It's Alarming || How Charming
10 posts
Lydia Martin | 17 | Female It's alarming how charming you can be I've lived all my life knowing that something about me was different, but I wasn't quite expecting all of this.____________________________________ Percy Jackson AU Lydia Martin
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lydiaxanatolia · 11 years ago
She let out a sigh, putting a hand up "Fine. But only because I know if I said no, you would try to do it on your own and would probably get killed AND you had better come up with a damned good excuse when we're done, alright?" She said sharply, turning and heading towards the armory, feeling short without her heels. As she walked, she planned "So what are we going to attack them with? It will be a little hard to hit them if they keep flying away, so maybe we should find some way to keep them still." She mused, keeping her voice low and walking at a brisk pace.
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Closed || Midnight Snack
○ He let out a rushed sigh. “It’s easier to explain a broken lock than harpies!” He trew his hands up in the air trying to sound as convincing as he could. ” We could say we did it because we wanted to replace a broken weapon with a new one without anyone to notice, or that we wanted extra training, and we had some sort of secret meetup. Or that we forgot to take back something to the armory. Literally anything
 and I’m talking to much and not actioning. Why am I not actioning. ‘Cause I’m waiting for your answer. Yes or no, Lydia!?” He huffed. And shot her an apologetic look. “I’m sorry , Lydia
 I shouldn’t have yelled. But we’re running out of time.”
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lydiaxanatolia · 11 years ago
Lydia blinked a few times before speaking "While I like the idea of getting rid of them for our own and everyone else's sake, I also don't happen to have the keys to the armory, and the only proper weapons I have in my cabin are a few knives and an enchanted mirror. Unless you're suggesting that we beak into the armory also." She paused, and then sighed, not waiting for an answer "You want to break into the armory, don't you?"
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Closed || Midnight Snack
○ He sighed in relief, nodding his head and  withdrawned his hands into his hoodies’ pockets. She was right. Scott and Allison were more than capable of defending themselves. “You know what else will be fun to exsplain in the moring? What do THREE harpies do , locked in the stables, if they didn’t find a way to get out by now. But even if they did,  I bet they had their fun desroying at least some  stuff from in there. That would be juuust perfect.” Stiles scratched the back of his head, being a little bit nervous. ” Would you rather get some propper weapons and go back there to finish killing the three or you prefer facing the Headmasters and the rest of the camp in the morning?” It sounded insane, but that would help them and other demigods. Less harpies to deal with, and they won’t have to clarify anything in the morning to anyone. Unless someone saw them. ” We must be quick, and smart about this though
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lydiaxanatolia · 11 years ago
The two girls hiked to the edge of the preserve, scanning the area around them, on the look out for anyone else. They made one last check, and then both walked over the border. Lydia let out a small breath of air as the space between the preserve and them grew- at least now they didn't have to worry about being spotted "So what's the plan then, walk there or catch a ride or..?" She asked her companion as they went.
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Closed || If They Catch Us
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lydiaxanatolia · 11 years ago
She was breathing hard, her hand clutching at the back of his shirt for support as she wheezed slightly, taking a moment before glaring up at him with the familiar look of 'what do you think, Stilinski?'. After a minute of recovery, she stood straight again "I'm sure Allison and Scott are fine, we got out of there no problem and they're way better equipped than us. I bet they assumed we had run for it and are already back in their cabins." She sighed, looking down at her muddied feet "I'm pretty sure I dropped my other heel while I was running.." she mused "That's going to be fun explaining in the morning. Maybe they'll think they belong to someone else..?" She added hopefully.
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Closed || Midnight Snack
○ Stiles stared at her for a while. Who knew heels could come usefull. ‘Ingenious Lydia is ingenious.’ He thought. “Ok, let’s go!” He grabbed Lydia and ran out of the stables, turning around just for a second in order to close the gate, keeping the harpies in. They ran back towards the Preserve’s Houses, slowing down when they had them in sight. Stiles was breathing heavily , and looked towards a tired Lydia. “I guess I owe you new shoes?” He hoped she wouldn’t answer. The boy then remembered about Scott and Allison. ” Do you think they’re fine?Scott and Allison, I mean.” He glanced over his shoulder, looking back from where they came from, things have quieted down by now —
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lydiaxanatolia · 11 years ago
Lydia spun around as she heard Stiles shout after her. Shit, there wouldn't be enough time to get help before Stiles was ripped to shreds. While he faced off against the third one, the other two were recovering, their eyes glittering with anger. Lydia's eyes scanned the area, desperately trying to think of a way to help. The third harpie lunged at Stiles, and Lydia did the only thing she could think of, which was to fling one of her heels at the creature. The plan might not have been very effective if it had been just anyone, but Lydia Martin was both a demigod with a few years of  serious combat training, and the kind of girl who wore four inch heels. The shoe hit the harpie in the back of the head, startling it just as Stiles swung the shovel. It connected with the harpie with a resounding 'pang!'  
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Closed || Midnight Snack
○ He swallowed, hard, giving her a small nod.”I promise.” Stiles sprinted towards the nearest pitchfork, grabbed it, lifted it just a bit over his shoulder, aimed for one of the harpie’s wing, and trew it with all his force. He got one down, but now the other two were pissed, and heading towards stiles instead, fast.”GET DEATON! Or someone
” He yelled back at Lydia.He knew this won’t hold them for long, but he just jopes it’ll be long enough untill Lydia comes back with help. The young demigod ran the opposite way of the harpies and looked around franatically for something to use as a weapon. A shovel came close to a weapon. He swung it towards the two monster, aiming for their heads, hoping it’ll knock them out. It took more than a few tries, and dodges untill he got an other one. The last harpie hissed angrily at Stiles.
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lydiaxanatolia · 11 years ago
She nodded "I guess it will have to do." She said decidedly. "Are you ready then? If we leave now we'll avoid having to sneak through the woods instead of the field."
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Closed || If They Catch Us
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lydiaxanatolia · 11 years ago
Lydia let out a huff “This is the last time I’m letting you and Scott drag Allison and I into something like this.” She grumbled. The four of them had decided to go on the excursion together, but Scott and Allison had gotten separated sometime during the whole ‘running for your life and diving under bushes’ thing. “Just promise me that you’ll manage to slow them down, okay?” She said, her lips pursed, eyeing the harpies. “You’ve got about thirty seconds.” Her voice was decided and she tensed- the less time they spent out here the better. Then without another word, she stood and sprinted from the stables in bare feet, her heels clutched in one hand. It took the harpies about 5 seconds to spot her, and with shrill excited cries they circled and dove for her.
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Closed || Midnight Snack
○ “Not if we can trick them.” Sneaking out at night was a bad idea. A very, very bad idea. ‘Midnight snack’ they said. It won’t cause any problem, they said
 Right now they were hiding in the stables from some crazy harpies. They vented down on earth seeking for demigod children. And those children happened to be Lydia and Stiles. “We don’t have weapons but we can improvise.  I have good aim, I can use a pitchforkand as a spear or something . All you need to do to distract them before we do something to hurt their wings, so it’ll slow them down. We can run back to the houses in time, maybe we even get to ward Mr.Argent or Mr.Deaton
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lydiaxanatolia · 11 years ago
"If you say so. You brought some sort of weapon though, right? Because the only thing worse than getting caught by someone from the preserve, is getting caught by something not from the preserve. And I only packed my purse." It was true- intelligence was Lydia's thing, hand to hand combat? Not quite so much as she would like.
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Open || If They Catch Us
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lydiaxanatolia · 11 years ago
Open || If They Catch Us
"All I'm going to say is that if they catch us, this was 100% your idea and I just happened to be here."
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lydiaxanatolia · 11 years ago
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    --Located deep in the Beacon Hills City’s Preserve, there’s a camp made for not only the children of the Gods, but centaurs, satyrs and other mythological creatures people stopped believing in. Here, said people, or not, learn how to control their power[s] . How they choose to use said powers however, is entirely their choice. Welcome to Halfblood Preserve. - Headmasters: A. Deaton and C. Argent.
   -All of this requires minimum knowledge about Greek Mythology, but you can read more about that in the FAQ. Please read the rules, they are not optional.
Alan Deaton - Open
Chris Argent - Open
Sheriff Stilinski - Open
Melissa McCall - Open
*Mr./Mrs Yukimura - open
*Mr.Harris - Open
*Bobby Finstock - Open
*Jennifer Blake - Open
Scott McCall - Open
Stiles Stilinski - Taken
Allison Argent -Taken
Lydia Martin - Taken
Jackson Whittemore - Open
Derek Hale - Open
Peter Hale - Open
Cora Hale - Open
Isaac Lahey - Open
Vernon Boyd - Open
Erica Reyes - Open
Ethan and Aiden - Open
Kira Yukimura - Open
Malia Tate - Open
   Well this would be it for now. If you want me to add any characters just tell me. All the *[starred] names are optional so we don’t really need the characters, but if there’s a rper for it, then one word: awesome.
   As I said, no specific plot aside from the fact that these bunch of teenagers/or not teenagers, are demigods/or not, it can be a creature [Greek mythological creature, but if you prefer to stick with werewolves and banshees and stuff then ok, not going to force you.] and learning how to control their power, train and occasionally sent on missions. Missions like ”Go slay a Minotaur that destroys the woods and heading towards us” . ” Find a cure for this poison.” , ” Tame a Pegasus.” and stuff like that , WHICH I WILL BE POSTING ON THE SIDEBLOG. Whoever wants to RP the said mission, gets a small drawing from me as a reward. [ since everyone likes rewards.] And saving the world. I can even write small prompts. Give you ideas. Whatever floats your boat.
  Make sure to fill in the Application, and submit it to either the sideblog or me. Aaalright, this is the first time I do something like this so please bear with me. I might need a second Admin if I can’t do all this alone
 - Let me know if you are interested.    Admin S.
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