lxwlers · 24 days
Ivy tilted her head and hummed. "Uncle, Daddy - don't all cults have some fatherly type figure they attached themselves to?" she asked, before clearing her throat. "Sorry. Coven. My mistake." As if that was the first time that slip of the tongue ever occurred.
She probably didn't have much room to talk - surely people spoke of the Scourge guild in unfavorable ways. But she wouldn't be caught dead covering her face the way he did. She knew enough about his coven to not be fans of them - their treatment of women, for starters, but the way they shrouded themselves, doing everything in the shadow of the night because they knew the common person disagreed with just about everything they stood for. At least, that was all she gathered. Truthfully, she only knew enough to be able to tease and bother Hastalik this way. Ivy didn't particularly want to get him in trouble, but didn't seem to care if he did or not.
"Ah, air..." Ivy trailed off, her eyes glancing over to a man smoking a pipe not three feet from them, stepped out of the pub to take his time. The slightest breeze carried the puff of smoke in their direction. "Fresh."
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The witch frowned as the young woman approached him, in truth it was all she could see of him, the rest draped in soft black linen, mask covering his lips. It would have potentially actually hid his identity if it was not how everyone in his coven dressed, the attire meant more for hiding, rather than going about town, and yet they were not meant to leave without it. What likely made it obvious he was one the coven members she could tease without having vitriol spat back in her face was that her slender form a few inches taller than his own short height.
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"He's my Uncle, not my father," he responded, as though the difference mattered all that much. Surely having been in town as long as she had Ivy had seen a myriad of his family members - she may have even seen his mother - but Hastalik, despite his annoyance at her talking to him, never responded as the others had or would. The vulgar woulds his family and coven used to speak on women were not terms Hastalik enjoyed repeating, even if he was often forced to. His Uncle the worst of all, which tended to disappoint women who on first approach simply saw a handsome and tall man leading a group of witches that fought evil and ended up being spat on. Those that did not suffer such a response got all they desired, until the coven had the information it needed and they were cast aside, killed so far as Hastalik had ever understood.
Shifting his posture so he was slightly further from Ivy Hastalik's furrowed brows became slightly less tense. "And no." He resisted the urge to share that he was allowed out more often now, because he had a mission. "I am just getting some air."
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lxwlers · 24 days
While Ivy wasn't a fan of the style of the house, she knew it made her mother happy, and she always wanted to be in her good graces. For starters, she was her only living parent, and had been for quite a long time. On the other hand, the Scourge house was full of a long history of power, of influence, and Ivy was drawn to that like a moth to a flame. She wanted to make herself an undeniable asset to it.
Ivy stopped for a moment, thinking - did she want to hear about it? "A little, actually," she said. She was curious what sort of things her mother dealt with on a somewhat day-to-day basis. Over time, as she started to chisel away at Evelyn's resolve and ask question after question, wanting to know the ins and outs of the guild, it became easier to convince her to keep Ivy in the loop. Though she beamed slightly at the compliment, as she finished taking off her jewelry. "I'm glad you thought so," she said. The silks were always her favorites, she could stay up there for hours if she so desired.
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Evelyn sat on the small lounge in the space, a piece of furniture as old as the establishment itself, fabric on it worn in areas from how often it had been used over the course of almost two centuries. For Evelyn it was all hers, she had earned it when she helped her husband kill his parents, when the pair of them had sewed dishonour amongst the guild members and aligned their loyalty to her instead. She had bought none of it, she had clawed her way in for her sisters and herself, but, perhaps unfortunately for her eldest daughter she never considered how out of place it could all make her feel that the name on everything was that of a family that only her older brother was the remaining member of. He was the only true Scourge left on the mortal plane.
When the door opened Evelyn did not shift her posture but she did adjust the ruffles of her high slit so it covered some more of the woman's cream coloured thigh. Her own style and preference was in every aspect of the establishment, as though simply by the facade of the original Scourge family she had been drawn to her husband because he got to exist in it. It had been more than that, she had loved him for so much more, but it had been the start of it. She wanted what he had. She did not want to live in a tiny home with her mother's and sister - Lilith fortunate enough to have been born when Evelyn already had her wealth -, she did not wish to have to watch how they spent their gold, she did not wish to dress in linens.
This did not mean however she expected each of her children to look as she did. In truth, beyond the stage, Evelyn thought it endearing the way her children seemed to hold onto so much of their father's, especially the ones that had passed. While no romantic love had blossomed between Evelyn and Ivy's father she had loved him as one could love a dear and trusted friend. Perhaps she could have loved him, if the wounds of her husband had not still been so fresh. Evelyn did not live in what if's however, but she had seen no flaw in him that would have pushed love away.
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"I did," she acknowledged with a slow nod of her head. "I missed the first half, I was dealing with something." Specifically she had been repeatedly breaking the bones of a changeling who had been breaking into one of the establishments her guild protected. "Would you like to know or would you rather not?" Evelyn asked, as for the longest time she had intended to shield her daughter and yet in the past few years it seemed she was quite determined to include herself.
"What I did see was excellent however," she assured her daughter.
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lxwlers · 25 days
Ivy wasn't a main attraction, or really any reason why people came to the Scourge house. She didn't think, at least. Rarely did she perform alone, but with others soaring through the air as she would, ready to catch or throw or whatever else the aerial performances needed. Often, when she was by herself, it was a different performance altogether, down to the costuming and the music choices. No, many of her shifts were spent as general eye candy - which she was fine with - above the heads of patrons, dancing among the silks to add to the ambience.
And when that was done, she didn't often linger around the shows. She had seen them many times in the decades she's worked here, and had ample opportunity to watch. Sometimes, though, she reserved special time for when Merry was performing. It was the first show since he had been elected governor, and it was delightful - he was just as fun and charismatic as she remembered. As he wrapped up, she spent a special wave when they locked eyes, motioning with her head to come join her when he pleased - whether that was immediately, or after a trip to the dressing rooms, that was up to him.
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lxwlers · 25 days
Tea readings and anything that had to do with future was not something Ivy typically liked to indulge in. She could remember her aunt attempting to teach her to read leaves, but all she could see was just dark mush at the bottom of the cup and the desire for more honey in tea. Besides, Ivy didn't like the idea of knowing what was to come - the thought might have given her anxiety, but she had buried that wariness so far down that she herself couldn't tell. Now, it was just a general distaste.
This was the one rare time in the week where Ivy was in the mood to venture out of the comforts of her carefully constructed home, besides to work. But that was different - the silks were her art. And her aunt had just the right ingredients to make a soup that Ivy had been waiting to have since spring, when the air started to get warmer. She busied herself in the kitchen, seeing Lilith in the other room when she glanced up. "So who's life are you trying to scope out now?" she asked. "It had better not be mine."
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lxwlers · 28 days
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lxwlers · 1 month
{ ivy lawler }
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NAME: Ivy Lawler NICKNAMES: N/A AGE: 130 BIRTHDAY: April 4 SPECIES: Half Gorgon OCCUPATION: Aerialist at Scourge House SEXUALITY: Bisexual RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single RESIDENCE: Home in Asharran FACECLAIM: Zendaya
POSITIVE: Ambitious, Hard-working, Presentable, Brilliant NEGATIVE: Serious, Temperamental, Private, Vengeful STRENGTHS: Paralyzing Stare, Venom, Magic Blood, Supernaturally Enhanced WEAKNESSES: Holy Items, Mortal, Silver, Antivenom
The eldest daughter still came second - though the circumstances of Ivy Lawler's birth were not within her control, she fought to do just that with every other aspect of her life.
As a girl, all she understood that her mother was important in the city of Destarin, that she had many responsibilities and businesses that she helped keep afloat - but that was the sanitized version of her parentage. Raised by her human father, life was fairly normal in Crirtha where they lived, where he worked as a city stonemason. He taught Ivy much about stonework, and her own pastimes were spent making small statues in her spare time - a far cry from the towering buildings that her father helped construct, but adjacent enough to give her some sense of individuality. Ivy was a competitive child, whether it be in academics, in sport, or even just proving someone wrong about anything she believed she was better at - which was a long list. The spritely pre-teen had it all figured out.
While her father didn't want her growing up not knowing who her mother was, he didn't want her exposed to any kind of underground dealings or anything that could be deemed dangerous for a young girl, which the two of them agreed with. Visits with Evelyn were short and sweet, with letters of correspondence in between. Ivy had always know that her mother was not a regular human like her father - the horns were clear enough of a sign - but for the majority of her youth, no one suspected there was anything amiss.
Then came puberty.
The adult teeth grew in sharper, the nails became harder and pointed, and anyone that met her annoyed gaze would mysteriously stiffen up - including her father. Once that wore off, it was obvious that Ivy had indeed inherited more than they initially thought from Evelyn. The gorgon abilities must have been passed down through the women in the lineage, and as Ivy aged, more was starting to show. Soon her enhanced senses and abilities were manifesting, too hard to ignore among her peers. The knowledge of her poisonous venom and magic blood came later (and made for some interesting first times in Ivy's life) and, to her delight, her aging process began to slow way down the older she became.
Time had passed - she always looked the same, while her father had continuously aged. He didn't want to leave his court in his older age, so there was much traveling back and forth from Ivy, who was making up for lost time with her mother - now that they had so much more in common - and taking care of him, until his ultimate passing. Ivy mourned, not only her father, but the life she thought she would once have, of following in his footsteps. Of being human.
But too much time had gone by, and she had gotten too reliant on her capabilities. Ivy had grown closer with her mother, and her mother's side of the family. To pass the time and to learn the ins and outs of the family business, she took up dancing at the Scourge House to keep herself involved. Though she knew she wasn't the first born, and the guild would eventually fall to her brother, the child of her mother's love of her life, Ivy would do anything within her power to prove that she is truly the one who deserves it all.
The power, the glory, the influence. She was only human after all. Well… half human.
Performs aerial stunts at Scourge House. Prefers silks over anything else.
Style is very much of the finest material, flowing layers and thin material. Her skin is very sensitive, so she's very particular with what she wears.
Has a knack for archery that came later in life.
Because her father was a mason, Ivy's surprisingly handy with lots of tools. Her clawed nails and nimble fingers are blessings in this regard. Her pet projects are typically furniture, but she likes making flutes.
Is very intelligent. Reads a lot, but is very methodical, very step-by-step and always thinking things through.
Very poised, very put together. Never leaves the house looking anything but her best.
Not good at hiding her facial expressions - if she doesn't like you, you'll be well aware.
Occasionally smokes, but has a glass of red wine almost every night. Detests white wine.
Introverted, and something of a home body. Likes her space and her peace and quiet.
Her garden is her secret prized possession. She doesn't tell many people about it, and often pretends it's someone else taking care of it for her.
Raelothstra Noluquth | Aunt Evelyn Scourge | Mother Lilith Scourge | Aunt
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lxwlers · 1 month
Ivy had lived in Destarin closing on a hundred years now, but still she never found herself bored. There was always something to do, someone to do, lots of people to interact with. It was a big city. And, Ivy wasn't someone who was very sociable, by her own admission. She was picky with where she spent her time, preferring the solitude of her own home where she could lose herself in books, or play music, or just about anything to her heart's content.
But when the mood struck and she ventured outside her house, she took advantage of it. Sometimes the desire to be around others was only good for one day a week.
The city was always beautiful at night, and that's when Ivy decided to take her walks around. Because she liked spending so much time by herself, and because the city was so big, she never felt like she would run out of things to do, or people to see. Besides, the desire to go out and be social was one that rarely occurred, so she had to take advantage when it did or else she'd keep herself inside for the rest of the week. Even then, she always seemed to limit her time out and about.
Seeing a familiar face, one she enjoyed teasing every time she saw him, knowing the consequences it could potentially bring, she sauntered over and leaned against the lamppost, where he was lurking just under. "Hello, Hastalik," she greeted, as if they were almost old friends. "Running errands for Daddy, so late at night?"
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lxwlers · 1 month
There was admittedly few things Ivy enjoyed more than vanity.
It shouldn't have been that way - before, when she had lived with her father, she worked with him. Her hands were often dirty, dust always seemed to find every crevice of skin it could, always found its way under her bronze nails. She never put on makeup, never found herself wearing dresses. Now that was a hundred years ago, somewhat, and her tastes have had ample time to change, but there was nothing like the feeling of trying on a pretty new gown, to stare at herself in the mirror and try it out, turning, twisting, moving to see how it agreed with her body.
"How is it you always know what it is I look for?" Ivy smiled, seeing Bella past the mirror, tinkering at some fabric. "It's beautiful, and I have half a mind to ask for the same thing in black."
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lxwlers · 1 month
Ivy's first few years up in the air, in her performances and practices, were kept to mostly groupwork, in whatever costumes they gave her, hair pinned and kept in a tight bun. However, the years were good to her, and as her comfort and talent grew, so did her trademarks. Her long hair was always flowing behind her, expertly curled. Dark makeup swept across her eyelids (just how she liked it), adorned in pearls and chiffon with her dance slippers tied halfway up her shins. Not her typical taste, but it was easy to slip into in the guise of the show. She'd soon change, right when she got back to her dressing room.
Technically, it didn't start as hers, but over the years of working there and very tactfully spreading out so much of her makeup and clothes and shoes and silks and anything else she could think of, it became hers, made official after she nailed the commissioned, gold plaque with her name on it to the door.
But it wasn't empty when she walked into it. Ivy didn't spare much of a surprised glance, just moved right to her vanity, to undo all the big pieces of her costume to gently put away. "So did you enjoy the show?"
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lxwlers · 1 month
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lxwlers · 2 months
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lxwlers · 2 months
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lxwlers · 2 months
test test test
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