Everybody wants to have a confident smile. It can change everything. With Invisalign, you can get a great smile that is also a healthy smile without most people even noticing you’re going through treatment. The Invisalign treatment consists of a series of clear, nearly invisible aligners that are removable. These will need to be replaced every two weeks. Each aligner is individually manufactured for you, and will only fit your teeth.
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As you replace each aligner, your teeth will move little by little, week by week until they have straightened to the final position decided between you and your dentist. But we will also give you a virtual 3D treatment plan showing you the movements that your teeth will go through to see the final result before you start. You will be able to see in advance what your teeth are expected to look like at the end of the treatment. Be ready for a smile that transforms your appearance.
Will it work for you?
Some examples below of problems you may have could help you to decide on seeking advice on Invisalign treatment and whether it would be for you:
Overly crowded teeth
Widely spaced teeth
Cross bite
The Invisalign treatment can slot simply and easily into your daily routine, without any fuss or embarrassment. There are no metal wires or brackets, so no need to worry about mouth irritations, as the aligners are comfortable to wear and can be easily removed for eating, drinking, brushing and flossing as normal.
If it weren’t for the remarkable way Invisalign transforms smiles, you’d hardly even notice you’re having treatment. As the Invisalign aligners are transparent and difficult to detect when worn, they allow you to straighten your teeth without feeling self-conscious and should you have an important meeting or event coming up that’s causing concern, you can always remove the aligners for that short space of time.
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Why Do Your Teeth Darken?
There are many reasons why healthy, white teeth get stained over the years. One of the foremost reasons is lifestyle choices such as smoking or drinking cola, coffee or red wine excessively over a prolonged time. Other reasons include excessive use of fluoride. Fluoride is good for maintaining healthy teeth but using too much fluoride can cause yellowish or brownish spots, which are referred to as fluorosis.
Certain antibiotics or medicines used for cardiac conditions and also antihistamines can cause teeth stains as a side-effect.
Lygon Family Dental at Brunswick Dentist is your family-accommodating dentist situated in Brunswick East. Our very experienced and expert group will help meet all your dental care needs. 
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Tooth problems in children are common and dental X-rays come in handy when detecting and diagnosing those potential problems. But the question is – how safe are dental x–rays for kids? With the high levels of radiation exposure, most parents are concerned about the safety and often wonder if there really is a need for an x-ray.
Fret not, at Lygon Family Dental our dental specialists are the best at what they do. We are happy to clarify your doubts however trivial they may seem. For more info visit: https://www.lygonfamilydental.com.au
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Professional Teeth Whitening
There are a lot of over-the-counter teeth whiteners but they don’t usually provide the desired results. So instead of spending your money recurrently on over-the-counter teeth whiteners, opt for professional teeth whitening. Done by professional practitioners, this is a very effective, low-cost procedure for improving your smile. If you are not lucky to have natural milky white teeth that shine brilliantly or if your teeth have stained over time, this is the best procedure. The procedure uses carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide as the active ingredient. Before the process begins, your dentist will apply a protective gel on your gums and then apply the active ingredients.
Cosmetic Dental Bonding
Dental bonding is just perfect when your teeth are slightly chipped or broken or are unevenly spaced. The procedure is an affordable cosmetic dental treatment for broken, chipped and stained teeth or for other minor dental issues. During dental bonding, a composite material that matches the colour of your teeth is applied on the tooth. Before the procedure begins, the surface of the tooth is scraped with phosphoric acid to make it rough so that that bonding material holds more firmly. Next, a putty-like material is placed on the tooth and moulded into shape to cover the gaps or cracks. A special kind of light is used to harden the material and the tooth is then polished for a perfect shine. Dental bonding is also preferred over silver fillings for filling up cavities because the material used perfectly matches the colour of your tooth. So people will never know that cosmetic dentistry is the secret behind your dazzling smile.
Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers can be expensive if you want them for an entire set of teeth but make for an affordable treatment when it comes to fixing a single tooth. Porcelain veneers are customised, wafer-thin shells made of porcelain that resembles the natural colour of your tooth. The shells are attached to the front of the tooth to hide any disfigurement or to make your tooth look brighter and whiter. They are highly stain-resistant, which means that you can retain your sparkling smile for years. Moreover, porcelain veneers perfectly imitate the natural light reflecting property of a normal tooth. Porcelain veneers are ideal for whitening the teeth, repairing small cracks and chips, hiding uneven teeth setting or covering gaps between teeth.
Lygon Family Dental is your family-accommodating dentist situated in Brunswick East. Our very experienced and expert group will help meet all your dental care needs. 
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Remedies for Bad Breath
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Halitosis, also known as bad breath, is one of the health issues faced by many. Apart from the fact that it affects the overall oral health, bad breath can also be embarrassing.
To take care of this condition, there are certain measures you can take to avoid bad breath from affecting your daily routine. Here are some ways to fight bad breath:
Brush Your Teeth Regularly
It is advised to brush your teeth regularly, at least twice a day. This helps to keep the your teeth clean, keeping them safe from dental infections and gum diseases. You can check with a Brunswick dentist to know the right way to brush your teeth.
Floss Regularly
Bad breath can be caused due to the food particles that accumulate between the teeth. To avoid this, use floss regularly so that the teeth remain clean and healthy.
Clean Your Tongue
It is not from just the teeth that you get dental infections, but the gums and tongue should also be cleaned well. Scrap your tongue well using a cleaner. This is done to remove the food particles from the tongue which can cause a bacterial infection. Consult a dentist in Brunswick for guidance on better oral health.
Quit Smoking
All the dentists in Brunswick will be able to help you understand the ill effects of smoking on your teeth. Smoking is not good for dental health and it can also cause bad breath. This easily gives you one more reason to quit smoking. Yes, it is harmful in every sense.
Drink Lots of Water
Dehydration can lead to bad breath. If your body is dehydrated, ensure that you drink a lot of water and stay fit.
Use Sugarless Gum
Chewing gum increases the production of saliva, which in turn helps in removing the food particles from the teeth. Consult the nearest Brunswick dental clinic to know what kind of gums would be harmless for your oral health.
Have Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
Take plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. This helps in cleaning your teeth and keeping it away from bacterial infections.
Use Mouthwash
Using mouthwash helps in fighting bacterial infections to a large extent. This also reduces the risk of bad breath. Use a reliable mouthwash to avoid bad breath and the embarrassment that comes with it.
Consult a Dentist
To ensure that your dental hygiene is satisfactory, it is advised to get regular dental checkups and stay away from bad breath and other dental illnesses that could happen due to poor dental hygiene.
Are you looking for a reliable dentist in Brunswick? Lygon Family Dental is one of the trusted names in Brunswick that offers effective dental treatments at affordable rates.Click Here to Contact Lygon Family Dental.
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Top Reasons For Sudden Toothaches
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There could be times when you ignore tooth pain and take it to the dentist only when the pain becomes severe or something visible occurs on the tooth.
This is a wrong approach. The pain that you suffer could be a sign of something that needs immediate attention. Let us find out what could be the causes of your sudden tooth pain.
Intake of Acidic Foods
If you take acidic foods, this could lead to severe pain in the tooth if the nerve pathways are exposed. To protect your teeth, avoid taking acidic foods like grapefruit, lemon, tomato sauce, etc.
Tooth Whitening Toothpaste
Using a tooth whitening toothpaste may sound exciting, but it may not be suitable if you have sensitive teeth. Try using a toothpaste that has no whitening agents. Any dentist in Brunswick will be able to guide you on the best toothpastes that can be used for strong and healthy teeth.
Excess Use of Mouthwash
Unfortunately, some mouthwashes are not good for your teeth, just like the whitening toothpaste. The mouthwash could cause pain in the teeth if you have a sensitive tooth, especially if the dentin of the tooth is exposed.
Teeth Grinding
Teeth grinding is a medical condition that can lead to the removal of teeth enamel, causing teeth sensitivity. This can cause severe pain in the teeth.
Hard Brushing
Be soft on your teeth. Using rough bristles and brushing your teeth hard can harm your teeth, making them prone to teeth sensitivity. This can in turn lead to tooth sensitivity.
Gum Disease
If you suffer from any kind of gum disease, there are chances that you suffer from tooth ache. There are several dentists in Brunswick who can help you with this condition.
Cracked Tooth
You may experience severe tooth pain is you suffer from a cracked or chipped tooth. Consult a Brunswick dentist to check the condition of your tooth, so that the dentist can examine your tooth and decide on the course of the treatment.
Decay Around Tooth Fillings
If you have tooth fillings done, any kind of tooth decay surrounding the area of the filling can lead to severe tooth pain. To avoid this, ensure that you do not miss your regular dental checkups.
Based on the cause of the tooth pain, the pain can be treated and cured. Consult the nearest dentist for a checkup and get your teeth treated before the condition of the teeth gets worse.
Are you looking for a reliable dental clinic in your area? Lygon Family Dental is one of the leading dental clinics in Brunswick that offer premium dental services at affordable rates.
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How Can You Strengthen Tooth Enamel?
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Enamel is the outer layer or the surface of the tooth. It is the enamel that protects your teeth from decay or cavities. Once this layer is damaged, the tooth can be considered at risk of further damage and can get worse if neglected.
One of the best ways to avoid or prevent such dental cavities is to take care of the tooth enamel so that the tooth remains well protected. Though there are several dentists in Brunswick who can guide you on dental care, taking care of the tooth enamel can also be done in some simple and systematic ways, which can save your teeth from a lot of ailments in the long run. Here are some of the best ways to protect and strengthen your teeth enamel:
Take foods that protect your teeth: Caring your teeth need not be an expensive process always. Eat more of foods that are high in calcium, that can protect your teeth enamel, resulting in the overall health of the teeth.
Be soft on your teeth while brushing: Don’t brush too hard on fast, as it may damage your teeth enamel. Be gentle on your teeth, and brush your teeth with a toothbrush with soft bristles, using gentle strokes so that the teeth enamel is not damaged. Any dentist in Brunswick would be able to help you on the right way of brushing your teeth.
Take less sugar and sugary foods: Sugar is one of the most dangerous enemies of your teeth. To keep your teeth protected, try taking less or no sugar and foods containing sugar. If you take foods or drinks that contain sugar, make sure that you rinse your mouth well after the same. You can take the help of your nearest Brunswick dentist to know which foods are to be avoided for healthy teeth.
Avoid soda: Intake of soda or aerated drinks is bad for your teeth. These drinks can lead to the damage of the teeth enamel, leading to further decay and dental cavities.
Chew gum after food: Chewing gum after your meals is one of the best ways to keep dental cavities at bay. Chewing gum ensures that no food particles are left between the teeth that can later cause tooth decay.
Regular dental checkup: However well you take care of your teeth, there can be other reasons that can be a threat to your dental health. To stay away from risk, it is advised to have a regular dental checkup to ensure that your teeth are healthy and safe from cavities.
Are you looking for a reliable dental clinic in Brunswick? Lygon Family Dental is one of the trusted names that offers premium dental services at affordable rates.To contact visit https://www.lygonfamilydental.com.au/contact/
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Dental Tourism – The Pitfalls
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Taking a dental vacation might sound exciting. Beyond the positive aspects of dental tourism that include reduced rates of the treatment, there are some pitfalls that are to be considered before you go ahead to take a dental treatment abroad.
Here are the pitfalls of dental tourism that you should consider before you are ready for the trip.
Insurance Policies
The patients who go for dental tourism and cheap treatments abroad would have the benefit of insurance during the treatment. However, the policies of various countries or clinics may vary. This has to be carefully scrutinized before you decide which clinic to get your treatment done in.
Private Health Insurance
Many of the Australian organisations do not offer insurance for the treatments undertaken overseas. Check with the concerned authorities to make sure that your treatment is insured.
Complaints Addressal
Before you decide on the clinic, check with them regarding the procedures, in case of a faulty treatment or failure in the expected result. Many local authorities may not consider this, and having your treatment done in any of such clinics is not considered safe. Not all clinics offer an emergency dentist in Brunswick, when there is a need.
Post Operative Complications
In some cases, if there are any medical complications that happen after the operation or the treatment, the clinic has to offer complete treatment and care to the patient until fully recovered. However, most of the travel insurance policies don’t cover the post operative treatment costs as a part of the dental tourism trip.  
Other Dental Complications
The equipment and treatment adopted by various countries may differ, and if there’s a dental complication post-operation, it is the clinic’s responsibility to take care of the same and also ensure that the medical condition is looked into and taken care of later. Unfortunately, not many countries or clinics support this, and you may also find the dentists in Brunswick reluctant to even address such a dental problem for the fear of committing to take care of the medical condition in future too.
Infection in Control
Though the devices and tools used for your treatment would be sterilized and safe for the patients, make sure that the general infection control standards of the clinic is high.
The above are the most common pitfalls that you may face if you go for a dental tourism trip. With proper thought and care given to each of them, you can avoid most of them to a large extent.
Are you looking for reliable dental clinics in Brunswick? Lygon Family Dental is one of the leading brands that offers premium dental care services at affordable rates.To contact visit https://www.lygonfamilydental.com.au/contact/
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Dental tourism: What risks are involved?
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Dental tourism, one of the sectors of medical tourism, focuses on the dental treatments offered to  overseas patients at reduced costs. There are many who consider this as a holiday trip where they also can get treated for the ailments at considerably lower costs.
Although you may be excited about the idea of dental tourism, and it may also be a reasonably good idea if nothing went wrong, here are a few potential risks of taking such a decision.
Emergency Medical Situation
Have you ever imagined how worse the condition would be if something went wrong while at the dentist’s chair in a foreign country? You may not have your friends or family near you to support, and the worst part is that you may not be even accessible to all the medical facilities there, and it would not be easy to communicate in your own language. However, Brunswick has several dental clinics that take care of your concerns.
Authenticity of the Equipment
When it’s a new land, you may not be sure of the medical equipment used in the clinics and how safe the treatments are going to be. There is a high risk of being fooled, since you are new here and can easily fall prey for such deeds. Faulty, cheap or damaged equipment can cause harm rather than cure.
Qualification of the Dentist
Though some hospitals provide accurate and reliable information about the dentists and their qualifications, this may not always happen, and it can’t always be relied upon too. The hospital need not reveal these details to a foreigner, and you can also be fooled. To avoid this, it is always better to take the aid of someone who resides in the foreign country, and would know better about the place and the people around. For instance, rather than going for a cheap dentist in Brunswick, it is better to go for a dentist who is authentic and well known.
All the above are to be considered when you think of going for a cheap treatment abroad. Once you set for the journey, it may not be easy to withdraw from the same. However, there are several reliable places that offer premium dental care services in Brunswick at competitive rates.
Are you looking for reliable dental services in Brunswick? Lygon Family Dental is one of the trusted names that offer the best dental services in Brunswick, at affordable rates.To contact visit  https://www.lygonfamilydental.com.au/contact/
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Protect Your Kids From The Sugar Bandits
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Recent dental surveys in Australia claim that kids are getting more and more affected by sugar and sweets, and the sad part is that parents find it hard to fight this battle of saving their children from the harms of sugar. Let’s find out how to tackle this medical condition.
Parents are responsible for this habit among the kids. There are several Brunswick family dental clinics that can help you with better dental care of your kids. Here are some of the instances where parents should be a bit more careful in controlling their children from high intake of foods that contain sugar.
Occasional treats: Some parents have the habit of giving treats to their children in the form of sweets and cakes to keep them happy. Kids get carried away by the sweets you give, but don’t forget that you are actually harming their health by giving them harmful sweets.
Celebrating special days in school: Kids generally take special foods like toffees and sweets to school to celebrate their special days like birthdays and other events. The sad truth is that they don’t know when to stop eating and how to stay away from the harmful effects of food. Too much sugar intake, thus, leads to teeth cavities and other dental disorders.
Not keeping the kids aware of what is harmful for them: As parents, you are responsible to teach your kids what kind of diet is to be followed and what is to be avoided for oral hygiene and better teeth. This can also be done by a professional at a dental clinic in Brunswick.
Unhealthy breakfast: Most of the tinned, canned or processed breakfast options available in the market contain high sugar contents. This is extremely bad for your child’s oral health. Keep these away from the child, and prepare healthy snacks instead. This can save your money and the child’s health as well.
Storing chocolates at home: Instead of keeping chocolates stored at home, replace them with fresh fruits and vegetables and encourage your child to have more of them. Any cheap dentist in Brunswick would be able to explain to the kid on the benefits of eating natural foods and about the harmful effects of chocolates and other foods that contain sugar.
These are certain ways that can be followed to keep your child away from the hazardous effects of high sugar intake.
Are you looking for reliable dental care services in Brunswick? Lygon Family Dental is one of the trusted names in dental care that offers high quality services at affordable rates.click here to contact Lygon Family Dental.
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What To Do If I Have A Painful Gum Abscess?
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There are many among us who suffer from dental abscesses. These can be very painful if neglected. Let us get to know more about this medical condition and find out why it can get painful.
Dental Abscesses: An Overview
Dental abscess is the collection of pus in the tooth. The pus is caused due to bacterial infection, and the pus that originates in the tooth spreads to either the adjoining bone or the gums as the infection worsens. There are several dental clinics in Brunswick that can help you heal this painful condition.
Dental abscesses can be classified as two depending on the place where the pus is formed. Periapical abscesses are dental abscesses that originate at the root of the tooth, whereas periodontal abscesses are the infections that take place in the adjoining bone or gums.
What Makes Dental Abscesses Painful?
There are several reasons that make dental abscesses painful. The root cause has to be treated, which would gradually ease the pain. Let’s find out what causes severe pain.
Toxins: The bacterial infection within the tooth produces toxins that can harm the bone and gums. Pain occurs as the body shows signals of the tooth infection.
Pressure on surroundings: When the abscess develops, it slowly increases in size, giving pressure to the adjoining bone and the gums near the tooth. This pressure causes pain in the infected area and the whole region.
What Decides The Intensity of The Pain
Not all dental abscesses would be horribly painful. If you’re visiting the best dentist in Brunswick, you can be assured that the dentist would study the medical condition and analyse the root cause of the infection, making the treatment effective, assuring quicker relief.
The intensity of the pain owing to a dental abscess are determined by several factors like:
The kind of bacteria involved in the abscess formation
The body’s resistance power
The duration of the infection on the gum or tooth
If you are diagnosed with dental abscess, seek immediate help from a reliable dental clinic in and around Brunswick. A good professional dental care service should be able to relieve you from the pain and the infection.
Are you looking for a trustworthy dental care centre in Brunswick? Lygon Family Dental is one of the leading dental care centres in the region that offer high quality dental services at affordable rates. For more information about our dental services, visit https://www.lygonfamilydental.com.au/contact/
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Wisdom Teeth Removal Costs & Information
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Removal of wisdom tooth might sound scary to you for several reasons. Beyond the pain involved in it, the costs of the removal may also bother you. The cost of the procedure depends on the severity of the medical condition.
Based on the severity of the medical condition, the treatment may vary from the regular tooth extraction to a surgical tooth extraction which would require bone removal to ensure complete removal of the tooth.
There are other factors too that decide the cost involved in the wisdom tooth removal. Advanced imaging of the teeth might be needed in some cases if the surgery is required. This can be expensive.
The level and type of sedatives given to the patient for the surgery would affect the overall cost of the tooth extraction surgery. Some dentists offer discounted rates if all the wisdom teeth are removed in a single sitting.
The medication required after the tooth extraction may vary from patient to patient. When the medication turns out to be expensive, the amount involved in the tooth removal would be high. Whereas, if the medication required is not high, the overall expense too will come down.
The number of teeth that requires an extraction also matters. Each tooth will be charged separately. You should approach the nearest best dentist Brunswick west and check with them regarding the costs involved in the surgery.
Cost Involved in Tooth Extraction
The cost involved in tooth extraction would also depend on who does it. If you’re going for a general dentist, the cost would be comparatively low to the surgery done by a professional specialist.
There are many dental clinics in and around Brunswick that take care of all your dental issues including wisdom tooth removal. Consult one of the reliable sources and find out the best method of treatment for you, and you will be guided on how to go about the wisdom tooth removal with ease.
Are you looking for a trustworthy and authentic dental care center in Brunswick? Lygon Family Dental is one of the best dental clinics in the area that offer premium dental care services at competitive rates.
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Should I Pull My Child's Loose Tooth?
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It is common among parents to try pulling out the loose tooth of their children before the tooth is actually ready to be separated from the gums. For this, some of the methods that have been adopted by parents is to tie a string to the loose tooth and pull it out, making things faster.
This, however, is wrong. When you forcefully pull out the tooth that is not yet ready to be separated from the gums, this can lead to several dental problems like bleeding, infection in the teeth and gums, and pain.
One of the best ways to deal with your child’s loose tooth is to allow him/her to play with it and softly wiggle the tooth, and the tooth will fall out on itself gradually. Go to a reliable cheap dentist clinic Brunswick to get advice on this, and you would be guided by a professional on how and why you should take care of the loose teeth of your children.
When the loose tooth is forcefully removed before the adult tooth is ready to come out, this can lead to several dental complications. The other teeth that are in position may drift due to the sudden gap between the teeth, leading to a disarray in the other teeth.
Parents generally don’t allow their children to remove their teeth on their own. A common fear among parents is that children might swallow the tooth. There is nothing to worry as the tooth is made of natural substances and will not harm the child, even if swallowed by mistake.
If you still have doubts and fears regarding the removal of your child’s loose tooth, consult the nearest dentist and seek professional advise on how to handle this condition rather than trying out wrong ways like pulling out the tooth before it’s ready to fall out.
Are you looking for reliable and trustworthy dental care services in Brunswick? Lygon Family Dental is one of the leading dental clinics in the region that offer premium dental services at affordable rates.Click Here to Contact Lygon Family Dental.
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White spots on teeth: what are they due to ?
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You might’ve come across people who have visible white spots on teeth. These are common among many, and can vary from a single spot on a tooth to several white spots and marks on the teeth. There are several reasons why one could get affected with white spots. Let’s find out what could possibly lead to the white spots on teeth.
Fluorosis is the medical condition when one consumes excess amount of fluoride during the first 8 years of their lives. This can lead to white or brown spots on the teeth and can make the enamel rough. This condition can be treated in several ways based on the severity of the condition. If you find white spots on your teeth, go your nearest Brunswick dentist and have your teeth checked and get the treatment done at the earliest. Microabrasion, whitening of the teeth and white resin fillings are some of the common treatments done for those affected by fluorosis.
Tooth Decay
Tooth decay can happen due to several reasons, and can lead to loss of minerals in the teeth, leading to what appears like white spots on them. Poor oral hygiene, intake of too much sugar, drinking acidic drinks and having a dry mouth can be causes of white spots in the teeth. There are several types of treatment depending on what causes the decay.
Genetic Disorders
White spots on the teeth can also happen from genetic disorders. There are genetic dental disorders that can lead to white spots in the teeth due to teeth decay. If your family members suffer from such dental disorders, don’t hesitate to see a general dentist and seek advice on the same.
Some medications like antibiotics can lead to loss of mineral on the teeth, which eventually reflects as white spots. This is commonly seen in children whose teeth are still in the developing stage. There are several ways of treatment, which is decided upon knowing the cause of the discoloring on the teeth.
When you find white spots on the teeth, immediately seek medical attention for the same. There are several dentists in Brunswick and Australia who can offer you the right treatment on time.
Are you looking for reliable dental care services in Brunswick? Lygon Family Dental is one of the leading dental clinics in the region that offer the best dental services at affordable rates. For more information about our dental services, visit  : https://www.lygonfamilydental.com.au/contact/
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Why Are Dental Abscesses Painful?
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There are many among us who suffer from dental abscesses. These can be very painful if neglected. Let us get to know more about this medical condition and find out why it can get painful.
Dental Abscesses: An Overview
Dental abscess is the collection of pus in the tooth. The pus is caused due to bacterial infection, and the pus that originates in the tooth spreads to either the adjoining bone or the gums as the infection worsens. There are several dental clinics in Brunswick that can help you heal this painful condition.
Dental abscesses can be classified as two depending on the place where the pus is formed. Periapical abscesses are dental abscesses that originate at the root of the tooth, whereas periodontal abscesses are the infections that take place in the adjoining bone or gums.
What Makes Dental Abscesses Painful?
There are several reasons that make dental abscesses painful. The root cause has to be treated, which would gradually ease the pain. Let’s find out what causes severe pain.
Toxins: The bacterial infection within the tooth produces toxins that can harm the bone and gums. Pain occurs as the body shows signals of the tooth infection. Pressure on surroundings: When the abscess develops, it slowly increases in size, giving pressure to the adjoining bone and the gums near the tooth. This pressure causes pain in the infected area and the whole region.
What Decides The Intensity of The Pain
Not all dental abscesses would be horribly painful. If you’re visiting the best dentist in Brunswick, you can be assured that the dentist would study the medical condition and analyse the root cause of the infection, making the treatment effective, assuring quicker relief.
The intensity of the pain owing to a dental abscess are determined by several factors like:
The kind of bacteria involved in the abscess formation
The body’s resistance power
The duration of the infection on the gum or tooth
If you are diagnosed with dental abscess, seek immediate help from a reliable dental clinic in and around Brunswick. A good professional dental care service should be able to relieve you from the pain and the infection.
Are you looking for a trustworthy dental care centre in Brunswick? Lygon Family Dental is one of the leading dental care centres in the region that offer high quality dental services at affordable rates. For more information about our dental services, visit www.lygonfamilydental.com.au
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How Can I Get Relief From Toothache?
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Toothache can lead to severe dental problems if left neglected. Let us find out what can cause a toothache, and how it can be treated. With proper care and precautions, toothache can be taken care of and treated.
 Why Do I Get a Toothache?
 One of the common reasons hat cause toothache is tooth decay. Other reasons include crack in the tooth, broken tooth, gums that are infected, hypersensitive teeth and grinding teeth in sleep. This medical condition can be controlled to an extent if you foresee the condition of your teeth and care them accordingly.
 What Is To Be Done If You Have a Toothache
 Toothache can be quite irritating. However, there are some things that can be done by you before you reach the doctor, so that the wait for the dentist’s appointment becomes less painful. As you wait for your appointment with a dentist in Brunswick area, here are some things to follow.
Use a toothbrush that is exclusively for sensitive teeth, and floss regularly.
Use warm salty water to rinse your mouth. This can relieve the pain caused.
Take the help of mild painkillers like paracetamol and ibuprofen in controlled levels to ease the pain in the tooth. 
You can use a cold compress in the affected area. This can give some pain relief.
Use a cotton swab and apply some clove oil on the affected area. This can help ease tooth sensitivity and relieve pain to an extent. 
 Preventive Measures That Can Be Taken 
 There are certain things that can be done to avoid many dental problems that include toothache. Maintain a good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day and using floss regularly to clean between the teeth. Intake of sugar should be reduced if you feel it is high. 
 To ensure that your teeth and oral health is good, visit a dentist for a regular checkup once in 6 months, and stay away from all kinds of dental issues. If you suffer from a toothache, never delay your visit to the dentist. 
Are you looking for reliable dental care services in Brunswick? Lygon Family Dental is one of the leading dental clinics in the region that offers all kinds of dental care and dental health services at affordable rates. 
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The Effect of Dental Abscess on General Health
Dental abscess is one of the common dental problems that may affect the overall health of the patient. Let us get to know more about this medical condition, and analyse how it would affect the general health. 
 What is Dental Abscess?
 A dental abscess is the medical condition where pus gets collected in the tooth due to a bacterial infection. This can happen on different regions of the tooth and can be due to different reasons too. 
 Symptoms of a Dental Abscess
 A major sign of dental abscess is unbearable pain in the tooth. This can start as a sudden pain that gets worse over a period of time. If neglected, the pain can get severe and the infection can also lead to other complications. Some of the other symptoms include tenderness in the tooth, disturbed sleep, sensitive tooth, a bitter taste in the mouth and difficulty in opening mouth and swallowing. If you find yourself in dental pain, take immediate help of a dentist in Brunswick and get your condition treated.
 Can a Dental Abscess Affect General Health?
 A dental abscess can affect the general health if not treated promptly. One of the threats is that the infection may spread to the bones that lie close to the tooth, This condition is called osteomyelitis. Osteomyelitis can cause severe pain in the bone, followed by fever and nausea. In extreme cases, the patient may find difficulty in breathing and swallowing. In such critical cases, never wait for a doctor’s appointment. Immediate hospitalisation may be required. 
 Treatment for Dental Abscess
 There are several methods by which a dental abscess can be treatment. The treatment is decided as per the severity of the infection. Antibiotics, root canal treatment or tooth extraction are the common treatments for a dental abscess. 
 Ways to Prevent Dental Abscess
 One of the best ways to prevent or reduce the risk of a dental abscess is to maintain a healthy oral hygiene and keep your teeth and gums healthy. Brush your teeth twice a day, and don’t forget to use floss and clean between your teeth thoroughly. 
 Are you looking for reliable and trustworthy dental services in Brunswick? Lygon Family Dental is one of the trusted dental clinics in the region that offer all kinds of dental treatments at affordable rates.
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