lyceumlysanthir · 4 years
Yuu Nishinoya x !Gender Neutral Reader (Lime)
Okay so this is my first ever fanfic and i really hope it’s not too bad, also I apologize for any grammatical errors, English is not my first language.
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The bell rang. Finally I could go home, I had been looking forward to this all day long. My boyfriend, Nishinoya, and I had planned a study date and I was so excited for it! With someone like Nishi this could only be fun, right? I quickly packed my bag and made my way out of the school building, surely he was already waiting for me at the entrance. Of course he was, standing there in all his beauty, the sunlight hitting his stunning face at just the right angle to make him look even more angelic. A smile crept onto his face once he noticed me. "Hey babe! I was waiting for ya, what took you so long?", he almost yelled, his smile growing even wider. "I-I was packing my bag, our teacher gave us a lot of homework today so I needed to get a lot more stuff in there than usual", I stuttered in response, a soft shade of pink dusting my cheeks while I admired the amount of positive energy radiating from this one persons smile alone, was that even possible!? My train of thoughts was interrupted as he opened his mouth to speak again. "Ah, alright then, are you alright? You seem a little distracted", he tilted his head slightly as he said the last few words, looking at me with a puzzled expression on his face. "U-uhm, yes! I'm fine! Just a bit worried about that test we have to study for, it seems quite a lot to remember...", that wasn't a lie, we did have a lot to study for the upcoming test but it was very far from what I was actually thinking about just now. "Hm, you're right, we better get going then so we have enough time for all of it then!" He was always so cheerful, that's what i loved about him, my little dork. I blushed again at that thought, then looked at him and smiled. He smiled back and grabbed my hand as we started walking to my place.
*le timeskip*
I sighed and looked at my phone after taking a sip from the water bottle I had gotten from the kitchen after we got home. 17:30, we had only studied for around an hour and a half now and I already felt like my headache was gonna kill me in the next few minutes. Another sigh escaped my lips. Yuu had given up on our task a few minutes ago to play with my hair. I was sitting in his lap, while he carefully ran his fingers through the soft strands of my hair. However, I did definitely not expect what happened next. Suddenly he started pressing soft kisses along the sensitive skin of my neck, going lower and lower until he reached my shoulder. He gently bit down and lightly sucked on it, leaving a purple mark. I tried desperately to hold back my moans. This plan ultimately after a very short amount of time though, after he started marking up my entire neck. He slid his hand up my shirt, feeling the warm, soft skin. Quiet moans and pants were spilling from my lips at this point. He stopped kissing my neck and smirked before softy whispering against it. "Why don't we stop studying for now and have some fun, baby?" All I could do was nod frantically and choke out a quiet "mhm". He chuckled devilishly. The hand that had lingered at my waist up to this point slowly crept along my hips all the way down to my inner thigh, gently rubbing circles on it. I let out a soft, strangled moan making him chuckle again. "Hm, do you like that baby?" The only answers I could give to his question was another nod and an appreciative moan as his hand started sliding up higher on my thigh. "Let's take this to the bed, shall we?", he said in a low voice while already picking me up and kissing me passionately. "This is going to be so much better than studying"
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