lxvenderfog · 8 hours
so i recently got top surgery and this was on my discharge papers after a mild complication
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lxvenderfog · 8 hours
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Ive been collecting these for the past month. ive tried to have a good variety of characters but its not *my* fault that some of these characters are more coded than others(/j)
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lxvenderfog · 8 hours
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lxvenderfog · 9 hours
us humans need new software updates. they should fix bugs (mental illnesses) and also add new things (new senses) and change some of the old things that werent exactly broken but werent cool (make sneezes painless).
oh, and they should make some hardware updates too. i want fins to swim and i want to breathe underwater and i want to fly.
oh and they should add multiplayer dreams
oh oh and they should add superpowers but not boring stuff like super strength. i want to be able to pause time and go do whatever i want. ive wanted that for as long as i can remember. they should add that.
@god-offical can you do this please
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lxvenderfog · 9 hours
This government is a corporation 30 trillion dollars in debt
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lxvenderfog · 10 hours
not to sound like your dad but if your not having a great time rn you might legitimately be playing too many video games or being on that damn phone too often, or at least without any necessary activity buffers
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lxvenderfog · 10 hours
y’all havin a good september?
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lxvenderfog · 12 hours
something something the way bound treats and talks about disability makes me *sob*
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lxvenderfog · 14 hours
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ivory's discord status temporarily changed to this 👀
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lxvenderfog · 14 hours
having a cat is great. there's a small little animal wandering around. effervescent
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lxvenderfog · 14 hours
the white-green gradient of a freshly chopped spring onion…. c'est magnifique
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lxvenderfog · 14 hours
do you ever look back at your relationship with someone on the internet and just think oh my god i’m so fucking glad i clicked follow they make my life so much better
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lxvenderfog · 14 hours
Prison duo playlist analysis day 6 - Treacherous Doctor by Wallows
I think this is a bit of a banger song ngl. Me when.
(I personally like the Live from Henson Studios version, but I’ve linked both here and both are good- I just think the Live one is easier to listen to for me personally <3)
I think I have two takes with both verses for Centross and Icarus. Both I think fit both of them, so take it-
Take 1:
Season 2 prison duo in my opinion.
The first part to “I’ll go ahead and give you youre eyes back now” as the last line.
Now- this being Icarus.
O em gee eye mention? Eye mention in song? Eye mention? Icarus Morningstar? /silly/lh/j
“Could I trust you with my thoughts, or would you use them all against me?”
See it’s so. Them in season 2.
There’s that layer of tension, that they absolutely do not trust him in this season. Yet- In the prison they’ll vent or use him almost in a similar way they did Haley. If I tell you this while you’re in a box you can’t leave when I do- type insecurity. They probably expect him to use their thoughts against them, but he doesn’t.
“Can you replace my eyes for yours? See what I really look like, I could help you criticize”
Sort of the same theme of Icarus is expecting him to hate them- or judge them back like they are to him in a way he just… isn’t. “I could help you criticize” they almost want him to. Want him to hate them, to be angry, to spit the same fire back at them because if he doesn’t that means he’s changed. Their so used to him spitting the same words, the same anger, the same fire back at them in their arguments from season 1 that when they remember that’s what their expecting even though they had talked to him previously. They want him to see what they do in themself because that means it’s real. That it’s physical and not something they’re saying to themself. That they’re not broken or something is wrong with them that this is something others are seeing too- but he doesn’t.
“Looking for a sense of relation. Where do people want me to be?”
That’s so coded in my opinion actually- Isn’t part of their whole arc in season 2 that their trying to fit into this place as people gain their memories back around them, as they grow more weary and more scared of them when they don’t have the memories back themself.
“Where do people want me to be?” Is just so coded. They don’t know themself so they go off of other people’s actions or words towards them to try and figure it out. They left when Rae yelled at them, when Athena was *scared* of them- they didn’t want to make them all scared or feel threatened by them just existing there- so they left.
“Losing sight again. I'll go ahead and give your eyes back now”
Them loosing sight of what they were doing, losing their purpose or motive. Maybe it’s them letting Centross out of the prison- “I’ll go ahead and give your eyes back now” seems like letting him out to me.
Now the next part! Starting with “You grow up, gone.” Ending with “Cause you wouldn’t understand”
“You grow up, gone. So what's the point of connecting to anyone? Is a relationship bought or is it won?”
I feel like it’s just Centross learning to- I don’t know better words than this- Exist normally? Learning how to mend his relationships with others, and learning how to love Fenris.
“Are the things I think are important simply just distractions from death?”
Mmm. I think it’s coded.
Going from his arc in the end to existing around people again, finding the things he loves. Beginning to heal.
“Lost my words again. It doesn't matter, 'Cause you wouldn't understand”
Again- healing and learning how to open up to people. Maybe him talking to Icarus again, like when he comes for potions or the episode Parallel Wound (my beloved- Chat I love that episode) where he comes for help with his skulk injury.
“Hey, treacherous doctor, do you know what's the matter with me?”
Then just… them learning how to help and interact with each-other again. Learning how to help when the other is struggling- going into season three to the episode Looping the Beginning where Icarus goes to help him- just learning how to tell. Do you know what’s the matter with me?
Soooo that’s the first take… I may do the second take tonight if I feel like it but I don’t have time to finish it at the moment and I want to post this now <3 I’ll just go through both- for funsies. Just not now lolol. If I do it it will just be a reblog of this post with the same tags and all that. Just. For funsies. But- my other take is Season 3 prison duo :]
The image chosen from my prison duo Pinterest board today is-
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I think it’s coded to both of them- Te and also he.
You are loved! Go take any meds if you need to and Go eat and drink water if you haven’t already today <3
Have a good rest of your day/night :]
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lxvenderfog · 14 hours
My family is still staying in half of the church that wasn’t affected by the bombing because there is nowhere else to stay other than tents. They are limited to one small meal a day and one shower a week. They are sleeping on the floors, but no one can sleep since there is bombing everywhere around them. Even when there is no bombing, they can still hear the loud buzzing sound of the military planes above them, which would keep anyone who hears it awake. Along with everything, My grandma has diabetes and osteoporosis, so she can’t walk. She has to take her insulin medication along with many others; however, she has run out of many of her medications.” Am on my knees requesting for donation. Target $450
Thank you so much for agreeing to support me ...... kindly every little dollar matters a lot.
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lxvenderfog · 20 hours
My living costs after being stuck in Egypt with no residence and no income:
Rent of apartment = 400 € monthly
Life supplies (food and drinks) = 300€ monthly
Diapers and milk for my baby = 100€ monthly
Treatments for the father-in-law of a cancer patient = 200€ monthly
My income here = 30€
Just tell me, How can I live!!
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lxvenderfog · 20 hours
I am Osama Al-Anqar and my wife's name is Rana Raed Al-Anqar. We have a little girl.
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We used to live in our house in the Shuja'iyya neighborhood. We used to live in peace and security and I had a job, but the war came and took everything from me,
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first of all my brother Mahmoud, who was martyred in the bombing of the Baptist Hospital. He left behind his children and wife, and my brother Ahmed, whose front leg was amputated in the same bombing. I lost my house, my family's house, and my job. Now we have become homeless, moving from one place to another. We are gripped by fear, terror, and hunger. My daughter suffers from extreme fear and panic, and suffers from lack of food and skin diseases due to the lack of water and cleanliness.
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We are in dire need of your help. We call on you to fund this fund to save my family and provide safe shelter, food, drink, and health care. Your donation is no matter what can happen to us in our lives. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your support means more.
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lxvenderfog · 1 day
Can we stop acting like two people deeply loving each other has to mean they have something romantic or sexual going on? Can we stop talking as if platonic love just can't be that deep? Because that's not true. Platonic love can be just as deep, and sometimes even deeper, than romantic love. What I'm saying is, we need to stop putting romance on this pedestal and act like every other form of love is less important.
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