L is for Lydia
18 posts
Kindergarten teacher, grad student, adventurer, monster trainer.
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lydjaaaaah · 10 years ago
I love this piece, and I also think you did exactly what you set out to do. I keep coming back to this sentence "There was never a doubt in my mind that Wilkes-Barre, PA would not be my final resting place." Maybe it's the double negative that is throwing me off and just saying "I always knew that Wilkes-Barre, PA would not be my final resting place." is more clear? The first time I read, I thought you were going to say you knew it would be your final resting place because of the no place like home thing. So the spin your piece took had a great level of unexpectedness to it!
I want to use this in my multigenre project but I feel like I need to focus it more..I just feel like I have talked about my grandparents house so much I want to talk about why I put such emphasis on the house and who/what I’m really focused on. Any suggestions are helpful.
There’s No Place Like...
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lydjaaaaah · 10 years ago
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Here is a draft of my persuasive piece for my MGP. Really struggled for what to do a persuasive piece on because persuading people to become quaker is totally against the quaker value of letting everyone follow their own path... and my I Believe essay attempts kept ending up in the trash (just kidding, they are in my day book Brian, don't worry, lol). Any ideas?
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lydjaaaaah · 10 years ago
It's a great start, Kelly! While being an informative piece, it also shows what you went through and what you learned a long the way. The examples of lists in this week's module definitely expanded my understanding of what they can look like, and I am imagining the final product of this piece being a pamphlet or kind of like a magazine article or something! Looking forward to reading it in a few weeks. Ahh!
This is a how-to that I have started for my multi-genre project. It is not finished and is just the bare bones right now. Under each item I am going to write a short paragraph to explain what to do.
How to survive your parent’s cancer
Talk to your family ~ Decide what is best for your...
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lydjaaaaah · 10 years ago
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Ok, these are two parts of my informational text piece. I was imagining turning into a comic with different people saying their misconceptions on the left and then someone explaining them on the right. When I started in a comic generator though, it wasn't turning out to be what I wanted, so I just have it in columns for now. Any ideas/input/questions? Other assumptions you have about Quakers that you want clarified?
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lydjaaaaah · 10 years ago
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lydjaaaaah · 10 years ago
Haha, sixty-plus can count as one word! I like it, it makes me want to learn more about you!
Six Word Memoir
Basically I was able to express this with these words. “Sixty plus years of experiences defining me.” I guess this is seven words but this is as close as I could get and still get my idea across.
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lydjaaaaah · 10 years ago
Six word memoir
Work. Learn. Play. Drink more coffee.
It's hard to boil your life down to just 6 words! My life is incredibly busy right now trying to balance work, school, family, and a social life. But I stay caffeinated and keep going! Respond with...connections? Questions?
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lydjaaaaah · 10 years ago
Alice in Tumblr-Land! These are hilarious!
Here are more than one hundred fairy tales, illustrated and re-imagined for today. Instead of fairy godmothers, there’s Siri. And rather than big bad wolves, there are creepy dudes on OkCupid. In our brave new world of social networking, YouTube, and texting, fairy tales can once again lead us to “happily ever after”—and have us laughing all the way.
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lydjaaaaah · 10 years ago
I like your rhyme pattern and how your 1st line in each stanza is repeated in the 4th, showing the importance/depth of that idea/feeling. And then ending with the rhyming couplet- love it!
I wrote this thinking about the high school students who passed away in our feeder area. They were in a tragic car crash. It inspired me. I’m looking for constructive criticism.
Fly to Heaven
It’s a day like today when I want to fly
It’s a day like today when I say good-bye
I know you have...
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lydjaaaaah · 10 years ago
I like that "New views on life" throws a positive yet complicated swing to the mood of the poem, as does the word "relief." Trying to think of other words for you to use is really hard because I am not you and don't know just how it felt! Never ______? or Needing _____?
I am still working on this poem. I wanted just use one word for each letter but I am still trying to think of something for N… any suggestions are welcome! I wanted to show the roller coaster that was these three years of my life. 
New views on life
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lydjaaaaah · 10 years ago
I really like your use of the words "this" and "that" in the line after your mind and heart being confused. When I was reading it, the line "And that's what's keeping me from the win" sounded a little awkward and I think you could take out the words "And that's what's" and not change the meaning of the line at all.
I have so much to lose,
And so little time to choose.
And that is why my mind and heart are confused.
I’m not sure about this,
But I want to do that,
And that is the only thing I know is exact.
I can’t let them down.
I won’t have them frown.
It is our turn to shine.
I don’t want...
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lydjaaaaah · 10 years ago
This is a draft of a cinquain poem...I've seen different definitions about what makes a true cinquain and different models for having kids use specific parts of speech, but I just went with the number of syllables per line (2, 4, 6, 8, 2). It's about the feeling of reflecting inward and being at peace with yourself. I moved around words like see/feel, still/peace a lot and am not really happy with it yet! Looking for any input on stronger word choice!
See your own light
Hear the voice within you
Open yourself to your feelings
At peace
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lydjaaaaah · 11 years ago
My writing territories...
My favorite place to write is on my bed with Tobie at my feet!
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Also do a lot of writing on the porch when the weather is nice.
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And when I have a lot to get done or need to avoid distractions, I work at my side of the desk. It's a little cluttered right now! The evil squirrel keeps Tobie from bother me- he's terrified of it!
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lydjaaaaah · 11 years ago
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First one is a portion of my informal conference log- stars for a compliment and tp for a teaching point! I am thinking I will do the same kids on the same day of the week to be able to look back easily to the previous week and see what they were working on then.
Second pic is an example of a formal 1v1 conference that I took more detailed notes on because there were many ways it could inform my teaching! The first big chunk shows my conversation with one student (he is the smileys and I am the about a visualizing strategy for remembering what he did over the weekend. Sorry if it's a little tough to read!
Third pic is the boy's writing about his dad squirting him and his brother with the water hose.
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lydjaaaaah · 11 years ago
Seeing if this disqus comment thing is useful! (if you try this-when he says go to cutomize, you actually have to click on edit theme, I think tumblr has had a few updates since this video)
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lydjaaaaah · 11 years ago
Considering my roots?
Best writing memory: 5th grade poetry
My fifth grade teacher, Mr. Engel, was thought of as a “progressive teacher” at my school. He was the only one who let us stay after school to work on optional assignments, collaborate on projects of our choice (I vaguely recall writing and performing a catchy song about sodium and heart health), and spend half the school day participating in a poetry café. Writing finally became fun! That year, I also won “A Celebration of Young Poets” contest and got my work published ON PAGE 13! Giving our students those kinds of opportunities is definitely the kind of thing our students will remember us for. Here’s my ridiculous poem that won top 10!
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Worst writing memory: High school graduation project
A huge chunk of my senior year was surrendered to completing my senior project- a research report on an aspect of my desired career. I chose the No Child Left Behind Act. WHAT WAS I THINKING!!? Months were spent research, collecting and organizing quotations, revising, learning MLA format (that I never used again after that year!), and editing, editing, editing…
I stumbled out of the wreckage thinking "Why in the world do I even want to be a teacher? Through all that drilling and turmoil, I had learned very little and lost track of the passion I began. Sadly, it took me almost a year to begin writing for pleasure again after that.
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lydjaaaaah · 11 years ago
My Bio Poem
Teacher, Friend, Sister, Daughter, Dog-mom, Learner, Adventurer
Easy-going, witty, energetic, driven
Lover of dogs, bacon, and books
Who believes we have a lot to learn from kids.
Who wants to always be learning, to make time to sit on the porch every day, and a well-trained dog!
Who uses books, ideas, and questions to get kids thinking.
Who gives love, compassion, and help to anyone who needs it.
Who says "What do you notice?" about a thousand times a day!
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