed to mark the area known as the Berne District.  The banners are intended to mark the location as well as be a guide for visitors. Using pole banners will give a clear direction that they are in an area that provides art, creativity, performing arts and dining. Using pole banners is also a cost-effective way to promote the area. As Foam Core Print described, “Using this type of method to promote your business does not require a significant investment, in fact, it’s usually one of the most low-cost ways to advertise your business” (Foam Core Print, 2016). 
Car magnets have also been designed for the area. They will be given out by local businesses as a souvenir for visiting. These will instantly engage and connect the viewer with the location. Placed on vehicles the magnets will be a continuous way to get free advertising. Darwin stated that “This means that one-time distribution of the gift items are good enough to engage customers with your brand for months” (Darwin, 2017). When someone sees the magnet they will know that the Berne District is where there is art, creativity, performing arts and dining.
Problem Solving- 
Initially, a popsocket was designed to help promote the area. In the beginning, several things were created but the popsocket was chosen. A watercolor book was also created but was put aside. After getting feedback it was decided that the popsocket really didn’t communicate for the brand. Then the watercolor book production began. 
A 90s style watercolor book was created that has different cartoon-style designs of scenarios of the Berne District. There will be an image of the city to paint. A ballerina will be dancing her way across a page. Then a group of bears hugging. These are just a few of the different style pages that will be in the book. 
The book will have pages that will only need a bit of water to bring out the color. This type of coloring book requires no crayons which will bring down the cost. In the back of the book will be tear-off tabs that can be dipped into water and utilized as a way to paint the book. Crafters and Mothers stated, “It's easy, mess-free and fun” (Crafters and Mothers, 2019). This will be a fun mess-free activity for everyone. 
Innovative Thinking-
When creating the media assets for the brand there were so many common items that were created. I wanted to create something that was out of the ordinary but something that visitors could have as a souvenir. As Darwin explains, “Your gift of promotional items to the customers helps them in remembering and recognizing your business” (Darwin, 2017). Stepping outside of the box I chose an asset that was popular in the 90s. 
Acquiring Competencies-
Overall throughout the process, I was able to work on honing my skills with different online portfolios. One program that I had never used is Issuu. It is a user-friendly platform that gives you the opportunity to share your work with others. 
Feedback was helpful and guided me towards adjusting my designs so that they communicated for the brand better. I was also able to continue to work with my peer and guide them when needed. This, in turn, gave me reassurance that I am absorbing information. 
Images of Projects done this month:
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First set of Logo Concepts
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Second set of Logo Concepts
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Three favorite Logo Concepts
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Final Logo for the Berne District
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Street Easel Design
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Pole Banner Design
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Magnet Design
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Watercolor Book Design
Link to Berne District Brand Guide Created by Lyn Garrison 
Crafters and Mothers. (2019). DIY Paint With Water Coloring Book. [Article] Retrieved from: https://www.instructables.com/id/DIY-Paint-With-Water-Coloring-Book/
Darwin, C. (2017). 5 Reasons Why Promotional Products Are Crucial for Any Business. [Article] Retrieved from: https://www.designhill.com/design-blog/reasons-why-promotional-products-are-crucial-for-any-business/
Foam Core Print. (2016). The 411 on Pole banners and their use today. [Article] Retrieved from: https://www.foamcoreprint.com/blog/the-411-on-pole-banners-and-their-use-today/
Keefer, A. (2019). Benefits of Sidewalk Signs. [Article] Retrieved from: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/benefits-sidewalk-signs-39316.html
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lyngarrison · 5 years
Reflection: Month 8, Design Integration
Reflection -
This month at Full Sail University was my Design Integration course. The course gave me the opportunity to create a Voice and Tone, Static Vision Board, and Dynamic Vision Board the area of our choice in the town that we live in. My chosen area was the Berne District. Although it is not an actual district the design will be based on this area. 
Each week would be another step towards creating a Design Brief for the area of our choice in the town that we live in. We also engaged in peer feedback as well to get another opinion on our designs.
To start off the month there was a need to find the Voice and Tone that would speak for our area. We completed a Brand Voice Chart. These characteristics would be chosen that best represented the brand. The descriptions would be written as well as they do and don’t list of things to say. Taglines, mission statements, and introductory paragraphs were created for the district. We then received peer feedback on our choices. 
The second week we worked on creating a static vision board to include Typography, a color palette, textures, directive words and images to indicate a unified vision. Week three we worked on dissecting the tonal elements of tourism videos to get a better understanding of the tactics that can be applied within a Dynamic Vision Board.
In week three the Dynamic Vision Board was created. Elements would be worked into the brand and revealed so that they were not just displayed simply. The motion was used to display the voice and tone of the area. The sound was also included that best represented the video it was partnered with.
To close out the month a Media Plan and Final Design Brief would be created for the district. It would include elements that have been created for the district or area that we are working on. 
Using visual and audio references that were collected would help to help create the area identity. In-depth research was done to find the best audio and video clips to best represent the area. The background music has an upbeat, fun style that is indicative of the brand. Using visual references that were collected in a previous month would help to help create the city identity. To convey the voice and tone chosen for the district the opening scene audio of a crowd was added that showed the busy district in the beginning. Then the audio changed to represent happy characteristics like people talking on the street and children laughing. To enhance the video of two women, laughter is added that coincides with the scene because they were happy and chuckling about something. The audio within the video helped present the upbeat voice and tone that the Berne District has. Greer said, “Sound effects in film are vital to effectively conveying and enhancing on-screen action” (Greer, 2012). By adding the right sounds with video it helps the viewer engage with the information.
Problem Solving-
The problem at hand would be what media could be used to best get the message across for the district? Creating a Media Matrix was the first step to breaking down the pros and cons of different styles of media. It would need to be audience driven. Taking into consideration different things that could affect any chosen media is also important. After analyzing the various ways to deliver the message signage, banner stands, pole banners magnets, car magnets, drawstring bags pop sockets, and social media.
Signage - Billboards will attract viewers outside of the city or venturing into its parameters. ìBecause consumers usually get just a fleeting glimpse of a billboard, a business must design the advertisement to be simple and boldî (Hatter, n.d.). A quick effective message can be utilized to attract those in their daily travels. 
Banner Stands - Durable banner stands can be placed outside the galleries and shops. ìBanners are functionally mobileñyou can pick them up and set them up wherever you need them to goî (Ramirez, 2018). They will be able to be brought inside out of inclement weather preserving the asset. The message can be seen by customers or passers-by. Having the image within sight can give the viewer the urge to know more.
Pole Banners - Pole banners with the district logo can be placed on the street light poles. This will mark that specific area as the Berne District. The signage can be changed periodically to add the different designs created by the local artists. ìStreet banners blend into our cityscapes, sometimes so well that we forget theyíre thereî (Mandelkern, 2018).
Car Magnet - Can be placed on a vehicle. They will not be permanent so they can be transferred to another vehicle. It will generate continual advertising for the brand. ìWith a fixed cost upfront, little to no maintenance, and constant exposure while on the road, car advertising is an excellent method to attract new customersî (Flentge, 2018). 
Drawstring Bags - Can be delivered to anyone that makes purchases in the Berne District. It will generate continual advertising for the brand plus provide a convenient way for those who shop to carry their merchandise. ìPeople arenít going to use it one time and then throw it out with the rest of the trash. That kind of promotion is invaluableî (Smithson, 2015).
Pop sockets - can be passed out to visitors placed on the back of the phone it will generate continual advertising for the district. ììFrom a marketing perspective, the Popsocket sticks right on the back of a mobile device for everybody to see when the user is looking at their phone in publicî (Bayuk, 2018). Many people today utilize their phones for most things pertaining to their daily lives.
Social Media - Reaches a vast majority of individuals in just a few clicks. ìSocial media boosts your visibility among potential customers, letting you reach a wide audience by using a large amount of time and effortî (Schmid, 2018). Itís an easy way to keep viewers, readers, and enthusiasts interested in the Berne District.
Innovative Thinking-
When presenting the color palette and textures motion would be used to give the elements feeling indicative of the voice and tone for the brand. The chosen palette will consist of rich shades of color so that people can connect with the area. Having a variety of colors will show the different personalities and ambitions of the local artists. Purple represents the ambition that the area resonates. To reveal the primary colors for the brand, the chosen palette was shown in a creative way. It was revealed with a panning graphic motion clip. Partnered with a woman painting in the same palette as the chosen colors for the city it keeps the positive energy flowing. As Torgovnick states, “Color communicates a film’s ideas” (Torgovnick, 2017). The textures were also presented through motion versus a static image to represent the lively upbeat characteristics of the area.
Acquiring Competencies-
Overall throughout the process, I was able to work on honing my skills with the InDesign Program. I feel as if I am a step closer to becoming a master at organizing elements than I had been before. I have also gained a better perspective on synthesizing information. Feedback was helpful and guided me towards adjusting information in my rationale so that the information flowed better. The color palette was chosen but in-depth reasoning wasn’t given explaining the choices. By not doing it there was no real explanation and without it, the client may have a hard time connecting with the design. 
Bayuk, J. (2018). Popsockets Review: A Marketing Perspective. [Article] Retrieved from: https://www.islideusa.com/blogs/news/popsockets-review-a-marketing-perspective
Flentge, B. (2018). 6 Pros & Cons Of Vehicle Advertising For Small Businesses. [Article] Retrieved from: https://brennanflentge.com/blog/6-pros-cons-of-vehicle-advertising-for-small-businesses/
Greer, D. (2012). 3 Winning Formulas for Using Sound Effects in Film & Video. [Article] Retrieved from: https://www.premiumbeat.com/blog/sound-effects-in-film-and-video/
Hatter, K. (n.d.). Why is billboard advertisement important?. [Article] Retrieved from: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/billboard-advertisement-important-36422.html
Mandelkern, I. (2018). How light pole banners took over U.S. cities. [Article] Retrieved from: https://www.curbed.com/2018/1/16/16880306/street-light-banners-light-poles-history
Ramirez, C. (2018). Top 5 benefits of advertising banners and flags. [Article] Retrieved from: https://laprintanddesign.com/advertising-banners/
Schmid, V. (2018). Why social media is important for business marketing. [Article] Retrieved from: https://marketinginsidergroup.com/content-marketing/why-social-media-is-important-for-business-marketing/
Smithson, E. (2015). Boost your marketing with carrier bags. Retrieved from: https://www.brandingmag.com/2015/09/30/boost-your-marketing-with-carrier-bags/
Torgovnick, M. (2017). How color helps a movie tell its story. [Article] Retrieved from: https://ideas.ted.com/how-color-helps-a-movie-tell-its-story/s
Brand Voice Chart for the Berne District
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Static Vision Board for the Berne District
Dynamic Vision Board for the Berne District
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lyngarrison · 5 years
Reflection: Month 7, Design Strategies & Motivation
This month at Full Sail University was my Design Strategies & Motivation course. The course gave me the opportunity to explore and research Place Branding. We focused on the four-degree learning outcomes. Each week was another step towards branding the area of our choice in the town that we live in. My chosen area was the Berne District. Although it is not an actual district the design will be based on this area. 
To start off the month there was a need to choose an area that needed to be branded. Place branding is dealing more with identity perception versus marketing the area. As Jovic states, “successful place branding is less about how the local community wants to be perceived and more about communicating the strengths to target audiences” (Jovic, 2018). It is giving an identity to an area by doing data gathering. 
An identity will be given to an area that is less positive or popular. An area that is between districts or not known very well. To do this we will do a search for neighborhoods that need rebranding or have no branding. Then find the things in the area that could actually be amazing to see. This area will be an actual place that is near the area that we live in. It is not an actual municipality or city. It is more like a district. The area cannot already be branded. It may not have a good reputation so we will work on changing the perception of that area. 
Following that visual data was collected to show what area was chosen to be branded. Then interviews would be done to get a better understanding of how the people saw and what they felt about the area.
In-depth research was done to get to the core of the area. The place chosen was analyzed in depth. Things were kept in mind like what the houses looked like. Is the architecture contemporary or mid-century? What types of vehicles do people drive in that area? Time was taken to get to know the area chosen. Then critical thinking was done regarding research. We determined the message about the place through research regarding the area we choose.
Then visual references were collected to help create the city identity. To do this walking around the area was a great way to be able to discover different things. Actually sitting down and start to observe people in the area. Get to know them. Why are they there? What attracts the people that live in the city? Pay attention to what surrounds the area such as what vehicles people drive. Perhaps observe the different people one day then listen to the sounds of nature the next. Determine the personality of the area. Then take photos of things that represent the personality of the area. These do not include commercial businesses but things that make up the personality of the area.
Problem Solving-
The problem at hand would be how could information be attained that could be used to help with the direction of the design decision? First, two other districts would be used as comparisons to see what differentiations there were among the three. The areas mapped out were relatively close to each other. Photos were taken to get a visual of the area and its competitors. Extensive research was done to get relevant information that would add to the project.
Then the data collected would be used to show the differentiation. Questions that I had to think about were, what can I do for the district that will make it stand out? How will it stand out when comparing it to other neighborhoods or developments? The information about the area would be pooled together then the developing of a plan to brand the area began.
Interviews were done to help get an idea of how the people in the area felt about it. This process proved to be helpful in gaining the information needed to solve the design problem. By going to the source, such as the residents or visitors of the area, a designer could get the perspective of the area from others.
Innovative Thinking-
The surrounding districts each have their own unique trait. The Berne District stands out on its own because of the performing art theaters and galleries. 
The architecture is mostly colonial in design and the building owners are encouraged to maintain its integrity, including keeping the original facade. However, many admire the creativity that is seen throughout the district. Chalk art is sketched by local artists on a few buildings now and then that adds to its uniqueness. Some of the scenes have been shown on social media as visitors take selfies with them. When planning the brand design, different local artists will be encouraged to create interactive designs that will get travelers to interact with them. This type of interaction is only in the Berne District differentiating them from its competitors. As Daye explains, “Create an unusual theme or twist to your brand ” (Daye. 2013).
Acquiring Competencies-
Overall throughout the process, I was able to work on honing my skills in research. I feel as if I am a step closer to becoming a master at gathering information needed for assignments than I had been before. I have also gained a better perspective on synthesizing information. 
Additionally, I was able to acquire competencies in interviewing skills. It was initially difficult for me because I typically do not like to put myself in that type of situation. However, with each interview, it got increasingly easier. In the future will be able to use the interview process to help gather necessary research for the design process.
I was also able to break down some information for one of my peers so that she was able to understand some things a little better. By doing this I felt more connected with them. With an online program, the normal engagement with others is not present so it was nice to be able to help someone else and in doing so I was able to better understand the materials myself as well.
Daye, D. (2013). 50 Ways To Differentiate Your Brand. [Article] Retrieved from: https://www.brandingstrategyinsider.com/2013/12/50-ways-to-differentiate-your-brand.html#.XN4MCC2ZPfZ
Jovic, M. (2018). 4 Factors Influencing Place Branding Practice in 2018: Changing Role of Branding (Part Two). [Article] Retrieved from: https://placebrandobserver.com/factors-influencing-place-branding-2018-changing-role-branding/
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Area to be Place Branded
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Berne District
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The Chelsea Corner
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Chalk Art
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Bird Brain Head in the Clouds C. Seuper
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Athens Theatre & Elks
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Theatre in Sunglasses
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lyngarrison · 5 years
Reflection: Month 6, Organizational Structures
This month at Full Sail University was my Organizational Structures course.  The course gave me the opportunity to explore and research different styles of motion design. We focused on the four-degree learning outcomes. Each week was another step towards creating a motion design piece for a city. My chosen city was Riga, Latvia. To start off the month there was a need to develop a storyboard that would be created from a static vision board from a previous month. Extensive research was done to learn how to create a storyboard with the theme of the city and tell it in several frames. The design needed to have elements from the static vision board and have the same voice and tone for Riga. As Schneider states “We basically break down each scene and create the individual elements that will be animated, adding the colors, textures, and styles described in the mood board (Schneider, 2016)”. The primary goal is to show a client a storyboard before spending time creating a moving piece then the turn it down and a designer has to start over. 
The first week we would apply design research to create a storyboard using the theme, voice, and tone for the city. While conducting research I discovered that a motion piece could be designed that represented the voice and tone for the city. It would emanate the energy that the client wishes to portray.
There was a continuation to build on the design campaign that was started in previous courses by creating a dynamic vision board that could be used on a portfolio site such as Tumblr. When creating the dynamic vision board we had to work in the narrative of the city as well as other elements found on the static vision board. We also created a motion in context design. When creating the design there were some hurdles. When that happened more research was done to reach positive outcomes. Additionally, helpful feedback was given that would be used as a guide towards better solutions. 
Connecting/Synthesizing/Transforming - 
Riga is a city full of fun and exciting happenings that are unknown to many. According to one article, “Offer something that speaks to the Millennial’s desire for uniqueness (Weinstein, 2015)”. The target audience is attracted to unique, extreme ideas & things to do. They want something that hasn’t been done in the past. They are spontaneous and want to interact. The elements in the design will not only grab the attention of the millennial but give them the urge to share the discoveries with others (Gentile, 2017).
To persuade the intended user, energy would be shown by bringing the elements into the frames with fast movements in different directions. The research was conducted to learn how to bring the elements into a working motion piece.
A hockey image will slide in from the right coupled with audio of skating on ice. Then an image of a woman about to bungee jump image drops in and the audience will hear screaming. After that, a flyboarding image will then pop up from the bottom and a water splashing audio will accompany it. Mahon stated, “One of the key skills you will need to develop is the ability to understand the hopes, desires, and feelings of your audience (Mahon, 2011)”.
Problem Solving -
How does one take a static design and bring it to motion and incorporate the energy the city wishes to convey? In order to tell a story, a static vision board would need to be dissected to help create different scenes that would attract the audience. As Schneider states “We basically break down each scene and create the individual elements that will be animated, adding the colors, textures, and styles described in the mood board (Schneider, 2016)”. After the storyboard is created it is brought to movement through creating a dynamic vision board. To persuade the intended user, energy would be shown by bringing the elements into the frames with fast movements in different directions. Movements will help engage the viewer. Mahon stated, “One of the key skills you will need to develop is the ability to understand the hopes, desires, and feelings of your audience (Mahon, 2011)”.
Innovative Thinking -
With design today, it is common for designs to draw attention in a horizontal direction. For example, the recent “Roundup” commercial draws the eye horizontally which is a common direction for advertising. Why not try slanting the elements at an angle? As Verissimo stated, “It is used to instill more life into the message, it makes it easier to capture your audience’s attention when you must display some complex facts, and they generally render your whole presentation more energetic and relatable (Verissimo, 2017)”. Guiding the eye in an upward direction will keep the viewer wondering what happens when they get to the top. Getting their attention is one thing keeping it is another. To continue the energy for the project elements will appear from different angles keeping the viewer intrigued. O’Keefe explained it well when he shared Cleary's claim that, “we approach story development from the writer's point of view, not the audience's point of view - and this needs to change (O’Keefe, 2011)”. Designers need to think of the audience more versus the idea or product they are trying to sell. They need to think from the mind of the viewer then relay the message.
Acquiring Competencies -
Overall throughout the process, I was able to work on honing my skills in After Effects. Although I am by no means a master at the program I do feel like I was able to gain more knowledge of specific aspects of it. There were several tutorials that helped me that was created by EZ Tutorials such as, How To Create A Lightning Logo Animation After Effects Tutorial - Using Free Plugin. I have found that by following along with the narrator that I am able to digest the information more comfortably. I was also able to share information that I learned with some of my peers. By doing this I felt more connected with them. With an online program, the normal engagement with others is not present so it was nice to get to know people from different areas of the world.
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This is a static vision board created for the city of Riga. The city seeks to attract and thrill the target audience through an energetic, intense, and adrenaline pumping voice and tone.
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This is a storyboard created from the static vision board for the city of Riga. 
Above is a Motion in Context Project created for the city of Riga.
Above is a Dynamic Vision Board created for the city of Riga. (This piece is currently being edited based on peer feedback.)
Blazer, L. (2016). Animated Storytelling: Simple Steps for Creating Animation and Motion Graphics. Retrieved from: http://ce.safaribooksonline.com/book/animation-and-3d/9780134133812
EZ Tutorials. (2018). How To Create A Lightning Logo Animation After Effects Tutorial - Using Free Plugin. [Video] Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=No2q8Y0rYEs&t=173s
Gentile, D. (2017). A sense of adventure: Millennials find joy in nontraditional sports. Article retrieved from: https://www.berkshireeagle.com/stories/a-sense-of-adventure-millennials-find-joy-in-nontraditional-sports,502492
iSpot.tv. (2019). Roundup for Lawns TV Commercial, 'The Dawn of a New Lawn'. [Video] Retrieved from: https://www.ispot.tv/ad/w0B5/roundup-weed-killer-the-dawn-of-a-new-lawn
Kliever, J. (n.d.). Designing with contrast: 20 tips from a designer. [Article] Retrieved from: https://www.canva.com/learn/contrasting-colors/
Mahon, N. (2011). Basics Advertising 02: Art Direction. Lausanne, Switzerland. AVA Publishing SA. Retrieved from: https://ce.safaribooksonline.com/book/graphic-design/9782940439447
Schneider, C. (2016). Motion Graphic Storyboarding in 6 Simple Steps. Retrieved from: http://threesixtyeight.com/insights/storyboarding-motion-graphics/
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lyngarrison · 6 years
Weekly Story Journal
This month in the Organizational Structures course we are to keep a journal of our days. I think this should be interested because I have never really thought of writing down things daily. This week I discovered many things that I never would have normally paid much attention to. One was a dark skid mark on the road that resembled a snake. I had never noticed it before and I have traveled the road many times. Was it because it was new or just that I never really looked at the things around me in depth. I am usually pretty keen on my surroundings so I assumed it was new. My immediate thought was what was the driver doing that they caused such an intense swerve mark on the road. After asking around, because I had to know the answer I discovered that the driver was texting and driving. We can safely assume this is both unnecessary and dangerous. 
On another day I was at a museum and watched a family of four sit in a circle all on their cell phones. There was a beautiful museum waiting to be explored and they were all ignoring it. The thing that I found most in common with my days is that cell phones absorb so much of our day. So many people have lost touch with the simple things in life. 
One story kernel for the week is, put cell phones away. Although they are helpful to have, they can be a blessing and a curse. Another story kernel is family. If the technology starts taking away from your family time then its time to turn it off. 
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As I continue to write things down in my journal I realize that not all days are butterflies and roses. This week was an interesting one. I watched my pets more than I usually because one of them is a puppy, Olli is more rambunctious than the others. He just wants to play but the other two aren’t feeling well this week. Blue was getting irritated by Olli running all over and put him in his place with a special bark. I never noticed it before. He basically put Olli in a timeout in dog language. Bubby wasn’t feeling well one day and the other two laid with him and made sure he was ok all day. Then the next day when he was better they all hopped all over the living room celebrating. I wish there was a way to know what they were saying to each other.
Later in the week, my thoughts took a turn to the things going on in the news. A grown man threw a child that he didn’t even know over a railing at a mall. What could he possibly have been thinking? How could anyone hurt a child? The crowd ran to help the boy. The man took off. A complete stranger tossed him like a rag doll. Then complete strangers were trying to save him. I can only hope that he survives and that the man goes to prison. 
One story kernel for the week is, animals communicate in their own way. Although humans cannot understand them, they understand each other. Another story kernel is, there are good people and bad people. In a time of need, the good people stick together to try to overcome what the bad people do.
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It has been a nice week. I decided to start sculpting again. I love crafting it gives me a break from the crazy things in life. I have a wedding to attend in September and I want to design the toast glasses for the bride and groom as a gift. I took some time to look at the work of other artists. There are some very creative people in the world. I read some of the comments on the designs and other designers are very supportive of each other.
I also started working together with the other wives preparing for the annual Law Enforcement Picnic. The wives of the police department that my husband works with get together every year and plan a day for the different agencies to gather. We have it during Law enforcement appreciation week every year. We began it when one of the officers in our department was killed during a call. We had officers of agencies from many states come to support us during our loss. The barbecue is our way of saying thank you and that we appreciate all that they do. I was able to get a promise from a local grocery store manager to donate for the event. He was honored to donate for such a great cause. He said that he would do anything for law enforcement and supports them whenever he can. 
Saturday we drove to another state to attend a competition that my daughter was in. She power lifts and does strongman competitions in different states. This competition people traveled from many areas. It was amazing to watch the support that they gave to others although they were competing against each other. No one at this competition knew her but it didn’t matter they cheered her on. She placed second and everyone screamed for her. It’s beautiful to watch people come together as one family.
The story kernels for this week are teamwork and support. People can come together as a team for a mutual cause and strengthen a community. Also, having the support of those you know as well as total strangers can be equally comforting.
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This week was spent focusing more on different sounds and visuals. I took the time to watch different movies and listen to them more than I have before. The different effects used to make up audio for a movie ranged from broken glass to wind through the trees.
I was sitting at Barnes & Noble doing an assignment and a young man he looked to be in his mid-twenties, sat next to me and started chatting away. At first, I had no idea he was talking to me. I stopped what I was doing when I realized he was because I didn’t want to be rude. He asked me random questions that were puzzling. Then he would get up and start walking around. He came back and forth for a while. Then he sat down again and said: “Have you ever watched Spongebob Squarepants?” At this point, I realized that he could have special needs. I said that I had and that it was a wonderful show. He agreed and thanked me for talking then he decided to leave. He just wanted to have someone to talk to and share a moment with. I was glad that he chose me because I got to know a little about him.
On another day I was at a restaurant and heard a drum. I turned around to see a waiter carry a beautiful vase of flowers to a table. The husband had taken the time to bring the flowers to the restaurant before they arrived to surprise his wife for her birthday. A group of staff started singing to her. You could tell by her face that she was surprised. The sweetest part about the whole thing is that the son said when he grew up he would do the same thing. What we do as parents is so important to our children.
I have also been researching parallax imaging more. I found one parallax image to be quite extraordinary. It was created for Roku. I discovered it on Easter Sunday but I keep gravitating back to it. This week I sat and found at least 15 of the over thirty movie references hidden with the design. I never really stopped to view motion images as engaging images until I worked with them this month. 
My story kernels for the week would be that there are different things that make people happy. Another is to focus on the things around you. The littlest gestures can make for big moments.  
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I have never been one to write down the things that I see or hear. It was interesting how as I continued to write in a journal that I noticed more. I find myself listening to things I never would have in the past and paying attention to the different details of my surroundings. Watching different people interact with friends and families was interesting. Discovering that the slightest things like someone taking a moment of their time to make another person smile can change the narrative in the simplest way. 
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lyngarrison · 6 years
Reflection: Month 5, Design Research
This month at Full Sail University was my Design Research course. The course gave me the opportunity to explore and research design. We focused on the four-degree learning outcomes. Each week was another step in creating a campaign for a city and focusing on a learning degree outcome. My chosen city was Riga, Latvia. The first week we would apply design research to create a narrative, theme and voice and tone for the city. While conducting my research I discovered that many people didn’t realize was that the city has many activities that are exciting. After my discovery, I wrote a narrative that would attract thrill seekers to the city. 
In order to explain the narrative of the city, we would create visuals that coordinated with the narrative. As I created my design I had some hurdles. When that happened I continued to do more research. Additionally, I had helpful feedback that would help guide me until I came up with better solutions. We continued to build on the design campaign by creating a vision board as well as an infographic that could be used on a portfolio site such as, Adobe Behance.
Two concepts from my research that I have a connection with are Images and Scale. Using images prove to be helpful to tell the story. “Photography can enable you to convey a wide range of moods and help to establish a `tone of voice' for the campaign (Mahon, N. 2011)”. When creating my a vision board for the city of Riga, I wanted the images to work as a tool to draw the attention of the target audience to the next element. Then placing them in specific shapes can be used as a guide for a viewer. They need to show the energetic and intense activities available to a specific demographic. I also wanted the frame to have pointed edges and shaped like parallelogram to have them connect to the extreme theme of the project. The Evian ad below places images within the bottle to get the attention of the viewer and guide the eye to the water below.
For the vision board, I was also able to connect with the concept of scale. In order to have the viewer drawn to important elements such as images, they needed to be larger than other elements. When the images are larger the eye will be able to connect quickly to the design. Elements that are less important should be smaller than that so that they don’t have too much focus on them. I wanted the images of the extreme activities to be seen first. “At a smaller scale the information contained within the image may be missed or ignored (Ambrose & Harris, 2011)”. The Brohn Homes ad uses smaller images of the interior of the home to the right side to have them available for viewing but they don’t take over the entire ad.
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Problem Solving
The first texture found for the design initially looked like it would work well with the rest of the elements. When placed on the vision board it presented more of an organic look and did not give the feeling of the narrative. “The contrast of highly textured visual information and striking flat design forms, like typographic elements, is always a winning strategy (Bigman, 2016)”. The final texture chosen has more energy and gives the design a feeling of movement.
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Innovative Thinking
One common practice of a standard design choice is to use lists in columns so that they can be read down. The typography was placed so that it would flow with the design. 
As Mahon stated, “Typography essentially constitutes the marriage of verbal and visual communication and it can have a major impact on the `tone of voice' of a campaign (Mahon, N. 2011)”. Keeping the flow of text moving is crucial. I wanted to make sure that the word choice list could be read right to left. I used a left aligned right ragged list partnered with a right aligned left ragged list. By doing this the viewer will read across from one line to the next instead of down one side and then down the other.  
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Acquiring Competencies
A theme, narrative, voice, and tone, as well as visual elements, were created for a campaign for the city of Riga. Throughout the process research was done to justify each design decision so that it would have a successful outcome.
Here are 3 concepts I feel have helped me improve as a designer.
Image Application - The images used display people doing activities spontaneous, extreme, and exciting. Images portraying different extreme sports such as bungee jumping, hockey & flyboarding will be displayed. These are all adrenaline pumping sports that attract the target audience. Then they were placed in parallelogram shapes. By using frames for the images that are shaped like a parallelogram, the design will be directional and guide the viewer to go to the next image. “At its heart, layout design is about informing, entertaining, guiding and captivating an audience (Ambrose & Harris, 2011)”.
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Although hierarchy has not always come second nature to me I feel that it is becoming I have grown as a designer and can identify problems and solve them. It should be used to help guide the eye to the information that the audience needs. Making sure that the sub-heads all have the same point size then coordinating it with the body text forms a better hierarchy. Focusing on the importance of the text made the design more cohesive. Hierarchy played a key role during the design of an infographic for the city of Riga in order for the information to be able to be processed by the viewer in the direction that was intended. As mentioned by Rickard, “One of the most important tasks of a designer is to create a hierarchy—to create an order of importance to the elements of a design so as to direct attention and make information more easily assimilated (Rickard, 2016)”.
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Color Theory
I now have an in-depth understanding of color. We see color everywhere we go. Some colors go well with others but they don’t always give the same feeling as others that are paired together. During the course, I researched the use of color to design more. Several articles that I read showed the different meanings behind various colors. After creating several color palettes then getting some feedback I found that complimentary colors showed energy and movement. This palette would work well for the campaign for the city. “Red is assertive, daring, determined, energetic, powerful, enthusiastic, impulsive, exciting, and aggressive (Bourn, 2011)”. By using the red tones the design will show the impulsive, energetic, side of the city to the target audience.
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Ambrose, G. & Harris, P. (2011). Basics Design 02: Layout (second edition). Retrieved from: https://ce.safaribooksonline.com/book/graphic-design/9782940447169
Ambrose, G. & Harris, P. (2011). The Fundamentals of Typography (second edition). Retrieved from: https://ce.safaribooksonline.com/book/graphic-design/9782940447244
Bigman, A. (2016). Innovative approaches to texture in graphic design. [Article] Retrieved from: https://99designs.com/blog/tips/texture-in-graphic-design/
Bourn, J. (2011). Color Meaning: Meaning of The Color Red. [Article] Retrieved from: https://www.bourncreative.com/meaning-of-the-color-red/
Coolors. (n.d.). Color Generator. [Image] Retrieved on February 16, 2019, from: https://coolors.co/64676b-072646-edae49-000000-fff9f9
Graver, A. & Jura, B. (2012). Best Practices for Graphic Designers, Grids and Page Layouts: An Essential Guide for Understanding and Applying Page Design Principles. Retrieved from: https://ce.safaribooksonline.com/book/graphic-design/9781592537853
Ivuskans, G., (2018). Pre-tournament game between Canada National ice hockey team and National ice hockey team of Latvia at Arena Riga. [Image] Retrieved from: https://www.picfair.com/pics/06293043-04-02-2018-riga-latvia-pre-tournament-game-between-canada-national-ice-hockey-team-and-national-ice-hockey-team-of-latvia-at-arena-riga
Lalbeharie, A. (n.d.). 25 typographic advertisements to inspire your next design. [Image] Retrieved from: https://www.canva.com/learn/type-advertisements/
Leo, L. (2017). Texture. [Image] Retrieved from: https://99designs.com/blog/tips/texture-in-graphic-design/
Mahon, N. (2011). Basics Advertising 02: Art Direction. Lausanne,Switzerland. AVA Publishing SA. Retrieved from: https://ce.safaribooksonline.com/book/graphic-design/9782940439447
Public Domain Pictures. (n.d.). Orange Brush Strokes. [Image] Retrieved from: https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/en/view-image.php?image=202740&picture=orange-brush-strokes
Red Fox Tours. (n.d.). Cable Car Bungee Jump. [Image] Retrieved from: https://redfoxtours.eu/riga-cable-car-bungee-jump.html 
Rickard. (2016). A Graphic Designer’s Guide to Visual Hierarchy. [Article] Retrieved from: https://zevendesign.com/designers-guide-to-visual-hierarchy/
Smarttouch. (2013). SmartTouch Interactive Clients Up for Multiple Real Estate Marketing Nominations in Austin. [Image] Retrieved from: https://www.smarttouchinteractive.com/newsblog/smarttouch-interactive-clients-nominated-for-multiple-real-estate-marketing-nominations-in-austin/
TripAdvisor. (n.d.). MyFlyboard. [Image] Retrieved from: https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g274967-d14199095-Reviews-MyFlyboard-Riga_Riga_Region.html
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lyngarrison · 6 years
Effective Copy Writing - 4.4.1 Mastery Learning Project: Project Reflection
The Effective Copy Writing course was a great learning experience. One takeaway that I learned was how to get the attention of a viewer with strong headlines.  I had the opportunity to research and develop multiple concepts. I also gained knowledge on how to create a well-written copy to establish a brands voice. Additionally, getting to know your target audience is relevant to the success of a brand campaign. I’m looking forward to using the skills that I learned this month on my future endeavors.
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lyngarrison · 6 years
Target Audience Profiles
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To start off the month there was a need to develop a target audience that would be attracted to the National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund organization. Extensive research was done to learn the background of the non-profit. They need to raise funds in order to be able to continue the work that they do for law enforcement officers and their families. Their primary goal is to show the public that it needs attention. It also has a strong desire to form a relationship with its followers through affiliation. Finally, it has strong needs to be supported as well as feel needed (Felton, 2013). 
First, a target audience was established. The target audience is Anthony, a single, 25-34-year-old male, living with his French bulldog named Barkley. His girlfriend visits often but she isn't ready to move with him yet. He is an avid workout enthusiast, when not working at the hospital making $85,000 annually as a full-time nurse. On his days off, he spends time playing softball or flying his drone. An additional target audience for the National Law Enforcement Fund organization will be Rachel, a married mom of two living in Maza, Arizona with her husband. She is 30-45 years of age with a High School Diploma. The income she makes doing her at home online business is $35,000 a year. She spends the day with her two-year-old daughter Riley while 7-year-old Rodney is at school. After picking up her son, they go home, she makes a nice dinner and waits for her husband Brad to come home. 
This target audience will be a perfect fit for the organization because they are a generation that wants to help with the growth of awareness into the lives of police officers. The target audience is likely to have a friend or relative that is in law enforcement. This will automatically start the connection with the non-profit. By knowing the target audience personally, it will help to create advertising geared towards that demographic.
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lyngarrison · 6 years
Six Types of Testimonials
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Sketches were then done with 6 different testimonials. The first of the testimonials would show how police officers could save your life by pulling you over when you are texting and driving. If they simply ignored it when people did text and drive others could get seriously injured or worse. The next testimonial would show an image of a policewoman who is also a mom. She spends her mornings making sure that her child is taken care of. Then she goes to work as a police officer to protect and serve her community. This concept is to show people that she has other things that she does just like the next mom.
The third idea was to have a grandfather who is also a police officer sitting in his patrol car with his grandson on his lap holding the steering wheel. Doing this will tug at the heartstrings of the target audience (Felton, 2013). The audience will want to know who this man is. The next idea which was not a favorite of the set. It is a photo of a duty belt with a police radio on it in the off position. To a police wife the simple sound of a scanner getting turned off is a wonderful sound. After some consideration, there were concerns that the audience would actually understand the meaning of the radio being turned off (Smallish, 2014). 
Then we have a small girl and a police officer on a stairway holding their fingers up showing the number 2. This concept was based on how officers now have to learn how to administer a drug to people that have overdosed. The public isn’t aware that sometimes they are called to administer it to a child (Begres, 2017). The headline,” She responded to a call for an overdose” captures the target audience attention because they will want to know why there is a small child in the advertisement. She was just being curious. She was only 2 years old. This sub-headline suggests that she was the one that overdosed. The last concept is to use a Danish and a donut to point out that not all things are the same. The quirky style of advertisement is a fun way to point out that not all police officers are the same (Smallish, 2013).
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lyngarrison · 6 years
Three Initial Comps
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The three initial comps were carefully chosen based on the ability to attract the target audience. The Danish and the donut concept was derived from the old joke about police officers always eating donuts. They do not all eat donuts a fun quirky comp was designed to point out that it was just a stereotype. The body copy was written to persuade others to understand that not all police officers are the same (Felton, 2013). 
The second comp would connect to the target audience by using an image of a grandfather in a police uniform with his grandson on his lap. The body copy was built to match the headline. Getting the audience involved with the personal lives of the police officer will give them the urge to get to know him better (Felton, 2013).
Felton said, “ Remember rule number one in writing a great headline: stay on strategy. Nothing works if you’re saying the wrong thing” (Felton, 2013). Take your idea and find the headline that fits then tell your story with the body. The final comp idea first captures attention with a strong headline, then we see the image of a sweet child with a police officer. Then drags the audience in with a strong sub-headline. It continues to engage the viewer with the body copy pointing out the information that police officers shave a new way to save the lives of people that overdose, even those that were innocent (Felton, 2013). 
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lyngarrison · 6 years
Final Comps
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The three final comps for the non-profit will be a series of ads that are cohesive. To make the campaign more connected, a style was chosen that make the campaign flow. There are consecutive ads released that will mirror the master with minimal changes so that the brand would be easily recognized. The master advertisement will include a Danish and a donut to point out that not all things are similar. The ad is a fun way to point out that not all law enforcement officers are the same (Smallish, 2013). The second and third advertisements will change the Danish to another object, then the headline and sub-headlines will be changed to match the scenario. A call to action was also added to guide the audience to reach out, then give them different ways to contact the organization (Felton, 2013).
Anaterate, July 27, 2017. Apple turnover puff pastry. Image retrieved from: https://pixabay.com/en/apple-turnover-puff-pastry-pleasure-2546799/
Begres, T., December 2017. Fighting the Opioid Epidemic: How NARCAN and PowerDMS Prevent Fatal Overdoses Video retrieved from: https://vimeo.com/241060017
Corley, C., (2017 July 6) Police Fatalities on the Rise. Retrieved from: https://www.npr.org/2017/07/06/535732144/police-fatalities-on-the-rise
Felton, G. (2013) Advertising Concept & Copy (Third Edition), 3rd Edition. W. W. Norton & Company, 20130805. VitalBook file.
Give.org. (July 2017) National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund Charity Review http://www.give.org/charity-reviews/national/police-and-firefighter/national-law-enforcement-officers-memorial-fund-in-washington-dc-1669 
Law Enforcement Museum, (n.d.) https://lawenforcementmuseum.org/learn/
National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. (1984) About Us. Retrieved from: http://www.nleomf.org/about/
Officer Down Memorial Page. (n.d.) Retrieved from: https://www.odmp.org
Peralta, E., (30 December 2014) Report: Number Of Police Officers Killed Spikes In 2014. Retrieved from: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/12/30/373985338/report-number-of-police-officers-killed-spikes-in-2014
Perez, M., (2006 May 18) Deputy: Wheeler yelled, ‘Shoot me’. Retrieved from: https://www.ocala.com/news/20060518/deputy-wheeler-yelled-shoot-me 
Pxhere. 2018. Photo of Little Girl Image retrieved from: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1325044
Rodríguez Duarte, A., Rodríguez Ruiz, Ó., Sacristán López de los Mozos, I. (2016). Resource Dependence In Non-profit Organizations: Is It Harder To Fundraise If You Diversify Your Revenue Structure? doi. 10.1007/s11266-016-9738-8
Skeeze, November 10, 2014. Pink frosted donut. Image retrieved from: https://pixabay.com/en/donut-frosted-pink-icing-sweet-524558/
Smallish, C., (2013, August 16). Developing Ideas and Advertising Concepts. [Lynda.com online course]. Retrieved from: https://www.lynda.com/Design-Business-tutorials/Welcome/126121/145380-4.html?org=fullsailold.edu
Smallish, C., (2014, May 27). Designing a Print Ad. [Lynda.com online course]. Retrieved from: https://www.lynda.com/Design-Page-Layout-tutorials/Designing-Print-Ad/155264-2.html?org=fullsailold.edu
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lyngarrison · 6 years
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Hello Everyone,
Today, I wanted to share my SWOT analysis with you.
To start out my SWOT analysis I’ve chosen the threats’ category. One specifically is that people all have a different point of view. I check feedback daily and make sure that I stay updated with peer critique. Some suggestions given were helpful, where other feedback that was given had not been. Suggestions were made that were not correct. By not doing in-depth research prior to communicating suggestions, it could cause another person to fail the tasks. We should all be on the same page and work with the same goals in mind. 
We all also have a different way of progressing. Some designers may be completely done where others are still progressing. There are people that are unaware that they are going in a wrong direction or not sure what ways to go to fix something. Some people are too shy to ask. As their peers we  should be able to see what they do, find areas that may need a little assistance, then give them feedback to guide them to success. It is up to the individual if they heed your advice or not.
Then there is the threat of the ever changing weather that threatens the fulfillment of tasks being done because of power outages and streets being closed off because there are power lines down. The best way to overcome nature hovering overhead was to get a hotspot on my phone and keep the batteries charged. Now when the power goes out, I have a backup plan.
One weakness that I have, like many others I am new to branding. I have learned so many things in one month on this subject that I continue to do research to extend my knowledge of it. Before the Branding Development course, I was one of those people that used couple the logo and the brand. Now, I have a greater understanding of the differences between the two. 
Additionally, I am a perfectionist, as most artists are, I tend to over think things which makes it worse. Partner that with being easily distracted, and I believe that we have the definition of the average designer.
Some strengths I have would be some skills in most aspects of the Adobe Creative Suite program. I continue to practice because there is always something new updating in the programs. I am a driven person with strong work ethics. Raised by a single mom and my grandmother, I was taught the importance work ethics that will always be important. 
I also have a good understanding of tasks given to me. If I ever question them, I will ask someone for clarification before I set out to do the work. Two additional strengths were pointed out to me by a peer which I agreed with, was that I had a learnable attitude and that I am an active team player.
One great opportunity that we as students are given is the ability to collaborate with each other. I invite any suggestions that can help improve any of my work. Another opportunity that is available is a live weekly session with the instructors. Having this additional feedback is helpful to the success of my designs.
There are also resources readily available to complete any research I may need to do. I utilize these on a daily basis. 
I also take time every day to practice new skills and watch educational videos on Lynda.com. I may never be perfect, but I will practice until I am nearly there.
Thank you for your time,
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