lvllcn · 6 years
She was little, he observed. Petite, but strong. He could feel it in the desperate way she gripped his coat to steady herself. He wasn’t sure what had happened to her tonight – or today. What horrors had turned her to the drink – not that he could ever judge. He’d been there many a time in his day. With company sometimes, but often without. He wondered if she’d found it as lonely as he always had. To go from having a family – even a found family, to then having nothing. No wonder he always seemed to grumpy.
“You can’t,” he smiled charmingly, helping her find her footing. “Exactly, thus I will be your bodyguard until you are safely tucked into bed, little one.” He stood still for a moment, wondering if it was better to just carry her, when she started moving. Though, she called him… who was it? Blackwall? Ah, the Warden who wasn’t Alistair. Well, finally it seemed, he had flown under the radar. Or perhaps she wanted to be taken to Blackwall? He wasn’t quite sure about that, but he was sure now that she wasn’t in any state to walk. Carefully sliding his arm under her legs, the other around her waist, he lifted her easily up against him. “No problem, little one. I’ll get you home safe.”
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my, my he was forceful. in a gentlemanly way, she noted, once he’d scooped her up — quite suddenly, as well. so much so it made her dizzy for a moment. his comment had her submitting, though, regardless. that was for sure. it probably wasn’t intended to sound threatening, but it sure came off that way… and it excited her. the… well, boy–compared to blackwall–was warm. so was she, but he was giving off something else entirely. acted like a damn fireplace. in response, the elf clung to him. she pressed a hand against his chest and spread her fingers out while her head hugged his shoulder.
brows began to furrow, then. lèonie was very drunk… but even so, it’d be hard not to notice something--someone--like this. she lifted her head, slowly, a few heard heartbeats after to look at him. “ …who are you? ” she squinted her eyes --- more playful than anything else. all that she could manage, truthfully. maybe she was wrong. the man was mage…? yes. no? but there was something about him that seemed familiar, infamous. suddenly, her expression changed and the corner of her lips began to curl as she looked him over. “ you’re baking me. ”
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lvllcn · 6 years
Keep reading
“ yes, ” lèonie whispered back, though her whisper may have been… a touch louder than before, more confident. the proximity he was at now had glassy, hazel hues dropping to his lips. the petite brunette emitted a soft moan --- before pushing forward and pressing her lips against his. lè’s bottom lip quivered as she felt him curl his finger inside, and a frantic hand swam forward in search of him in response. her knuckles brushed against him, first. then, she opened her hand and wrapped her fingers around him--gently--before slowly urging him closer. the mage brought her arm back a beat after and began to rub her fingers along the bottom of his shaft, all the while progressively humping his hand.
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lvllcn · 6 years
She was something else of that he was complete sure of, it wasn’t the mage or elven parts. Leonie was a soft thing, he was almost certain that she was glittering. Could he trust his eyes? To him she was glowing and little sparkles seemed to gleam off her cheek bones. “Indeed, ma’am I’m Valkhan.” He chuckled as she asked how much he’d had to drink, normally it would have been more than what he’d managed to down but he was on a tight schedule. “Not much. One glass.” He then measured out the small amount with his fingers, it was only about an quarter of an inch. “I would have liked more but the commander wouldn’t allow me to.” He wish he was drunker but he was sure the hallucinations were from blood loss. “I’ll be fine in a bit if you can just put me back together.”
The gashes weren’t deep but they hurt like someone had poured acid on his skin. “Do you always sparkle.” He asked as his hand seemed to take on a life of it’s own, his hand brushed along her cheek. His thumb softly drifted across her skin, his thumb must have felt like rough wood against her soft skin. “Sorry..” he let his hand drop from her face, “I shouldn’t have done that.”
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at his answer, immediately, lèonie began to buckle her brows. a look of concern slipped in, attention going to his fingers when he’d measured; to his face; then back down to his chest. if he wasn’t drunk… he had to be bleeding out. perhaps internally, as well. she stepped closer, lifted her hands and was about to begin when his question was asked and he… brushed her cheek. the feeling gave the healer pause. she looked to meet his eyes again. didn’t jerk back or move away, simply rose a brow. clearly, he was dying. blood loss making him delirious, but he sure was… graceful about it, cute. she’d never met the man before but she had seen him, heard about him, and gathered he was a bit of a charmer. ‘ sparkling ’? creators, she had to be sweating.
though in that moment she’d gotten a little distracted, lè quickly shook her head a heartbeat after–the remnants of a blushing smirk staining her cheeks–and focused back down on his wounds. “ breathe out for me, ” she asked, already dipping a warm hand under his arm and placing it on his back while the other, giving off a soft blue glow, was left to hover over his chest. she would find the internal wounds this way, seed her magic as the muscles relaxed before he breathed in again. this would allow any internal injuries to heal while she could focus on his external wounds, but… it was a bit of an uncomfortable experience. gave others the sensation of constantly needing to swallow that she just couldn’t quite help yet.
hazel hues kept down on his chest as she waited… but, admittedly, she couldn’t stop herself from sneaking a few glances up to see if he was still looking at her.
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lvllcn · 6 years
lèonie sat at the bed of a tree in the lower courtyard, a medical book held firmly in her hands. hastily, she flipped through the pages… but promptly stopped, having to pull her hand away when a hot, white pain shot across her forefinger. the mage hissed, brows narrowed as she brought her appendage up to see. blood quickly seeping out of a fresh new papercut to bubble, after a silent moment of frustration, lè chucked the book across the grass in a huff and leaned back before pained eyes drifted towards the stables.
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lvllcn · 6 years
The courtyard is nice this time of year. Despite the chill of the mountains, it still doesn’t feel cold enough to set him on edge, and for once, he’s just lounging. There’s no extra motives in his actions, no attempts at ditching his wandering thoughts- he’s honestly just taking time to enjoy the night time air, and stare up at the stars.
He probably should feel on edge, but all he feels is tiredness. It’s unusual for Fenris to be kept up by insomnia not caused by his brain’s turmoil. He doesn’t, though. He thinks of the constellations, of the moon, and of the serenity.
Footsteps draw him back to reality. They’re loud and crunching against the frozen dirt and gravel, and though he knows anyone in Skyhold is probably an ally, instinct sets him on edge. He poses no real threat right now, the exhaustion from his insomnia finally catching up on his body. He must look like a wreck, based on what he feels- nonetheless, he speaks, elegant and sharp. “Reveal yourself. Speak your name.”
If he weren’t so tired, and perhaps a little less lost in the beauty of nature, perhaps he’d have realized that the stranger hadn’t tried to hide at all, and was actually right in front of him.
it’d been a bit of an accident. after spending hours in skyhold’s makeshift infirmary, lèonie found herself unable to stay any longer and wandered out to get some air. the healer kept up most nights to watch over the sick and the dying with the others and rarely thought or even had the time to think about taking a few breaks here and there. it would’ve been wise to… especially for the soft-hearted elf, but she was finally taking some time to regroup.
lè had been holding her elbows, shivering slightly as the cold mountain air brushed against her when she spotted him. she paused in her tracks after it seemed he’d detected her presence, too — and the tiny mage stood still, wide-eyed. his voice was captivating. elegant and sharp. certainly startled her, and her own cracked under the pressure. “ um, l-lè? ” she returned meekly a beat after, beginning to furrow her brows.
lèonie took a cautious step forward then, loosened her hold on her elbows before dropping her arms altogether when she noticed the curious marks on his skin, the dark circles under eyes and concern began to fill her own. he looked tired, weak. like the hunters in her clan after they returned from a long hunt. he didn’t look dalish, though. those marks that the moonlight hit just right made that true enough.
“ are you… alright? ” she asked gently, taking another single step forward.
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lvllcn · 6 years
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Poppy Drayton as Amberle Elessedil
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lvllcn · 6 years
Her softness and kindness towardshim was something he was so unaccustomedto. In his previous life, not many had had kind words for him – the only onelong since passed – and he had soon found out that the Wardens had suffered thesame fate – no longer the respected warriors, protectors of the lands, now asmall group, laughed at, treated as ajoke. He was used to that, used toclosing himself off to interaction, to being on his own, ignoring the reactionsfrom others… but now… surrounded by so many, and to feel something from Leonie – was this what it was like to be respected?
He let the elf guide theirway, following along without protest – truth be told, though just a scratch bycomparison to his past wounds, he neededtreatment – what kind of warrior would he be without his hand? What would hehave to offer the Inquisition then – and who was he, if not a warrior? “Ok,”Blackwall nodded, forcing his voice to be less gruff, less him. He sat down on the edge of the cot, turning his palm upwards,his other fingers curled around his wrist, holding himself steady. A nasty cut,surely, but one he would survive.
Talking had never been hisstrong point – not before, and not now, mostly getting by with nods and gruffmurmurings under his breath, and as if to make up for his skill in words, histaciturn nature had given him a gift that was truly greater – perception. He saw more than mostthought he did, noticed subtleties,changes in the air. Handy in battle, and handy when observing the game. And right now? It told him thatshe was nervous around him – why, he didn’t quite know, but something about hispresence made her uneasy. So he stayed quiet until she spoke, startling him fromhis thoughts. “Aren’t all Wardens?” he responded gently, a slight raise of hiseyebrows. He knew of The Calling(capital T and capital C – thank you verymuch) and though not so much an issue for him, he knew he often courteddeath, with the way he fought, the way he threw himself into battle. He was notan overly reckless man, but sometimes, in the heat of battle – well, that wasthe way he should die, when the time came, he’d decided that long ago. “Deathcomes to all eventually, sweet one,” he said softly. “There is no point fearingthe inevitable.”
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          “ ...i don’t know, are they? ” oh, lèonie’s brow arched on that one. she could hear just a hint of sarcasm hiding beneath the underlay of his tone... weird, considering blackwall didn’t really seem the sarcastic man. she thought it fun, honestly. made her nose scrunch up, but fun. even if he wasn’t teasing her--the more likely probability--the dalish elf kept her eyes narrowed. he’d know that question better than she, anyway... wouldn’t he? she moved on mentally when her thoughts took her back to first grey warden she’d encountered. he’d been a man; there were two other men that’d been following behind him, made him look to be the one in charge. he saw a young lè and gave her a little wink before passing by --- that little wink was enough to have her train harder as a mage so that she could be considered for conscription in the following years.
          lèonie looked back at him, then --- her vision dreamy, holding a little half-smile on her face that seemed happy but somehow sad, too. her expression changed at his next response, however. she jerked her head back; almost appeared offended. it was very hard for her to think that way... perhaps she had her clan to blame for that. she--especially--couldn’t think so casually about death when it came to him... but the first words out of her mouth were, “ teach me. ” hazel hues focused on his, for a moment because she was trying to decipher his eye color, ( she landed on green, but that could’ve just been the way the light was hitting them ) before lips parted once more and sights dared glance down to his own. “ i-i--... i’m not the quickest learner, that’s true. but... i want to think like you. it’s the only way i can think to stand losing you. ” oops... loose lips. it didn’t seem to phase her, though. yet. did she really want to learn? well... yes. ‘ losing him ’ wasn’t the main reason why, however. firstly, it was, but secondly, she wanted to understand him. he was a very silent and mysterious man. after the first day she met him, she only ever spotted him from afar ‘til weeks after... because she sought him out; and it took her an hour to find him even then because he wasn’t where he usually was and no one knew where he’d gone! truly, a master of shadows. thirdly, this was war... and she’d nearly fallen unconscious almost two times today leaving somebody alive for a few minutes only coming back to find them dead. others had helped... and she had gotten better, but she just couldn’t... get over that one mental hump in her head. death was too permanent. death was too harsh.
          “ ...sorry--i just... blackwall, you mean a great deal to me. ” the petite elf confessed, finally realizing what she’d said, reaching forward to place her hand on his leg comfortingly... but that might not have been the wisest of actions. “ i know we’ve said little... but i care for you, deeply. ” of course it worried her each time she did not see him in his barn at skyhold. was he gone for good this time? she always thought. it seemed like, at any point, he could just disappear. her sights had been fixated on his lips. even past his beard, they seemed to be calling to her. lèonie’s brows arched in response --- and softly, without warning, she pushed forward. the mage’s shoulders fell toward him first, giving in, and met his lips with a hunger.
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lvllcn · 6 years
“Ah, lovely. Though, I’d still think you pretty as a peach even if you were from the city.” She smiled at the mention of Lèonie’s clan. Clan Lavellan. They were here in abundance. She wished her own clan had made the long travel too.
“Tha’s all right. You probably should keep hush hush that you’re a Dalish. People might think you’ll grab their children and spirit them away into the night to devour them whole. Or at least, that’s what one of the cooks mentioned to her dear friend Callista who is a dear friend of mine. We had a good laugh at that.” She smiled and glanced down at the water.
Her final question took Myri off guard. “Ah. The big question. Well, I suppose so. My Keeper looked me in the eyes the day I left and told me if I left to no’ come back. He seemed hurt that I would help, simply because he was afraid of the past. But…yes, I do. And no, I don’. If that makes some modicum of sense.”
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          the corners of her lips curved; lèonie stared silently, sweetly, across the water at the redheaded woman. her expression changed, however, upon hearing myriani’s tale. the mage tilted her head, arched her brow. she’d never heard something so horrendous about their people. “ is that truly what people think of us? ” she was baffled. her keeper had shielded her from so much... she must’ve appeared so naïve. “ creators... ” 
          there was a deep pain the pit of her stomach at myri’s reply. but... not bad. a good kind of pain. it hurt to hear another of the dalish wished to leave their clan... but comforting that she wasn’t alone. she didn’t consider herself part of clan lavellan anymore --- even though most of her clan was here. perhaps... that was why it hurt so much. she loved that they were here, she did, but at the same time...
          “ it does. ” she nodded securely. brows fastened as hazel hues fixed on her companion from across the water. “ half my clan is here, but... sometimes i wonder how it would be if it were just me. ” immediately, she brought her hand out of water to cover her eyes, already regretting it. “ i’m awful for saying that. ” lè shook her head, allowed a small whimper to escape healthy lungs. “ but... i don’t consider myself apart of clan lavellan anymore... ”
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lvllcn · 6 years
( @andruilblessed )
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lvllcn · 6 years
baby, i’m hot just like an oven i need some lovin’ and baby, can’t hold it much longer it’s getting stronger and stronger and when i get that feeling i want sexual healing, sexual healing makes me feel so fine helps to release my mind sexual healing, baby, is good for me
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lvllcn · 6 years
Sora pouted and nipped at Lèonie’s finger as she wiped the icing away, smiling a moment later. “But stealing is fun, and I get to be sneaky. Plus, I can steal more sweet rolls from the kitchens. Or better yet, other people!”
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Sora just grinned and winked, hoping Lèonie would join her in their stealing escapades.
          “ oof!! ” the brunette yelped, taken by surprise--more than anything--when their teeth clicked near her skin. “ hey, hey! no biting! ” immediately, she pushed her index finger on the other elf’s nose, playfully --- giving her a lil’ ‘ boop ’. lèonie was comfortable enough with sora to realize the small, rowdy mage was only teasing... and well, if they weren’t, what was the worse that could happen? she’d get bit, contract some kind of ‘ sora disease ’, and become an ethereal creature, too? there were worse things.
          lè’s expression changed, however, when sora confessed they had plans to steal more sweet rolls --- and she decided to tease them back... a little, at least. “ excuse me... ” she started, allowing her tone and features to take on a more stricter, stern color. “ ...you weren’t planning on stealing more, were you? because if you were, i might just need to warn to the cooks that ‘ sora’s on the move ’. and that’s total kitchen lock-down, gorgeous. ”
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lvllcn · 6 years
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“ Well, know that I’ve seen how are doing I’m also glad to be here ”   she said, and it was only half joking. During her whole trip to Skyhold, she wondered how her clanmates were being treated. Allys was competent and Fenll was friendly, but was that enough? Shems around Ferelden seemed nice enough, but she didn’t trust them. She couldn’t trust them not yet. If Lè’s reaction was caused by someone mistreating her, she’d burn their whole pretty castle down before that damn Magister even had a chance.  “ Have they’ve been treating you well? ” 
          hazel hues kept on her sister... like her life depended on it --- lèonie expelled another laugh in reply to the apparent--and quite frankly welcomed, as it was... familar--infamous ‘ yav sarcasm ’; shook her head. maybe it was stupid... but lè didn’t think she’d see yavanna again. she didn’t! she’d been surprised the younger of the two hadn’t ran off first, actually. creators, was she... thankful, though. all she could see... in that moment, at least, was nothing but the good in this. the mage hoped that’s... all... she’d continue to see...
          “ um... well... ” she started; had to take a moment to... think? important. probably gave her clanmate cause for some... unwarranted suspicion. “ ...i’ve been treated pretty well, actually, da’len. ” the healer attempted to rectify, quickly, noticing it. “ there’s... been a few... scuffles, but... well, these people are good. they... kind of saved me. and i am... so grateful, ‘vanna. ” 
          slowly, her brows began to furrow, however, looking back to the tent. she had... never... experienced whatever... that... was, though. not even when she was growing up among her clan! curious. “ yavanna...? have you ever felt--... i mean, just--... what... was... that? ” psh, as if her clan member knew! but... then again...? who knows? maybe she did! there were crazier things in this world. lè was genuinely curious ( and fucking worried ) about it, however. it felt like she was dying when it was happening, after all, give her a break.
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lvllcn · 6 years
EL !!
The more she talked the more amazed El became, she reminded her a lot of the young ambitious girls she’d met in the circle. “I’ll do my best to stay out of trouble but I make no promises.” To say she was delighted that the healer was willing to learn from her was an understatement. She loved teaching people Wicked Grace, that way she’d have more people to play against and it was a great way to make new friends.
“Would you like some help carrying those over?” She walked along side the healer, her lips pulled into a smile before a good chuckle. “It’s a card game. Usually you play for money, occasionally people bet their clothes which can get pretty funny. I’ve lost a jacket of two that way.” 
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         ...why didn’t she believe her? curious. the elf barely knew the human... but she was squinting her eyes in her direction, like she would an old friend, predicting ‘ all ’ of ellisa’s future decisions, regardless. a corner of the petite brunette’s lips curved back into a smirk, thinking she actually had, then --- lèonie... might’ve heard something called... ‘ wicked grace ’ before... but... that was all she had on it. honest! didn’t even know it was a card game! it would be fun, she figured, to learn about it from the other woman, anyway... whether it was sexual or not.
          “ u-um... help? ” she echoed; dumb-founded. “ yes? yes! yes, yes... please,” lè, the oh-so mismanaged and disorganized little mage, was just... hopeless.
          there was just no way all the papers that she’d dropped would be ready for the end of the night --- which was... well, when they were supposed to be ready! she still needed to deliver them to the other healers, of course, but... she’d already blew it. it was no wonder some were actually surprised she was the picked healer killer usually called on scouting missions. ( had nothing to do with the adventure-hungry’s little heart asking if they would, surely! idiots. ) why? just... why?
          once they were finally outside, the shorter of the two immediately relaxed... not that she... was really stressed out to begin with? “ oh... my, ” lèonie began after a few heartbeats, starting to understand --- though, it was taking a bit for the finally revealed to be a bit of an air-headed elf!! to, admittedly, get the whole thing. just... sad... after a certain point--and she crossed it--but once she had, however, hazel hues... widened and shot over to el! they were already practically there, it took her that long! oh, lè. 
          “ have you, um... ever... managed... ” shit. this was... hard; it’d be easier to say, ‘ fuck me sideways ’, then this! how?! yikes! “ ...managed a man out of his... breeches? ” okay... this was... a façade, obviously --- something the petite mage was pulling as a gag. lèonie was nasty, goddammit! “ just curious! creators... ”
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Wicked Grace Regrets | Open
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lvllcn · 6 years
Rosalie moved over and lifted his head as she requested. “Thank you, Miss. I’m Lieutenant Rutherford, we were attacked by some kind of demon. I wasn’t with these ones when they were hit.” She felt responsible for them being in their condition, she couldn’t leave them not now. “Tell me whatever you need to save them.. hopefully we can get some answers.”
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the petite brunette took glances over at her opposite as she spoke, nodding. lèonie was listening... but her focus was down on the soldier in that moment --- which was why she didn’t respond verbally right away. hands were quick, still; nimble fingers moved speedily to open his mouth... and after spotting the frostbite within, she quickly brought her bare hand up to his neck and began warming it. it took a few seconds... but he finally stopped squirming and once it seemed he was stabilized and the ice had melted, lè looked back over to the lieutenant and motioned for her to lower his head.
“ were there rifts nearby? ...or at least from what you could see? ” she asked --- simply because the men reeked of the fade. it was possible their scent was all the demon’s doing, though. hazel hues shot to the man again and she leaned down to comfort him a beat after, rather. “ this may pinch. ” she warned, caressing his cheek... before bringing her hands up to hover around his head. she dreaded it was a fear demon. having to put herself into the mind of the injured, she absolutely detested what she witnessed fear demons to be capable of doing. thankfully, instead, lèonie emitted a soft whimper...? it was difficult to stay focused but she was finally able to narrow in on the cause and dispel the blasted enthrall.
“ it was a despair demon. ” the healer voiced the moment she exited the soldier’s thoughts, breathing heavily. eyes were glassy from the draining experience, as well, looking between the blonde, the soldier, and another healer who was now approaching all three of them. “ check the men for ice burns and alert the other healers to watch them. we don’t want any surprise suicides tonight... ” she ordered --- to which the other healer nodded and walked off. finding her breath again, the elf looked to the man--who now appeared to be cognitive--then over to his lieutenant, as he did. now, hopefully they could get some answers.
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lvllcn · 6 years
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“You’re very welcome,” she hums. There’s a moment where the both of them simply lounge in the warmth of their baths, the feel of scented oils and even a few bubbles brushing over her skin. It’s heavenly compared to the toil of the long day and her muscles thank her for it by easing to something a bit closer to relaxation. It’s only when she’s spent more than a few beats lounging in the warm bath that she realized she had lost her common manners and peeked over at her. “I do apologize, I’ve forgotten myself. Where are my manners? If you’d like to join me in mine you can enjoy the rosemary and oils as well.” 
          the darker-haired woman had kept her eyes shut, vision covered, finally removing every piece of hair out of her face --- though she’d... pretty much cleared her view, lèonie kept her eyes closed. it was only when the lighter-haired woman began speaking again, inviting her over to her bath, that the mage reopened her eyes, spun around to look at the warrior at her... rather... generous... invitation. “ ...oh? ” she started, meekly, glancing over into the other woman’s bath, curiously. “ so... you’re the culprit. ” lè glared at her playfully, almost begging her... ‘ new friend ’ to come and start a round of... water tag... with her. of course, naturally, she’d be up for it. 
          “ ...i’ll... accept... your invitation, if it’s genuine. ” the lil’ healer knew it was. again, she was--and just couldn’t help--being a tid bit... mischievous. if it meant the other beautiful, young lady would look at--maybe even touch--her... why the hell not? she’d be crazy not to do it. “ your bath looks... and smells... much more, inviting, anyway. ” lè confessed with a small shrug, gently standing from her seat, out of her bath, and--in the nude--shamelessly over, to daphne’s bath... in the seat right beside her. 
          it was on purpose, of course.
          at first... the small brunette exuded a sudden, high-pitched moan. heavy breathing, at the sudden sensation she’d experienced entering daphne’s bath, and her chest rose and fell at quite the rapid rate. then... lèonie settled; slowly opened her eyes; looked at daphne.
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        “ ...thank you. sincerely. ” the elf whispered--close enough to now--and looked at the human... longingly. she hadn’t felt so... comforted comfortable in quite awhile. okay-okay, t-there was something in the water. there was. something. in. the. water. but... did she care? rightfully, then? no. politely, hazel hues stayed on the blonde. lèonie smiled sweetly...
         ...and the room smelled of rosemary and lavender.
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lvllcn · 6 years
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Wounded. The cards had said today was not going to go well. He’d fulfilled the job but he’d almost lost himself in the process. He struggled getting the think leather armor and shirt off only to reveal the massive slices across his chest. “Bloody fucking terror demon.” He looked over to her as she instructed him where he needed to sit. He took a seat and looked at her, she was incredibly beautiful it distracted him for a moment. “Sorry, Your beauty distracted me from my current state. There’s pain but I can’t tell persay, I may have drank quite a bit on the way here to numb myself.” 
          lèonie stood still, beside the makeshift stretcher she’d gestured to, patted on, until the other mage... now... shirtless, neared. why... was she becoming so flustered? stop this, lè, for creators sake! did she actually want to be the first member of the inquisition to be thrown out because she couldn’t keep her fucking hands to herself? because it was sure headed that way! he was just another patient, she thought. the dalish elf exhaled a controlled breath --- before opening her arms in a hospitable fashion, and moved her hand, a little--the one holding the damp washcloth--to alert him she was about to press it against his wounds. 
          and what a ‘ nurse thing ’ to do... not to actually say what she was about to do. it was left to him to guess.  
          the petite brunette paused, however, when the raven-haired male mentioned a ‘ terror demon ’. hazel hues shot down, in thought... but swept back up at his very sweet admission. had he meant to say that, though...? that her... ‘ beauty ’ had ‘ distracted ’ him? no... he was delusional, surely. he could be seeing anything! the sharp little elf noticed him leaning a bit, though--to the right--and he didn’t seem to. worried he wouldn’t catch himself, she quickly reached to steady him by his shoulders, but got... perhaps... a little too close in the process --- enough to smell what his last drink was, at least...
          lè parted her lips... quickly looking down to his, accidentally, before her eyes, nervously, shot back up. “ ...y-yikes--valkhan, is it...? ” she started awkwardly, focusing on the darker bits of his brown eyes --- with ease. “ ...h-how much... did you... drink...? ” she was almost afraid to ask, actually. if he needed her to, she’d pump his stomach--or... ‘ nullify the hazard ’--as she, so dorkily, liked to put, no problem, but... the way he was acting, she assumed he threw about ten or... creators forbid, twenty milliliters down there, unfortunately, and must be... well, nearing a black out.
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lvllcn · 6 years
“You pay them no mind, little one,” Hawke responded, thoroughly amused at her antics. Cute, yes, but very drunk. No way he was going there. “You have nothing to prove to no one. Unless of course, you’re the underachiever of the family, like myself. Then you’ll always feel you have something to prove.” He laughed and took her hand as she reached up to tug on his jacket, and carefully placed it back on the bar top. “A kind offer, but one for another day,” he smiled. “Perhaps I should escort you back to your quarters? If you are seeing two of me, I pity your poor, pretty eyes, and I think you might need a lay down.”
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          a permanent grin at the sound of his laugh --- lèonie’s features warmed; she glowed. and though he removed her hand from his jacket, placed it on the bar top, rejected her, she only noticed that and responded to the fact that the sudden warmth his hand had provided over her’s had disappeared in a matter of seconds. the elf pouted, in response, as hazel hues settled on his hands--hands he seemed to be hiding now, underneath--before her attention slowly drifted back up to meet his.
          a glassy gaze examined him now; her whites had reddened as she forgot to blink--but begin grinning--and did so after a tear fell from the corner of her left eye. the mage’s cheeks slowly began to warm, then, thinking his offer over with what little brain cells she had left after taking down seven shots of... whatever the hell the boy--now giggling off in the corner with his friends in the tavern--had recommended for her first drink and lèonie, slowly, leaned forward again --- just didn’t touch.
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          “ well... how could i refuse such a generous offer from a handsome man like yourself? ” she flirted shamelessly, refusing to look away once her eyes found his again. “ there’s some bad people around these parts. better safe than sorry. ” ...did she forget where they were? this was skyhold. oh, the hangover she’d have in the morning. the plastered mage didn’t realize just how off the handle she’d flown ‘til her feet hit the floor --- immediately, delicate--but frantic--fingers went for the arms of the stranger’s coat for support.
          “ ...! oof. maybe i--... i should lie down. um... blackwall, could you p-please--...? ” she didn’t know what she was saying... but she did know she was tightening her grip on the man’s--whoever he was--sleeve. regardless of the fact she didn’t recognize him, she hoped he could get her to a bed now that she wasn’t feeling all that well. “ i’ll, um... sorry, m-my room is on the ground flour in the g-garden. fourteenth door. w-would you mind...? ” the petite elf begged --- already urging him, gently, toward the door of the tavern with her hand.
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