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The Everyday Sexism Project was set up by Laura Bates on 16th of April 2012. the aim of the project is to document examples of sexism from around the world, through the source of a website. 
“The Everyday Sexism project aims to take a step towards gender equality, by proving wrong those who tell women that they can’t complain because we are equal”
It showcases real stories of everyday or ‘casual’ sexism faced on a daily basis by ordinary women. It’s a place to stand up and let the world know that they way you were treated isn’t right, even if it’s not considered a serious matter.
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Casual Sexism
While it’s true that other countries around the world have more prominent cases of sexism compared to the UK, and many men and women believe that sexism no longer exists in the UK anymore, there are still many women, of all ages, still being affected by sexism here. This is shown through street harassment, the need for the #metoo movement and the fact that terms such as ‘stupid woman’ being used in Westminster.
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Powerful Protest Art
During research for my dissertation, I visited the Hope to Nope exhibition at the Design Museum. The exhibition displayed the relationship between graphic design and politics through posters, banners and badges, and how they can be shared digitally online with the help of social media.
design has always been a powerful tool in protest. But in recent years, graphic design and modern technology have paved the way for more public engagement in politics. It has made it easier for activists to challenge a political establishment.
Well designed images can deliver powerful messages that last for decades. Protest art itself doesn't create change, but it aims to empower the public.
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Plastic is something that people use everyday, clothes, carrier bags, bottles, etc.
400 million tonnes of plastic is produced each year - 40% of this being single use plastics, meaning that there are 160 million items that we use once and then throw away are being made every year, with most of these single used plastics not being able to be recycled.
in the uk only 57% of plastic bottles are recycled.
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Reliance on disposable plastic packaging is overwhelming the planet. By 2050, the oceans will contain more plastic than fish by weight.
Each year 100,000 animals in the sea are killed by plastic.
One in three sea turtles and about 90% of sea birds have mistaken plastic for food.
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Stick to just having one message. Multiple different ones could confuse the cause.
- big, bold text- easy to read and understand.
Consider location - pre-existing imagery.
Visual contrast- word play
Be witty- try to use humour to get your point across.
Simple words are all you need.
- simple, stark and clear.
- be relevant.
Presentation matters.
-consider how it will look from different angles/ how will it look photographed.
- make sure it is clear and legible, even from a distance.
Have passion for what you’re protesting about!
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