lxttlechaos-blog · 7 years
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“innocent?”, despite the gils’ knack of lying - there still was limitations to her gift. however, for the sole purpose to humor her; to keep the smile present for a moment longer. god knew that it didn’t come around enough. the nature of the lives they lead, rarely left room for such things, “ well, of course, you are nothing short of a saint.” a pull with his hand and using his other to capture her head as she spun around. fingers carefully threading - worshipping - the curls of her dark hair. “you move quite well on that STRIPPER POLE for a virgin.” his smirk matched hers; but his hazel hues spoke of something more respectable. having pulled her under the small patch of streetlight; he enjoyed the sights exposed to him when the dark was abstracted from her features. the people who might pass them by; would clim that they were a couple with certainty - a thought which would surely surely put disdain in both of their eyes. as precious to him as she was - as mesmerized he was by the way her eyelashes rested again her cheek when she looked down - , delaney held too much of his heart for him to ever want to stain her by claiming hers. they were simply better like this; enveloped and entangled somewhere in the shadows, yet never letting the moment exceed that level of intimacy. “what would i do without the glow of your halo to LIGHT my way, angel?” soft mumbles were gently breathed out in the night; even with it’s  undertone of pure sarcasm.
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a hum passes tightly pursed lips, the corners of them curving upward as he feeds into her playful teasing. a tug against the slender females hand pulls her instantly toward him, dark hues lighting up with a hint of exhilaration, a impish giggle bubbling up in the back of her throat BEGGING to be released. “what can i say? i’m a TALENTED virgin.” a single brow cocks upward, words practically murmured from her lips; a whisper in the nights breeze. the streetlight, although it was flickering in a way that slightly irritated the female; was half a blessing. ONLY HALF as the male deserved to be examined with such close detail under a more complimentary lighting, something that wouldn’t flicker and disrupt her wandering eyes. “probably crash and burn, but lets not think like that.” lips twitching upward at her own words, a single finger from her freed hand comes up to press against them. “angel,” the word is repeated in such a low whisper she’s unsure if he can even hear the barely audible syllables escaping her. “IRONIC— i like it.” 
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lxttlechaos-blog · 7 years
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lxttlechaos-blog · 7 years
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“i suppose so. i really have no clue why i was named elsa instead of some typical korean name.” she chuckled. her parents had passed long, and for some reason the cause of death was kept secret from her. “really? how is it we’ve never met before?” although she knew the answer to her own question was probably because of all the people living in the city. delaney had left quite an impression on her and to think she’s been walking the streets without knowing someone as badass as she is. “i think it’s been four years now? honestly it feels like i’ve been here all my life.”
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her first statement earns an amused hum from between pursed lips, her shoulders raising only to all lazily seconds later in a shrug. “it’s a big city,” the female finally settles on as an excuse to why the two may not have crossed paths before. “i think it has that effect on you, i feel that too.” leaning into the bar they were sat upon, a single hand gestures animatedly with her words. “the city, that is; i felt that way within a year or so of living here. i consider this home more than i would my ACTUAL hometown, at this point.”
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lxttlechaos-blog · 7 years
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elsa was able to relax, knowing very well that after today, the scheduling should flow a lot easier and the stress she had from here should lift up. a sigh of relief escaped her lips as she flashed a smile to the woman. “bossman is rarely in so he never gets to see how crazy it is here so thank goodness you got through the manager.” she smiled following the invitation of the woman. she opened her container and quickly went for a rather large first bite. “to be honest, working here is really stressful but i can’t imagine going anywhere else.”
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considering both hands were rather full, the brunette simply uses her foot to withdraw a chair from where it had been pushed in against the table; seating herself soon afterward. “i’m sure if he seen the shitshow your manager is running he’d do something about it, so it’s probably lucky for that FUCK that he’s rarely in.” nimble fingers curling around the warmth of her coffee, it’s raised to her lips so she can take a sip from it. tongue swiping her lower lip afterward to rid of any excess that may still linger. “i can’t imagine working here, especially not with how you’ve described it.” it was nothing short of the truth, with a short temper like hers; delaney would be out the door in SECONDS.
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lxttlechaos-blog · 7 years
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“Mhm.” replied Sophia with a firm nod. She was glad that the brunette was on board with her reasoning. As much as women tend to be pitted against each other, they needed more moments like this to overcome such negativity that they’ve faced. “Unfortunately, our society needs to continue to work on these things. Though at times, I’ve come to accept that some people will just never learn. It’s their ignorance and pride that are just shoved right up their asses and they really can’t change for the better.” Hearing the proposed toast, Sophia chuckled softly, before nodding in agreement and clinking her glass. “Mhm preach to that! And it’s a pleasure Laney.” she replied while taking a sip. 
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“i think i too have come to that conclusion,” she confesses, a soft c h u c k l e complimenting these words as the female mentions their pride and ignorance. “it’s rather alright, we can just deal with them all one at a time; show them who the real boss is, right?” quirking both brows upward, a mischievous smirk lighting up her lips once more. upon glasses clinking, the brunette tilts her head back to take a considerable drink from the beverage just handed to her, withdrawing it with a satisfied hum. tongue poking out to swipe across her lower lip, ridding any lingering alcohol that may still remained there. “so, tell me sophia—  why is a pretty woman like YOU all alone in a place like this?”
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lxttlechaos-blog · 7 years
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graciously letting her take control - might be the first time that had ever happened - ,alec was quick to follow here lead; fast enough to make sure that she never strayed too far from him, basically at her heel as they hit the dim lit street. it wasn’t the nicest neighborhood; yet nice enough to only be a short walk to his apartment. his part time activities might bring him to the more questionable streets of new york, but his daytime job was respectable enough to get him away from there. they moved - like they had done a million times before; as quiet as ghosts or shadows, barely intangible in the lack of light. he registered the sirens coming to a halt when the bar and the sin was already FAR behind them. his hand was so naturally intertwined with hers; had been there so many times prior to that moment and would be there many moments to come. they just went together being able to bask in the fact that every scar and wound was simply another jig that made their puzzle pieces fit together. “another escape from the cops… i’m starting to think that you are a BAD INFLUENCE on me, laney.”
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only once did the brunette DARE to peek over her shoulder at the scene behind them, which in that case she merely even seen anything apart from the flashing of luminous red and blue lights; far enough away to be blinking specks. the slender female couldn’t help but softly smirk, the thought that possibly at that moment those who were huddled in the bar, whom had witness the events were likely describing the two to a number of officers. it sent a t h r i l l throughout her frame. fingers remaining linked in his ( as if he’d really stray far from her without them ) dark hues flicker toward the male, and despite the darkness that surrounded them his features were ones she had studied only too many times that she didn’t need the light for them to seem prominent. “me? a BAD INFLUENCE?” voice raising an octave in tone as if she was truly surprised by this. humming, curls b o u n c e as she shakes her head vigorously. “that couldn’t be correct. after all, i’m the most innocent girl in the entirety of new york.” the coy act she’d feigned only too many times coming into play. “i go to church, pay my taxes, i’m even a VIRGIN.” despite the way she batted her eyelashes for effect, it was contradicted by the wicked way her lips lit up.
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lxttlechaos-blog · 7 years
        THERE IT WAS. just as he’d anticipated, the absolutely murderous look on laney’s face had him grinning so widely that it probably looked like his face was about to crack in half. he even threw back his head and laughed as she threatened him – they’d lost some of their effect when she never a c t u a l l y threw him off a cliff or ( as previously stated ) tore him limb from limb. that didn’t mean he didn’t think she was capable of it – he was sure she could, and that just made it all the more fun. he then snagged their drinks from the bartender, sliding one of the shot glasses over to laney and holding his up like he would for a toast. “ hey, if you want to get married, i’m certified as a minister. i could wrap that up nice and neat for you, just say the word. i could do it right now. ” because of course he was, internet certificate and all, done on a drunken dare before his two friends backed out of letting him officiate. backstabbers. “ mazel tov? ” he finished, tilting his glass thoughtfully in her direction.
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“ugh,” she scoffed in DISGUST, a single hand coming out to whack against the blonde’s bicep for winding her up in the first place; just because he k n e w he could. carefully, laney ensures to catch the shot slid in her direction, nimble fingers curling around the tiny glass as she followed suit with her companions actions of holding it up for a toast. albeit, something perplexed creeps onto her features, brown eyes narrowing at him once again. “you’re— “ having begun to repeat what he just informed her, the slender girl cuts herself off; truly baffled by this factor. “why the fu— actually, NO. don’t tell me,i haven’t had enough of these yet to listen to a n o t h e r of your stories.” as if in reference, the glass raised between fingertips is shook slightly ( carefully enough no liquid pours over the edges ). “i’m going to impolitely DECLINE that offer, considering there’s no one of marriage material in this bar.” tilting her own glass forward, laney awaits the ‘clink’ sound before withdrawing her hand, curls falling down her back upon tilting her head to smoothly down the shot.
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lxttlechaos-blog · 7 years
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“ motherfu — ” the young surgical protégé gracefully exclaimed, holding a hand up to the small wound on her cheek she had garnered during one of her heroic deeds. she wondered why her sutures, often applauded by the plastics attending, were reopening in such a inconvenient place. she pondered the thought of heeling the cut on her own, until she looked up and saw the people around her beginning to gawk. “ what ? y'never seen a little blood before ? ”
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features creased at the sour attitude the blonde held, a single brow arching upward as she examined the blood against her cheek. “.. blood?” delaney repeats the word slowly, as if she had no idea what the girl was speaking of. “that’s the stuff that’s inside of us, right? the red stuff?” it was childish really, but it seemed as though she couldn’t refrain from using such sarcasm in the given scenario. “yes, honey. i’m more than familiar with blood.” it takes merely seconds for her to snap out of the bimbo-esque act. “i just wasn’t expecting to see someone bleeding out in the middle of the sidewalk.”
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lxttlechaos-blog · 7 years
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elsa took her seat beside the woman, ordering a simple long island ice tea for the time being. hands were clasp together as she turned to look at the other. “thank you.” she beamed. “it’s very nice to meet you delaney. it’s a lovely name.” elsa was able to brush off her previous thoughts of the danger that may come with the woman beside her. she couldn’t be harmful to elsa, and sitting with a stranger was completely normal when they’re at a bar. “Have you been in New York long?” 
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"my father picked it,” it’s a fact that wasn’t asked for, but is the replacement for a ‘thank you’ for the compliment. “though in the battle of unique names here, i think you’re the clear winner, honey.” a subtle wink is shot in the direction of the bartender when a bourbon on the rocks is practically placed into her hand. “how long?” repeating the question though she heard it clearly first time. “five, maybe six years now.” bringing the glass to her lips she halts right before the alcohol passes them. “and you?”
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lxttlechaos-blog · 7 years
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due to the substantial amount of time he had spent by laney’s side, it was hard to encourage the thought of her ever leaving it. the brunette; as wicked she may be, had been through the roughest parts of his life - and while they had gone their separate ways for a period of time - the normally coldblooded male had been quick to return the favor. and now, standing in a gritty bar with their newly inflicted HAVOC reigning around them, it was evident as to why he was so adamant on keeping her close; even if that had to be done with his own limbs straining around her. they were both made and created by pain, and were both as equally eager to inflict the same thing on the rest of the world. however, it seemed somewhat clear ( both to him and to everyone around them ), that his actions were more than well received. alec’s throat swallowed harshly against the the pads of her fingers while they so effortlessly moved over his upper body. upon her suggestion, the remaining tension in his muscles subsided even further and an instinctive nod was quick to surface. “are you saying that i am not completely overshadowed by your beauty?” the baffled expression was easily feigned. “how uncharacteristic of you, love.” the joy and satisfaction that emerged whenever alessandro watched delaney tear someone apart put aside, it would be preferably to avoid another scene; especially with the vague sounds of sirens in the background. apparently, the broken down bastard had managed to gather enough strength to call the cops. “we can head back to my place. i’m certain that you remember the way.”
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lips curling upward, nimble fingers lift to press against his jaw, fingertips drawing across the chiseled line. “i think we both know that NO ONE could overshadow you, sweets,” the complimenting words are practically hummed from her lips; hints of a light kittenish giggle bubbling in her throat. “you know me, alec, full of surprises.” albeit, the way she’d merely softened due to the male’s touch was quick to take a backseat upon the sound of sirens— a crease coming between groomed brows; features curving in a clearly unimpressed manner. “that jackass,” words practically spat underneath her breath, and suddenly that darkness that lingered inside her is clearly presented within hazel hues. a huff escapes from slightly parted lips, withdrawing her hands from where they had been comfortably lingering against the tall, brooding male. “remember? how could i forget.” coyly her shoulder raises, eyes meeting his as she peers over it. “lets get out of here before we end up hurting more people than intended— despite how t h r i l l i n g that sounds.” with that, fingers merely skirt over one of the strong arms pressed around her, allowing them to curl enough around his wrist to softly jerk him in the direction of the exit as she began to part ways with the scene of the crime.
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lxttlechaos-blog · 7 years
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elsa watched delaney approach her manager, shocked to see she’d actually had gone to complain. she hoped for someone to do so earlier on but no one dared to speak to him before. he was tough and didn’t like the idea of change or extra hours despite working his employees ten to even twelve hour shifts. elsa raised a brow as soon as delaney was finished. that woman works wonders and elsa was definitely going to complain about it. she looked at the clock and was sure to let the rest of the staff know it was her break time. she was able to snag two lunch wraps as she ran out from behind the counter. approaching delaney, she offered the wrap in the container. “you are a miracle worker.”
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lips lit up in nothing short of pride as the petite female approached her, surprised to find the offering of food in return for her gesture. “well, i do try,” coyly, she raises one shoulder and shoots her a smile that had a hint of mischief to it. “guy is a total ass, but hopefully he’ll get his shit together and start treating his staff right. apparently all i had to do was drop the ‘i would hate to have to speak to your boss about this’ line and BOOM, guy was putty in the palm of my hand.” clearly reveling in her success, delaney stalked across the store to one of the smaller tables, a silent invite for elsa to follow with her as she continued to speak to her throughout the duration of the walk there. 
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lxttlechaos-blog · 7 years
        “ well… i told you about that time in brazil, didn’t i? ” he asked, knowing that he had – but still, he wanted to see the look on her face when she thought he was about to tell her again. chuckling slightly to himself and shaking his head, teo placed an order with the bartender before turning back to face his companion. “ also – i take offense to that ‘somewhat’. i am more than capable of defending myself, i’ll have you know. i took a class once, at one of those pop up gyms? the instructor was an ASSHOLE, but there was this girl, and she totally kicked my ass. taught me everything i know. i’d give her a five star review on yelp, if that were a thing you could do for an individual person. ” screwing up his features like he had to think about it, teo shrugged after a moment. “ i’m sure you get what i’m saying, don’t you? ”
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within s e c o n d s, dark hues narrowed at him and the mention of his fucking trip to brazil. bringing her hand upward, she singles out one finger to point toward him. “teo, i’m not kidding— i will tear you limb from limb if you even START about that damn trip.” that single finger turns to two, gesturing toward the bartender that she’ll have whatever teo had previously ordered while she was too busy being infuriated by the mere idea he’d have the audacity to tell her THAT story again. “oh no, did i hurt your poor ego?” playfully, her lower lip pushes out in a pout toward the blonde male. despite her complaints, she listened to him; much like she always did. “huh,” a thoughtful noise escapes her once he’d finished speaking. “i’m liking the sound of this chick, kinda making me wanna find her and marry her— especially if she could kick YOUR ass. that’s the stuff my dreams are made of.”
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lxttlechaos-blog · 7 years
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Sophia playfully flipped her hair and replied with, “I try.” However, she shook her head as soon as she heard the brunette declare that she owed her. “There’s no need for that, ever heard of girls supporting girls? Think of the gesture as that. The drinks are much needed after what you’ve been through.” Humming in agreement, Soph nodded once more and huffed out a tired sigh. “I know! You’d think they learn that women are so much more than object of their desire. Sure we were seen as their property back then, but times have changed.” A sardonic chuckle then escaped her lips after hearing her statement and adds, “It’s a satisfying feeling to put them in their place, can’t deny that at all.” Once the bartender arrived with their drinks, the make up artist held her glass up for a mini toast and took the time to introduce herself. “I’m Sophia by the way.” 
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the playful hair flick warranted lips to curve upward, brows quirking in pure amusement at the females attitude. “girls supporting girls,” she repeats, head tilting slightly to one side. “i like the sound of that.” laney couldn’t help but nod her head in agreement at the females words. “apparently some of us still are an object, or some of these barbarians just didn’t get the message.” two drinks are placed upon the bar, nimble fingers wrapping their way around it, not rejecting to the toast that the female  she now knew as sophia had insinuated “to putting men in their place,” she decides, lips twitched in a michievious smirk all the while. “delaney, or laney— whichever tickles your fancy.”
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lxttlechaos-blog · 7 years
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her kind words were well-put, sweet, and most definitely as fake as his had been. that said, alessandro was unable to be blind to the way the girl’s breaths came easier, how every feature on her face seemed to soften slightly as his fingers came in contact with the small strip of exposed skin between the hem of her shirt and her jeans. and, perhaps, that recognition brought him some comfort as well - to know that he could cause sensations other than terror in people. the pure foundation of their relationship depended on that - the other person’s issues were just severe enough to instill a sense of normalcy in themselves. whoever said that misery loved company knew what they were talking about. his empty arm was quick to join his first, effectively trapping the girl in his embrace - not that it seem that she would mind, but alec knew better than to assume he would ever be able to predict the workings of delaney’s mind. “undoubtedly so.” low and seemingly sincere, the male’s voice were far too soft to match his appearance ; muscles straining against the fabric when he moved, and his jaw not being entirely relaxed just yet. “i believe that there isn’t a single person in this city who would argue with me on that. you are a blessing, after all.”
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she could f e e l the burning sensation in the pit of her stomach slowly beginning to die down the longer she lingered there; though dark hues scanned the surroundings they were in. anyone in their right mind wasn’t going to approach them now, that much was evident. between the way she had thrown her first hit, only for alessandro to finish off the male for her; the duo weren’t to be fooled with. still, that didn’t stop eyes to hover over them, whether it be out of fear or maybe, curiosity? a second arm came around the female’s slender waist, something that only further influenced the comforting sensation flowing throughout her small frame. his words never failed to curve her lips upward, especially the more he agreed with her complimenting words. fingers walk their way up the material covering tanned skin, before pressing flat and smoothing against it. “you wanna get out of here?” words spoken just loud enough that those few still very clearly eavesdropping would hear. “i can still feel GAWKING on us, which may be for the obvious reasons of how breath-takingly gorgeous we are— but i fear it may get on my nerves and i’ll have to go for a round two soon.” with that, she briefly breaks gaze with alec to directly glare at some of the members throughout the crowded bar; the ones now attempting to seem more interested in things like their phone, or their drink.
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lxttlechaos-blog · 7 years
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While finding herself at bars ( or drinking much in general ) wasn’t something Lorelai did often, she also felt there was no harm in it every once in a while. Sat at the bar, nursing her second drink, brown hues turned to see the altercation. First when the brutish man decided to palm Delany’s ass ( knowing then and there it wouldn’t end well ) and then watching as she clocked him right in the face. A small sigh billowed passed her lips, while he deserved it no doubt, it was probably a better idea to stop it from escalating any further. Getting up from her seat she stepped over and pulled the other brunette away from him, and focused attention on her first. “I know you wanna rip him apart, but I really suggest you don’t, at least here.” Then turned to the male. “Listen — there’s probably not much stopping her from just pushing me to the side and attacking you, so if you wanna leave with the.. rest of your face still intact you should probably walk away now.” 
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her chest was raising and falling heavily, a burning sensation throughout her body and her blood was b o i l i n g. she was hot-headed, short tempered, something some may curse her for; but never something laney managed to get under control. teeth gritted at the female’s words, how pleasurable the idea of ripping him apart was, but underneath all that anger— maybe part of her knew the other female was right. it was best NOT to do it here, a place she came regularly. she doesn’t retract her wrist without a huff, dark eyes narrowed as they set upon the male. “you heard her,” venom spewing throughout her words. “get the fuck out of here before i decide to go against everything she just advised and properly fuck you up, because i was JUST getting started.” 
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lxttlechaos-blog · 7 years
Brows knitting – Confused? Mad? Angry? Confused, Nat decides. “Ugly is subjective, but like I said, they could make it nice if they fit with the latest trends. Adidas. Those no-lace Vans. You know.” Nat watches the girl wag her finger. Delaney’s reactions, or actions rather, always entertained Nat, though she never understood them fully. “Didn’t know you were so attached to heels. Noted. Are platforms fair game to make fun of?”
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her features only further crinkle, a look of concentration taking over her as it appears though she’s genuinely trying to picture what that of her female friend is describing. “still sound pretty ugly to me,” laney halfheartedly mutters, “i’m pretty sure adding wheels to a pair of vans would only make them horrid looking, considering you’d have to extend the base of them and they’d wound up looking like those giant platforms.. only with wheels.” nose crinkled in disgust, laney shakes her head at the idea. “well, i didn’t know you were so attached to HEELYS. but yes, platforms are fair game.”
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lxttlechaos-blog · 7 years
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she watched the woman closely and felt a strong feeling of admiration for her. elsa could learn a thing or two from her especially when she was needed for a heist. nothing wrong with learning a few moves. she nodded her head in response, following closely behind the woman. she gave her a strange vibe that said do not follow but of course, her impulse said don’t listen to your vibe. everything about her seems to always fight, probably why elsa never takes the time to think. “i completely agree. although i wouldn’t call them men. more like pigs. dirty pigs. dirty, muddy pigs.” elsa nodded her head while following close behind. “i’m sure i will be if i stick by you.” she chuckled. “i’m elsa, by the way.”
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“dirty, muddy pigs, huh?” she had to admire, that the female’s way of insult seemed to take an approach far more innocent than her own might’ve. laney could certainly think of other ways to describe them, ones that included a string of cursed words. “i couldn’t agree more,” upon reaching the bar, the slender female hoists herself up onto one of the stools, free hand gesturing toward the bartender to insinuate she wanted another round. something of a laugh echoed from her, brows quirking upward at the somewhat of an EGO boost she had seem to be given with those few words. “that sounds entirely correct. elsa?” a thoughtful hum passes her lips; before they curve upward. “cute, i like it. i’m delaney— or laney, whichever you prefer.”
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